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RP: Bounty Hunts [Bounty 4] Firestarters

Warehouse, South - Office

"Oh fuck! Get your asses out!" Salem shouted as he yanked the mercenary besides him out from cover, nearly tossing the man towards the exit. He would make a mad dash himself towards the hole in the wall, vaulting over any obstructions with the intent on saving his skin from being sun dried times a thousand. Hopefully they would all be out before the room decorates itself in a fiery fashion.

Shutdown growled but realised this was the perfect time for her to escape, she grinned and slowly made her way towards a window but saw the Neko may need some help and sighed as she moved back into the warehouse and looked around trying to see if she could distract the gang. She moved to some crates that were close to her "Well being chained isn't going to help but I have to be able to do something" she hand an idea and shouted "David that power armour is going to collapse and won't be able to move with all of shots into it, quickly get out of your going to be useless."
Office Building, Second Floor
Danny kept his finger on the trigger, anticipating resistance. When a bullet struck him in a plate in the chest and forced the breath out of him and through his mask, he realised that there was no cowering these people, and no reason to knock . Fortunately, there were many ways to stop them at his fingertip. He pulled the trigger and let out a short burst into the thug's chest.

He then stepped in and swung the barrel towards a second thug in the room who had the sense to , pulled the trigger - and heard a click. Gun was empty, but there was no time to hesitate. Danny dropped the submachine gun and let it hang by a strap, falling to his hip with a clatter as he drew his pistol, flicked the safety off - and started firing with double-action firing at the centre of mass. He knew he'd cop some hell in return but he was going to give hell right back.
Warehouse - South, Office

Duncan saw the same as everyone else in their cramped oil covered office. They were about to recieve a literal warm welcome. He heard and saw Salem dash from the room and nodded in approval that he pushed his comrade with him.

"Everyone get out! Follow Salem this place is gonna burn," Duncan yelled as he fumbled for one of his smoke grenades. He stood and lobbed the grenade outwards into the mix of catwalks and enemies. The cover might be enough to ensure they all got out in one piece.

Although he was shaking from the firefight and ready to haul out of there to relative safety Duncan took a moment to scan the office and make sure that everyone had made it outside. He then followed his instincts and made a line out through the crumbled wall at the back of the office.
Office Building, Second Floor

Kendra frowned as she slowly followed Danny into the hallway. She wished, she had her shotgun, but it was simply not possible to take it with her on the job. She also be careful, there was a precious data in her backpack. If it would catch a bullet, it would be over.

The snake-woman followed Danny and as he neared the doorway and caught a bullet, she jerked back a bit because of the bullets flying around. It seemed Danny's armour took it though, since he started to fight back. Since there was not really a room for two in the doorway. So Kendra was quite okay with staying in the hallway, with her 10mm pistol in hand, covering her allies.

Office Building, First Floor

Jaina followed Desmond downstairs, her rifle at the ready. Her merc followed them. He remained back, covering the stairs and the hall in case some of the mobsters would climb down from the 2nd floor and though of flanking the hunters.

Jaina took position at window next to Desmond and braced her rifle for combat. She knew it probably won't do that much to a PA, but if you throw enough shit on the wall some of it is going to stick. Plus her rifle had high enough caliber to make the enemy at least flinch or damage some secondary systems. The woman got ready as she saw her mercs starting to pour out of the hole in the warehouse.
Office Building - Second Floor

Rathe dropped to prone as the shot ripped through his side and out of his back, the hunter feeling a sharp pain and a familiar trail of warm blood seeping out of the Nepleslian. Getting safely behind cover, Rathe set his backpack down and stripped his jacket and vest off, peeling up the wet black undershirt to apply gauze and a tight bandage wrap around his abdomen and lover back, keeping pressure on the wound to keep precious blood from being lost.

After treating the bullet wound, the medic threw the vest and jacket back on and packed his supplies away in the backpack, loading it back onto him as he hoped the shot didn't rupture a kidney or an intestine. After all, those were a lot more complicated than a torn muscle or two. Rathe scanned the room for anyone, friendly or not, and called out to Danny. "Hey D, I'm hit! Got the rooms clear?" the Nepleslian asked aloud, his shotgun ready to finish off anyone left who wanted to get the jump on him.
Bill merely offered a sardonic salute to the crowd of onlookers. He was entirely too old for this, but there was no point in saying that out loud - he might jinx it. Instead, he turned his eyes to the scene of carnage, shotgun held at the low ready. The gangers still held a commanding position in the warehouse, and as long as that... thing, that scrap metal monstrosity lived, they would probably continue to do so.

He sighed. He was too old for this, and more importantly, completely inadequately armed. He could hit the PA, sure, but he couldn't do anything to it, just like everything else that had gone up against it. His position was also untenable - no opportunities. He sighed. From what he could see of the other side of the warehouse, there wasn't much salvation to be had there either.

His reverie was shattered by a grenade explosion, and a girl was flung back from an opening in the warehouse wall, deposited roughly onto the ground by the explosion's tender mercies. Tactically speaking, helping her did nothing to help his current problem, but he bolted into the courtyard all the same, slinging his shotgun, running with his pistol in his right hand, muzzle to the sky. He covered ground surprisingly fast for some so old, grabbing the girl with oddly pointed ears by her collar and dragging her from the hole in the wall she'd been so rudely exploded from. The gun she had on her was strange, something Bill had only seen half-glimpses of years ago on the news, an... Invoker? Invigorator?

Impaler, that was it. Breathing heavily, having dragged her a distance from the crude portal, he was almost back where he started, but now with... she had to be a Neko. Bill was sure of it. Just who were these people fighting this gang? Street hoods on Nepleslia using Yamatai's finest to extort protection money? It just didn't make sense. Perhaps this was some kind of mercenary firm.

"Hey. Hey, you alright?" Bill said, to the concussed Neko, at a loss for what he could do for her medically. If the scuttlebutt was true she'd heal herself better than anything. "You uh. You ate a grenade."
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Warehouse - North side

The explosion came as a surprise. That didn't happen to Amanozako much. She thought that one over as she tumbled through the air, felt the heat and pressure from the explosion. One moment she was crouching behind cover after getting in an attack on the PA, then next, BOOM.

Her time to think was short though, as she was closely acquainted with the concrete. Her armor took the brunt of the impact, the NMX battle armor getting torn torn up badly, though protecting her vitals from trauma.

She was sure she was out for a bit of time, though Amanozako wasn't sure for how long. She came too with someone hovering over her, dragging her out of the line of fire. She didn't recognize the face or voice, it was not someone part of her team.

"I'm fine" She replied, giving herself a quick checkover with her hands. A few scrapes and cuts, a broken rib. Nothing major, her body was already pumping full of painkillers, making her feel just fine. Her armor vest was in tatters though.

Amanozako scrambled onto her hands and feet, crouching as she checked her impaler rifle and HHG's to make sure they were not damaged. Assured of this, she glanced at the man who had dragged her clear, her black furred ears twitching as she reguarded the man. He was obviously now with the gangers, otherwise he would have just shot her, so, who was he?

"Thanks for pulling me free. Who are you?" she asked.
Bill blinked, then opened his mouth a few time, as if he'd forgotten his own name. "Ah, Bill I guess."

He shook his head. That sounded dumb. "My name is Bill. No guessing about it. But, I think further introductions can wait."

The old man smiled, to show there was no rudeness intended. "There's some rude guests over yonder in that building, and wouldn't you know it, they almost killed me. So I guess I'm here to kill them a little in return, that's all. Now."

"We have a common problem." He pointed his finger at the warehouse - he clearly meant the power armor and his buddies within. "Old clankster over there. I saw you try to get close to him, and all by yourself?"

Bill shook his head. "Not gonna happen. You need someone to distract his pals. So I propose a deal - I shoot at his friends, keep them from throwing grenades at you, and you - you get to do what you originally wanted, this time without being exploded."

He held his hand out to the neko, a gesture of goodwill. "Deal?"
Warehouse - North Side

Amanozako eyes the old nepleslian man for a moment, hesitant, always suspicious of strangers, let alone everyone else. But, he had not shot her, he had dragged her out of the line of fire. If he was being honest, she had no issue using his help, and anyways, if he turned on her, she could easily snap his neck before he could do much damage to her.

"Alright" she replied, accepting his offered hand and shaking it.
Warehouse - South

Being the last one out, and also because he had stopped to look back, Duncan didn't manage to get out in time before a gout of flame from the PA's flamethrower entered the room through the broken windows. Instantly, the fuel in there that had leaked out of the shot up barrels and jerry cans combusted, creating an spectacular fireball that sent the Nepleslian flying out of the hole he was standing in until his flight was stopped by the complex's wall opposite to him; he wasn't exposed to the fires for long, which saved him from getting serious burns, but his eyebrows were somewhat singed and his hair was smoking froms pots where it got burnt out.

Inside the warehouse Shutdown had a good view of that as flaming debris from the office exploded around her. Above, the power armor's pilot seemed to completely ignore the mechanic's advice and started lumbering towards the secondary hole that led out, since the entirebuilding was almost entirely covered in flames by that point. It seemed that the power armor was simply going to walk towards the opening and fall into the chasm that had been dug in the warehouse, but at the last moment the backpack shot up a gout of flames, assiting the jury-rigged contraption in jumping across it towards the open.

Office Building

Danny's breach was short and brutal like how these things usually played out. In the span of a few seconds, the masked bounty hunter was inside a room that had several military wooden crates stacked on top of each other. He sweeped the the only corner of it that he didn't have eyes, and was met with one ganger sitting down with his back against the wall and pointing an HBAR from the hip at the open door. Both of their weapons fired out at once, with Danny neatly double tapping the ganger on the head after his EHBR fired a burst at the bounty hunter.

The battle rifle's bullet went everywhere around his silhouette, except for the one bullet that struck him on the chest. While the reinforced plates were enough to stop the bullet, the hole it created cause the deformed metal to stick into the Nepleslian's ribcage painfully like someone was constantly poking a hot knife at the area.

Outside the room, the one mercenary that was left behind got up the stairs past Rathe and made sure every other unchecked corner was clear as the golden-skinned Nepleslian patched himself up.

Below Desmond, Jaina and the merc that was with her had a prime view of the power armored hooligan coming out of the burning warehouse. Despite that the power armor was facing them directly, the bounty hunter started firing with his own battle rifle at the armor as the merc to his side joined him in, puncturing huge dents on the metal plating that covered it. Bits were knocked out as the short magnum rounds impacted it with a brief flash of sparks, and more of the burning liquid leaked out of the armor's backpack.

"Hit the joints," the Nepleslian said to Jaina on the comms as he too tried to hit the knees of the power armor.

Though the best thing was that they still managed to lure the power armor out in the open, where they could strike from several sides.


Near the gate, the crowd that was standing outside to watch the 'fireworks' broke out into a run once they saw the power armor emerge, some of them yelling things like ''grandpa, watch out'' or ''run, old man!'' at Bill in the vain hopes to get the senior competition shooter to get away from the burning inferno that was growing.
South Courtyard

Duncan landed hard against the wall and crumpled to the ground amongst the smoking debris. He blinked several times as he attempted to focus his blurred vision. He barely knew what was going on, as if he had missed the mighty explosion.

The large man grumbled several unintelligible words and moved to push himself up, which only sent the world spinning. He collapsed back to the ground shaking his head to clear the fog from his brain. It seemed like it may be a while before Duncan would be back in this particular fight.
South Courtyard

As the warehouse office instantaneously combusted, Salem had turned around in time to see Duncan gracefully fly out and hit the opposite wall from them at high speeds. Even though Duncan was the one who was slapped against the wall, Salem cringed slightly as he felt it mentally. He assumed the Nepleslian would stand up by himself after that free ride, though after seeing him stumble to the ground after standing, he called for Mack to come help him recover Duncan.

"Mack, help me drag Duncan back to cover, the PA is occupied." Salem would turn to the other mercenaries. "You guys, I don't know your names, but keep up some fire on the PA. I think those guys over there would appreciate some." He referred to the barrage of gunfire erupting from the office building going outwards towards the armor. Briefly after speaking, Salem would rush to Duncan followed by Mack.

Salem would hook his left arm under one of the arms of Duncan as Mack did to the other. Together, they would attempt to drag Duncan back to cover against the wall of the warehouse.
Office Building, Second Floor
Danny stepped away from the room he'd cleared with a few splatters of blood on his chest from the ungrateful ganger he'd taken out, and the dint in his armour having knocked the breath out of him again. Of course, it was better than having the life knocked out of you, but Danny knew he'd be nursing a handful of heavy bruises distributed along his abdomen and his chest. He stepped out of the room and put his back to the wall, breathing hard through his mask and wishing he could dab his watering eyes.

In, count to four, out, count to four. He shook his head a little as he felt how deep the divot in his plate was. "Another two in there," he indicated hoarsely as he inspected the magazine he'd swapped into his Ripshot that'd run dry early, placing it in the lowest pouch on his chest, "the place is a mess." He slid the one of the other magazines out of his chest and counted the bullets using the holes in the back of the magazine. This one wasn't full with about half of its bullets gone, and he still had one magazine left that was completely full.

Loins girded and breath regained, he looked out the window and saw the power armour stomping around outside. Desmond's order to go for the joints was fair enough, but Danny had some reasonable doubts as to the stopping power of a 9mm Styrling shot against power armour - even if he was going to aim for the joints. He clipped his Ripshot to a latch on his back, and drummed his fingers against the hilt of the sword that was resting by his side the whole time, slipping it out a bit as he evaluated whether or not to dive into the fray. That thing had flamethrowers, and Danny knew he wouldn't be able to withstand a front on attack from it without being cooked alive.

He instead looked for a higher vantage point, rather than the Office's second floor, looking for a ladder, or some sort of roof access, trying to remember if he'd seen one earlier during his breaches.
Office Building, Up

Kendra waited for her time. Danny went first, which was fine with her. He had an SMG nad that suit of his. She just had a simple bulletproof vest and a pistol. She was not equipped for room cleaning. Her eyes set up on a merc that got up the stairs and watched over Rather. He kept staring at her for a bit, she nodded at him and he finally decided that she was probably not and enemy or not worth shooting and went back to covering the hallway.

Kendra grabbed her pistol tight and followed Danny through the doorframe, ready to cover him if there was more enemies in the room.

Office Building, Down

Jaina nodded back to Desmond, while she prepared herself. She put a fresh mag on the floor by her knee. It would be faster to grab that, then getting it from the pouch on her vets. As PA went outside, she braced her rille, aimed at its knee joints and started firing in short accurate burts.

"Duncan!?" The merc leader called up on the merc line. "How are you guys doing. Give me some status report, you guys still got that AT rocket?" She obviously did not know of Duncan's fate.
Warehouse - South

Shutdown growled, her voice slightly metallic as she saw what was going and knew that she couldn't stay as she made her way outside, while she walked she tried not to trip over the chains that bind her limbs as she moved as fast as she could. She hated what her body did next as she called out to the Neko or any member of the crew that could help her "H-Hello, anyone out there I could really use someone's assistance."

She whimpers as she reached a opening and tripped scrapping some of her body as all she had was some basic rags, she growled mechanically again. "Why must my body be chained like a filthy animal" She grumbled while she tried to stand up using her servo arm to help with this engagement.
South Courtyard

As Salem and Mack were dragging Duncan back to the wall, Salem would hear Duncan's radio go off. He would let the SMG swing itself from its sling before reaching out to Duncan's radio in order to reply and relay the news, along with other information.

"Salem here, Duncan's in another universe after having his body ejected out of the warehouse and into a wall at high velocity when the damn PA blew the warehouse office to hell. He looks fine except for his hair, can't say about how he feels. Rest of us got out in time. And for the AT, we thought you guys had it, otherwise we would of shot it up his ass when we first made contact. Also we got some type of hostage inside the warehouse, over."

Salem would continue dragging Duncan alongside Mack. He wondered where the hell the AT rocket even went.
South Courtyard

Though he was still mostly dazed Duncan was able to catch some of the communication between Salem and Jaina. He mumbled several times trying to speak coherently, "Mogy...mokey...em ok. Frenk as rukit." Duncan shook his head to clear off a little more fog, "Frank has rocket."

It seemed that his concussion was ebbing and was starting to use his legs more to help the mercenaries drag him to cover. It seems the worst thing affected at the moment was his speech.
"Girl, go! I'm gonna try to turn him around!" Bill shouted to Amanozako.

The situation had gotten crazy. With the power armored hooligan out of the warehouse, there wasn't anywhere left for him to go that wasn't insanely dangerous, aside from legging it from the scrap completely - an idea that didn't even occur to him. He stood up from the crouch he'd assumed when talking to the neko he'd rescued, swinging his slung shotgun into place.

He flicked the safety off, and, with the gun's fancy competition red-dot sight, lined up on the armored hooligan. He let off one shot, then another, three blasts of buckshot from a pump gun so fast that onlookers could've swore his gun was semiautomatic.

"Why must my body be chained like a filthy animal?" he heard from somewhere to his right.

His gun still at his shoulder, he glanced to his side, and spotted a another girl emerging from the fiery inferno of the warehouse, this one bound with... handcuffs?

The old man blinked, his mustache folded into an upside down V with a concerned frown. He moved towards the girl with an odd, sideways shuffle, his gun still pointed at the power armor, walking at a crouch, minimizing his profile. Bill knew there were friendly shooters in the office building, and he was being flagged by all of them right now, but what was he supposed to do? Leave her?

Upon closer inspection, he found that the girl that had stumbled from the warehouse had many of her bodyparts replaced with bionics, and she was dressed like a slave, in rags.

"Hold still you!" He let off another shotgun blast at the armored miscreant, and slung the shotgun once more, pulling out his Zen Arms .357.

Bill took careful aim, and shot the handcuffs binding her legs, the ones that had forced her to walk with such an awkward shuffle. The cuffs neatly parted in the center, the bullet kicking off the ground to lodge itself somewhere in the burning wreck of the warehouse.

"Get up, go on!" He shouted over the din to the newly freed bionic woman. It wasn't exactly a dashing rescue, but it was all he had time for.
South Courtyard

When Duncan regained his speech and spoke clearly enough for Salem to understand, he began to relay the information back to Jaina.

"Jaina, looks like we do have the rocket, someone was holding out on us, over." He'd begin to scream towards Frank after speaking to Jaina through the radio. "Frank! Frank God damn it shoot the rocket at it, what the hell are you waiting for? Light it!"
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