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RP: SNV Gam'trosha [Chapter 1] Training and Discovery

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"Let's get going Keri," said Quin sa she accepted the list that the other engineer had in his hand. "We got work to do and diagnostics to run, go ahead and find yourself a cabin, I'll head to engineering."

"Unless you have questions for the man," she asked him, as S.A.M.'s Engineer looked at the young engineer curiously.


"You'll be trained, as will all of you. Well, except our My'leke, sadly the light tanks were designed for you guys in mind. However, hopefully within the next season or two that 'should' be ractified," said the instructor.


Sa'kira made her way casually to the bridge, stopping just short of the door to release the lock seal that was put onto it. The keypad chimed a few times as she inputted her command code, then the door opened up to reveal a freshly clean bridge with all of the damage from the days earlier being mostly cleared away, although she did make out a few chipped pieces of paint here and there.

She noticed a new addition to the bridge, a large carpet that spread out from the entryway toward each indivisual bridge station, the carpet had the ships name and it's serial number on it. "Someone's made additions," she remarked and took her seat in the captains chair and waited for her bridge crew to arrive."

Anas'tasiya had been delayed, a fury of conflicting reports about her family on Levia had almost turned her around. Thankfully her family was fine, even her brother which had a history of being careless in the face of danger. The white furred Daur stepped cautiously onto the bridge of the Gam'trosha, her purple-tipped tail anxiously twitching back and forth as she had become really unsure where she was to go, or what she was to do.

She had her dufflebag, and a small medical kit of her own that her father had given her as a gift before she left home. It was far from the NSVM Medical Kit, but she had one of those too buried in with her clothes. Wow.. she thought to herself, jewelled purple eyes widening as she took in the interior of the bridge. She had heard the She’tanora Class were something special, and it appeared to be true even in aesthetics. Thankfully she noticed Sa'kira before she got too caught up in it.

"C'bar Dominika Da'rya Anas'tasiya, reporting for duty U'cet." She said in her usual quiet voice.
Keri nodded softly toward's Quin and said dubiously, "I'm sure we'll be able to manage... somehow." With a faint sigh, the young silver-furred kit followed his friend deeper into the ship's interior until they eventually were forced to part ways -- Quin headed for the ships engineering bay, whilst Keri'cruen made his way to the crew cabins in order to stake a claim to one of the quarters and stow his gear.

Once he found his way, Keri could faintly hear the sound of conversation as he past by Cabin 5 -- he continued forward and passed through the threshold of the sixth cabin. Once he set down his bag upon the room's desk, he began removing his gear, clothing and other personal items; depositing them all in one of the available lockers before locking it to his biometrics.

The kit stretched, took a glance around the still bare room. It didn't feel like home yet -- though he hoped that it eventually would.

Keri'cruen then headed out the door, making his way toward's the engineering bay. There was a big list of thing's needing fixing, and little time to get it done.

"Welcome board," said Sa'kira as she got up from her seat and gave the soldier a salute. "Go ahead and stow your gear in a cabin, pick any of them as we have plenty of room."

She glanced over at the main viewscreen, it was offline for the moment. "Once your gear is stowed, report to Euy'ica Sec'retna, you'll find her in the infirmary."

"Any questions?" she asked, curiously looking at the new soldier.
"I have never driven a light tank, at least not a real one. I will be looking forward to this."
Anas'tasiya said in chipper response, "Thank you, I am glad to be here. No questions, U'cet." Her amethyst eyes glistened as she turned back to head off the bridge. "This is a grand ship. It really is." she said, a comment in parting as she stepped back through the door and headed off to stow her belongings.

Once she was off the bridge, she headed to Deck 3 and towards the area where the crew cabins where. Which one...? she looked at the line of doors, trying to figure out which one to choose. Finally after weighing out the options she selected cabin seven and entered it, tossed her gear onto the top bunk and immediately headed towards the infirmary.

She would of unpacked, but she had not come all this way to see the inside of her cabin. She couldn't wait to get in the infirmary.
After watching Levi for a few minutes adjusting his cabin controls. "I'll see you on the bridge. I want to see how it looks and from there I might be able to get some more information on the object we were dealing with." she said turning and moving briskly towards the bridge.

When she arrived at the bridge, she looked in, seeing Sa'kira she straightened, "Good day Ship Mistress, they cleaned up the bridge pretty nice. I just hope its not all for show, that the systems are as good the paint job. With your permission, I would like to run some diagnostics before starting preflight. And I would like to see if there is more data available on the object Ma'am"

"They cleaned it up but they gave us something of a fire hazard," Sa'kira spoke and gestured at the carpetting on the ground. "I'm half tempted to have the carpet removed and possibly placed in the cafeteria."

The shipmaster stared at it for a moment, although she did like it but she just didn't want it on her bridge, they had enough problems to worry about than something catching fire if - or rather when - they got into battle.

"It'll take a bit of time before S.A.M.'s engineers are done with the external hull checks, but it shouldn't be a problem to run the pre-flight and engine checks."

"You mean the asteriod?" asked Sa'kira. "That information should be freely available, you'll just need to send a request report to the complex's main computer to download the information."


"Ahh, so everyone is here," said the Daur Instructor when he noticed their lone My'leke. "Now, we have six tanks here all ready to be used," he said this as he walked over and patted the armor plating of a nearby tank. "Sadly, we have none capable of being used by a My'leke, a rumor going through us ground-pounders is that a new tank is being field tested and should be made available for use once command approves it, and it'll be My'leke friendly," the instructor flashed a brief smile.

"Now, is it possible one of you can tell me the specifications of this beauty?" he asked, patting the armor again.


When Keri arrived in engineering, he'd find that the bay was a complete mess, whoever had serviced it hadn't put any of the floor or walls maintenance panels away and the loud curses coming from Quin meant that there was other things not put away.

"Srisa!" shouted Quin as she poked her head out of a side maintenance tunnel. "Would it HURT these idiots to AT LEAST put their damned tools away!"
Cargo Hold

"Negative," came Tite'Yanus' response as he followed the officer over towards the tank. "But does that mean that while the Shukaren are nice and cozy inside their 6 by 5 by 3.7 bubble protected by several inches of Crynatorium and Electromagnetic shielding, speeding away at 120 km/h, propelled by anti-gravity fields, blasting away with their "Magma" Plasma Cannon at a maximum effective range of 25 kilometers; us My'leke are going to be sitting ducks in some armor with a rifle?"

Anas'tasiya made it to the infirmary, "X'mue?" she questioned, looking around for the other healer that the U'cet had mentioned. "Euy'ica Sec'retna?" The infirmary was rather small, three beds and very little room to move around. Oh well, might as well get a look at the place. She thought to herself.

Not seeing the other soldier that was assigned, she figured it best that she wait for her. She set her medical kits on the counter and took a few minutes to familiarize herself with the layout, where the various pieces of equipment were kept, and neatly remade each of the three beds.
Cabin 5

"Right, I'll be along in a minute" Levi said as Def'leor left him along in his cabin as he set the environmental controls and arranged his meager belongings in proper order. After everything was in a place and the temperature just right, Levi thought to himself a wholecabin to myself, I wonder how long that will last. "Well better hurry up to the bridge before the ShipMistress wonders where I am" he said aloud to himself to keep him on point.


Levi arrived on the bridge and noticed the others already there. For a moment the cyan furred Laibe stood dumbstruck at the awe of the bridge before noticing that the others were in conversation. From what he overheard the ShipMistress was displeased with the addition of carpeting on the bridge believing it to potential fire-hazard.

"If I may ShipMistress, I'm sure they installed flame retardant carpeting in here, but if it bothers you; You can have them remove it , it is your prerogative as ShipMistress"
Qyu'amene snorted out her response to the test question. "The Creniya also has a top speed of 120 KPH and is powered by some Lunabaren Reactors. So needless to say it is also a high performance machine." She said with a smile

'To be honest I hardly plan to sit still and let this tank hog all of t he fun."

"Mmmm... actually you are not sitting ducks, do remember that the weapons you guys get to use are more powerful than the handheld rifles that my people use. With the exception of, perhaps, the sniper rifles and hand-held launchers," said the Daur, as he was about to explain more before he felt a tail tap being placed on his shoulder and his companion My'leke walking past him toward those who were there.

"Also, remember, as a My'leke we can't use rifles - so we carry around cannons and missile launchers, things that for a Shukaren would have to be placed on a vehicle of some type - making them a much bigger target than us. While our enemies focus on the fast moving and hard to hit tanks, we set up on hills with clear shouts at our enemies and overwealm them with firepower."

"Of course, that doesn't mean those of us in tanks are sitting ducks. Right now the Cresniya is lightly armored but command is hoping to fix that; with better shielding and armor plating along with perhaps even a new type of shield that is being tested in the labs that should improve the survivalibility of being in tanks by magnitudes.... at least we hope," the Daur instructor shrugged his shoulders.

"Anyway, what you said is also correct, this tank is fast, highly menuverable and quick to strike. However, what is it meant for? What's the purpose behind this tank exctly?" he asked, looking around the room to see if anyone had an answer.


"One can only hope that it is fire-resistant, but I guess we'll find out if we ever have a fire," Sa'kira grumbled and stared at the rub. "Anyway, start those diagnostics and let's get things underway. I wanna get those out of the way and get us to the trial grounds and work out any problems."

She looked over at the view-screen and folded her arms over her chest in thought. I wonder though.... why didn't my superior inform me of our first mission when I talked with him this morning? Instead he wants to wait until after the trial runs...


"in here-OUCH!" came a shout from the infirmaries storage area, inside Euy'ica Sec'retna was on the ground covered in boxes of medical supplies, the young enlisted soldier was rubbing her head after having the boxes fall ontop of her. "Help me unpack all of these supplies please," she asked.
Qyu'amene waited for the other's to speak first. But as she stood she pondered the question that had been asked. The military was always filled with trick questions like these, but a grim smile slowly formed over her long face. She knew the answer to the question.

"The Tank is designed to destroy the enemy with extreme prejudice!" She said loudly, and a bit proudly.

Anas'tasiya heard the boxes fall in the storage room. She scrambled to go assist the X'mue. "Are you okay?" she asked, watching the orange furred Daur rubbed her head. She was kind of relieved that she was not the only seemingly clumsy member of the Gam's crew. She gave a shy smile in the direction of the other enlisted healer, although her senior she hoped that they would get along.

She picked up the box closest to the X'mue and took it out into the main room. "Have you been on the Gam' long?" she asked, in a quiet voice not really being very good at starting conversation. She began to unpack the medical supplies, ensuring they were what was on the packing list and distributing them into the correct compartments.
Gam'trosha Engineering Bay

Keri leaned down and flashed a broad grin upon overhearing Quin's cussing and seeing her poke her youthful head out from one of the maintenance conduits.

"Here now, is that the kind of language a young noble lady should be using? If your mother heard you now she'd pitch a fit." the white-furred kit teased. He picked up an errant tool intended to bolt panels into place and began to lend a hand, first checking that the underlying hardware was in proper order before bolting the metal plates back into position.

"Seriously though," he began to add with his tufted ears visibly wilting and a somewhat annoyed expression upon his features, "This is really unprofessional. I know they were in a hurry and all to get the ship functional again, but this is really slipshod."
Shar did her best to not look bored. She did not have much interest in tanks. Her body was used to hit people with fists, sword and shoot them in the face with whatever rifle or pistol she could get her hands on. Driving a tank was strange thing to imagine. Not to mention she was lonely Daur marine on the ship and the tank was three-men job. Did they plan for her to use it on her own? She surely hoped.

"I can only guess," she said then, resisting urge to light a cigarette. "But I assume it is supposed to do recon, hit and ruck attacks too. With it's supposed speed it would be dumb to stay on one placce too long with it."

Def'leor crossed over to her station and slid into her seat. She deftly entered in her personal code to activate it. She pulled up the Interactive Display Terminal and connected it to the diagnostic and preflight procedures.

She sent the commands to the Gam'trosha and hoped that it was working better than the last time. Seeing the commands being accepted and her IDT updating as the flight systems were being checked by the various multiple integrated test systems.

She looked at the pre-flight checklist and then sent a request for all information available on the asteroid. She only wanted to store the data for the moment, so she could review it later at her leisure.

"Flight System Diagnostics underway Ship Mistress. Awaiting for all hands at station to conduct pre-flight checklist."

"Correct, on both accounts, although one was clearly sarcastic," the Daur instructor looked over at Qyu'amene. "Now, while we are still here in drydock since it seems the tech-heads are still busy," the instructor stared at the closed ramp that currently had a containment field up. "I would like our resident Daur to get into one of these tanks, I'll joining you to give you pointers and help get you used to it. The rest of you, being My'leke, will be handled by our instructor," he gestured to the male My'leke who was laying down beside a tank.

"Oh.. is it my turn to have some fun now?" the My'leke asked curiously as he got up. "For my trainees, head into the armory and grab a module, any will do as long as it is a weapon. Once equiped, return to me and we'll start to have a little bit of indoor target practice before we get to the real stuff... oh.. and make sure your wepons are set to 'target rounds', so that your shipmaster doesn't scream at us for putting a hole in the ship," the My'leke winked.


"I'll be fine," said the sprawled out medic. "First assignment, first mission... ughs..." the medic placed a hand on her head. She then got up onto all fours and looked at the boxes.

The boxes was hexagonal in shape, there was red and blue medical paint all around it with warning text that read 'breakable'. A few other boxes lacked text of any kind although they were obviously medical crates. "Help me unpack these crates and put away them away, some have breakable bottles so be gentle. Store all addictive medicines, such as pain killers, in the cabinet over there," she pointed toward a cabinet that was right beside the beds. "Put oxygen tanks up against the east wall, nearest those respirators and heart monitors."


Quin sighed as she laid on her back, partway out of the maintenance conduit. "I would have to guess that they were in a hurry to repair the systems... anywho. Help me put all of these panels back in place, just becareful because some of them are marked to show where high-voltage power cables run and others for data-lines. So make sure you pair them up properly, the rest of the panels are unmarked so you can put those anywhere. Also," she grabbed a handle bar at the top of the hatch. "Once your done with that, check one of the capacitors in that room," she gestured with a thumb to the room on their west side. "The capacitor at the back wasn't showing up properly on the diagnostics, ughs.. take your pick, which do you want to do first?" she asked.


"Contact flight control and request weather data and a flight path to the training grounds please," Sa'kira asked.

"C'bar Levi, take your place at science. Configure the terminal to how you want it, then send a request for access to any information related to that asteriod that hit Levia," she looked over at their science aviator.

Anas'tasiya giggled quietly as she watched the other Daur. "It is my first assignment too. What made you decide to join up?" She went to work on the hexagonal crates, taking bottles of medications and placing them in the cabinets.

As a healer, Anas'tasiya knew that she was going to need to be familiar where everything was so helping unpack was a good way to do so. The Infirmary didn't seem too busy, of course they were still in drydock - but it helped with the transition, she tended to be shy and that sometimes made making friends difficult. This gave her a good opportunity to get to know the other medic, and hopefully cultivate some kind of friendship.

The Daur wondered what the rest of the crew was like, she carefully moved the bottles not wanting her clumsiness to kick in and create an embarassing mess.
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