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RP: Bloody Claws (Bloody Claws) First Period - The Beginning and Arrival

Sylik slowly, methodically rose from his seat and over to the daur, datapad dangling from his hands.

"Ah. . . Sorry about that," he explained, pointing the empty slot in the top of the device at Ra'chel.
Ra'chel looked and nodded. "Not a problem. Hope it still works," holding out the e-pen to Sylik. She could see the maneufacter name on the datapad was the same as digital e-pen was. "I ...huh .. stepped on it."

Aka'ashe'na smiled nervously as she watched the two students, here's hoping this school year is a good one... at least it'll be the first time I'll be in my own school again and not in a backup one..


In the cockpit, the ships three aviators - one pilot and two co-pilots, were at the controls monitoring the various stats of the ship. "What's our current heading and speed?" asked the head pilot as he stared out the ships cockpit.

"Current heading is 137N, speed is just under 348 KPH," responded one of the co-pilots. "We are making good time, should arrive at the space port in under ten minutes."

"Multiple rader detected, cross-signatures identify them as nav-buoys," remarked the other co-pilot. "Although it seems one of the buoys is moving."

"There is a slight breeze coming from the south," said the pilot. "The buoy's stabilizers might be offline, go ahead and send a report to the tower and let them know one of their buoys is errant."

"Done," the second co-pilot said as they accessed the ships communications system and began to send a message out.
Sylik titled the datapad so the end of the pen was back in its slot, then flicked backwards, causing it to pull out of Ra'chel's hands and slide back into the tablet neatly.

"S'okay," he assured, clicking the off button. "These things were made to be pretty strong."
"Nice!" Ra'chel watched with fascination at the antics of the pen. "Bet that cost a lot." As she looked at Sylik. "I'm Ra'chel. You are?"

"This is odd..." said the second co-pilot as they stared at the radar screen, with their hands up against their headset. "According to the tower, all of the nav-buoys are showing up as green across their boards."

"Then could it be perhaps a low flying craft?" asked the pilot.

"Possibly, it isn't uncommon for private craft to fly low to the ocean if they are only going from one point to another that is close... eh, won't worry about it," the second co-pilot said and leaned back in their chair, not noticing a second blip on the screen that was fast approaching from beneath and to their starboard side.
"Deli'nat Sylik," the laibe replied, his tail flicking up and down. His yellow eyes once-overed the Daur, noticing her badge. "Ah, we're in the same group. . . though I'm in a higher grade."

He gestured to his own badge and purple cowl.
"Oh.nice to meet you Deli'nat." Ra'chel was wearing just only her normal street clothes, plus her weapon roll, as she was one of the few who hadn't been issued any yet. "This is Aka'ashe'na," Pointing in her general direction. "You two probaly all ready know each other. As this is my first time to this Academy." Giving a warm smile as her eyes lit up with pride in her accomplishment in getting accepted.
Aka'ashe'na could only smile at this exchange, as she continued to lean up against the window. Her back against it, she didn't notice a sudden pulse of light appear at a distance from the ship, this light gradually grew brighter.. and closer.. with each passing second.

"Anything to eat?" one of the attendants asked as they rolled a food cart up to the group.
"Deli'nat's my family name. Just call me Sylik," he said his eyes flicking over the food trolley. "And this is my first year here, actually."

After around a minute of examining the offerings, Sylik went for some simple rolls, bundling three in the crook of his arm while he nibbled on a fourth.
"My apologies, Sylik," Ra'chel spoke as she helped herself to a more healthier selection of foods offered and moved to a seat to sit while eating. She sat facing the window spotting the light outside in the darkness. "My family name is Bush'tail'Sui'yrena." Watching the light getting closer as she glanced at the other two. "Look.... there is an air bouy marker." Excited as she sees her first air bouy, unknowing it was something different. She took a bite of her food.
Aka'ashe'na blinked a few times before glancing over her shoulder at the approaching light, the young girl cocked her head curiously to one side. "That's odd, nav buoys aren't supposed to approach a ship, in fact.. they are supposed to move 'away' from one to avoid a mid-air collision," the kit continued to stare.
Ra'chel ate as she watched the light and Aka'ashe'na as she ate. She hoped there would be no crash as it was along way down to the ground. A lot of people would get hurt if that happened. "Should we alert someone?"
Sylik shrugged.

"I'm sure the flight controllers are aware of this. They usually have a close eye on their radar and stuff," he said, remembering a field trip he took when he was in Ra'chel's grade.
Ra'chel nodded as she ate her breakfast with manners, yet it was finished quickly. "Are you a teacher or a student?" She looked at Sylik, dismissing the what was outside.
"Student, of course. I'm an I'oshen," he said, gesturing again to the purple cowl he wore. "I start taking more advanced classes this year, so hopefully it all turns out well."
"I just hope I live up to the schools high standards is all. Those acceptance exams were a killer."" She looked at the cowl he wore. She didn't have any of the school uniforms yet as this was her first time there.
"Hmmm?" Aka'ashe'na looked away from the light and toward the two students. "Entrance exams for you two? Huh," she hadn't heard of invitees being given those exams, in fact, invited students were typically permitted into the academy without taking any exam at all as their scores and such were provided by their previous school. Huh, wonder if the student council changed that.. they are always making changes without much notice.... as that thought crossed her mind, however, her eyes would momentarily looked back out the window... the light was gone.
"Huh? I never said anything about exams," Sylik replied, cocking his head at Aka'ashe'na.
Aka'ashe'na, "uh oh? Sorry," the young kit laughed nervously. "I thought you had also taken the exam," she was a bit embarrassed for making that assumption.
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