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OOC Black Knights/Byakuren Discussion

We can fast-forward, though I think Yukari and Tom need some time. Should we roleplay the Nyton's mom scene?
It depends on how much you want to actually roleplay it.

There's more than one way to depict events happening. There's actually roleplaying it out, or headcanon-ing it. Making headcanon being: you talk together, agree on what actually turns out happening, and then you know about it and can refer to it in the future.

For instance, given how Miharu doesn't really have what it takes to let our characters stay overnight, we know that we'll spend the night back at the Miles High Hotel. Given that, Khasidel and I have already discussed what might happen. We pondered doing a JP, but since it felt like it might be tedious to do so with a semi-mute Kotori, we just drafted what we thought would happen and our narrative will likely reflect that when we pick up from the next morning.

Otherwise, you can do a JP and hash it out in more details. I'll keep thread 2.8 open until we start with 3.0 so you have some time.
Possibly your samurai, in 2.9

That said, I previously mentioned that the Miharu clan would have invited anyone that served on the original Miharu to the christening. Rolf wouldn't have been an exception. If Rolf was present from the first, he likely wasn't at the same hotel (it was my excuse to justify the absence of people that should've been there). Rolf might have possibly not been caught in the crossfire when the Shadow Vipers crashed the christening ceremony (which was stuffy), and given the appearance of hostile power armors, he might have gone to Hoshi to secure a power armor for himself, meeting Nimura on the way.

When Hinoto escorted the Empress to the Asamoya/Hoshi, Rolf remained with the Empress to protect her while she escaped to safety, while Nimura left to try to find those Hinoto left behind and render assistance.

So, Rolf can't be immediately present in 2.8 and 2.9, because he's already busy elsewhere. Also, frankly, I don't really have the room for someone not 'senior staff' where my narrative is headed. But in the latter half of 2.9, I'll be able to bring in Sora, Koyama, and your samurai bodyguard.
I understand, it's how the story goes. Thanks for the opportunity!

That and saying you got to defend the empress even peripherally is pretty neat.
Yeah, I figured I'd hop back in for some fun. Rolf will come back at 3.0, and perhaps I'll get a chance to play my Samurai a bit in 2.9 given the opportunity. Rolf, though, is in NPC land at the moment, in the plot and elsewhere progressing into a more stable individual. I hope.

Good times to be had! I hope.

Perhaps I'll get to have some good moments, like before.

I hope.
Picked this to be my first Yamataian plot in a long time. Good moments, experiences, and just plain good times are right around the corner I have no doubt.
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