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Avatar Thread: What is your Avatar?

Gurning contests have been regularly held in Cumberland since 1269, with contestants attempting to make the funniest face available whilst wearing a horse collar, or "Gurnin' through a Braffin'".

Contestants who don't have teeth usually fare better than others, since they can put their bottom lip over their nose, as pictured.

This has been cited as one of the benefits that being old brings, according to 9 out of 10 elderly gurners.
Luca, for some reason your avatar disgusts me... <.<; Probably cuz it's an old dude's oddly bent face.


Mine is an animated 8-bit Tau soldier in what seems to be a Final Fantasy victory fanfare dance. :3 It's apparently from the old forums, but I was never around long enough to know for sure. The Tau are one of my favorite Warhammer 40k factions, and this little fella's concept was too awesome and too cute to ignore.

I might eventually change my avatar when I finally get to finishing drawing some of my characters and pass them through Photoshop. Will probably have Orion 72 there at some point, or Firuz Jaralei. I draw all of my characters, and lately much more so since I'm trying to become a better Graphic Artist.
I'm with you SentientRace: I don't like Luca's distorted face avatar either.

Just my personal opinion, though.
Ladies and Gentlemen, due to popular demand, I present the initial hedonist, the man that was declared too awesome to live and exiled to a High School for delinquents in Japan. You'll know him when you see him, since he's the one, the only...


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