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OOC Black Knights/Byakuren Discussion

In defense of Nimura, Fred doesn't actually know the ship's actual size yet either. Scale is still not finalized. I know how big my torpedo launchers and escape pods are... I'm just not sure the rest of the ship matches that along with its projected deck count yet.
Not even in your plot but since I'm not reading any others at the moment I just felt the urge to say the line about eggshells was pretty cute. Is that a reference to her being a bad cook that messily cracks eggs or just a reference to being a super soldier that finds most things pretty breakable?
Nimura is probably one of the better cooks amongst the Miharu sisters.

I suppose Nimura is just not very impressed with the solidity of eggs. Why use something as an example of resilience (arches/domes) when people are usually so concerned about them being fragile and breaking?

Nimura: "Sometimes, people are silly."
Nimura: "..."
Nimura: "Most of the time, people are silly."
Nimura: "..."
Nimura: "People are always silly."
Hey, it's Nimura's opinion.
Don't see much of a point coming back to question it OoCly when it's already established that she's peculiar.
I'm a fan too. My Neko would probably love to chat with Nimura. Nyton messing with her name is the kind of fun he'd try to have with such a serious detached person. People you can get to routinely scowl at you with disgust or murderous intent make some of the best waifus.
I'm working on a reply, just give me a bit while I squeeze in typing while working on a school paper and chores with my family.

Finally got my reply done. Had to do some Wiki updating. Sorry it took so long. Thanks for the patience.
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Tom'll walk out of the scene regardless of people telling him to stay at the table. After something like that, he needs a second to resituate himself.
I need more postage to feed the postage machine.

Also, I'd like to remind you that we need to have your character bios updated.
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