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RP: Neshaten [Cercatore Di Stella] Prologue: Answer the Call

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Looking at the team getting steamed up to work, it made the veteran shipmaster smile. He looked at the outside seeing the planet of their kingdom and narrowed a bit his eyes. The planet was in a dire situation, yet here he was on a ship that had age problems. Vivaldo shrugs and looked back at the room that was now empty, he better get back to work as the rest of the crew was trying to solve the engineering problems. He sat down seeing the light flicker again and rolled his eyes "This ship will be my tomb..." He might not be far from the truth as the voyage was going to challenge these daurs and laibe on various levels.

Like currently the engine's power flow was suffering, was it bad cables, was it old equipment or just something else going on with this ship. Stella had some history, fought in battles with pirates, dealt with traders that were smuggling and shot a few times a warning shot at alien ships. But something was up with the ship's power, the engineering team that went motivated by would see this as one of their first challenges. Meanwhile, the ship's doctor was going to deal with some strange requests....Daur patients were arriving at the medbay feeling strange, feverish and don't quite know what is going on.

I will NPC both Engineers and Patients...enjoy *wink*
"I'm glad you asked buddy, we're gonna go kick the shit out of the reactor until it stops having a hissy fit and decides to work again sound good?" Micalio asked with a toothy grin, a haughty chuckle coming from the large Daur as she continued to keep dragging her comrade, though it was a relatively gentle ride, she wasn't dragging her along just to be mean, after all, she was just enthusiastic. After a long enough pause the let her words properly sink in she chuckled again and stopped, hauling the other girl to her feet and gave her a quick brush down with her hand.

"To be more specific, I'm going to kick a few parts of the engines and see what it does, and then move on to a more tentative approach if that doesn't work. I call it my tough love remedy." The red-haired engineer said proudly, puffing out her chest.
Kishi'ko raised an eyebrow. "It sounds great,. but the first thing I thought was the reactor." Kishi'ko smiled a bit. "It was a good opportunity to refurbish it, actually, so we did so. That said, a new pair of eyes is always great." The smaller Daur mused, thinking out loud.

"We had a pretty skeleton crew on board. This ship's been through a lot, and.." Kishi'ko shrugged. She had a vague look in her eyes "Well,. nothing doing by wool-gathering. Let's go kick at the reactor and see what happens!"
A lot of thoughts raced through the snowy-haired Daur's mind. Thoughts back to her home with the new dusk conclave, thoughts about the fact her mother passed away before they could reunite. The look on her father's face when she showed up unannounced after so many years of being believed dead. Somewhere, she felt a nagging sensation that it had not only been a bad idea, but a selfish one. Maybe they wanted to believe she was dead. After all, the horrors she'd gone through were a fate worse than that. From what Talih could gather from her father, they both picked up their lives and moved on.

Her gut clenched something awful. Somewhere, she was happy to have heard that, the pain having subsided over time. But somewhere, she couldn't help but feel betrayed and abandoned at the prospect. She wasn't supposed to - but still, it was a sensation that still burned the back of her mind.

The questioning beforehand wasn't exactly thrilling either. Having to explain everything. Including her time at Psychopomp. A name that just needs to be uttered for her to descend into a panic. And here, she had to describe every detail, the viscera, the brutality and not to mention - the humiliation. While her questioners watched with judging eyes, ears twitching with each vowel that left her lips. Every word that couldn't begin to describe the horrors there was also noted down for future reference.

Her mental musings were interrupted, however, as the clear was given for her to board the ship she was instructed to. One of the guards nodding and making way for her to step inside. "Go to the bridge, see shipmaster Rostislavovna," he stated before taking some steps away and muttering into the radio "Miss Barro'kesh has arrived, I've sent her up to the bridge" was what she heard before the blast door slid shut. It was an odd sensation, hearing a name she thought she'd never be adressed with any longer.

The bridge was surprisingly easy to find. Clearly marked, labelled and indicated. And soon, the Daur would shuffle on the bridge. Hands folded behind her back as she looked around for the individual she only had a name off. Hoping she looked enough like a lost cub that this shipmaster would be able to notice and pick her out on sight.
Medical Bay

Aiu had hoped to see her new quarters and drop off her bag, but an urgent call directed her to the med bay right away. She jogged over, wondering how there was already a medical emergency when they had only recently arrived. If they felt sick, they shouldn't have reported for duty. Then again, maybe this mission is urgent enough they didn't have a choice.

"Sorry for the wait!" Aiu called as she hopped through the door. A medium-sized Daur with dark brown fur sat waiting on one of the medical tables, their ears drooped and expression pained. Aiu scanned the room, noting where things were. Hopefully I'll get a chance to rearrange things later to my liking, she thought idly as she put her bag down and put on gloves and a mask.

"My name is Aiu'tarou, I'll be looking after you today. Could you start by describing your symptoms and when they started?" While the Daur answered, she began taking vitals, including body temperature, blood pressure, and heart rate, to help build a bigger picture.
The Bridge

The reports were slowly getting into his console as Vivaldo looked them over and shrugs seeing some sick reports "I better get a status report from Aiu..." He heard the door open as he looked over his shoulder to it seeing a lost Daur standing there "Mmm, you must be Talih" He smiled softly and stood up from his chair and turned to her "Welcome onboard the Cercatore Di Stella, the ship that hopefully going to find a new home" He crossed his arms over each other "So you got any idea of what you are going to be doing on our ship? Well good, I do know what you will be doing" He pointed out "Your skills and your history speaks books to me, aside from a few on this bridge you are the most experienced when it comes to alien contact and how to deal with them. Thus why you are assigned to this ship as our Sword Master, security is your thing now. Questions?"


Both Kishi'ko and Micalio arrived at the engineering seeing Daurs rushing from one side of the room to another as a Laibe was barking out orders "For crying out loud find a way to control that power flow we are on a tied schedule here people!" He looked at the door seeing more folks entering "Ah shit...well welcome to chaos! Where nothing freaking works" He shook his head as he did notice that the big gal was focused on getting the job done "Well whatever....we are dealing with overloading power flows from the lower decks, the back is dealing with conduits going on and off and the core...well we are still figuring out what is wrong with that. She is acting up ever since we returned to port"


A Daur looked sickly at their new doctor "I...*coughs*...dodon't know ma'am I was working on the lower decks until I found out that I had fever, I wanted to continue to work then I started to cough up blood and my team leader sent me to here" Another one laying on the bed looked at his side towards the doctor while holding his hand over his head "It's like my head is punching so bad that someone hit me with an iron tool, though I am not coughing yet my stomach hurts" A third was walking into the medical bay rubbing over his stomach "Ma'am can you do something about this stomach pain" He coughs a bit.
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Kishi'ko nodded as she seperated from the larger daur. She had introduced herself to the Laibe yesterday, and she rather suspected in the chaos he had just forgotten her. Not unusual, and honestly, nothing worth getting upset about.

Kishi'ko moved over to one of the panels and began looking at the power flows and then .. well, most ships stored detailed (in some respects) data in the storage that was used for occurrences like these. She had started a detailed analysis of looking for commands that affected power flow, or field strength a while back, and she punched through the results, scanning to rule them out.

Also, she wanted to see why the fact that even newly replaced conduits were doing this. The spares should be fine, right?
Before being reassigned to the SNV Cercatore Di Stella, Nyo'ji had been positioned around the U'ia Star System. His job as an agent with a scientific background was to seek out both ancient Neshaten technology to uncover their secrets and to find and thwart pirates and terrorists who also sought the technology and got a hold of it. The work was meticulous and often dangerous, as the technology was advanced and unknown. In addition, the terrorist cells in the system were composed of scientifically inclined, strategically oriented members making them substantial threats to the kingdom. While onboard a kingdom science vessel in orbit around U'ia X, Nyo'ji was informed of his reassignment to the Cercatore and told that a ship was coming to collect him for an immediate transfer to New Jui'varen for an important mission.

Once Nyo arrived at the port holding the Cercatore, he quickly made his way to the ship following the instructions given to him. The whole journey to New Jui'varen, Nyo couldn't stop thinking about and questioning, the reason behind his reassignment. The idea of doing another job was baffling to him as he had thought his previous assignment was the top priority for an agent like him. What was worse, he had to wait to have his questions answered. The higher-ups left him with no explanation except that the captain of the ship would explain everything when they met. In transit, he was able to preoccupy his thoughts by sparring with the ship's crew and by reading research papers. But once he docked, they all came flooding back and he could hardly contain his wandering thoughts. The number of unknown people he saw as he made his way made him revert to his agent instincts, causing him to analyze everything he saw, surveying the faces and exits. His anxiousness to reach the captain grew and after walking for some time, he found many windows showing a beautiful picture of the system and space. The familiar view made him briefly think of his family and the many memories he had of stargazing with them. Space had been where Nyo'ji had spent most of his life and the bright memories resurfaced as he witnessed familiar sites from previous visits to the system. The view helped to ease his anxiousness, as he made his way to the docked ship.

Nyo'ji met the attending guard at the entrance to the ship shortly after Talih. At first, the guard was especially wary of the scarred My'leke until he noticed his uniform, but he couldn't take his eyes off the My'leke's scars. Nyo noticed the guard's wandering eyes and spoke first saying, "C'Baruce Nyo'ji Vae’Aejino Ta’Eijino requesting to board the ship", the guard regained themselves and checked the logs for his name, "Nyo'ji....... ah... Here you are. Alright, I'll let the captain know that you're here..... He is currently on the bridge, I believe you know the way based on what this says" he said as he waved the datapad. The black-furred My'leke nodded his respects and entered the ship. Feeling the wandering man's eyes yet again, Nyo'ji let out a small smile. Nyo took great pride in his scars and had experienced such stares many times before. With this, he made his way to the captain's location, utilizing his past knowledge aboard such a ship to guide him. Arriving shortly after the captain and swordmaster finished their conversation.
Talih jumped to attention as the man spoke. Standing up straight and rigid. Ears flattened against her skull and her tail was pressed close to her legs. "Thank you, Captain," she retorted before taking a deep breath, letting Vivaldo conclude with asking whether she had any questions herself. "A few," Talih answered before scraping her throat. "Where is the armoury, my quarters, where can I find my patrol schedule and is there anyone but you I have to report to and meet beforehand?" Talih asked, all in one. Still standing with a straight posture and chin lifted slightly. "Other than that, happy to be here," the Daur added with a gentle smile.
Medical Bay

Aiu jogged over to the second patient as the first described their symptoms. "Did the blood look strange to you?" she asked as she wrapped a blood pressure cuff around the second patient. "Specifically, did it look bubbly? Or did it look more like you just got cut?" Bubbles would imply that the blood was from the lungs or respiratory tract where it mixed with mucus and air, Aiu thought to herself, trying to puzzle things out. The addition of a fever sounds almost like tuberculosis, but that wouldn't have an onset of this speed. Did they inhale construction particles down there?

"How about you?" she called to the second patient while fumbling around the medicine cabinets. "Were you also on the lower decks?" She managed to find bottles of cough suppressant and fever reducers just as the third patient walked in. "Ah, take a seat on the bed over there and I'll be with you shortly!" she called, measuring out cough suppressant for the first patient. I might need to ask for an assistant if this gets any worse...
Kishi'ko frowned as the data results scanned by. Some of those were caused commands by some units, but she really suspected she was looking at a failure of several units. Then she noticed something odd.

Every lower deck was reporting environmental contamination, and every assigned engineer that was a Daur was already reporting to sickbay.

"Ser, we've got an issue on the lower decks. They're reporting environmental issues, and in such numbers I think we have an developing issue with the system." Kishi'ko punched in another command, trying to determine what it's set to. The system should be filtering this out, and she set it to try and do so.
Micalio cracked her knuckles and grinned at the Laibe. “Have you tried the advanced method yet?” She asked walking up to the core, an impressive feat of technology to be sure and not delicate either. With a ‘hiiyaa’ the red haired Daur delivered a blunt kick to the side of the large mechanical masterpiece, nothing overboard to actually damage it but she had fixed ground equipment with the same technique before so it was always the go to first try.

Meanwhile on the bridge Haise’s ears stood up as she heard the name, it was one that had flittered around Division 5 for a while, apparently a Daur had come home who’d been assumed dead for quite some time. The intelligence operator shook her head and went back to getting as much info from both the navy and D5 regarding their mission before takeoff, she could possibly chat with this individual later. “I’ve almost got all of it sir, just a bit more coming from other medical departments in the government.”
The Bridge

Nodding to Talih "Strait to the point, I like that. The armory is a few decks below, just address it to the elevator AI and it will bring you there. Your quarters, personally I don't know, but should be in your briefing package and is at the crew deck. The patrol schedule is assigned to you in that same package, but most of the time you report to me as you are in the bridge. You also go with me on landing parties. Are you brief with the situation of what our mission is and what is expected of you?" Vivaldo spoke seeing another clueless Daur and looked over the shoulder of Talih to the person "C'Baruce Ta’Eijino, I presume? Welcome towards the Stella, Haise here will help you with any questions regarding your duties as an agent on this ship. Or you have any questions for me?"

Looking at Haise that reported to him "Any details that would concern our mission thus far? And why are the medical reports so delayed, they should have arrived as soon as we arrived at this ship" Vivaldo was concerned with the current condition of the ship and their mission goal. Any delays would only suspend the mission, even more, though he didn't know that would be the real cause of the delay as he noticed the lights flickering again and shrugs.

The Engineer

The Laibe shrugs at the method Micalio and wanted to facepaw himself "I don't think to hit the equipment would work in this case, just pointing out the obvious here..." He said as he looked at Kishi'ko and crosses his arms over each other "We are experiencing some environmental issues, but the strange thing is that it is there and disappears only after a certain time. Thought the temperature is quite higher than usual. Yet the power flow works normally in those sectors?" He pointed out and it was true, the power flow did work normally with these systems. The outage was more in the lights and engine systems that kept dropping or spiking with overloads, with new or old relays.

"Sir...I ...don't feel that good" The Laibe looked at his side and sees a sick looking Daur "Alright, get yourself checked up with sickbay..." He spoke and sees the Daur leave with the ears lowered "Strange, that's already the fourth that reported being sick...."

Medical bay

The Daur that had his paws looking bit bloody shrugs "I ...I don't remember sir, I feel fuzzy in my head and bit light" The Daur replied leaning a bit backward as he coughs again and now some blood came out again with some bubbles in it "Yes, hurts so bad"

Another Daur looked at doctor and nods "I was in the lower decks working on the power conduits to replace the stuff that overloaded per our orders" He answers as he sat up from his bed looking at the third one that dragged his sorry ass towards the bed and collapse onto it "Argg feeling so bad..." The doctor was not going to get any rest as a reported message came in that another was on route to the medical bay.
Medical Bay

"So you were in the lower decks too," Aiu echoed as she bounced between patients and the medicine cabinets. She could at least calm their symptoms while trying to figure out what the cause was, so she began administering an anti-nausea medication to those who complained about stomach issues. "Please try to drink some water as well. If you can't keep your fluids up, I can hook you up to an IV."

Once she had a second, she opened up her communicator and called up the bridge. "This is C'Baruce Aiu'tarou from the medical bay. I've had three reports--" The door slid open and another sick Daur stumbled through. "Four reports," she corrected, pointing to a spare bed for the newcomer. "Four reports of illnesses coming from workers in the lower decks. Based on the symptoms, my best guess is that they inhaled something toxic. Please issue a warning banning anyone from entering the lower decks without proper respiratory gear for the time being. Anyone who was in there and feels sick should report promptly to the medical bay. And if you could spare anyone to assist me, that would be appreciated. Thank you!"
Nyo'ji, after reaching the bridge, had espied a red-haired Daur in the captain's chair from afar, he seemed muscular and like a seasoned military veteran. As Nyo walked over he thought that if this was a long-term placement, then he would want to spar with this man at least once if he allowed it. Thinking about fighting made him let out a smirk, which he quickly hid as he approached. Seeing that the captain was already engaged in a conversation with a Daur, Nyo decided to wait his turn and sat, as My'leke do, in a position of respectful waiting. The Daur seemed to be reporting in as well but he couldn't make sense of the conversation from the bits he started to hear. Nyo maintained his posture and glanced about the bridge and then back to the captain. As he did so, the questions he had briefly forgotten came resurging back, filling him with anxiousness to know why he was called here. Then the captain turned to Nyo as his conversation with the Daur ended, saying:

"C'Baruce Ta’Eijino, I presume? Welcome towards the Stella, Haise here will help you with any questions regarding your duties as an agent on this ship. Or you have any questions for me?"

Nyo, upon hearing the captain, stood at attention with his ears and tail down and retained his already military posture. Being a My'leke meant that standing at attention was just sitting on his hind legs with his ears down and the tail wrapped around the feet. Nyo'ji said, "Yes sir! C'Brauce Ta'Eijino reporting in! I have many questions, if I may. As you know sir I was transferred here, but I have yet to receive any information regarding the purpose behind my reassignment and the nature of this vessel's mission. If possible, I was hoping to be filled in on these details.... Also, if this is a long-term assignment, will there be any space and equipment at my disposal for scientific research, sir?"


Skipping forward, after finishing his conversation with the captain, Nyo reported to Haise who the captain had directed him to. Haise, like most of his first encounters with an intelligence officer, made him dwell on the meaning of every action and feature of that person. He had spent his time around the intelligence types most of his military life, and they all struck him as one thing, enigmatic. They were unreadable and shrouded in mystery, but one thing he knew was that the person before him couldn't be in intelligence without exceptional skills. Of course, Nyo could be described the same way, he wasn't where he was because he lacked the skills to do his job, it was quite the opposite. In front of him stood a female officer clad in black camouflage with frosty white fur, the polar opposite of Nyo's black fur. The disparate fur colors made Nyo hope that their personalities were just as different, it would make for some interesting conversations. As he approached, he once again stood at attention and introduced himself to her, "Excuse me, sir, C'Brauce Ta'Eijino reporting in! I was told by the captain that I'll be reporting to you. If I may, I'm curious as to my duties and current lodging aboard the Stella."

"Details for the mission? Not too much in the way of direct use, mostly theories and some basic research into the sickness, I've managed to get all the latest scans and maps for the sector we're going to be traveling through which should help us avoid any unnecessary risks on the journey, I've also got confirmation that almost all the staff have now boarded the ship." The operator replied before she could try figuring out why the reports hadn't come it low and behold Aiu's voice crackled through the speakers.

Looking over to the newcomer Haise looked them over briefly, "Since he's directed you to me, you must be an agent. Didn't know agents could still hold such low ranks but regardless like myself you'll be helping deal with the information the kingdom already has as well as any new developments or info we find during our journey. Sleeping quarters are the same as everyone else, and last but not least I technically have no authority over you as I operate in a different branch of the department of public safety so you report directly to the captain since you're an agent." The intelligence operator finished, he seemed eager enough to get to work which was always a good sign, hopefully, they would get along better than other times when the military and Division 5 had tried joint operations.


"Hey, you never know, it's worked before and unless its made of glass kicking it won't hurt it." The red-haired technician said with a chuckle before looking around, if what he was saying about the abnormal power fluctuations was true then something was definitely up. "You mentioned the temperature was higher, has anyone checked on the climate control controller or the settings or anything? Plus, given how old this thing is I wouldn't be surprised if there's some faulty wiring in the lights or engines, if they're flicking on and off like that there must be a short somewhere down the line."
"Thank you, sir," the Daur answered with a nod, "I'm well aware of my duties and the mission. I had enough time after the review on-planet to read up on the ship." The Daur saluted briefly. "Now, if you'll excuse, Captain. I will gather my equipment and begin exploring the ship." She added with a smile, though the salute was dropped, the Daur had moved her hands behind her back. Though the blue markings on her limbs were an oddity. They seemed identically symmetrical to one another. A diamond shape on the back of her hands, running down in a straight line down her forearms. Though she remained waiting at attention still until Vivaldo would dismiss her.

As he did, she turned on her feet and met Nyo'ji's eyes with her own. Not a single word spoken, just a nod of acknowledgement as he got up to speak before she left the bridge again. An oddity, that both Vivaldo and Nyo'ji would notice was the distinct lack of shoes Talih had. Merely what seemed like leggings with cut out front and heels, that disappeared under her uniform pants.

And so, she began her exploration of the ship. Whilst the first stop, the armoury wasn't really eventful, she wanted to get her hands on equipment first. After all, right before departure meant people would be able to sneak in. "Armoury, please." She frowned softly as the elevator door slowly slid closed. Where were her manners? "I'm Talih, by the way. What's your name?" Was what she asked the AI as the elevator slid into motion.

After a short miscommunication and Talih checking every pocket she had over for her ID-card before finally finding it, she was on a sauntering back to the elevator with her new equipment in tow, one hand resting on the pommel of her blade. Frowning softly as the hauntingly gentle, creeping feeling of discomfort crawled down her spine - a sinking feeling that spread out through her stomach in pure dread. She was on a ship once more, walking on solid ground was something she had taken for granted the past months. Space was the most unnatural thing to her, after all. As the door slid open, she would adress the AI by name it had given earlier. Asking for the crew quarters before trying to make some more smalltalk whilst the doors slid shut again. Hoping it'd take her mind off of the glaring realization.
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The Bridge

Looking at the freshman, Vivaldo smiled at him while listening to all the questions that got popped up "Right, sounds only reasonable that I will explain the Stella a bit. The nature of this vessel is to find a new home for our people. Time is not in our favor and the longer we stay in the dock, the longer our homeworld loses time. So I hope Engineering can fix the ship's power issues soon. This is a long-term assignment, well as long as it requires us to find a suitable home for our people to stay at. You can use the scientifical console and tools at the armory" He gave him a nod "Now I got to continue, further questions please redirect them at your chief"

"This is C'Baruce Aiu'tarou from the medical bay. I've had three reports--" "Four reports," "Four reports of illnesses coming from workers in the lower decks. Based on the symptoms, my best guess is that they inhaled something toxic. Please issue a warning banning anyone from entering the lower decks without proper respiratory gear for the time being. Anyone who was in there and feels sick should report promptly to the medical bay. And if you could spare anyone to assist me, that would be appreciated. Thank you!"
Vivaldo narrowed his eyes as he looked at Haise for a brief second and looked back at the screen "I will send Haise and C'Brauce Ta'Eijino to assist you, keep me posted on the development in regards to our crew. If you think we need to quarantine the ship please give me a warning and I will lock this ship down" He looked at Haise "Get down there Haise and find any information that links up the Kingdoms Medical center. C'Brauce you help the doctor in any way possible" He orders and sat down in his chair typing up a message for command.

The Engineering

The Laibe looked at the big Daur and nods "Systems are within control, we reset it twice already, yet all parameters are showing no weird things which are weird in general" Seeing he got more ill from the lower levels "I think I need to lock the area down, something is up there, when you go down there use gasmask and keep your airflow in check. Whatever is going on down there it is effecting the crew and I hate to send you guys also to the sickbay" The Laibe spoke as he sighs at the problems coming up on his screen "Report back to me if you find anything that checks out to be weird"

Medical Bay

Meanwhile, the doctor was getting busy as the seventh patient already had entered the medical bay. Most of these crew were engineers and some were from the shipyard that was working also all on the lower areas of the ship. Unknown to the cause, it was clear that something was up with the environment systems. The situation became rather difficult when the first patient that came in began to show breathing problems and initial scans showed small objects within the lungs growing, but it was not clear as to what it was. Within the timeframe that the person had entered the sickbay, till now the objects had grown 2 cm.

"Docotor....coughs....I ...can not .... cough...breath" He stated as blood was now sipping pass his lips "I can taste I...bleading coughs..." The others were as well dropping in their health. Something had infected them and unknown what it truly was.

Other locations

The environmental controls were infecting the other levels as well and the heat was getting up in different cabins. Complaints were starting to form and folks simply didn't know what to do about them. The same was happening in Talih cabin, the controls to get the heat down were not responding and airflow was also getting hotter. Strange is that the lights in the cabin were flickering on certain spots of the room, others were not. Was something going on behind those lights?
Kishi'ko saluted, getting the gear ready. She thought it over, then looked at the large Daur next to her. "If the equipment is good, and the power flow is good, and the systems are reset.. want to try looking at the emitters first?"

Kishi'ko began to put the gear on as she ran it through the self diagnostics. Worst came to worse, they'd have to look at quarantining the ship, and that would do no one any good. She unconciously brushed back her black furred ears as she thought it through on the way down. Not that she really had any idea at this point, so it was best to run down a list.
As he did, she turned on her feet and met Nyo'ji's eyes with her own. Not a single word spoken, just a nod of acknowledgement as he got up to speak before she left the bridge again. An oddity, that both Vivaldo and Nyo'ji would notice was the distinct lack of shoes Talih had. Merely what seemed like leggings with cut out front and heels, that disappeared under her uniform pants.

When Nyo'ji noticed the unique footwear that Talih had, he was instantly intrigued. This person whom he had gazed at before was seen in another light, and he felt a little ashamed that he had not noticed sooner. His anxiousness had gotten the better of him and he'd missed a crucial detail. As an agent, it was his duty to observe his surroundings and notice things others didn't, but here he had missed something that was no doubt a vital piece of that person's persona. Because of his interest in the oddities of others and his lack of observation at that moment, Nyo'ji made sure to remind himself to get to know this unique person.


"Since he's directed you to me, you must be an agent. Didn't know agents could still hold such low ranks but regardless like myself you'll be helping deal with the information the kingdom already has as well as any new developments or info we find during our journey. Sleeping quarters are the same as everyone else, and last but not least I technically have no authority over you as I operate in a different branch of the department of public safety so you report directly to the captain since you're an agent."

Nyo, upon hearing this, nodded and saluted saying, "Understood, I'll get straight to work then. I'll make sure to keep you in the loop on anything I dig up." As he finished, the captain got their attention by saying:

"I will send Haise and C'Brauce Ta'Eijino to assist you, keep me posted on the development in regards to our crew. If you think we need to quarantine the ship please give me a warning and I will lock this ship down" He looked at Haise "Get down there Haise and find any information that links up the Kingdoms Medical center. C'Brauce you help the doctor in any way possible"

After hearing the captain, Nyo'ji changed into his agent instincts, picking apart the situation at hand. He instantly thought of the worst possibilities: maybe this medical issue is being orchestrated by malevolent forces; perhaps terrorists or a biological weapon? He started questioning everything: what was the source, how many are infected and how and where did they contract their illnesses, what actions lead up to their diagnosis, was this an attack? Before continuing further, he spoke to Haise saying, "Sir I'm gonna get to work. Good luck and let me know what you find." He finished by nodding to Haise. Both Haise and Nyo were in intelligence so they knew that this incidence was quite suspicious, and that nod was one of acknowledgment for the fact that both should expect and prepare for the worst.

With that, Nyo took his leave. Since the current situation was urgent and because he had brought relatively nothing with him from the U'ia System, he made his way to the medical bay. Knowing that he was heading into a medical zone where the infected were located, he quickly found a safety mask and began using his prehensile tail to cleverly maneuver it onto his face. Such nuances as putting on a facemask were trivial matters for the Laibe and Daur, but for My'leke who only had their tail for such things, this task was difficult. However, every My'leke had mastered the usage of their tail and could easily put on this type of mask as an adult. This fact made Nyo ponder what this high reliance on a tail in this technological era would mean for his species evolutionary future. He hoped that over time more accommodations would be made for the My'leke, and that his research and inventions could help with those changes. Once the mask was on, he grabbed a datapad, refocused, and began rummaging through the logs trying to get a grip on this situation as he hurried on his way.

The trip to the medical bay was rather quick as Nyo'ji, after getting a bit caught up on the situation, broke out into a full sprint. His past knowledge of this type of ship's layout helped him to navigate through alternate, faster routes, as he took the engineering corridors so that he didn't have to wait for the elevator. As he went, he tried to keep his eyes peeled for anything suspicious. He arrived within a few minutes after leaving the bridge to a scene reminiscent of a field hospital from his times working against terrorists, expect there was less blood. Crewmembers were sprawled out on beds groaning and aching in pain. He noticed a blonde Daur wearing safety equipment and seemingly treating a crewmember. This must be who he was sent to help. Thankfully, Nyo'ji had had some basic training in medical care and he had gotten his degree in biology, so hopefully, he thought, he could be of some use here and uncover what was going on. He approached and introduced himself quickly so as to not waste time, "C'Brauce Ta'Eijino reporting, what can I do to help?"
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