Also, I did some thinking on the USO economic system. It's hardly perfect. In fact, it's an ideal system...that kind of collapses once you apply economic principles.
The government owns the banks, and the banks are the ones that create currency. We can establish this. We can also confirm the fact that the amount of money is finite, as in, every ArcMark is backed by some amount of resource. No inflation, therefore, can occur. Right? Wrong.
The answer why it's wrong is banks. Whenever you store money in a bank, the bank now has your money. It gives out that money in the form of loans. This artificially creates money, which creates inflation...which devalues your currency. Oops!
So, let's restrict loans. Oh, but that can't happen either. Because if you restrict loans, you restrict business development, restricting your economy's potential to grow. So you find it hard to put down that loan for building your gigantic battleship, since then you don't collect money from the populous.
So now what? Kill the banks? Now everyone's just keeping their stacks of cash to themselves. Nothing happens, except for a very occasional trade for food. Remember that the people of 188604, before they were a civilization, were people on a desert planet scrounging for food. They can certainly live off of barely anything, being self-sufficient above all else.
Eventually, you'll have to give into one of our modern-day economic systems. It'll just happen. At best the USO financial system is a temporary measure to get yourself back on your feet, and I don't think funding a battleship is a smart way to get back up.