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OOC Black Knights/Byakuren Discussion

Okay post edited. That should do it I think?


High-ho, high-ho, it's off to work I go...
Sleepy-sleep time. Should be able to write a response sometime tomorrow morning before the start of my work shift.
Yes that certainly deserves a fanfare!

(Now let's hope that Kotori doesn't sick those few Leasts she has on somebody... )

@Khasidel - a precision: Kotori's hair no longer seems to be greying. At the point where Tom had carried her off towards cover and that Nyton psionically "boosted" her, either the hair was volumetrically recolored, or whatever was causing the gray got fixed too.

I'm going to loosen the "posting round" combat format to something more relaxed. Basically, post whenever, though try not to go on a posting spree which will leave others behind by too much.
Yeah. The K7C's landing struts are a wheeled tripod. Odette can improvise something without it being too much of an issue.
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