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Playing-All about the culture and mindset and characteristics of that species.

A anonymous thaxarian once told people about the thaxarians himself included. He said tht thaxarians of the present were no longer technologicaly talented but were now superior Warriors built to fight and kill only when life was threatend there own or others, and enemies on the battlefield. Thaxarians a ussually kind if you are kind back...but if you are rude to them do not expect very nice responses back, however if you have befriended a thaxarian he/she won't hold it against you. Thaxarians come from a near inhospitable land to some the planet is so warped that it s a flat/oval shaped planet but too large to notice if you were on the planet.

If you were to use a thaxarian to relay a message through a battle field chances are he would die correct?, but thaxarians take about 5 hits before going down and 2 from explosives...Thaxarians are sometimes annoyed by Human ignorance...yet they do not believe that they themselves are without ignorance either. Thaxarians were said to feel no emotion which has been proen false since they have killed under rage but emotions no one has seen in a thaxarian are of the following...Happyness and Love and are sometimes mistaken as robots...but they must be hiding there emotions since there mindis set so they will not be betrayed or let there guard down... Perhaps they just need to learn to trust again.

Thaxarians have a few humorous and odd optical problems directly effected by hunger and boredom and when the are near small pebbles no one is exactly sure are why they do this but the eat the stone...not killing them but make them feel embarrassed when the found out what happend. Thaxarian minds and autonomy is so very odd that they ave up to 2 hearts, 3 lungs also there minds can multitask far more than humans are capable of but thaxarians arent too clever so riddles confuse them Thaxarians also have a very hard time aiming with guns so they miss often in ranged combat. Thaxarians were once were highly developed in technological advancements 4 years before the first technological race did but near by planets were attacked relentlessly and actually took 3 undescovered races out of existance and then realised what they had done and then destroyed all existing technology and used a machine to wipe any technological memories except for Superior Blacksmithing, Primitive carpentry and of course hunting and fishing.

(sorry if a few things are misplaced in this but i did this in school and didn' have much time.)
Thaxarians Appearance:

Thaxarians clothing ussually consists of a black, white or grey cloak. If the cloak is torn it is like a medal of battle The more torn The more you will regret fighting one. Thaxarians ussually wear clothing beneath there cloak of coarse such as a oddly weaved pair of pants and shirt along with a pair of gloves and boots made of a metal only found on thier planet Which can withstand far more hits from energy based weapons and almost indestructible to blades but they don't wear a suit because it weighs 3 times heavier than lead The gloves design is plated metal over most of the hand and there is no plate where the joints move but there is a fine metal mesh over the joints but it is penetrated more easily. Thaxarians Also have Grey skin, Grey, Light Grey (White), Black,Green and Blue. Thaxarians Eye color changes under certain sicomstances when they become Enraged, Angry, Or see someone or somethign they hate the eye color changes by extreme amounts of that the emotion is emitting causing the eye coloration to Change red and there physical abilitie are slightly increased ut there mind is clouded so they do not think straight.

Thaxarians do feel other emotions but it take much effort to draw them out. They do feel but they choose to conceal it for the thaxarians along with happyness but they aren't too happy being so far from home but it is a even trade to learn about the technology and races around them. Their Eyes only change Red and Thaxarians Look like large and Tall humans and it is very rare to find a fat Thaxarian for they have a very fast Metabolism which is also a burden when they are downing some Small rocks...

Thaxarians are easily distinguished anywhere by there cloaks but out of them they look like humans except for ussually a scar in the shape of a ancient runic symbol on their right arm which is their name in their language. (p.s. Thaxarians are a very intelegent race when it comes to learning other languages so they could learn english just by listening onto confersations but have a hard time with certain words and symbols and ussually have to find some sort of educational source to completely learn a language. Another not is they are much stronger than humans due to there large size as adults at least but when young they are as weak as a human child. Another note he glove are destroyed easily by explosives and heavy energy weapons therefore weak and strong at the same time but the metal is naturaly this strong due to the long wait it took to cool into the Darksteel ore (if this metal currently exists i will change the name...)
This metal which illuminates heat even in the coldest of weathers I'm afraid could only have one source of heat as I see it: Radioactivity and lots of it. Unforunatly this would have the highly forseeable effect of causing huge degrees of cancer, tumours, burns, infertility, malignant mutations yada yada yada. Illuminating (radiating might be a better word) heat is hard, however you could say that it can take in heat and then lets it out slowly. This wouldn't make too much sense however. Another waqy would be to say that the metal is in fact constantly reacting with the air slowly, being degraded but letting off heat. This would result in the needed heat, mean it wasn't radioactive, but would mean the clothing would have to be replaced quite a bit.

The whole thing to do with the eyes changing colour has been done before, Rivi's Altinians eyes have a very large range of emotions in their eyes as can be seen earlier in this post. I'm not saying don't have the eyes, just be aware it's not original. You might want to detail which eye colour coresponds with which emotion.

Also by any chance is one of this species name going to be called Spock?
No but i will go and change it i appreciate the critisism as long as people don't go and call me names
Hey, nothing wrong with having more than one race with color-changing eyes. Sounds like a popular evolutionary feature to facilitate communication--the most important part of an advanced society.
Oh...well atleast i left the red eye changing capability on...wish you could have said that earlier lol
Would have but I went through a week of not posting so I could concentrate on School Work Be assured I will now be going through your work with a fine comb, uh hmm thats a fine looking comb

Your metal seems to be very similar to some of the super metals currently available. However I would like to comment that boots made of a metal 20 times heavier than lead would be almost impossible to lift up, as well as being useless as not to many people attack your feet with blades or shoot at your feet with energy weapons. The gloves would be inflexible and very ungainly. You really don't need to make it near indestructable to blades, or that heavy.
Darksteel isn't used, possibly beacuse it sounds more like fantasy than sci-fi, we use words like these.

Otherwise very good, I'm liking how this race is coming out.

Edit by Wes: Added link.
Well the race is quite primitive and the metal does have a dark coloration which i wll need to conclude primitive as in technology wise and do not wish to have it ...you know what ill just add whatever i was gonna write here in the culture part
At some point you might want to say why they are all away from home, what hapaned to their home planet, why their apparently Nomads, and why they don't make their own planet to settle on. Also although the idea of a low tech race is a good one, it should be noted it might be hard for them to be spread around the galaxy if their low tech. Also the metal if it is three times heavier than lead would probably either be radioactive with unstable atoms, or come from masively grivty dense worlds.

Thanks for the link Wes
well i edited the post at the top of this page...but now that i read your post i will now post how they got the metal and such...
good good

You could say that it all comes from a moon that is ammasingly dense due to some grvitational anonily, or it could all come from a single meteor that hit the planet
Darksteel info (beta name) and other explainations.

Darksteel was found in a deep cave which strangely contained no lethal gases back then. The cave was naturally formed and as they reached the bottom the found odd metalic crystals forming from the ground and cound feel heat from far down so they basicly were only half way and took 3 days gathering food 3 days actually ascending in the cavern. They assumed they needed as much food as they did by tossing a rock tied to a rope and threw it down and it his a flat surface and they assumed that it was the bottom. The thaxarians then ate a plant that replenished there strength called Aronothia it contains many energy replenishing properties in its nectar possibly from when they had the technology of dna alteration but they don't even know. they then looked around and finnalle founf their pickaxes and began to pick away at the ore eventually forming a mine. that thaxarians who mines it after years became stout from some form of radiation they were exposed to perhaps the remains of the Aether energy cores of there ships finnale seeping up through the cracks in the bottom of the cave...but never stunted there life expectantcy.
i did include this up at the top post after i editted it but yes it did but they found it corrupted there way of life and found themselves slaughtering 3 races who now have no trace of existance.

the first was a race that had exceeded the thaxarians in technology but as soon as all there ships were take out 3 minutes before midnight.

The race was trapped on the planet getting slaughtered and to make sure none survived they destroyed all the buildings and such.

It took them a while to dispatch there army but they did it and the other 2 were easy and they took the resources of the planet after wiping out those other 2 races.

a race that also resides on the opposite side of thaxaria are the urthixians scrawny but vitious creatures they were there own species and race they were niether reptiles, mammals or anything else they had Black skin, long yellow claws, jagged fangs and lived in packs.

they have yet to be wipped out and have been in a war with the thaxarians since the urthixians came to thaxaria which still remains a mystery. some thaxarians left their planey to escape the carnage for a while or forever.

the Thaxarians had originaly made a gate in there home land. The Gate connected to many gateways on every planet they went to before destorying there technology so they would be able to travel to a planet but not back. it was a gate of banishing back then.
It's also not too easy to read and might benefit from you going through it checking some of the grammer, and putting sentances in in the right place. It sounds very intresting, if only I could understand it.
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