• If you were supposed to get an email from the forum but didn't (e.g. to verify your account for registration), email Wes at stararmy@gmail.com or talk to me on Discord for help. Sometimes the server hits our limit of emails we can send per hour.
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OOC Battlefield Education: My Martial Arts Are Completely Interfering With My School Romantic Comedy

As a fun side activity Jax would be willing to come in to give a presentation over the importance/basics of starship maintenance. Every great leader should at least know how to apply a hull patch
Alright, we've got four new characters, a few returning and hopefully a few last minute stragglers on the way. So, I'm looking to get things started on Wednesday. Expect a new thread to go up and I'll herd everyone over to the OOC thread.

If you want to be included in the intro/first thread, please get your characters in now! Ideally I think we want around 6-8 or so, to help things stay busy.
I guess @Zack can run this plot if he wants, since he's helped make it clear I'm not wanted here.

I'm logging out so don't @ me. Nobody can use or adopt my characters. Enjoy the site slowly but steadily becoming a Mass Effect/Halo/insert-generic-FPS-here crossover RP I guess. Whenever I see a 90's Image comic I'll think of you guys. Later.
Reactions: IQ
Bro, I know you're really committed when you make up your mind and might not read this. But you gotta, like — you gotta not care what other people think and just do your own really rad thing because it brings you and (factually, actually, literally) everyone else some joy.

Mitsuko = rad box

Anzu = rad smol

Shayla = big rad

Heartbreaker = metaplot rad

Truly Venus (the character and the girl group) = raddest spice

Zenjinkaze = the raddest anime fighting game squared circle plot to ever exist
all right. I will be creating a character soon but I need to know what kind of character you need Reynolds. Message me when you get a chance so I don't clutter this page up more than necessary.
I left because @Wes and some FMs and GMs made it clear that it's fine for people to openly insult and belittle me while cursing me out, and that some of the site rules simply don't apply to all of the players.

I'm not sure that qualifies as purely personal reasons, really.
It's not fine! Many people would be very happy to have you come back! I am sure the people that belittled you and cursed you out would also be open to apologizing. I miss you and others miss you! You're a great writer with great ideas and you don't deserve to be treated poorly!

I think you'll find maybe just GMing your own thing where you have control over the people you interact with or being in Kaiyo where everyone is p nice and the GM really respects you would work out better? I'd obvi like you back and have heard from many other people in DMs how much they liked having you to write with and as a part of the community.
I needed a little break. Some time to think about things and remember that there's always going to be some people I should just ignore and not engage with. And of course I had to once again make peace with the fact that sometimes things just aren't fair. That's just life.

So, we should be kicking things off within the next few days, if I still have enough willing participants to get things started. I know @Blizzard & @club24 & @SirSkully already had characters approved, and @IQ should be finishing one up shortly. I'm not sure if @Ametheliana & @raz & @Gunhand4171 will be joining us. Or @Ace & @Alex Hart either.

If @Dragon_God or @Sparkee0213 or @Yoshiro Tanaka or anyone else is still interested, now is the time to PM me here or on Discord, and start getting your character set up so they can be introduced in the starter thread.

Thanks, everyone.
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