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Very nice answers. However for a civilised species the idea of the local Elders being decided by who is stronger is possibly a little primative seing as it means that someone with big muscles and a miniscule brain can find himself in a position of power. However I'll asume that their are measures in place to stop this happening (a minimum age for elders, making sure it's a fair fight etc.), and with proper guidlines in place I think it could work quite well (although I would go for a high tempered chess match )

The idea of the governemnt evolving over a long period of time is a good one, and you are setting it up for this planet to be massively old, which is a good thing. It should be noted that an ancient society is not always a very advanced society, but in your case the culture does seem very advanced. By the way do you have any ideas about what kind of technology your race is goinh to use?

Also what happaned to the alien outsiders avter the Altinians had disposed of them? Had they all just died out, or are they still out their, resentfull and brooding?

What sort of powers did the Liberators have? Was it psionic in nature, and if so which psionic powers did they have? It is not neccesarly to state this as the truth may be shrouded or hidden in legend, but the nature of the powers might be hinted at. Also are they genetic? If so that would mean that the royal family which are the blood decndants would have some form of powers perhaps, although likely to be much weaker due to the dilation of genes.

Other than this I just would like to know if the other kids where: Beta, Gamma and Pi
Yes, the current Eldar decides on the type of test. If he wishes for the challenger to lose, he'll pick something the other guy sucks at. Think of it as Elrond being challenged by Popeye, and Elrond decides on a contest of chess. Popeye might win, but it would take a lot. The minimum age required is 25. The challenger has a right to declare half of the rules (if they ar fair ones) and choose location and time of the contest. The physical battles take place usually if 2 people want to succeed the same eldar.

Yes the culture is very old, and quite advanced. The technology question is a tougher one. All I have to base on is Star Trek, Star Wars, Riddick, etc. I would say that they have shielding and Cloaking technology, and that they spent a lot of time and energy developing these. These are a little better than the stuff in the movies. They block better, and you don't see them unless they want you to.
The weapons are another story. Think Klingon disrupters combined with Empire blasters. And Transphasic torpedoes from Voyeger...
These things are powerful, but not "kills everything in their path". They have a limited range, say a few thousand kilometers. And they don't get used that often. Why shoot at you enemies when you enemies CAN'T SEE YOU?

As for the Aliens, they were exicuted for war crimes. Think Auswich kind of war crimes, just without the fire. I've finally (after about 9 years development) named these creatures. They are called LaXarons. They look human, but are VERY VERY psionic. These guys Never talk, they don't have to. Why talk, or paint, or dance... when you can create images in the mind of someone else? These guys can wear away the will power of lesser beings and tried to do so with the Altinians. they usualy have black hair and black eyes. Their planetary domination lasted 5,000 years before the ones planet side were all killed and the ones in space fled.

The powers that the Liberators had varied.
--Alpha had impervious skin and natural wings, with which he could fly. He could also deflect the beams of blast cannons that the LaXarons brought.
--Micha could release solar beams from his eyes, destroying most everything in his path. He also could hide himself from all forms of security, blending in with shadows and walls.
--Aliya was amorphic and could shape herslef into anything she had seen (limited to her memory). She could also recall every language she had heard (including forms of animal speech) and translate.
--Naral could think faster than any computer (faster than Data) and solve poblems better than anyone. He also could channel the power of magnetism, disrupting things that used electricity.
--Omega was the special one. She emitted a sound that caused great pain to the LaXarons. She could teleport as well, to a place a maximum of 30 feet away. She also possesed super strength and could crush a LaXarim hover car in one hand.

** All of the Liberators were telepathic, this being normal for the species. But their telepathy was so powerful that they could delve deep into the mind of another and pry secrets away. Alpha ans Omega were also telekinetic, but could only move things that weight half or less of what they weighed.

It was a genetic change, a powerful and unexpected one. All the royals have a certain power that the Liberators did. Just one power. The current Emperor has the power of telekineses. The genes are not "very" diluted, for the fact that the species was nearly wiped out and mates were scared. Luckily, there was enough genetic diversity to avoid horrible inbred birth defects.

The reasons my character has such weaker powers are these:
1. She inherited several powers and hasn't 'grown into them' yet.
2. They are dorment within her, and she can't access several.
3. Her father married an off worlder (in my creation, the father married a human, so this wil have to be fixed later).
4. She endured such a terrible trauma as a child she is afraid to use what she has.

i just realized i forgot something about the Altinians physiology. i was reading previous posts, and it dawned on me.,.. DUH!!!!!!!!

ok, final ( I hope) thing about Altinian bodies: They're eye color and to a very miniscule degree, their skin color changes color according to how the Altinian feels at the moment. Sort of like a mood ring... whoa that sounded stupid... the mood ring part...
Anyway, I'll post a list of colors in another post.

Just to remind you it is the EYE COLOR that changes drastically, the skin change is so minor you almost can't see it even if you are looking for it.

RED: Anger, Aggression, Embarrassment, Stubbornness, Hostile, Confined, Furious, War-like, May attack, Selective hearing, Disrespectful, use caution when approaching.

FUCHSIA: Passionate anger, Enmity, Hostile, Most likely to lash out at things; not people, but things, May not listen to orders, Disrespectful, Opinionated, Passion, Aggressive.

PINK: Love; with or without passion, Caring, Happy, Cherishing, Desire, Tender, Zeal, Determined, Controlling, Captivating, Compassion, Charity, Can be used as a strategic distraction (seduction).

ORANGE: (or Flesh Tone) Pride, Respect, Cooperative, Obedience, Happy, Acceptance, Positive, Willing to work, Happy to obey, Eager, Sociable, This mood is very susceptible to change.

YELLOW: Extremely Happy, Eager, Excited, Focused, Absorbed in task, Attentive, Modest, Shy, Receptive, Skittish, Ecstatic, Hyper, May be jumpy and very alert.

LIGHT GREEN: Ill, Discomfort, Upset, Pain, Anxiety, Frustrated, Tired, Distress, Anguish, May complain of ailments, May seek medical or other relief, Will ask to be relieved.

DARK GREEN: Severely ill, Extreme pain, Horrendous torture, Great distress, Very upset, May lash out at surroundings, Will seek professional help, Will relieve self if permission is denied.

TURQUOISE: Understanding, Compassion, Mercy, Worried, Sympathy, Sensitive, Slightly shocked, May question authority, ethics, motives, or reasoning.

BLUE: Sadness, Depression, Sorrow, Feelings are hurt, Remorse, Regret, Disbelief, Severe shock, Submission from shock or fear, attitude of "I can't believe you just did that!Ò€
The being a living mood ring certianly gives your race an interesting twist. My only other point is your choice of weaponary which seems a little ... trekie. Not that theirs anything wrong with this as long as you accept Voyager as the best series ever and denounce the heresy that is Enterprise (the prequel series). However their are certain problems with the technology.

For one their are the transporters. Although the technology requirments are possible, that is teleportation, their are two problems. One is that you would need an unholy amount of power to do it, more frankly than is really possible or worth it, and secondly the amount of computer memory and comuting power you would need. Basicly when you transport something you need to make a recording of where every single atom is in the body. How many atoms are their in the body? Exactly. The amount of computing space needed for a single person would be insane, and don't think the Star Army computers could handle it (I might be wrong). However their are other ways of teleportation which I might detail later.

My second point is that although in movies and Star Treck you can see their beam weapons, you wouldn't actualy since they are in space, not going through any medium, and travelling at the speed of light. This means you wouldn't see any phaser or disrupter fire, just the shield crackle, the hull heat or explode etc.

Also do make sure not to call photon torpedoes photon torpedoes if you use them. Call them anti-matter ones which is what they really are. And can you only use Quantum torpedoes (the things they use in TNG) if you understand the scietific concept.

The transphasic torpedoes are very decent, but you may have to compensate for the fact that a lot of races in Star Army use the equivelant of transphasic shielding, i.e. phase themselves out of reality to stop detection and enemy fire. This may dampen their effect somewhat.

By the way are you in fact an X-men or Startreck fan or are you just dropping info about them around. If you are a fan then you may have to get your head around (if it's not already around) the fact that many of the things that happen in these shows/comics/films, would not in fact work. Maybe I'll talk more later.

Also the problem with Star Wars is that the technology is not explained in any way that I've found. Thus you can use the technology, but try to explain how it works (also if you where thinking of light sabers their are serirous problems in the way).
Yeah that would be a problem if intergrated I suppose, although it could be covered by telekinesis (mostly low grad), and limited telepathy/mindcontrol.

A force of Jedi sea cats would be intresting though, if a bit troublesome.

If I'm ever to harsh on Star Wars themes or technology tell me and I'll try to cut down. My problem is that the biggest Jerk in my year (no seriously imagine your years worst jerk while you where at school and multiply it several times) is a raving Star Wars fan. I was sort of disenfranchised by this.

The Altinians aren't going to have a Death star I hope?
As far as me being a Trekkie, I take full pride in that. And since we are being civil, I shall only say that I prefer The Next Generation and will not argue opinions.

and JUST the eyes have a perceptible change of color.

There are no transporters.

I don't see why they would need them.

And the teleportation works similar to Kurt Wagner (Nightcrawler).

It this point I should probably mention that I am an X-Men fan, but I am only using them other sci-fi/fantasy things as a reference which I hope everyone can relate to. That way I don't have to do such HUGE desc. of everything.

I like the idea of invisible weapons. Harder to SEE them coming, unless you have scanners of course.
Ok, I'll change the name of the torpedoes if you like, I just didn't know what else to cal them.

NO, no Jedi sea cats, though that takes on a whole new dimention of weird. And to quote Wes " BAH!" no death star!!! I'm just using the other guys as references, as I mentioned before.


The Altinians can have debilitating illnesses, to answer a previous question. They can have arthritis, crippling diseases, etc. Basically take all the NOT deadly earth diseases and you have what the Altinians can have. THerefore they actually can become a drain on society; arthritis so they can't work and such. My charater has actually had several bouts of Gillian Pnemonia, which is basically regular pnemonia, but it effects the gills not the lungs. This temporarily weakens the immune system and causes breathlessness.


Don't know what else to write......
Keep asking me questions!! I love answering them.
No, really, this is the first time I've ever shared so much of this world with anyone.

Thaxarians (alright i sorta got confused by the title and such but the body ill have no problem understanding...)

The Thaxarians are not native to any specific planet in fact you might have even seen atleast one on any planet you goto. Thaxarians are ussually spotted for there Dark clothing and cloaks making them easy to spot in a crowd. Thaxarians are a secretive race they only speak to those they are absolutly sure they can trust. It is possible to befriend a thaxarian but Thaxarians hate 3 things 1. Vulgarness 2. Stealing and most of all...there food being eaten by birds.

you may think they were a human when they were sitting but when they stood up they measured averagely Seven feet and beneath their cloak. They have Grey skin, A Strange Sword of some kind, and black, white or grey hair. Their eyes are normally a shade of grey but it is rumored that no thaxarian has the same shade of grey for an eye color. Thaxarians unlike some races would rather die than to give in to slavery.

Thaxarians Like to fight in Close Range combat and Hand to Hand combat although very VERY few perfer ranged combat but if it is necissary they will use guns and other ranged weaponry. There physical appearance is a large strong-looking man the like which you would think would be a drunk, a womanizer or a bully but in fact they are quiet, shy and defend those whom do not need to be hurt or forced to pay just to wal down a street...
(i hope this is good...)
Hey Skhaal do you think you could throw in a physical appearance other than height? It doesn't really say too much about them. or collect it all together and put in a separate paragraph? It's a wee confusing as it is now.
Er, is this a submission for the CCG? If so, you can see the proper format here.
Oh...i see what i did wrong...i used a character creation format for a race submission...sorry ill get to editing my previous post...
Wes, under the Robot selection of of the CCG, what did you have in mind? Android? Creature made entirely out of nanomachines with a central conciousness?

NovaCorp was considering the creation of a range of servant/bodyguard androids if it's of intrest to you. I'm sure with some modifications they might become elligable for playing (of course due to some of the advantages that robots have over organics such as strnegth, memory, data acess, inbuilt gadgetry etc., it would probably only be an option for an officer, maybe even a high ranking officer if of the right variety)
All of that sounds okay to me. I was thinking androids, star-wars-style droids, and more. Yumi (one of Seki's characters) has a father in the busines of making robots, actually.
OK, I'm working on a NovaCorp range at the moment and will submit the designs at some point, then you can decide whether they could be played.

As for the NanoBot player, it's almost certainly within the Star Armies technological capabilities but it also has a lot of power, it would be a shapeshifter, able to become anything of the right mass, would be able to turn its arms into razor sharp blades, run like a liquid, re-form itself. Of course this would not be for NovaCorp (dear god no), unless their was the sort of deal you have with the major companies, you know, you supply the technology and the materials (this sort of machine might need some rather exotic alloys), and NovaCorp would give you the machines free. These things would give the Mishu a very hard time (no minds in the traditional sense, colective conscionse). Tell me what you think. It's possible this would never be allowed, or at least not as a thing you could RP as.
Sounds kind of like the the T-1000 from Terminator 2: Judgement Day or the Ketsurui Zaibatsu NH-28.
I edited my previous race idea to the format that was on the guide and also made it more easy to read if there is anything wrong with it i will change it...just PM me...I'd Appreciate it
It looks like what you've got would be excellent for the "playing" page, though it has some overlap with the appearance. Great stuff! We still need a seperate page for appearance and a 1-2 paragraph "About" one that sums up the race. I'd also like to know where these guys come from, lol.

*Goes to work on his "playing" page for Yamataians.*
so by page do you mean a different topic or just another post with the description and origin of the race?
Well, as long as we have the information for the 3 pages that make up a species module for the Character Creation Guide, then it doesn't really matter how you post them, so long as we can tell the three apart. ^_^
General Info on...The Thaxarans...

The Thaxarians are a rae surrounded in enigma. Although posessing much strength, speed and above all intelegence they don't seem to get much of a huge ego when they are victorious such as many races are. The Thaxarians have the traits of knights except they tend to keep to themselves more often then they should. Thaxarians have always had a enigmatic and dark past and there were rumors about there planet being so far off and it was said tht when most races were primitive they had the technology and built various gates around o each planet so they could come back...although just a rumor but it does explain why they are never seen entering the planet by means of transportation in fact it seems they come out of no where...

The Thaxarians have always hated Slavery, Pervertion and vulgarness especially towads a woman which explains abit of their culture. Also since thaxarians have mad eit clear that they exist no matter how hard they tried to conceal their existance...that slavers have been mauled inhumanly but only cruel slavers it like...they keep an eye on every person they see...perhaps just a curious habit of the thaxarians. Thaxarians often enjoy peaceflly chatting with patrons of a bar. If a fight stirs you can bet a thaxarian can finish it...Very few thaxarians get caught for the fights ut then they they can keeps up a good struggle longer than most other races.
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