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OOC Black Knights/Byakuren Discussion

@Nyton @Doshii Jun

Yukari and Nyton experience handicap in a frustrating way as the Shadow Viper machine proves quite capable of outmaneuvering them. Technician workers familiar with the CAMIE could perhaps have given a decent showing of themselves just on account of familiarity with their vehicles - but the duo has none of that. The comparison of them handling this like drunken clowns might be unkind, but so far it's proving close to the truth.

In the meantime, the others have reached the end of the road - now the only way to go is up. Tom might have a sneaking suspicion - considering his familiarity with the restauration business/cooking-on-a-large scale that his group have begun navigating through the backstore of the food court.
That's all good. They're not the best for the job, but Tom's too important to risk on this. That's why you got soldiers!

Also, FYI: This coming weekend, I will not be readily available. Grandmother (father's side) turns 100, grandfather (mom's side) is to be buried.
@Doshii Jun @Nyton

Nyton has a shiny and shinies a crazy shiny to shine the shiny except despite the ensuing shiny, the shiny is unfortunately not so shiny. Or at least, not as shiny as he shinied, despite it pretty darn shiny still.

Yukari: "Of course it wouldn't be. When is it ever?"
Nyton: *sigh* "Do not pass Go, do not collect 50 shinies."
Yukari: "...I'm going to pretend that made sense. Like the rest of Fred's OoC post. Which didn't."

Also... if this keeps up, we might just invent ShinyTalk, a variant dialect to SmurfTalk.
@Doshii Jun @Nyton @Tom @Khasidel

The denouement of Yukari and Nyton's struggles against the Shadow Viper M7 end thread 2.4 and conclude in the beginning of thread 2.5 which I just started.

I transplanted part of a previous post Khasidel and Tom haven't responded to over to thread 2.5 so where to reply remains clear for them.
at the end of 2.4, when I wrote that Nyton was seeing the Reaper... by 2.5, I was actually implying he'd confused Nimura for the Reaper.
Oh well.
Oh no, when he sees the reaper he sees the Reaper. I got what you said and the play was cool. I might go back and adjust that. For cool points.
Shiny! Also, sorry for not yet replying. Still mobile for a couple days. I might have time during a long drive tomorrow.
Thanks for posting.
However, I'm left with little to answer you with if Reika just says what she will do and doesn't actually do it.
Unless you want to give Suzume and Tom a chance to provide opinion (though Reika is in charge and both already deferred to her)
There; hopefully that is sufficient. Sorry about that -- was going to more-or-less let Suzume or Tom have a chance to speak up, but with this, you can move things along.
Khasidel told me he was pausing for a few days to give @Tom a chance to catch up, evne if it's just thought bubbles.
@Nyton @Doshii Jun @Tom @Khasidel
Next GM post is up!

Reika's group manage to reach the train docks, but an unpleasant surprise rears up its head.

In the meantime, Nyton just cannot catch a break. Wherever Yukari leads him, it's always so cold! It's always been like this; even in the beginning of their relationship, she's always given him the cold shoulder.
I swear, whatever videos you link to always come up as not being allowed in the U.S. What's our problem with Canada?

I'll be unavailable this Sunday and possibly Monday. I'm getting in a visit to friends before spring time. I will have my phone.
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