Fred asked me to an OOC post regarding which character's should don power armor during the excursion upon the planet.
Those that don't don armor would be in a more traditional honor guard role, closely escorting Kotori and her niece during the trip. Those using the suits are there more as worst-case emergency precaution and do so at a distance.
The NPC Miyuki can probably stay on the ship -- as we need at least one crewmember to remain aboard. Kotori, Sora, Nicholas, Ira and Sumaru will likely all be in the main group by default. That would leave Arkase, Reika, Konoka, Akiko, Kyōko and Shizuko potentially in the second group, though that many individual's in armor would be overkill outside of a major battle, so only a few characters in armor will likely needed - the rest can manage with their normal sidearms.
We'll go with Akiko and Konoka (cause they go so well together ) in armor, with Kyōko and Arkase if Ssharp want's his character to take charge personally of the armor escort -- if he doesn't and wants him in the honor guard instead, we can throw in Shizuko to bring it up to four people.
I was going to have Konoka stay with the main group, but having someone medically trained with the armored soldiers made more sense to me. Having both medically-trained personnel right next to each other struck me like putting all my eggs in one basket. Plus I fear some sort of diplomatic incident or caffeine-induced craziness would occur with Konoka near the spotlight or under the focus of the media
Of course Reika and Arkase have no direct authority over the senior officer's, so if Sumaru or Ira want to include themselves amongst the armored soldier's, they probably can with Saiga's consent.
Those that don't don armor would be in a more traditional honor guard role, closely escorting Kotori and her niece during the trip. Those using the suits are there more as worst-case emergency precaution and do so at a distance.
The NPC Miyuki can probably stay on the ship -- as we need at least one crewmember to remain aboard. Kotori, Sora, Nicholas, Ira and Sumaru will likely all be in the main group by default. That would leave Arkase, Reika, Konoka, Akiko, Kyōko and Shizuko potentially in the second group, though that many individual's in armor would be overkill outside of a major battle, so only a few characters in armor will likely needed - the rest can manage with their normal sidearms.
We'll go with Akiko and Konoka (cause they go so well together ) in armor, with Kyōko and Arkase if Ssharp want's his character to take charge personally of the armor escort -- if he doesn't and wants him in the honor guard instead, we can throw in Shizuko to bring it up to four people.
I was going to have Konoka stay with the main group, but having someone medically trained with the armored soldiers made more sense to me. Having both medically-trained personnel right next to each other struck me like putting all my eggs in one basket. Plus I fear some sort of diplomatic incident or caffeine-induced craziness would occur with Konoka near the spotlight or under the focus of the media
Of course Reika and Arkase have no direct authority over the senior officer's, so if Sumaru or Ira want to include themselves amongst the armored soldier's, they probably can with Saiga's consent.