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OOC Black Knights/Byakuren Discussion

And here I was hoping to have Kyoka recognize Arkase. Oh well, I can have her observance be curbed by her fear of embarrassing or dishonoring herself in front of Kotori. Cue the trashy romance novel falling out of her pocket.
I'll get my post up in the morning.
Moogle said:
And here I was hoping to have Kyoka recognize Arkase. Oh well, I can have her observance be curbed by her fear of embarrassing or dishonoring herself in front of Kotori. Cue the trashy romance novel falling out of her pocket.

Haha. She'll still have a chance. I'll just be gone for a few days.

I'll make a greeting post tonight, ya'll.
I know it's not morning but I am finishing the second half of my post literally right now literally. Just so you know.
Slight modification to SSharp's post, since Arkase can't be inside the shuttle bound to the moon and by Saiga's side on the moon by the rail station. Not at the same time anyways.

SSharp's was PMed about it. Presently, Arkase is on the shuttle. Welcome aboard.

Also, shuttle people... you were never supposed to be there! xD
I was setting the scene at the rail station, and then Tom posted himself into a shuttle. Before I could have him acknowledge the correction, Konoka and Kyoka jumped in.

So, shuttle people, you can have your conversations, but at the latest Friday I'll be fast-forwarding you to the rail station to rejoin the rest of the people... since I can't actually credibly make you wait for 15+ IC minutes to make the trip.
Reminder: I'm going to advance the plot by having the shuttle people join with the railstation people by the end of this Friday. For reference, it's 9 AM for me presently. I get home around 6 PM, and after chilling out for a bit I'll probably look into it. So, shuttle people have until then to squeeze in a few more posts.

(alternatively, you can get together, JP, and ask me to post the transcript within my own post)
I'll have posts after class today. We got our final project but we present on monday, so I will be sporatic this weekend. :/
I'll wait for Kim to post and hopefully sneak in a reply before Fred posts.
There. Fast-forward post completed. Not the smoothest transition ever, but it'll do the job, hopefully.

Since your group is all assembled, feel free to step into the railcar to depart anytime you want. Since the railcar trip won't be over in a flash, your PCs can indulge themselves in conversation.

As long as I get multiple-posts-a-day I'll let you guys keep going with your own thing. If there's a slowdown, however, I won't hesitate to push things forward.
"Konoka took notice of the group and started running after them, waving. Enter the obligatory facefault-threatening-trip, which the nearby Akiko spared the pink-haired medic from with a timely collar-grab"

Lol this made me smile....
Bit of a double post but it's for a headsup.

Tuesday is the day I go and discuss this back surgery with my doctor. However on Wednesday I'm going on a small vacation, only for about two days just to kind of go and relax. I'll be taking my laptop with me just so I can post provided the hotel internet doesn't suck. If it does, I'll try and inform you guys I'll be unable to post.
SSharp, now might be a good time to do that introduction you wanted Arkase to do between Kyoka and Nicholas before you left.

It was text I pulled out previously because Arkase could not be at the station (on the moon) and in the shuttle (on the planet) at the same time. But I tossed the removed text to you in a PM. If you want to base yourself on it and then adapt it to current circumstances, it'd be a good way to break yourself into the plot once more.

* * *

Aside from that, I see only 1 post for Febuary 26, when Febuary 25 had five posts. If the slowdown continues, I'll likely make another timeskip.

Preferably, further posts should involve characters getting inside the railcar if they have not yet (and get seated if that's not the case either).
I am driving 500 miles tonight and it's my dad's birthday this weekend so just a heads-up.
I survived my Navy training final, I graduate tomorrow morning from this program but I will be going home for a couple of days. I will be back Sunday, however, I will probably be trying to post from the train on my way back again. My schedule should be greatly improved with the next course that starts Monday.
Kim! Welcome back! Well done with your classes!

You're just in time to see Byakuren transition to a 18+ plot! Just think of all the cool new stuff we can do now!
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