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OOC Bastardpiece Theater Discussion

Heh, I replied here before I read the actual plot thread. I should keep my mouth shut for story sake, but this must be the most easy to knock out neko in the universe.
That is if you don't take into account that it was via the Neko's own doing that it occurred. I'm sure one ought to be capable of the velocities needed to knock themselves out when not careful.
Kira is just standing watch so I wont post until something that interest the whole house happens or until they leave the basement.
I can't really post much.

Sawaka lay there, still out cold.

Just slightly more exposed as she was frisked for guns. A silly thing considering the thugs who had captured her and had designs on her future life as a sex slave had likely done so already, and while the Neko were powerful: the magic of conjuring things from thin air was not something many had mastered.
Damnit, I should have posted here again sooner - because of the plot audit, I had put up a survey. I decided to hold back on the scene change for a bit until I get a good feel for what you're all thinking about the direction of the plot. Reason why is because this would be the best time to change it, or not.
Alright, my schedule has normalized. I'm back and ready for posting.

However, I'm wondering if Kurt being more hands off for the rest of the plot would be more enjoyable. Give everyone else a chance to use their heads instead of being guided by him.
I dare to say that we are using our heads even with him being around. So far he was boss, that can change and make him more of a glue that keeps the group together, while Nacon changes team-leader to whoever else every now and then. Let's be frank leader is a must in teams like that.
We'll likely try doing that, but in this current form, I believe anyone can speak up. Also, I'd prefer it that Homeslice's character gets to come along - otherwise, the poor guy has to sit this one out.
As a note guys, I really hope that my posts aren't coming off as aggressive in the OOC. I don't mean any player-to-player aggression at all. Its been fun and enjoyable playing with all of you in Bastardpiece and if at any point you guys feel like I am trying to be passive-aggressive in terms of OOC interaction through my IC behaviors - well - just feel free to smack me in the face and call me out for being a douche. I just don't want people to get hurt if I accidentally take things too far: right now she's just very angry and upset about what's going on, especially after she discovered the nature of the black market trades the team is setting to bust up.

So please don't take this as a personal attack!
No worries. I think you're doing an excellent job with her. She's been taken captive and is understandably irate about that. You're doing great at translating her irritation with the situation.
Speak up everyone! This is decision making time! You all are getting to choose what to do next - focus on the issue of the giant cat in the room, as well as what to do next. Every single on of you gets a fair slice of this, so don't just stand with your back to the wall, off to the side silently - your characters are in this mess with everyone else, so they should be wanting to do whatever it is that makes it most likely they'll come out alive. Whatever they think it is.
Well I am still waiting for Kampfer to reply to Kira, but Cadet please sound off before you next GM post and I will post before Kurt or no Kurt.
Hey guys? Would it be better we just go along, kill stuff and dive into the story? I was hoping that presenting some choices would be interesting, but now I'm stating to think it's just detracting from what everyone's come here for.
Hey guys? Would it be better we just go along, kill stuff and dive into the story? I was hoping that presenting some choices would be interesting, but now I'm stating to think it's just detracting from what everyone's come here for.

I vote this. Cadet, I'll PM you something.
Things have been hellish for me for the past 2 weeks or so, as this module of my LVN course is coming to a close. Tests, tests everywhere! And practicums! Utter Nightmare Legendary difficulty, I swear. Despite that, I'll post today and get us moving properly.
That didn't turn out how I thought it would. Currently, everything's squared away IRL now, with just one last final coming up on Friday. I'll be at clinical for Monday and Tuesday, working at the hospital and will get home dirt tired, but I'll manage to post even then. Wednesday and Thursday, I'll be studying extra hard for Friday, and after that, things will cool down for a while as the next module starts up. In the meantime, I'll finally post today - I just need to find Kampfer and JP it with him so we can get you guys screaming down the rails.
I can't believe I'm triple posting even.

With the previous module ended, things have quieted down for the time being. I'm hoping we'll make some progress, though I understand if everyone else is tied up like I was as well.