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OOC Black Knights/Byakuren Discussion

Fred asked me to an OOC post regarding which character's should don power armor during the excursion upon the planet.

Those that don't don armor would be in a more traditional honor guard role, closely escorting Kotori and her niece during the trip. Those using the suits are there more as worst-case emergency precaution and do so at a distance.

The NPC Miyuki can probably stay on the ship -- as we need at least one crewmember to remain aboard. Kotori, Sora, Nicholas, Ira and Sumaru will likely all be in the main group by default. That would leave Arkase, Reika, Konoka, Akiko, Kyōko and Shizuko potentially in the second group, though that many individual's in armor would be overkill outside of a major battle, so only a few characters in armor will likely needed - the rest can manage with their normal sidearms.

We'll go with Akiko and Konoka (cause they go so well together :D ) in armor, with Kyōko and Arkase if Ssharp want's his character to take charge personally of the armor escort -- if he doesn't and wants him in the honor guard instead, we can throw in Shizuko to bring it up to four people.

I was going to have Konoka stay with the main group, but having someone medically trained with the armored soldiers made more sense to me. Having both medically-trained personnel right next to each other struck me like putting all my eggs in one basket. Plus I fear some sort of diplomatic incident or caffeine-induced craziness would occur with Konoka near the spotlight or under the focus of the media :P

Of course Reika and Arkase have no direct authority over the senior officer's, so if Sumaru or Ira want to include themselves amongst the armored soldier's, they probably can with Saiga's consent.
Khasidel said:
Plus I fear some sort of diplomatic incident or caffeine-induced craziness would occur with Konoka near the spotlight or under the focus of the media :P
Yes. Yes it would XD Not that that wouldn't be funny as hell.
I had a post, but it was eaten when the power cord of my laptop became unplugged... >_> But once I rewrite it, it should put Sora in a good spot if I don't manage to post any more this weekend. =)
Literally happened. Sogood.

Kotori had so far sounded 'sharp', but just now that edge had sounded duller; both soft and maybe even weary.

<raz> Dude what do you think this means? I can't tell.
<Revolver> Man, I don't know. Maybe she was up all night on PANTHEON arguing with raz, Doshii, Wes, Revolver, and ShotJon about the Neko race.
This more pertains to Khasidel's intentions, as he ordered up the transportation, but aren't all Yamataian commercial vehicles hover cars rather than wheeled vehicles?
Wes seems to like his retro, and limousines are not nearly as classy if they just float. Hover vehicles seem to be more Nashoba and Kai's thing. All the limousines I've seen so far in SARP ICly have been wheeled, and those were in Wes' plots.

Note that Kotori didn't go out of her way to chew Reika out for this either. Nekos are typically more familiar with starships and killing things then really dwelling on such details. Reika said it herself that actual security officers might be better qualified for the jobs she was given.

Mind, I'm cool if Khasidel wants to dispute that his choice of vehicle was indeed a hoverlimo. Not trying to be a jerk about this either - we could retcon a few posts back and make a redo - even though I'm not sure if all the group really fits in a single limo.
Right, of course. Just wondering :]
Sorry that I disappeared. It'll be a similar story for most weekends from here on out. I'll stick up a post later tonight.
I've used both wheeled vehicles and hovercars. In the Eucharis thread this summer where we visited the beach, I remember we rented a hovercar and a hover-van while on shore leave--though that was on Hanako's World. Either type is fine for Kyoto.
I would have used a hover-limo, 'cept that after doing a quick search of the forum I only saw examples of wheeled limos and no hover ones. It might be best to slightly retcon the vehicle to something else.

:P Didn't think to check the distance between the two locales. Even with a direct flight using a grav-bus, the trip would take quite some time -- taking into consideration the apparent distance shown upon the wiki article map and the vehicles top flight speed of 300 kph -- upwards of around seven to eight hours I guess. Of course this would be longer with a wheeled vehicle.

A shuttle or some other vehicle with a higher atmospheric flight speed than a hover car would probably be more convenient. It's somewhat strange that travel times between planets and stars can take no more than a couple of hours, though travel between two close cities on the same planet still can take the better part of a day using the conventional transport available.

Anyways I'm about to head off to my work shift -- I won't be able to post until this afternoon sometime; it's up to you folks to decide whether we keep going as written so far or if we're going to modify the posts to show something else. I won't know what you've decided until I get back in 10 hours or so.
The number I had mentally cobbled up in my head was 1200 kilometers from Genseirin to the Ouchi memorial. I just looked at Googlemap, chose a distance that felt equivalent, and ran with it. By hoverbus going fast, that's probably a 5-hours trip there and 5-hours back.

Oddly enough, the day cycle on this planet is fairly long, so there's likely enough time to go over there, do the vigil, get back, organize another mode of transportation, and then head over to the guy's manor which is less than an hour away from the city.

Mind, I didn't share my own views on this ahead of time either, so the fault is mostly mine here.

As for any change in the plot proper, here's what I plan to do.

Khasidel, I feel this reflects on the portrayal of Reika's competency. It's not a big booboo, but if you care about it, then I suggest you just give me a notice of any edit you choose to do (hoverbus, hoverlimos, shuttle - the Premier One has some - or whichever). Then, I'll remove the needed posts, and we'll roll again with it. You won't be holding the plot back if you do - it's only fair that you get this option.

Otherwise, we can just keep going. From my point of view, both paths allow us to advance the story, after all.
I'm not exactly sure how to make an Arkase post at this moment in the 0.6 thread. I'll hold off tomorrow to see if someone posts something that I can use as a catalyst. If not, I'll wing it.

Sorry ya'll.
In a few minutes i'm going to start editing my posts and remove any reference of Reika taking it upon herself to organize transportation external to the ship on behalf of Kotori -- it makes much more sense simply to use one of the Premier One's shuttles and have either Ira or Shizuko pilot it.

The wiki article for planet Kotori lists the direct distance between Genseirin and Itadaki as being 1,600 miles (2,575 km) and the distance between Genseirin and Ouchi appears to be only a little bit shorter (3/4 to 5/6 the same distance). Hate to contradict you Fred, but it looks to my eyes that there's no way it's only a 1,200 kilometer trip -- 1,200-1,350 miles perhaps :D .

Next time (if there ever is a next time :P ) I'm double-checking the travel distances involved so I don't cause a screw-up like this again. Ah well -- live and learn.

This will make the last few posts done after my second-last incorrect -- as there would be no need for the crew to physically depart the ship in order to use one of the Premier One's own shuttles.
Okay, I went and deleted all the posts that came afterwards.

It kind of sucks to have to remove the writing of other folks, but I believe everyone writing this weekend after my offer to retcon things a bit to fix the hiccups was an expeted risk. =P

Raz, the next post likely should be Nick ordering his people moving. :)
Sure thing. Just finishing up breakfast so I should have it up within the hour.
Okay so. As a note: My previous post wasn't made to make Reika look incompetent. But weighing the prospect of waiting for Khasidel to revise again and the chance to move forward and have people post, I decided to go the route I did because we definitely discussed how empty the cargo/shuttle bay was on multiple occasions both IC and OoC. So we'll assume that a shuttle will come swoopin' in for whoever wants to handle that be it our glorious GM Fred, Khas, or someone else.

This hasn't been my week -- one silly mistake after another. *Sigh*

Thank's for catching that one before it became a problem, Raz.
Khasidel, this isn't really your mistake as much as mine.

Here, some transparency on my part:

When I thought of this trip, it only involved Kotori. Kotori came to the spaceport, took a limousine, and ended up at Ratdke's place.

But somewhere along the line Kim and 5tar came up, and I figured my plot offered something that could fit with the theme of princessly royalty and samurai being around. I also wanted to be welcoming to them. But the governor thing concerned Kotori directly too much, so, I needed to broaden that.

So, kind of at the last minute, I figured a vigil at the Ouchi Memorial would be the kind of thing civilians would go "Oooo' and "Ahhhh' and feel all giddy that royalty bothered to do with their quaint little planet.

Only, when I thought that up, I didn't quite think things through as much as I should have had. Stuff like distance, transportation beyond just the limo, and whatever.

That was added to other things as well, such as the yacht's complement. The yacht was empty because I originally didn't want you guys to have power armor. I had people in my previous plot bemoaning that anything outside the ship had to happen in PA only. I figured this was an opportunity to do something different, so I meant for the Premier One to be stripped.

But players are not dumb, and when Nick came in charge, he wanted power armors. So, he got them, becuase it was the bright thing to do and that I didn't argue against it. But the shuttles hadn't gone along with it, apparently, even though they're part of the complement. Enter confusion, and me floundering in the detail I wanted to provide in my plot but also hindered by confusion of trying to accomodate a lot of stuff I had not planned for.

I like feeling credible. I don't feel I am being that very much. For that, I apologize.

Now, honestly, I'm just interested in moving on to potentially 'better' stuff. Reika doesn't look bad, we have transportation that ought to bring us to the place we need to be, and the rest will hopefully flow more smoothly.

In hindsight, I might've as well just pretended it was a hoverlimo in the first place, and had it go at speed of plot. Sorry guys.
Ha ha ha. No problem, Fred. I save all my posts so personally getting to write more is fine by me. And as for the armors, there are only a handful. Definitely not enough for the entire crew. I had them there so if we get attacked in space we had repellers because that's logical. I don't expect them to be needed heavily on this civilian planet — though I'm drawing a blank for how many intend to actually suit up — so we shouldn't have more than one or two with us, if that.
A small volumetric window shortly manifested next to Reika, vying for her attention.
You have great (.)(.) <('o' <)

Call me? [email protected]

:) :) :)

I read this and lol'd. :lol:

I'll compose my reply to your latest post Fred and whatever anyone else chooses to write afterwards in just a bit -- need to grab a quick shower and get changed for my work shift.