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RP: Bahram Wing [Bahram Wing Pre-Phase: Mission 2] Elevator Capacity

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Re: [Pre-Phase: Mission 2] Elevator Capacity

Malakai 1, 935
03:00, Commonwealth Standard Time

The runners of Bahram Wing were now suiting up and plugging into their respective VANDR as they had done many times before, a quiet voice chiming into the hangar, echoed in their unit's communication systems. A voice that at one point might have been at one point interesting and novel was now an arbitratry denotation of the closeness to their sortie. All systems read within nominal parameters, and all seemed to hinting at a clean execution of the mission. The white VANDR belonging to the wing commander moved forward through the open shutter doors, and burst onto the snowy landscape, soon to be followed by others.

As it was approaching the warm season in Northern Mazerin, melt from the previous two weeks allowed for fresh snow to fall, scattering soft petals of ice across the otherwise packed ice shelfs and permafrosted soil of the landscape.

“Bahram Wing. Report in.” Serhan Nejem called out, as his unit made a swift landing out in the small fields to the south of the base. Massive organoid feet shaped like blunted daggers carved a small trench into the packed snow, scattering the freshly fallen powder around. This place seemed to be host to such maneuvers on a regular basis, as this small gash in the land was one of thousands on the field.

Famasir strolled out of the shutter doors and looked around to get a quick grip of the surrounding area. That done, he boosted off after the Marranr and reversed his MASC drive before landing lightly beside the white VANDr. "Wing Second, Mu'Tasim Farouk, reporting." Mu'Tasim answered, looking up into the sky. He seemed to enjoy taking in the warming enviroment.

Malik's VANDR, Shamshir, jumped out of the shutter doors, hovering a short distance above both Famasir and the Marranr's frame. "Vayshirin, Malik Ibn Rashidan, reporting in." Malik would've smiled, had he the ability to while piloting this VANDR, instead expressing his enjoyment of being this frame's runner by doing a few acrobatic stunts in mid-air.

Alia was running several preflight checks on her liftracer. True being an Eyr Ranr means she more or less grew up with these things, but one never leaves anything to chance. "Jyotsna to Marranr Nejem." She said over the radio. "I've completed my preflight checklist and have green lights." She said while initiating the MASC drive for her runner.

Shaorin slid out after Shamshir and Famasir, though Shokhi remained relatively silent, just taking in his surroundings for the first several moments. "Vayshirin Miyorh reporting, Marranr." With that said, he boosted for a half-second or so, gliding delicately towards Mu'Tasim and Serhan...

Jarita took off like a rocket, as Reovan was wont to do during launch. Wrapped in the warm prajna and feeling the artificial pressure of atmosphere against Jarita's frame felt good. "Vayshirin Mehta," she reported in, simply and firmly, thinking about what Zus and her had been talking about in the hanger. The Sund Wakir's frame banked and returned to form position with the rest of her squadron. A tune she had been listening to earlier was stuck in her head. A pleasant desert tune that Jarita attempted to synthesise for the dark-skinned Iromakunahe girl to listen to on the flight.

Savitar manuevered out of the bay and landed behind the lead VANDR's and looked around a bit using his sensors to get a lay of the landscape they were familiar with. He remained quiet and didn't start anything with Malikthis time and crossed his arms in his cockpit and sighed. "This world is growing warmer, I wonder what it looks liked in the true spring?" he mused and sent the message to Serhan. "VANDR Shiva here." Savitar reported his presence in.

Serhan opened a communications channel with the wing and their mobile operations team, and slowly began hovering his unit above the ground. “Good. All units follow me.” He continued, as the nameless white Erla VANDR rose up from the ground and accelerated forward to a low cruising speed. “We are only making a quick transit to the spaceport, so your weapons will remain locked.”

Alia slowly coasted her racer up in a wide arc, both following Serhan, and also keeping clear of the VANDR, lest she scrape one and condem herself to retouching it's paintjob.

Mu'Tasim matched his commander's speed and put a little distance between him and the other wing members. He observed the Marranr for a moment as he moved, and then looked at each of the individual members, almost as if he were counting a roll call. Then, he just came back face forward, keeping in formation.

Savitar got going as well, hovering over the ground; skimming it as he moved in formation with the rest of the wing.

Malik dived down, getting into formation, his VANDR right behind Mu'Tasim's

Shokhi kept in a tight formation, humming inside his head but remaining silent on the channels for the time being. He was a little jittery. It was hard not to be. He just had a bad feeling about this, somehow. He had already been on ONE routine mission that had proven anything but routine... 'only a quick transit' could go down as famous last words without much trouble.

The surrounding area wasn't all that active, as much of it was unactive field of ice. As the Runner's moved on, the trip would start to feel like one of their usual patrol sorties through the area. That is, until, a faroff mountain experienced a loud, crashing avalanche, the warm tempatures causing a hefty amount of snow to shift and crash into the flatter powder before.

Luckily Bahram was far enough to see such a majestic site, yet not be in any danger of it. The sound however, was powerful, roaring, almost destructive, causing a large flock of Ice Geese to flying from their perches in the snow, providing another beautiful sight.

Amazing, isn't it?" Mu'tasim spoke up, still cruising over the snow. "Makes me not want to go in space even more now." he finished frustratingly.

"If you don't mind, Steward," came Reovan's voice from over the radio to Mu'Tasim, "But Muna-willing I'd still rather space than snow." She sighed heavily as Jarita cruised in formation.

"I agree with Reovan." Savitar said. "The sooner we get off this iceberg the better. I miss being able to race outside and not just in simulated games."

"Space is space and atmosphere is atmosphere." Alia muttered over the radio. "Either one is beautiful and deadly."

"Space has its own wonders, Vayltulri." Malik responded over the comm channel. "Even though, this planet is beautiful, but not as beautiful as Kh-" Mal broke off before he could embarress himself.

"Stop talking about her. Saints alive." Alia snapped at Malik.

"I'm not talking about anyone!" Malik snapped back.

"Now now Malik. It doesn't due to lie to yourself like that. Have you no pride in your own feelings?" Savitar chided his comrade mildly and chuckled privately at what Alia said.

"Quit your bickering, it shines poorly on your character. Malik, focus your mind on you enviroment, not of home. Alia, keep your frustration in check." Mu'Tasim spoke up, attempting to deter an arguement. "And Savitar, do not encourage it."

"Idiot." Khiyai giggled, and broke her silence. There was something about his attitude that was rather amusing, even when he always spoke in such a silly and inconsistent manner. "I can hear everything you say over the communications channel, Malik."

"And Reovan," Mu'tasim went on, with a less of an authouritive tone, " even if it is colder than a cruel nightmare, it is still a gift of Mu'Klamal that I can plant both feet on."

"If you say so." Savitar responded to Mu, at the moment; he'd rather not be involved in more bickering and have to suffer more punishment. "Hey Mu-man, if you want to do that. When we stop how about you jump out of that cozy shell of Prajna and put both your feet on the surface? You'll change your tone pretty quick." He pointed out.

Malik didn't respond to anyone at first, but then Savitar just had to be an asshole. "Vayshirin Anata, I would suggest you not insult the Executive officer."

Jarita rolled as Reovan laughed over the comms liltingly, "His tone'll be higher just before he turns into an iceberg himself."

"Yeah just turn your audio off when he gets frostbite in his toes and horns." Savitar cackled playfully.

"In this body, it's feet 'are' my feet. You've at least to remember that this VANDr is an extension of your body. Besides, I would not be capable of breathing the air capable of making shrill voices." Mu'Tasim seemingly being a voice of reason.

"Oh no no I mean getting your ass out of the VANDR and stepping foot on Mazerinii ice yourself. In a VANDR, you can turn off that sensation afterall." He continued. "I thought you were more of a man than that Mu... I'm disappointed.." he said in a falsetto voice. "How about you Reovan? What do you think? He just tryng to cop out of it?"

Malik groaned, his patience nearing it's end. "Savitar, shut up." The anger and frustration was evident in his voice. "Shut Up now, know your damn rank, and don't insult your superiors for fun."

"Hmm... do as the Vaytulri says. He perhaps the most sane of you." Serhan chimed in with a laconic deadpan, feeling rather irritated that his subordinates could have such a bitter relationship without asking for a transfer. If they really felt that way about eachother and could not improve their perspectives... it would just be needlessly troublesome to continue. "Ananta. Perhaps I'll put you on escort duty with Farouk if your attitude is so terrible. Our charge may need a skilled getaway driver, and it would please me to have your disrespectful chatter excised from my channels." He sighed inwardly and attempted to calm himself. Any number of techniques would be sufficient, but he always found recreating his favorite Ivuori opera worked nicely while privately admiring the landscape. Now, because communications picked up on the impulses reserved for speech, a small lyrical humming could be heard, in the tone of the typically unemotional Marranr. Realizing the sound he was making, Serhan stopped himself. "We are in agreement, Vaytulri. This planet has always had a kind of charm, as do all those of the inner system." He communicated, attempting to ignore the boorish arguing.

"Ugh man I'm just trying to make things a bit more amusing here..." Savitar said, dejected. "You guys need to lighten up...gods."

"Then make things amusing without being an asshole to everyone but your girlfriend."

Mu'Tasim chuckled a little bit, "It is alright! I've done much more reckless things when I was a tad younger. Yet, such things are like the times that let me know why I should never touch the stove when it is hot. Keep that in mind, Ananta, you will live years longer."

"At least I have the balls to show that feelingin public." Savitar shot back to Malik. "Sorry i'm just...really bored here on this iceblock.."

Malik unconciously growled, the low guttaral tone coming over the comms as he stewed. "There's a time and the place for such things. This is neither."

"Oh, bored, are you?" Mu'Tasim chuckled a little bit, "Perhaps with your wasted thought, you could think of a way for us to simply teleport between points. So that then we can save much time and effort."

"Malik!" Alia snapped.

"I probably could if I understood those kind of quantum physics better." Savitar said nonchalantly. "But I don't, so I'm not going to try something I know I can't do. I've actually been trying to come up with a way to fix an old problem of mine." He said, trailing off there.

"Such as, the ability to wear a shirt?" Mu'Tasim laughed, "You seem lacking in such skills most of the time."

Inside the 'ball' that comprised the modified Quodr's cockpit, Khiyai grinned and patted Alia on the shoulder, turning off her communicator headset for a moment. "Oh Alia, even though they're both stupid, I think this is kind of sweet! The ruffian is telling the idiot to express his love better." She said, breaking into half stifled, but extremely raucous laughter as a small tear welled up in her eye from the pain of her midsection muscles tensing so hard. "It's a shame Al-Sumed fell asleep. She'd probably have something smart to say about all this."

"It's a personal problem Mu'Tasim..." Savitar said quietly like whatever it was truly bothering him.

Malik sat silent in his VANDR, trying to ignore the comms before he ended up making himself look even more like an idiot.

"Ah, well, this is not the time to discuss them, friend." Mu'Tasim warmly, noticing that the Spaceport was becoming close as they approached it. "Perhaps after the mission? I would have no quarrell in playing Ruh's hand in discussing your qualms."

"I've tried that approach." Savitar said. "I've found no answers in meditation either."

"Not Meditation, friend. Words, Discussion, Talking. Meditation is for reflecting on the former." Mu'Tasim clarified, and turned to Reovan. He was a tad surprised that even though the two of them seemed so close, that Savitar wasn't very close to the Vigil. "Isn't that right, Reovan?"

Shokhi internally sighed in relief as the spaceport grew closer. He wasn't sure how much more of Malik and Savitar he could deal with. He had... mixed feelings on Malik, but put plainly, he didn't much like either of them. One was self-loathing, the other was an arrogant showboat, and neither were traits Shokhi liked in his allies. "Would a few moments of silence be too much to ask?" Blunter than he usually was.

"Maybe you'd find what you were looking for if you took it a bit more seriously," Reovan chided Savitar as Jarita cruised along.

"Apparently, it is. I would not be allowing this lively exchange if it were otherwise." Serhan mentioned nonchalantly to Shokhi, opening hailing frequencies with the spaceport air control. Preparations had already been made for the wing, so it would only be a matter of setting their units to autopilot once they neared the five kilometer mark.

"Yeah... you're both right actually. But now is not the time to be distracted by thoughts of family." Savitar said and switched his unit to autopilot when they did pass the 5 kilometer mark so that he couldn't overshoot or something.

"Ah, Miyorh is correct. We must pay attention to the situation at hand, I apologize." Mu'Tasim said, reaffirming his direction to wards their destination and moving into auto-pilot as the went over at five kilometers. It suddenly felt as if he had less control of his body, and the feeling discomforted him.

As Shamshir reached the 5KM mark, Mal activated the Frame's autopilot,leaning back and closing his eyes to relax. He was listening in to the conversation still, but he had no interest in getting involved.

Alia turned her headset off too and turned to look at her assistant after the autopilot was activated. "I can never understand what you see in this." Alia muttered stalely.

Shokhi activated Shaorin's autopilot without a further word, enjoying the brief respite from argument, even if he hadn't actually gotten the silence he had hoped for.

"Oh... I wouldn't know. I used to think it was that airy honesty, but his personality is bizarre and unreliable." Khiyai said with a small sigh, nodding along with her words. Her superior had said this many times, and it was only now that that sort of question really had a meaning to her. She stood there silently for a moment, thinking on this. "I've already decided that if all I love is a shadow, I'll leave him. Dreams are beautiful, but it would be wrong to live in them and suffer for it."

Amari gave a small start, and snort, mumbling as she awoke. "Snck...Huh, Serhan that does go th....oh...I'm awake, I'm awake...I must have dozed..." The doctor said in her usually serene and calm voice as she placed a tattooed hand to her lips, and yawned loudly.

Alia looked past Khiyai to Amari. "Good morning sleepy head."

"Morning." Amari said dreamily as she looked over to Alia. "Anything new?"

"Same old. Malik and Savitar being douches. Mu being moterate." Alia said waving her hand in the air slightly.

"I hear that man you just named hum Ivuori opera over communications." Khiyai grinned mischievously and rubbed her fingers together. While she seemed to be angry and blushing quite often, this new character being displayed by the mechanist was rather bold and devious, if not opportunistic. "Twenty KD for the clip I recorded. I even filtered out the other channels so it comes in clearer."

"Wonderful." Amari said in a bright voice, as if that were a completely good thing. "At least Mu'Tasim is being a good boy. The other two will likely be on the receiving end of punishments by the end of this..." She trailed off as Khiyai went on and she giggled slightly. "You should hear him recite poetry Khiyai, he's got the silver tongue, that one. And, Make it ten, or the next time you come in for a physical, I will make sure the medical instruments are cold dear." She gave a small wink at the awkwardness that would ensue then.

Alia chuckled lightly at the antics of her friends. "You two."

"Anyway... are we the only ones out here? Wasn't EA wing supposed to come with us? I haven't seen them in action much." Savitar asked curiously.

"They've been busy hunting down the remaining bandits in our region of operations. We will have another three Maekardani wings working alongside us once we reach the orbital elevator, however." Serhan explained calmly, finding it odd that the junior runner would assume something of the sort. "I'll expect you not to rely on them until we've reached that point."

"I see. Well that's that I guess." Savitar shrugged some.

"The Great Savitar Anata, worrying that he can't handle a few rebels?" Malik smiled, chuckling a bit. "Well, don't worry. We have the best mechanist in the entire AV with us, so even if you do get shot down, Khiyai will have Shiva fixed in a jiffy."
"I'm not worried about a few pathetic rebels Mr. Ibn Rashidan." Savitar responded. "They'll meet the same gory end."

"I don't suppose we can have some Mazrit Brandy on this flight?" Amari spoke aloud, having smuggled a flask of the drink aboard. "All of the manly chatter tends to roll on."

"Isn't that against regulations? It would be nightmarish if one of us became sick as we broke free from Mazerin's gravity." Khiyai said in a sheepish, worried tone. She didn't think the prospect of zero gravity vomit would be pleasant.

Malik was silent, then began to snicker. "I'm somewhat afraid of the thought of a Drunk, cheerful, Cohronl girl with Eyr Ranr blood in her. Especially when she's in enclosed spaces with Alia."

"Hello, Bahram Wing. This is Fal Drudis traffic control and you are... cleared for landing." voice came in over their communications, a deep and smooth, lightly synthesized one that did not belong to any of the members of the wing, that spoke with a relaxed, but professional air."P roceed to the landing on top of Terminal Tower eleven."

Amari unscrewed the cap and took a little sip before closing, it smiling kindly in the direction of Khiyai. "Oh, I'm used to it dear. I lived on the colony stations most of my life after all, so I am quite experienced with orbital re-entries and exits."

"And...who was that speaking just now? And how did he know I was a quarter Eyr Ranr? Sweet Ahni, please don't tell me it is one of the recruits who have been sending pictures of me around the base... The Vaygraiv more or less made my picture contraband due to it." Amari said as she looked about.

"That was Malik, the man with whom I suppose... I'm involved with." Khiyai replied, still a little uneasy as she scratched the back of her head. There was a brief pause, and she took Amari's hands in her own and laughed. "You too! I'm also one quarter Eyr Ranr, and from the colonies over Hlarai. I guess he just likes to pretend I'm a happy enough person to call me cheerful."

Amari blinked as her hands were taken up by Khiyai, but she smiled all the same. "My colony had a wonderful view of Wzalrae...but yes...I'm also a quarter Curdatl, and Mazerinii...but you'd never know due to genetic engineering. But, you are involved with this...Malik? He seems...ah...nice." She said hesitantly, attempting politeness.

Malakai 1, 935
03:32, Commonwealth Standard Time
Re: [Pre-Phase: Mission 2] Elevator Capacity

In standard Mazerinii style, the large tower that comprised spaceport's eleventh landing terminal was a massive angular structure seemingly carved out of a thick black metallic material, jutting out from the busy bays and hangars bellow it. It was covered in small signal posts, arranged to form rows that encircled the tower, that blinked a bright red light in delayed unison to signal nearby craft of their landing zones. Unlike the arching and smooth modernist structures of Maekardan or the classical charm of Hlarai, the thing had a look that was both toughened and utilitarian, bristling in spires and thick grey pipes, and coated in a thin frost.

The air was clean, but thick with falling snow, causing the entire structure to resemble a shady rod covered in dim and defracted lights, rife with the sounds of aerial traffic.


"Copy that Fal Drudis Traffic Control, we are proceeding to land." Serhan replied curtly to the disembodied voiced that had signaled his wing. Working in unison with the sophisticated constructed intelligence of his VANDR, the Marranr compiled a landing protocol for the wing to follow, starting with the modified Quodr, the Vaytulri, the junior runners in the wing and ending with the mysterious Vaybalri and himself. He would be the last to land. They say the most diffifult parts of a landing are the first and last. This is the manner by which I will avoid that strange luck.

"Bahram Wing, I am sending you autopilot orders to follow. Please input this into your units and initiate the program." He said, sending his compiled data to his Wing. "Farouk, Jyotsna. You have first landing."

"... mind the snow."
Re: [Pre-Phase: Mission 2] Elevator Capacity

"Paralovi, please take us down on the course the Marranr has assigned us" Zus asked her frame, and the ANIOS replied with a sensation that could be described as a nod or affirmation of some sort. The young Frame Runner kept watch of things as the VANDR lined up to come in for landing, but she was fairly certain nothing would happen, at least not here, anyway.
Re: [Pre-Phase: Mission 2] Elevator Capacity

"Copy that Marranr," Alia said as she was given first clearance. She guided the Quodr to the airfield and punched in the flight plan she'd need for a proper landing. After setting autopilot, Alia turned to her two partners, "we're almost there."
Re: [Pre-Phase: Mission 2] Elevator Capacity

"Famasir, process that data and keep me in syncopation with the landing patterns." Mu'Tasim told his ANIOS.

"Yes sir." It responded, beginning to take more control of the VANDR. In a way, it felt like riding a Gualmyan, rather than just piloting. As the Quodr made it's landing the VANDR landed next to it, almost as if taking a somewhat bodyguard role beside it. Famasir looked behind itself at the remaining rest of the wing.
Re: [Pre-Phase: Mission 2] Elevator Capacity

'Ismat sat in the cockpit of Rina, her VANDR, as she waited for the others to land. This was so boring thus far.... Though, of course, it'd be bad if someone messed up on their landing, it would at least make things interesting... and rather funny.
Re: [Pre-Phase: Mission 2] Elevator Capacity

As the wing hit the rough black material that topped off the tower, they immediately noticed a small group of cloaked figures standing near the windowed entrance to the uppermost floor of the terminal's main atrium. Three of the figures stuck out, resembling gaunt giants clad in thick black cloaks, while two of them wore Astral Vanguard snow gear, right up to the cold weather rebreathers that shielded the entire face from the elements.

In the center of this group was a tiny figure, wrapped up in a bright coat, her reddening face exposed to the harshness of the cold and the snow. Even though it was the Equator, snowfall occasionally did occur as Mazerin's extreme elliptical orbit placed it further away from the sun than would be liked. She shuffled anxiously, and brushed away the flakes of frozen water, exposing a face that was pretty, well-maintained, but plainly made-up.

This woman, was Bahram Wing's charge.


Near the edge of the landing, a Vanguard with her coat unzipped and the rebreather hanging around her neck waved to the wing, smiling. A buxom woman, with a firm, hardened body and a sort of casual grin that always graced her pale face. She gestured to the wing as they closed in, her loud greeting becoming audible as they approached. “HEYA, BAHRAM! Anik here!” She patched into communications and let out a happy sigh. “Glad you folks could make it on time! The pop idol wants to meet you guys in person... and there's something about classified information that I'm not allowed to say over radio, and can't hear until you guys are there too.”

Serhan felt his face drain of warmth and blood as he heard the infantry woman speak of 'meeting' this already extremely pampered person, almost feeling relived when he found out it might be over something genuinely useful. “I'm heading in to hear this interesting information. Sitari, Storhan, Mehta. Follow me as we go.” He quickly emptied out his cockpit, making his unit's Prajna organs reclaim the orange liquid and reached into the storage cabinets to retrieve his Laiz Carbine. A linksuit was a functional space suit, and so should be able to take the cold of the warm places of Mazerin for a few minutes. “Farouk. Keep the area secure until the meeting is finished.” The officer said as he dismounted from the VANDR, nodding to Famasir as he approached the group.
Re: [Pre-Phase: Mission 2] Elevator Capacity

As Paralovi touched down Zus recieved Serhan's order and responded "Copy, Marranr." She quickly drained the Prajna from Paralovi's cockpit and grabbed her Laiz pistol, just in case. She dismounted her VANDR, shivering a little at the cold of the air, though the linksuit thankfully kept it mostly at bay. She tried her best to keep in a more military stance as she approached the group, but found it difficult with the combination of cold and excitement at meeting the Pop idol.
Re: [Pre-Phase: Mission 2] Elevator Capacity

"Yes, Marranr. Right behind you!" 'Ismat told Rina to drain the cockpit, while she opened up the small storage on the VANDR. She retrieved the Laiz Carbine from within and slung it over her shoulder. She also got her Laiz Pistol and holstered it. With her equipment in order, she climbed out and followed after Serhan, fixing up her glasses as she went as well as trying to use her hand to get some prajna out of her hair.
Re: [Pre-Phase: Mission 2] Elevator Capacity

Zalus touched down and got out of his armour. "We get to go meet an alien! Do do doo!" He sang as he danced over to Zus. "Hey Zus did you hear? We get to meeting an alien! High Five!" Zalus tossed up his hand for the high five he was hoping was going to come but readied himself if she tried to hit him again.
Re: [Pre-Phase: Mission 2] Elevator Capacity

"I do not believe the Marranr asked for you, Zalus." Zus answered, looking annoyed. "you're better off in your VANDR anyway, as opposed to freezing out here." She said, walking away from the man and following Serhan.
Re: [Pre-Phase: Mission 2] Elevator Capacity

"Yes sir." Famasir echoed Mu'Tasim's voice to the dismounted commander. The VANDR turned took a few steps around on the cold black top and observed the area. Even though he didn't like space, he did enjoy heights.
Re: [Pre-Phase: Mission 2] Elevator Capacity

Amari had smuggled on a tiny bag of sweets to which she quickly put away as she looked to Alia as she spoke. The doctor was kind enough to swallow before nodding, as well as speaking. She then stretched luxuriously still shrugging off the remnant of the brief nap.

"Well then, I suggest we all get ready before we land that way we can be prepared to move as soon as we need to."
Re: [Pre-Phase: Mission 2] Elevator Capacity

"I think there are some coats in here." Alia muttered and she looked around the cockpit. "I'm not suited for this kind of weather," she muttered sheepishly.
Re: [Pre-Phase: Mission 2] Elevator Capacity

As soon as Shamshir landed and drained it's cockpit of Prajna, Malik practically jumped out of his VANDR's cockpit. The runner had the foresight in mind to stash a cold-weather jacket in the cockpit's storage, so it was wrapped tightly around his gaunt frame. The Cohronl-Mazerinii mutt did not have the foresight, however, to think to bring a mask, his face almost locking up from the cold. He shivered, rubbing his hands together as he thought about activating the faelraig at his waist, but decided not to. Malik jogged after the Marranr, catching up with him.

"Marranr, why do you think a pop star would have state secrets?"
Re: [Pre-Phase: Mission 2] Elevator Capacity

"Don't worry Alia. I can always warm you up later I suppose. Anik does so enjoy the company." Amari said vaguely as she fished another of the Khuyunii Sweetstones into her mouth from her jacket pocket.

"However, I suggest you bundle up nice and tight, and place something over your eyes, and grab a rebreather otherwise, your lungs would freeze, and you'd suffocate." The doctor smiled dreamily as she felt the sugar begin to hit her system and then pulled on her own rebreather.
Re: [Pre-Phase: Mission 2] Elevator Capacity

Serhan perked an eyebrow and turned to face Malik, unsure of what to say. Instead, he gave a small shrug and a blank nod... realizing that it was actually the troublesome frame runner speaking to him, and not a mysteriously orange blur that spoke in the young man's voice. The frame officer hummed curiously and appraised the man's question, culminating in a terse reply "You assume many things, Vayshirin. If they were state secrets, we would not be allowed to hear them."

"I'd rather if you waited in your unit."

Because if you don't, you'll probably do something troublesome in front of that extremely important young lady. He sighed, and rubbed the lids of his green eyes and attempted to orient himself to the mass of blue and white that he understood to be one of the runners he had actually called to come with him. "Mehta, Storhan, Sitari. I may... need some assistance moving to that terminal."

"..." The thirtysomething Iroma seemed incredulous about the worlds leaving his own mouth, but swallowed any kind of discomfort, keeping his tone controlled and matter-of-fact. "One of the quartermaster's adjutants must have removed my spare glasses from my linksuit pocket."


Anik spotted someone suspicious, someone she could screw with while the bigwig boorish officer could deal with whatever it was that she wasn't meant to hear.

The buxom infantrywoman clad in the thick uniform jacket approached Zalus and nudged him in the side, as he seemed to wait for some reason. She let out an unsurprised 'humph' and give him a curious grin. "What's a VANDR guy doing out of the wombseat? The air up here's pretty rough, and I thought you guys liked staying wet and warm." She said in a slightly bored tease, her pale cheeks reddened by the touch of cool air and falling snow.


"I'd rather just stay here for now. It's not like we're needed and..." Khiyai sighed and leaned into her seat, before curling up and draping a heavy-duty, white and blue jacket over herself. "... that man, is out there." She said, a small blush coming onto her cheeks.
Re: [Pre-Phase: Mission 2] Elevator Capacity

Zus was quickest, grabbing one of the Marranr's arms and pointing him onto a more correct course. "It's this way, Marranr" she said, smiling to herself, the comedy of the situation was not lost on the Eyr Ranr girl. "Perhaps you should also leave a spare in your frame?" she suggested, with a slight chuckle. this was all, of course, followed by a shiver, and she was glad someone was close by to warm her. Surprisingly, the Ice Wyrm gave off body heat just like every other Iroma.
Re: [Pre-Phase: Mission 2] Elevator Capacity

Amari patted Khiyai on the head, and managed to place an index finger against Alia's lips before speaking. More or less wanting to silence the mechanist before she got on the ball.

"I am sure Malik is a very nice young man. If a little over-zealous with his piloting." The doctor continued to smile, if softly now as she sat in her slightly comfortable seat. "From your blush, you must like him quite a bit, no?"
Re: [Pre-Phase: Mission 2] Elevator Capacity

'Ismat tried to stay serious with the situation as she moved beside the Marranr to make sure he didn't trip over something. But, she couldn't help but giggle. "Marranr," she started, as she took her own glasses off, "you can use mine. I'm only a little far-sighted, so I can still manage, but if these would help, then go ahead." She held out her hand with the glasses.

Everything looked... moldy. But, she could still make her way just fine. The VIA operative kept her hand at the ready as she stayed alert, even more so than if she had her glasses on.
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