Ground Level, Right Side
Slow to react, Katya didn't have enough time to unsheath her knife and attack the man with the rusted pipe at the same time. She could see the white of his eyes through the rags, and all he had to do was raise his weapon again and bring it down and brain her. To add insult to injury, there were still the other denizens behind the second pile of cover who were firing. Only something short of a miracle could get her out of that predicament.
Lucky for her, that did happen. Before her opponent could bring down the metal pipe, a second person was on in, using her rifle like a spear and stabbing him on the side. Since his arms had been raised to bring his weapon down, that just gave Jaina the opportunity to spear him right through the ribs and through the important organs there. The effect was almost instantaneous. Katya's aggressor fell down among the bodies, tried to get up, and then collapsed again.
With a quicker reaction, Duncan's forehead connected to something more frail, probably the person's nose, and he could feel something give away from the blow and crack. It was hard for him to tell with all the rags and dirt. Whatever he hit, the effect was instantaneous, the assailer grabbing for his shotgun let go of it with a moan, bringing his both hands to his face. That gave the mercenary the opportunity to get a hold back on his weapon and violently swing its stock around to connect with the second hostile's -the one grabbing onto his vest's straps- jaw. With the dry crack of something breaking, something wet spilled against Duncan's face.
To his side, the ragged man he had headbutted was starting to recover, but he simply collapsed back down when one of his own behind hit him with their fire. He and the other three mercenaries were right in the open in front of their fire, and there weren't any more opponents to stop it.