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RP: Fort Ready Class 3 - Another Beginning

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Maya and Karen were still crawling to there flanking maneuver when all of a sudden they all heard a gun shot and Maya noticing that someone had just taken a pot shot at her yet somehow missed her. Maya quickly shacked the shock and fear and gave a call to her squad over the radio.

"Novas! We've been compromised! Open Fire!"

Maya grabbed Karen and ran for cover behind some rocks while laying down a blind suppression fire behind her. When they finally got behind cover Maya wasted no time and started picking her targets and letting lose short controlled bursts not knowing weather or not she's hitting anybody. She knew the 3 enemy nekos were the biggest threat but the yamat, Kazuma, there was something very strange about him that Maya just couldn't put her finger on. Shaking off that thought, Maya got back down behind cover and beckons Karen to keep laying down the fire and watch her back while she checks in with bravo team.

"Brave Team! This is Alpha! What is your status!? Over!"
"This is Nova-3. All good over here, it seems he was distracted by something before firing, since it would be almost impossible to miss a shot like that. Be careful, that is only one out of four. He may be bait and leading us into a larger ambush.

Lance readied his rifle and looked in the direction of the enemy base. Still no movement... He waited for orders, either to watch for the others or to assist in eradicating the lone Yamataian.
Maya was relieved to hear Bravo was still relativity okay and it looks like they have the upper hand at the moment. "Wilco!, Glad to hear it! Alright it looks like we got them pinned in so lets keep laying down a suppression fire and carefully advance towards the enemy position, were going to go in for the kill!"

Maya gave an order to Karen to start keep laying down suppression fire on the enemy nest and Maya dropped down to the ground and starting crawling towards what she assumes to be Kazuma's position for a sneak attack.
"Hmm. Things seemed to have taken a bad turn," Kazuma said to himself.
"Kaze," he sent via radio. "I'm pinned down, but I have most of their team distracted. Requesting a little back-up, perhaps a surprise attack." His voice did not seem like one who was surrounded by a group of enemies, ready to take him out. He listened to the rubber bullets bouncing around him, striking rocks, trees, and leaves.

He leaned back and took in a long breath of air. Not the same as fresh air since he was stuck in the suit, but still refreshing. He fingered the trigger and waited for the approach of enemies with help of the radar, which registered three armors, with the team leader's marker unavailable. Strange, he thought. She's probably about to jump out at me. He reached on the ground and grabbed a decent sized rock, about four inches in diameter. Might as go from this world comically.
Maya was busy crawling as fast as she could while at the same time dodging all the rubber bullets barely flying over her head. Finally, Maya spotted the silhouette of a Daisy that didn't have the grace of a Nekovalkyrja wearing it just over the long grass. "Ha Ha Kazuma-senpai, I have you now."

With a gleam in her eye, Maya jumped off the ground at the Daisy while at the same time immediately activating her own Daisy's boost thrusters for a really hard tackle to the ground. Hopefully the impact will disorient him enough to pin him to the ground and take him prisoner.
As Kazuma saw the flying Daisy, only one thought crossed his mind. "What the f-." He didn't quite finish that thought as a Daisy blasted into his chest and slammed him into the ground. The impact caught him off guard as he dropped both the LASR and the rock. Yeah, this is not good... Well, I still have one more weapon up my sleeve...

"Well, I never thought we'd get this close so soon Maya. If you wanted me this much, you could have just asked!" He would have tried to give her a hug to catch her off guard, but he couldn't with his arms pinned down. "You may want to move before your squad mates arrive, they may take it the wrong way. Unless that IS the way you meant" he said, cocking his head to the side with an arrogant and confident tone.
Maya wasn't sure how to take Kazuma's lewd comments, she just looked at him for a second while cocking her head and then Maya kicked Kazuma with her LASR pointing directly at his head. "Alright lover boy, your going do as I say or I'm going to just put you down here and now! Depending on how you cooperate, I'll take you in as a prisoner instead of a corpse so tell the rest of your squad to stand down! NOW!!!"
Well, it looks like I may not die yet... he thought. "Okay, I'll tell them, since I don't feel like dying yet."

"So," Kazuma said with encrypted telepathically to his team. "Right now, I'm more or less captured behind enemy lines. They want me to tell you to stand down or they'll kill me. Since I'm pretty sure you guys won't care about my life after I blatantly charged out, do what you will. Now to switch to open..."

He switched to an open broadcast, so Maya could hear what he was saying. "Stand down, or I get killed, etcetera etcetera."

"You know," he said telepathically to Maya's armor. "You're going to have to waste at least one of your allies to watch me, making the game three on three. Is that something you really want to waste?" He shrugged his shoulders. "Whatever floats your boat. I won't risk my life trying to escape without assistance, but if no one watches me I'll just walk away.
Man this guy can be annoying... Maya can't help think. "Alright smart ass, I got a solution to this problem." Maya gave a quick telepathic communique to Karen to meet her at her location. "Alright buddy start stripping. NOW!" Kazuma my friend, your day is just about to get a lot worse.
Without warning, a loud noise and bright flash, which by now was obviously known as a Daisy's thruster pack, could be seen and heard going off, about 90 yards ahead of Maya and Kazuma. Within two seconds, a crashing could be heard and Satomi's daisy could be seen crashing through the canopy, LASR pointed straight at Maya. The neko opened fire, hoping to be heroic and knock Maya off of her Teammate. Hoping was the key word. The rubber bullets flew wild, one nicking Maya's LAZR, and 4 hitting Kazuma in various appendages, critically wounding him. Satomi hit the ground with a loud crunch, ending up in a pile on the floor, slightly dazed, and slowly getting back up.

The simulated pain from the Daisy kicked in, making Kazuma grab his leg, where one of the bullets hit. "Ow! Shoot her, not me!" He tried to stand, but his leg gave out and he fell back down. "First I'm captured, now I'm crippled by a teammate..." Kazuma sighed and let the scene unfold in front of him.

Maya tried firing her LASR at Satomi but the damn thing seem to be jammed from the damage. Frustrated, Maya tossed the broken weapon aside and jumped at Satomi before she can pull off another shot while at the same time sent a telepathic message to Karen and the rest of Nova squad for backup. "Oh no you don't!!!"

That half a second of attempted fire by Maya was all the time Satomi needed, bringing her own LASR to bear on the now pouncing enemy. two short bursts of three rubber bullets erupted from the weapon's muzzle, 5 hitting Maya, the last knocking a righteous hole into a tree. One to each appendage and one to the chest, the force knocking the wind out of maya, even with the suit on. She was thrown backwards, landing on the ground with a thud. her HUD read critical damage to both arms and legs, and Major damage to her torso. She was alive, but not very useful anymore.

Karen ran forwards, desperately firing at Satomi. "You killed the team leader! Even though she hated me, she was like a friend to me!" She seemed to be taking it a bit too real as she fired her clip at Satomi.

Lance had given up on watching and decided to use the opening Satomi created and snuck to the enemy base. He crouched behind a tree, about 20 meter away from the two members of Kaze at the base. "Good night," he said, squeezing off a three-round burst at the closet armor.

Satomi, still alert, noticed Karen rushing forward, firing wildly, and managed to jump out of the way, but she jumped the wrong direction and got nicked in her gun arm by one of the bullets, reducing it's effectiveness by 45%.

Lance's burst sang straight home, dropping Brandi like a fly, but it had the side effect of alerting Sarah, who turned around and fired back, missing, before rushing off towards the dots labeled "Kazuma" and "Satomi", dragging with her Brandi's 'dead' armour, for no apparent reason. "K1, K2!" she called "we've been compromised, converging on your position" she called wildly over the encrypted channel.

Maya was struggling to get up but to avail, her injuries were slowing her down. Maya then saw that Satomi was ignoring her so using all her might, Maya struggled to grab Satomi by the leg and then activate her Daisy's jump jets to try and knock Satomi out on anything in there path.

A sudden motion at her feet alerted Satomi, and she tried moving, but a second too late. an armored hand grabbed her ankle and then Maya's jump jets went off, propelling the pair forward, straight into a tree. Satomi got her leg slammed into the tree, the force actually dislocating her knee and causing simulated 'heavy' damage to it. Maya was flung wide, landing in a bush, and taking no further damage. Now four out of 8 armours were lying on the ground in varying states of 'disrepair'

Lance followed behind the fleeing Sarah's armor, staying behind about ten meters. He couldn't get a clear shot and didn't want to waste time and ammo trying to get the shot. Once she stops, I can get into a good position and take the shot.

Karen watched with an open mouth as Maya's armor grabbed onto Satomi's foot and propelled them both into a nearby tree. "Um... Lance?" she said, her voice shaking. "Maya's been taken out and I don't Know where Hotaru is. So... now that your team leader, what should I do??"

Maya was still feeling dizzy after that wild ride, she tried to get up but to no avail, she need medical help. Maya struggled to give the rest of Nova squad one last message. "Hotaru... Lance... Karen... It's... all... up... to you guys now. Good Luck and stay alive, thats all I ask!" With that Mayya started to zone out.

"Seems the tables have turned," Kazuma said camly to Maya. "It was fun, but here we are, both crippled on the ground...Well, I guess I'll follow your lead and sleep for a while."

As soon as she reached the rest of her team, Sarah turned around and fired at her pursuer, whom she could still see through the trees. What luck she thought, seeing all the rubber bullets go wide, lance having no trouble avoiding them.

Satomi tried getting up, feeling both real and simulated pain in her right leg. she leaned against a tree instead, and, seeing Karen, fired at her, and miraculously hit her opponent in the legs, though most of the shots went wide.

Lance ducked behind a tree and slammed a fresh clip into his LASR. "Karen," he sent over the team radio. "Aim for Satomi, I'll get Sarah!" He rushed in to the field and open fired at Sarah's armor, using a series of three-round bursts.

"I hear you," Karen said, but before she could react, her balance fell as the pain sensors told her that her legs gave out. "I'm incapacitated!" she shouted at Lance. Readying her LASR, she found her attacker and fired, squeezing down the trigger.

Lance's shots flew wide of Sarah, as the tiny Neko jumped out of the way behind her own tree, copying Lance and slamming a fresh magazine into her LASR

Satomi, lamely damaged as she was, managed to dodge out of Karen's shot by simply falling over.

Team Kaze was now ready to fight back, the uninjured Sarah firing at her equal opponent Lance, and the lame Satomi parralelling her teammate's situation.

Even lying on the ground, Satomi was able to pinch off an accurate round right into Karen's temple, Knocking her out instantly. Sarah tried a new tactic, rushing out to fire on her opponent. The result: she tripped on a tree root and was now lying in plain sight of her enemy. To add to her terrible luck, she had lost her LASR in the fall.

Lance launched for the opportunity, not hesitating from the unexpected result and not leaving himself too open from seeing an opening. He jumped out, fired off two bursts, and jumped behind the tree again, waiting to see the results of the attack.

Lance's timing and accuracy were dead on, the bullets reaching Sarah before she could even move. A light shone on his HUD, confirming the KO of his opponent.

Satomi noted the loss of her temmate, also. She checked her HUD for Lance's position (ala her drones) and discovered he had looped around behind her. thinking hard, she did the best thing she could think of to get out of the way. go up. Sitting up (not without difficulty) she activated the jump jets and flew above the canopy.

Lance ran into another clearing about 20 meters off and engaged his boosters to find his opponent. He didn't want to boost right into her, but if she was watching, she could probably tell where he was. He prepared his rifle, ready to fire right when she appeared in his vision.

Satomi was slightly startled to see lance appear above the trees, though it wasn't an entirely unexpected course of action for him to take. ready as she was, Satomi's damaged arm caused the shots to go wide, one getting close enough to lance to put an alert on his HUD.

I have to end this before she gets lucky, he thought. If this shot hits the target, it will all be over. If I miss... He ignored the further possibilities and focused on the goal at hand. He took extra time to aim and had his AIES stabilize the boosters as much as possible to get a clear shot. He lined up the sights and fired at the flying enemy. "Sayonara."

With all his steadying, Lance's shot was on course. Not 100% accurate but not inaccurate either. In any case, Satomi's wavering flight caused the shot to impact on her left leg, taking it out, but what were legs when one was flying?

In response, the neko returned the favor, unloading the rest of her Magazine at the Yamataian enemy of hers. even with the wild firing, she only hit him once, likewise in the leg.

Lance held his ground, or air, while withstanding the barrage of bullets surrounding him. Escaping the attack with only a hurt leg, he resumed his earlier attack position and fired once more at his one remaining enemy.

Lance's shot sailed home, right into that same leg, as satomi managed to keep her concentration on the LASR she was reloading, which she now turned upon Lance and fired.

Lance, getting rather annoyed at his opponent's endurance, fired the rest of his clip in the same steady manner, but this time adjusting his aim so he wouldn't hit the same leg again.

Her short burst managed to lodge one of it's bullets in the weaker armour of his left armpit, completely 'removing' it.

Lance's adjusted aim wasn't quite enough, merely bouncing off Satomi's waist and causing 'light' damage. in the reprieve, the Neko had adjusted her own aim, taking another shot at lance, hitting him in the thruster pack, which turned off, dropping him the 75 or so feet to the forest floor.

At that moment, Kail's voice could be heard over the radio in every PA. "Good job soldiers, that was a decent first attempt. In a real battle, you'll have to be better however. That's why we're training you. Once I unlock your PA's, you may return to the hangar to change. Anyone with injuries, head to the Med center. Oh, someone grab Hotaru and Karen, they can't move on their own right now."

Maya got up and took the Daisy armor off and put it back the way she found it, she then put back on her gym clothes and then started limping towards the infirmary. "Great, some leader I turned out to be, the first one to fall and one by one we were falling like flies and despite out best efforts, we still lost." Maya finally arrived at the infirmary and went to talk to one of the nurses. "Excuse me, I just got back from a training exercise and I got hurt pretty bad all over my body and I need to get checked out. Do I need to spend some time in a hemosynthesis tank or something?"
"Ah yes, good afternoon," a nurse said, walking from behind one of the doors in the infirmary marked 'Hemosynthetics'. "We were informed there were some injuries, but the major cases are already here. What seems to be the problem?"
Maya was holding her chest and can still feel that one chest blow. "Well I got shot several times in both arms and legs plus I also took one in the chest and it still hurts like hell. I don't know what to do about it, it should have healed by now but it hasn't."
"Doesn't sound too bad, so a quick bath in the hemosyntheic tank should help clear up the pain." The nurse escorted Maya to the room where all the injured recruits were being sent to. "This shouldn't take long, since your injuries are not life threatening," the nurse said, escorting her to a hemosynthetic tank.


Kazuma stretched as he got out of his armor, glad to be out of the tight armor and able to move his limbs freely. After he got dressed, he figured he'd avoid any exercise the instructors would dish out and see how the wounded were doing. He waited in a chair by the front desk to catch any injured who were leaving that he recognized from either his team or Novas.
Maya was escorted to the hemosynthetic chamber and Maya recognized several other recruits from todays long and strenuous exercise. The nurse showed Maya to an empty hemosynthetic tank witch was already filling with the gooey stuff. Maya stripped down to her underwear and climbed up the ladder to the top of the tank where she then plunged in with a slight splash before she was sealed in.

Floating inside a tank full of hemosynthetic fluid was a strange feeling, like being back inside the womb or something, Maya couldn't make out much outside due to the distortions the fluid made with her vision. Maya felt like she could spend an eternity in here and never come out and suddenly she was beginning to feel a llittle sleepy, with nothing better to do but wait, Maya allowed herself to fall slowly asleep drifting aimlessly inside.
The rest of the day was easier than normal, with even the instructors showing a little sympathy towards the recruits. After a decent dinner, the recruits were sent to the barracks, with a promise from the instructors.

"If NO ONE decides to leave the barracks at 2 in the damn morning," the instructor barked, slamming his fist on the wall to emphasize his annoyance. "Tomorrow will be a day of break. Be prepared, for a soldier should always be prepared, even if taking a bus into a peaceful city to go to the shops, etcetera. Danger is ever present!"

The instructor seemed to take the matter seriously enough that Kazuma wondered if he even knew the definition of vacation.
Maya had just finished healing up from her injuries and had left the infirmary to go to the cafeteria. After a hearty meal, Maya then went back to the barracks to take it easy after a very long stressful day of training.

Maya was getting ready to take a long shower when on of the instructors came in and making some announcement about being prepared, bla, bla, bla, yadda, yadda, yadda, but when the mention of having the day off tomorrow and having the opportunity to visit the nearby town, Maya was ecstatic, "Finally! A chance to get away from this military environment of drills and studies and to have some real fun."

Maya quickly finished up her bath and got into her nighties then went to her assigned bunk to get some sleep and and get up early for the big day tomorrow,

OOC: This sounds like a nice change of pace.
Satomi walked into the barracks, looking worse for the wear, and smelling of alcohol. She burped, releasing more alcohol scent, then fell face first into the side of her bunk, causing it to slide a few inches, and a nice red mark to appear on her face. Within 30 seconds of her arrival, the blue-haired Neko was snoring on the floor, completely out of it. No one knew where she had been, or how she had gotten drunk, but, after having survived the training round, she had decided to celebrate and this was the result.
Maya was stirred awake from the drunk Satomi's entrance and got up after she could smell the scent of alcohol in the air. Following the scent, it lead her to the drunk Staomi who had now just passed out on the floor. "Oh hell no! Someone was having a party and i wasn't invited!?" Maya was annoyed by this fact and picked up the drunk Satomi up by the shoulders and gave her a few good slaps on the cheeks.

"Hey you! Wake up! Where the hell were you able to find alcohol on the base at this hour!? I could of used a few drinks myself too you know!!! I know you won an all but thats no reason for me to think that I wouldn't celebrate with you! Forgive and forget I always say. Now hurry up and tell me where your stash is!!!."
Maya tried again but with no luck, Satomi looked like she was not coming out of it anytime soon. Giving up, Maya dropped Satomi back on the floor and headed back to her bunk. As she was climbing up to her top bunk, Maya noticed the high window sitting slightly next too it. Sitting couched on her legs on top of her bunk and facing the window, Maya place both of her hands on the window's glass pane and took a look outside. Nothing particularly interesting was going on outside but it was really the deep bright star-filled night sky that really caught Maya's attention. Nataria's full moon was also present and thousands of stars twinkled brightly on and off in the dark background with the occasional comet or shooting star passing on by. Maya continued to look at it with sad green eyes and almost to the point of crying.

"Space..." "Thats where I really should be. It's not fair! Why was I singled out from the rest of my cloning batch to come here!? I should be with them killing those Mishhu bastards for what they done to us! But then again... , if the reports I heard are correct, there probably all dead now. All my sisters dead, they were the only family I knew for as long as I can remember. Is that to be my fate too, to die in another war for the glory of the empire? A disposable weapon to be used against our enemies? Another statistic in the Nekovalkyrja death toll? I failed the combat trials and so maybe thats just all I'm good for, cannon fodder."

Maya stopped thinking about her personal musings for a second and took another look at the night sky. "Still, space is still quite beautiful, Maybe I'm just getting tired of being grounded." Maya's eyes was starting to water and it was a single tear that fell on her lap that she finally realized that she was crying and took a hand to rub them out. Maya took one last sad look up at the night sky and then turned around and got back under the covers of her bunk and cried herself back to sleep.
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