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OOC Black Knights/Byakuren Discussion

What you have there has an interesting perspective, and a wholly different body language.
Yeah that's awesome. Wasn't there one of Saku v.Akiko coming too?
Versus? That's a cool idea, but, right now, I just have one art of Akiko and one of Saku. They'll be up soonish.

I'm really happy the art has received positive reviews! Another character art is in the works now, for our little pink-haired friend.
Konoka: That'd be ME!

Thanks again, Tom. I really appreciate it!

But a Saku vs Akiko thing WOULD make a pretty epic image....
I'd draw it myself, but I'd have no way of uploading it T_T
Hinoto is talking and all, but that's just because you guys are still talking to her. She did invite you to board the ship and get settled.
Fred said:
Hinoto is talking and all, but that's just because you guys are still talking to her. She did invite you to board the ship and get settled.

Yeah. I was wondering why we were loitering. I think my post came like 30 seconds after you made this ooc lol.
Guess it'd be safe to assume Fuyu knows the crew have arrived. If you have anything for me to do before she goes to greet them, Fred. Let me know.
I am driving today so will post later.

Also, we have the Hoshi, right? Since the power armor bays are on the auxiliary ship and we've got the Miharu's armor. Just want to make sure, as I don't think it was explicitly stated and some posts throw a little confusion on the issue.
raz said:
Also, we have the Hoshi, right? Since the power armor bays are on the auxiliary ship and we've got the Miharu's armor. Just want to make sure, as I don't think it was explicitly stated and some posts throw a little confusion on the issue.

Hoshi is there, yes. I thought I actually pointed it out ICly in the very first post of the thread (Celeste's message). I thought I also had Hinoto mention it - was it something I just thought of adding and actually never got to?

Regardless, Khasidel, when you swing by, can you adjust your post accordingly to note that an auxiliary ship is there? I doubt Reika would've not seen it from outside. ^_^;
Went back and checked every post with the Ctrl+F (Find) command looking for the word Hoshi, just to prove to myself I wasn't going crazy again

The only person who mentions the word Hoshi in the current thread is Reika once, and when Fuyu speaks to Moe, saying they'll need the Hoshi to jump-start the main reactors.

I don't see that you've mentioned it anywhere Fred , though Soresu and his character Fuyu obviously knew it was available somehow.
Oh wow. Fail on my part. I apparently just thought of making the mention somewhere and never got to it or just didn't think it'd fit in the dialogue. I know I thought about it, but it seems I convinced myself overtime while never actually getting to it. Even when giving the description of the ship, I didn't emphasize its presence.

Soresu had the advantage of a PMed conversation, but my mentioning it to him didn't make the rest of you clearly aware.

Good thing I have this OoC thread to clear up these kind of snafus. ^_^;

My bad Khasidel. ICly, it should've been obvious to Reika that an auxiliary ship was attached. It being Hoshi is a leap of logic, but not an hard one to do if Byakuren is 'not there'.
Y'know guys, I'd would usually have had given out farmore description posts as feedback your characters... except that I'm used to Byakuren being dead during the weekend.

Suddenly, bevy of weekend posts!

Not that I'm unhappy, but it kind of feels like I dropped the ball there. I'll post something up today (soonish, hopefully).
I'd like to extend a caution about what is generally referred to as 'god moding'.

Basically, please try to avoid controlling the actions of other characters. It's generally best to apply conditionals "If he turned around, he'd have to look down to see the diminutive Koemi" rather than "He turned around, saw no one, and had to look down to see Koemi".

One is a suggestion, the other deliberatingly taking control of the character. I know it's fairly innocent, but it's the kind of thing you never quite know if people will have a fit over or not.

"But you do it!" some might say, but then again, I'm the referee. It's my job to interpret your actions, and I generally do it in the interest of either making your characters look consistently professional and competent as well as move the story onward. If you didn't care for my narrative and credibility as arbiter you probably wouldn't be in my plot. =P
Sorry Fred, I talked with Raz before I posted and asked if I can write those little things for his char. Even had him read it right after I posted and he was okay with it.
Yes, she cooks.

Personally, I find it kind of amusing because I was planning to have her be cooking, and both Reika and Nicholas actually had thought of her in the 'she couldn't be the one stuck doing this' context. =P
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