Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

RP: Bloody Claws (Bloody Claws) First Period - The Beginning and Arrival

Ha'lei looked up from her fish since it was so large and easy to notice she felt that she could take her eyes off him. She then headed back to their table, at least what was previously their table. When she got their she was confused and started looking around quickly in a panic, it seemed like the young Daur did not notice that they had moved locations.

Cy'jiro was rather quick to pick up on this and moved over to Ha'lei before she began to cry and gave her a pat on the back before making several gestures with a fore paw and his tail. which were replied to with more gestures from Ha'lei who then climbed on his back. He smiled and carried his foster sister to the new table.

"You have to tell me when you move somewhere else" Was the first thing Ha'lei said in a loud voice once again, speaking to the whole table.

"Ha'lei, it's time to lower our voice." The brother responded to her.

"B-But" Her reply was softer, but she looked worried at the notion of speaking softly.
As everyone was being seated, the waitress would place a menu in front of everyone; but for Ha'lei she handed her a menu meant for a youngling, different from those that the rest of them got. "Can I get you all anything to drink?" she asked, pulling out a pad and getting ready to write down their drink orders, which would be anything from soda, water, and tea although alcohol was presently forbidden to the Bloody Claw students due to their upcoming medical exams.

Aka', despite hearing what the waitress had said, stared at Ha'lei with a cat-like smile on her face - she was already falling in love with the youngling.
Vin'cent stared after Ra'chel, not entirely convinced she was alright. Traditionally, patients suffering from mental trauma either needed encouragement or simply space. However, this seemed to call for space, as the more springy Daur seemed to wish to work on her issues alone. Oh well. When the waitress asked for his drink of choice, he started to skim over the beverages available to them on the menu. "I suppose since I'm indulging with the pizza, I'll take a soda. Thank you." He turned to Aka' with a smile. "So then, madame president, what is the plan for our class?"
Vin'cents words had broken Aka's locked gaze and the Kit turend toward her fellow classmate. "Well, tomorrow we have medical exams to take care of; so we'll be at the health clinic for most of the day, and anyone who hasn't gotten their uniforms will also be going in for fittings and that just tomorrow, we'll be busy for the next few days getting things ready for school to start; we still have students who haven't arrived as well for our class but semester is scheduled to start in eight days so we should be ready by then." The class president let out a sigh, streching her arms ahead of her before turning them inward.
"I thought we was done with that already?" Ra'chel spoke. Turning to the waitress when it was her turn to order. "Dogwood Tea, hot, no sugar, but a drop of cream would be nice." Glancing at the menu, "8 inch Steak medium done, potato with butter and gravy and salad." Without looking at the menu. She had already looked one over before they was shown their table and knew what she wanted.
"Beer, please. Big." Bu'lla ordered casually.

He indicated with his hands the size of the bottle he expected. Judging by the distance between his palms for the height of the bottle, he expected at least a liter of alcohol to be brought to him. He peered down at the menu imperiously and sniffed in disdain.

"I believe my order has already arrived in the kitchens, I await it with anticipation." He finished, closing the menu and passing it courteously to Kaui next to him.
Ha'lei looked up and her ears twitched, she felt herself being watched and noticed it was Aka. Aka was smiling so the youngling felt she hadn't done anything bad, but the staring was embarrassing, so she pulled her puffy tail up to cover her face shyly. When Aka stopped staring then Ha'lei came out from behind her tail but she was confused now, it seemed the Daur no longer knew what was going on.

Before she could panic though her always careful bother lifted the menu to her eye level so she could see it. "We are ordering drinks." He spoke in a deliberate tone, making sure to enunciate each word carefully.

Ha'lei quickly calmed down at her brother's actions and smiled widely, but then looked around at everyone and heard their orders and her ears drooped just a bit. To her everyone looked like a grown up, and grown ups ordered grown up drinks, and what she wanted was something grownups would call a baby drink, at least that was what she thought.

Cy'jiro looked over Ha'lei's shoulder eyeing the drink portion of the menu, it took a moment but he noticed what the problem was, seeing that Ha'lei's favorite drink was on the kid's menu but would not likely be on the adult's menu. So he spoke up to the waitress. "Also two milks, one of them with Yuka'shane syrup in it."

Ha'lei's eyes grew wide and were practically sparkling when she heard the last portion of what her brother said. If someone else ordered milk she didn't feel like a child any more for wanting it. So she gave her brother a hug and giggled, some, tail swishing around in glee.
"Yuka'shane? They serve that here?" Ra'chel gave a delighted smile. As she turned to waitress, "Cancel the tea and change it to hot milk with Yuka'shane syrup and whip cream on top." She didn't care what other's thought. She loved the stuff when she was young pup and it was treat to behold.

She gave Cy'jiro a smile for mentioning it. The stuff was good in hot milk and whipcream. This was what she needed. Some comforts of home away from home after a horrible incident. Then her smile faded quickly as she looked out the big window at the view of the city.
Kaui took the menu. "Flavored water, I don't care what flavor it is so long as its flavored." She says bluntly before looking over her menu before biting her lip a bit and then takes a breath. "I would like one Pit'ee Burger, Mi'nee salad, and Po'sae Shrimp." Holy crap thats a large order, especially considering the Shrimp alone feeds ten people. She didn't seem to mind though, she intended to eat all of it, and keep all of it in her belly, she needed the energy. She nods to Bu'lla in thanks as she passes the menu to the next person, which happened to be Cy'jiro.
Cy'jiro received the menu and nodded softly "I think I'll be fine with just the fish pizza we're sharing." He moved to pass the menu on, over Ha'lei.

The young Daur realized food was being ordered as well and she got excited, and tried to get the waitress' attention. "Lady, Lady." She stood up in her seat and tried to climb over everyone to get out of the booth and then pointed at the very large fish, that was larger than her and that her eye had judged as a quality fish. "I want to eat that fish. Can you put him on the pizza?"

Cy'jiro sighed at this, if they put that fish on the pizza it wouldn't be a pizza anymore, but he would wait to see what the waitress does, instead of butting in right now.
Glancing up at the waiter, the girl raised a curious eye-brow at Bu'lla. "We can't serve you any alcohol right now," she remarked and looked back down at her pad. "Please pick something else."

She then turned her attention to Ha'lei. "My aren't you a cutie," she beamed a smile at Ha'lei before looking at the fish that was on the menu, causing her to raise her eye-brows for the second time in less than a minute. What is up with these Kits today? she asked herself mentally. I must've gotten the insane group again...

"Umm, that fish 'might' be a bit too big, considering that its six meters long..."
Bu'lla's tongue clicked in an unamused fashion as the waitress looked at him, his eyes staring impassively. Finally, he got up from the table slowly.

"Please, excuse me for five minutes. Continue your orders." He addressed the table calmly.

He left his napkin in front of his seat as a sign of his intent to return before making his move. Not towards the exit like Kaui and the others might expect, but diving straight over the balcony. faint splash could be heard as he landed in the ornamental pond outside. An extreme measure, to be sure, but probably the only way to avoid any chance of being intercepted while exiting.
Ra'chel watched Bu'lla disappear over the railing, wide eyed. She gave a yip of of dismay. He seamed like a suitable replacement for Kata, her joint family sister. She wanted to follow him, yet she knew he needed time to himself.

Besides, if he wanted her to tag along. He'd made some sort of signal to her tag along with him. She settled back in her seat and looked over the rest of the group that was there.
Aka' was once again pale when she saw what Bu'lla did - geez - this Kit would be the death of her. Of course, the looks from some of the other patrons made her ponder what exactly people were thinking - even the waiter seemed rather dumbfounded at what had happened.

"Kit's these days, always in a rush," one of the patrons could be heard saying from a table over.

"Mommy, can I do that?" another patron, obviously a young kit, could be heard.

"No dear because it is very rude," said the Kit's mother.

The father obviously saw different. "She'll get to that age of wanting to try things," the man could be heard taking a sip from his beverage.

Had the table with the Bloody Claw students, Aka' sighed and looked up at the Waitress. "Uh-umm... I think that'll be it for now," she managed to say - although it was quite clear that Aka' was rather embarassed at what had gone on.

The waitress gave her best smile. "I shall return with your food then," and left to put in the order.
Kaui just stares in shock, and probably a bit of Awe. She wondered if Bu'lla even had parents at this point or if he was raised by a pack of albino warf-rats. She slowly slipped further into her seat obviously more than a little embarrassed by his actions covering her face with a napkin in the process as she groaned out.
Ha'lei began to think on how she could get this fish on the plate, she was serious about eating it, but when she imagined 6 meters of fish on the pizza it did not look as if it would work out well. The kit was in fact so lost in thought that she did not notice Bu'lla's actions.

Cy'jiro did notice them however and was beyond the point where he could feel embarrassed by such actions, the fish was embarrassing, jumping out the window was something he could only pretend as if it never happened and move along.

Turning his gaze to Aka' quizzically "They..can not bar us from returning right? Since it's affiliated with the school they wont kick us out after just one night?" His tone was hopeful of course not wanting to be kicked out from a restaurant on his first visit there.

"I got it!' Spoke Ha'lei in an excited tone. "You make the fish the crust!" She was ecstatic as if she had come up with a brilliant compromise, but when she looked up the waitress was already gone and all her thinking had gone unrewarded. The daur kit looked down somewhat dejected, and for once her brother did not notice her mood change.
Ra'chel gave a soft yipping giggle at Ha'lei's idea. It was very unique and this ought to be remembered. Maybe she'll try it out back at the house once everyone was settled in. This was going to be a very interesting school year.
When Bu'lla landed on the ground, he was right away spotted by one of the towns security officers - but the officer, who had to do a double take upon seeing the Kit land from a few stories up, didn't seem to be to bothered by what had happened and leaned up against the pole he had been leaning up against just moments earlier. "Damn Kits, always doing dangerous things," said the officer, as he turned his attention toward a group of other Kits who 'were' causing problems, pushing off the pole, straightening his hat, and then walking toward said group.

Meanwhile, other people seem to be watching Bu'lla with interest.


"Here are your drinks," said the waiter as she placed the ordered drinks on the table, her gaze shifted toward Ha'lei when she noticed the younglings expression. "Something wrong?" she asked.
Vin'cent proceeded to awkwardly pick up his drink and sip out of the container, a bemused expression on his face. "Interesting fellow." He commented from the corner of his mouth. He couldn't really figure Bu'lla out. Perhaps he simply had no regard for self-worth or preservation, maybe he was willing to find a rush even if it costed him his life? No matter, the Laibe had shown he had no wish to affiliate with Vin'cent past Bloody Claws and school, (which was respectable) so he wouldn't pry into his business. The student glanced at Ha'lei and the waitress when he placed his drink on the table. "Madame, she would like a certain fish to be included in the meal in some fashion. Could something be arranged?" Vin'cent explained on the little girl's behalf.