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OOC Black Knights/Byakuren Discussion

Ah... well...

First point: personally, I think it's too early for any new characters in this plot to get commission work for. I'd typically recommend waiting for the completion of the first mission, or perhaps the second, to know that the character is working out and has a solid place in the universe to be worth the investment. Not that I want to rain on my parade, but not all plots work out.

Second point: Getting this kind of RP done sounds like a good idea. However, I'm personally not ready for it. I really need to get some story stuff Kotori-wise completed so to be sure all my details line up. There's also something you don't know that I'll have to tell you about sometime later, once I'm sure the secret is actually a 'true' secret. =P
Will get a post up when I can; probably tomorrow. Sorry for the delay. Wanted to wait and see if anyone wanted to do anything with Arkase, but since there doesn't seem to be anyone... *shrug* I'll just write a solo bit.

Alright, Fred. Just let me know when to poke Doshii into action and I'll see what can be had.
Ira Reika was not in the Diamonds, she was Eucharis.
Glad to join this plot and look forward to RPing with all of you. Feels good. Those still at SAINT should feel free to interact with my character if you had nothing else planned.
Sorry to doppelpost, but let's get some of you others who were still in the warroom back into this! Find out somewhere to go until the plot catches up. Do some scheming β€” all the characters seem to have multiple beliefs within themselves and intrigue to share, lol.
I sent the people that could be around; played by Sigma, Aendri, Moonman and SSharp; a PM to that effect.
Now all I can think is: A Geshrin, Yamataian, Minkan and a couple of Nekos walk into a bar filled with drunk war veterans? What happens?
raz said:
Now all I can think is: A Geshrin, Yamataian, Minkan and a couple of Nekos walk into a bar filled with drunk war veterans? What happens?

A bar fight, or tasteful shenanigans.

Also, Fred. Fuyu is submitted. But like I said in the thread, your input will be helpful in regards to her inventory. Military or civilian etc etc since we haven't made it quite clear yet if she is able to have military grade kit or not.
That's very good Soresu. Fuyu's entry will happen sometime later, as we've discussed previously.

* * *

Raz, feel free to move the PCs that are active to your chosen locale.

SSharp, I'm happy you showed sign of presence. Keep it up.

* * *

Activity warning:
Tom's last Saku post was Sep 25
Aendri's last Susuyu post was Sep 19
Sigma's last Izumi post was Sep 18
Moonman's last Sho post was Sep 15

If you were interested in participating in this plot, I expect that you have the post rate to match that interest. We're at a juncture at the plot's very start where you could have your characters interact more, but what I see - with leeway accorded for real life circumstances - are people whom do not seem interested in being active. This is where you could be bringing them to life and having fun roleplaying them; what are you waiting for?

Here are my expectations -
I expect my players to check in to post 3 times a week. After all, it's something you're supposed to want to do!

As it's not my job to play your characters, after half-a-month, I'll be sliding your characters aside so that they don't get in the way and free the players that are active from the inconsistency of excess weight.

After a month, expect to be booted. I can only wait and prod you for activity for so long. As is, tomorrow - wednesday - is the day my foot gets down on the two-week limit.
I've been looking over recent Byakuren posts and for some reason can't stop laughing.
To recap:
-Konoka is high on espresso,
-the Officer Dudes (Ira, Nicholas, Arkase) plan on getting drunk,
-Sune has a crazy warehouse full of scientific awesomeness,
-And Izumi thinks everyone is stupid.
LOL this is shaping up to be a great RP.
Fred said:
Raz, feel free to move the PCs that are active to your chosen locale.

I've done this. Since Sigma broke off, that only leaves Aendri's character. Left it open to his choice whether he wants to be there in my post.
Actually, there's Moonman's character - Sho - as well.

Moonman PMed me with mention that he'd try to jump in once he found a good opening ICly to do so.
Oh, right, of course. Same thing applies.
My apologies. Already told raz, but I was trying to post tonight, and just got told I'm driving to a different state instead about thirty minutes ago. My post will come either tomorrow morning, or possibly late tonight if I'm not exhausted at that point.
My plan for Izumi is to keep her a bit more distant so that she remains more of an observer, seen but unheard. Social stuff isn't her forte. And yes, she thinks everyone she's met so far isn't applying that chunk of meat referred to as a brain.
Potential for some good debate between her and Susuyu if they ever actually talked. Just because of the difference in opinions, since Susuyu is of the opinion that if your leader isn't okay with being questioned and watched, they shouldn't be the leader.
Just remember that most of Raz's posts assume that there are more than just his character and Ira's. Arkase is probably along, even if SSharp hasn't posted for him. This leaves plenty of room for other people to post themselves in with a modest narrative (it's easy to keep quiet when it's mostly the two officers that do the chatter) - Susuyu and Sho, anyhow.

Izumi keeping herself apart is fine. I won't demand postage when the character is being deliberatingly sidelined.

* * *

Also, for Khasidel's benefit: it's probably fairly easy to communicate back to the SAINT HQ and get an update on where the others have gone with the 'other Chusa'. If you mean to join in with the others at the 'Hot Tub' it's fairly easy to get a cab and wheel over there in roughly the same time.

Also, as a reminder: Celeste provided with 4 potential locale clues of Kotori's whereabouts could be found: the Samurai House is where Kotori's samurai mother could be found, the Empress' Palace was where she slept until the assassination attempt, the Imperial Palace is where she worked as Yuumi's aide, and finally the Miharu House in Ralt is where Kotori's closest allies reside.
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