Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

OOC Black Knights/Byakuren Discussion

For myself, I haven't really done much of that stuff except briefly in Andrew's previous Seventh Fleet Toushi Squadron plot right before he disappeared. Not much happened, though my character Emiko and Toshiro's character Yaichiro were having a go at it. Started a single JP, but the plot fell apart before we finished it.
I tried to move us along and finish off this briefing thread as Fred said he hoped would be done by Monday (which for me is right now :D I Don't know your timezone). I apologize if anyone wanted to continue, but I'm about to leave for work so I won't be able respond to posts, see any responses you guys make or any new thread you start for another 9 or so hours.
Thread 1.1 is up!

Posting your characters in should be a simple matter of having your characters arrive. Your post can include your character's happenings since the beginning of that morning, and you can interact with whomever is already present.

Also, this is the last entry point for whomever had wanted to join the Byakuren plot but couldn't (for some reason or another) participate. I plan, by next wednesday, move the plot onward. If these people have not posted for themselves by then, I will be moving the plot onward and that window of entry will be closed indefinitely.

Also, I expect everyone that does make it to be sufficiently present. You may wish to revise my posting guidelines on the wiki, where basically I give you 3 days to reply to a post that needs a response from your PC, and sideline the PC in a long-lasting fashion if I have to do that a second time in a row.
Just so you know, when Eucharis picked up supplies from the Asamoya, we didn't take any mechanical parts, just supplies; specifically we took some but not all of: AMES suits, ammunition, power armor, food supplies. That was 5 years ago in YE 30.
That was then, this is now.

When you have Hanako in charge of a strategic strike pool, with Asamoya a member of a test squadron, that 5 years pass during a time where Yamatai becomes more resource starved, and that you put forward Asamoya being turned into a museum ship... it implies several things.

It was Soresu's plotship. We discussed it, and it was the situation we agreed on depicting the vessel.
Took a few liberties with what I think would've happened at the club. If there are any problems, Konoka, I'll edit. :)
I don't quite get why some of you are posting your characters as taking the shuttle off the planet or just arriving from the shuttle when I was trying to set the stage at the rail station.

How are you going to roleplay with one another when you're not in the same place? That's just going to require you one additional post or me pushing you onward.
Kyoka's lunch proposal can be lampshaded if the other two accept it, and then we can assume they've shared minor career details and whatnot. Just so you know.
Hey, I have no problem if you go and roleplay that dinner.

I do recommend that you make it a JP though (on a Pad, ideally) to post it in one go. Preferably, try to wrap this up before next week so that we can keep everyone present tense and have that 'newfound familiarity' apply as early as possible (especially considering Shinon is Kyoka's direct superior).

Otherwise, lampshading is fine too. I just don't want you guys to avoid the opportunity to have roleplay going between yourselves.
JP sounds cool with me, me and Mog can get on one easily. Not sure about Kimmy, if she wants to be part of the dinner too.
I got busy tonight, and I'll be gone from Thursday on until Sunday evening.

I'll post tomorrow, and I might be able to post Wednesday, depending on my availability.
Eh... I think I'd rather leave Arkase to Fred until I return. I can't think of something for Arkase to do that wouldn't require interaction of some sort.

I may post tomorrow, seeing as it'll be my last day before heading on out on my trip, but after that Fred can take Arkase. Hopefully, the way things are moving it looks like Arkase can pop in right as people are settling into the ship for the mission.
Just post him walking on the shuttle and being quiet. That way you won't miss the plot or anything.

He can be on his own shuttle if you need it that way, although you'll need another post to move him into the main group after you get your time back to do so.
Post for Arkase to come by the other officers at the rail station to give them greetings and then just head over to the reserved rail car to take a seat ought to be enough.

I mean, we can understand you needing to be away for a bit. Just post yourself in and I can just prod Arkase along from there for a bit.