Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

An Admiral Has Fallen

My Star Army friends,

It is with great sadness and a heavy heart that I regret to inform you of the passing of Star Army administrator @Nashoba, who suffered a fatal aneurysm, as reported by his son Andrew to me via phone call.


This was a really rough time in his life. In January, he lost his long-term roommate James. In May, Nashoba's wife Kim recently passed away unexpectedly. When she got sick I started a GoFundMe to help her, and Star Army members along with friends and family raised over $4000 to help cover some of the medical and funeral costs. Despite this, the enormous costs of final services drained Nashoba of all his money and he had to move out of his house and got a new job working nights. He was under a great deal of emotional stress and financial hardship and he'd posted that he'd suffered an anxiety attack a couple days ago.

Nashoba (Brian) joined Star Army in October 2008 and was a star member, contributing more than twelve thousand posts to the forum, creating and managing the Hidden Sun Clan faction, language, and plots, and serving as GM of the YSS Aeon, WAP Yome Ismâopate, and Scientific Studies Service's Journeymen 3 plots. He was one of my best friends and I enjoyed hanging out with him at Concarolinas, a convention that became our annual tradition. He was a great writer and world-builder with a creative mind and his passing is a great loss to our community. He will be greatly missed and I will never forget him.

On behalf of Star Army, I offer my sympathy and condolences to his friends and family.
While I have been away for a long time, it still causes grief to know that a friend to such a great community has passed. Those years ago, it was clear that Brian was an outstanding person to be associated with, and I was glad to see how well he supported the community from even the earliest days of his involvement. In memory of the brief time that him and I shared this creative space, I wanted to stop in, and give my condolences.
The Star Army community has truly lost a great friend. Nashoba was a great guy who really got me plugged in when I first joined. His running of the Aeon plot was, I think, one of the longest running plots o the form. He will be very much missed.
Nash lived 5 miles from me back in Old Times, and I never dropped by to say hi. We talked about local happenings over YIM. My fellow Fayettenamese, I’ll miss you.
Nash was a pal and a great guy to RP with and share creative energies with. The community has lost a great man and a great creator. Nash will be missed by us all. May he rest in peace.
I know the past is a gaping hole between me and here, but I have crossed that line to pay my respects. Some things are too sacred to warrant holding onto bad blood.

Reading about the time leading up to now reminds me too much of how I watched my grandfather die twice, and I don't ever wish witnessing that sort of misery upon anyone.

I have positive memories of writing with Nashoba, and I remember how professional and helpful he was throughout our interactions. I will have those positive memories to cling to.

I wish for Brian to rest in peace, and my condolences go out to the family and friends he has left behind.
While I've always batted back and forth and had trouble staying in place, due to a variety of reasons, Nashoba went out of his way through the last eight years whenever I cropped up to make sure I found my way. I've had nothing but the best memories of him in my times with this community.

Rest easy and find peace in the stars.
I'm not good at commenting about things like this(in spite of RP ability, deep real-life discussion of such things elude me), but I remember him fondly and can at least know that he's with his wife now. I remember the guy as being dedicated and approachable, even if I didn't RP with him nearly as much as some of the others.
I really didn't do much with Nashoba. I can't claim I ever knew him very well.

What I know if that he was an extremely constructive presence in search. I kind of perceived him as an upstanding person with a level-head on his shoulder and an ease at communicating. Nashoba spoke with you, rather than at you. That doesn't discount his roleplaying talent - which was considerable - as well as his creativity and eagerness to contribute. I'm sure I'm not the only one that remembers when Nashoba was so prolific improving things in the Wiki for many articles, as well as his steady presence as moderator to help the creatives in the often stormy setting submissions forum.

We've gained from his presence. Even though his path has diverged from ours, we are definitely the greater for it.

My sympathies to his friends and family.
For those who are looking to help in some way, I'm currently running a GoFundme here:

All proceeds go to Brian's son Andrew, who is handling Brian's final expenses. Thank you everyone for your kind words, which I'll pass on to Andrew.

Here's a nice photo of us I found.
I heard the news from Wes on my charity stream like I said, I am out of words for this loss that both Nash family and Star Army have to endure. Much love and hugs to you all in these difficult times!
This is very unfortunate news, my condolences go out to his whole family. They have dealt with so much loss recently, with his friend and wife, and now Nash. When it rains it pours they say, but also a prayer for a rainbow to come of it in the end, symbolizing all that he gave to this community and the world with his creative and kind soul. 🙏
After discussing first with Wes -
In memory of our science-loving fallen admiral - The following has been added to the Fifth Expeditionary Fleet on Star Army Space Roleplay . All ships in this group are named after Nashoba's characters that had ties to the SSS.

Nashoba Science Group42)
YSS Saiki Kouan43)NL-X5-73Rikei-Class Science VesselTBAUnder Construction
YSS Karasu Gin44)NL-X5-74Rikei-Class Science VesselTBAUnder Construction
YSS Takaramono45)NL-X5-75Rikei-Class Science VesselTBAUnder Construction
YSS Shinja Fujita46)NL-X5-76Rikei-Class Science VesselTBAUnder Construction
YSS Gunther Bordolf47)NL-X5-77Rikei-Class Science VesselTBAUnder Construction
This really broke my heart to hear about. Nashoba was the most level-headed and kind person I've ever encountered though roleplaying, in real life or online. My last private messages here in 2020 were him setting up to tell me more about the Tamahagane and Shinja clans so that I could make a few NPC members. To learn after his passing that we shared some distant heritage on top of the fleeting moments we shared as in-character admirals of Yamatai makes it feel like a cousin or uncle has disappeared from the world. I wish that I had been around to lend him a helping hand in some way, even if nothing would have changed. The Kagami Galaxy and planet Earth itself are better even today to have been graced by his contributions and presence.

Rest well in this universe, Brian.