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OOC Black Knights/Byakuren Discussion



I still have no post besides Khasidel in 1.3 - what gives? Normally, I'd be at the point of autoing characters, but I can hardly auto nearly ALL of you.
Sorry got pre-occupied, I will write a post asap.

EDIT: I will leave Moe out of 1.3 she is an NPC so let's say she sits on the bridge now or something.
I just woke up. Once I drink coffee and get some food I'll be posting.
Shall I proceed with those whom have posted, or should I wait for more? The six day deadline since my opening post is nearly upon us.
Yeah. It's pretty disappointing to stay up all night to make sure my post isn't even more late, only to see that it wasn't really necessary for me to do that.

Here's hoping for some activity.
Never said they could, but they decided to take advantage of the 1 minute period to swap stuff. Since that was plausible and that your crew is self-managed, I just kept quiet about it.

If you want to tweak things, feel free to. I can delay making my own post until slightly later.
Thank Fred, but I shall be fine. Stuff like 50mm gauss won't work against Sarah zesu-armour very well anyway.
If I may helpfully nudge, perhaps progress would be best made by Shinon being posted for again, dividing the five PCs involved in two groups and assigning a leader to each. I betting some are already waiting for you to post to that effect.
One of their enemies would have to be standing directly in the path of the laser beam in order to intercept it and trace it back to its source.

Given proper prep time, an enemy would have to be right on top of the squad anyway to intercept radio communications. I don't appreciate being called out as wrong β€” in a way that isn't public that I cannot address in-character β€” when my character is the most qualified communications specialist aboard and I based my posts off of information freely available on the wiki.

But what ya' gonna do, I guess.

ShotJon said:
I am waiting on Raz, he is still the highest rank. Shinon just gave a suggestion.

Sorry, I didn't think I'd need to reply to Shinon's post. I'll get on that now. Just in case you didn't pick up on it, though, Shinon was given command.

"But you’re going to have to give us more direction than that,” he added as he stepped to flank the Minkan chui, a clear indication that she was in charge."

Reika is supposed to have pretty-much the same basic skill-set and understanding as what you've written for Saiga in regards to communication skills; primarily augmented by her SAINT training. It doesn't say exactly the same thing, but when I wrote the skills originally that was essentially what I was going for (my understanding of how this sort of thing works has changed since I orginally wrote Reika's skills, and I wouldn't word things the same way anymore).

I guess its mostly a difference in opinion and interpretation of available information both on the wiki, and what I understand of how this sort of thing is supposed to work. While I still think what my characters 'thinking' is correct... which is of course essentially what I think is correct . I don't think its worth getting into a heated argument about. :?

I apologize if you believe I stepped on your toes or if you felt how I did things was out of line, Raz. I didn't mean to do anything like that. Let's move along and try to get this thread rolling, shall we?
...which is all precisely why this scenario is not the real thing and a simulation. I expected a certain amount of 'stepping-on-toes-and-getting-used-to-each-other' that needed to be roughed through before you established some proper team chemistry.

So, you can imagine me just standing to the side and whistling innocently as you work to sort yourselves out. In the meantime, I'll plan on how I can deliver gruesome virtual death to your ficticious characters.
Khasidel said:
While I still think what my characters 'thinking' is correct... which is of course essentially what I think is correct . I don't think its worth getting into a heated argument about. :?

I agree, there's no reason to have an argument about anything. Just please refrain from expounding on why my character is wrong when his base "class," as it were, has been "communications technician" since YE 28. The character would not have said a word on the subject if he were wrong.

That's the one you're lookin' for right? lolol
Fred said:
I don't really get it. ~_~

You're known for destruction and killing. -Points to the Poster.- That says they won't be able to withstand what you have in mind. With a Mon Calamari to soften the blow.
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