Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: The Wayward Collection (Ep. 1.2)


Ana nodded and smiled in relief. She was glad to have another look out for her, even though she still doesn't think she deserved it. "I'll tell you another time. I promise. I think we better get back to the others before they miss us."

Embel nodded and still holdinbg Ana's hand she walked back to the door dragging the the with her "Oh sorry, I don't want your man to think we were doing anything naughty" she let go of Ana's hand and smiled "I am sorry" her tail gently brushed against her as she opened the door and walked to the table close to Ana.
Ana blinked, frowning a little not quite sure what Embel meant. She didn't have a man, that she knew of...just Quinn. With a shrug, she walked out with Embel back to the table, looking around. She didn't see Snake...nor the one she thought was breathed a sigh of relief as they went back to the table and she sat down next to Quinn once more...being sure to drink just water. Though the drink she had was good, she had a suspicion that there was something in it that was affecting her somewhat and wanted to ask about it later. She gave Embel's tail a small stroke in passing as they sat back down.
Embel smiled and sat by Shadow she had a light blush from Ana touching her tail and looked down then started to play with her tail "So what was going on out here while we were in the restroom?"
Quinn considered the three options and after a moment he glanced up when Embel and Ana finally returned and sat down at the table. "Discussing the options for work." He filled in helpfully. "I believe the unanimous decision is that we're going to get attacked, by people or beasts, either way we look at it. He shrugged "I don't particularly enjoy the thought of any of these but I think I'll go with Hugar on this one and toss my vote in for the Escort mission to planet unknown." That said he shifted his head between Ana and Embel and back. "One of you fall in?" He asked with a teasing smile, attempting to make light of Ana's being in the bathroom for so long.
Embel sighed and looked at Quinn "That sounds interesting, at least I can prove my self as a better fighter that last time" Embel's tail was close to Quinn and Ana as she looked between them "Yea I fell in, my tail got sucked in and Ana had to help me" she said jokingly and got up, then walked over to Quinn and whispered so only Quinn could hear "Ana thought she saw someone she knew, she looked terrified so I promised to look out for her, you two seem really close, so make sure she is okay as well."
Quinn gave an amused snort at Embel's joke and the smile remained on his face even as the other murmured to him. His eyes, without him turning his head, took a sweep of the room he could see from where he was seated and upon finding nothing suspicious or worrying that he could identify outright he decided to make a note of Ana's feeling and remind himself to be a bit more vigilant just in case. He had a very good idea of the person Ana was afraid of, and knew exactly what said person looked like so it wouldn't be too hard to spot them if they were there. "Thank you. I'll keep that in mind." He said evenly.
Ana looked between them all and said softly, "I'm fine with whatever the group chooses. I have no preference." She watched Embel and knew that she was telling Quinn what had happened. Ana had hoped that she could have said something, but wanted to wait until the meeting was over. Oh well. What was done was done and there's nothing Ana could do about it. She just hoped she could get on the ship soon and hide in the engine room. A place that she knows would be familiar to her.
Hugar leans back and thinks for a moment before looking at her. "Alright well I say we do the escort mission, though I'll go with whatever anyone else decides if I'm out voted." He says with a chuckle before finishing off his drink and stretching a bit more.
Tanja took a moment to study Embel and Ana when they returned from the restroom. She gave a smile though seeing that Ana felt a little better. At hearing what Embel said though she looked to Quinn and Ana. "You two are part of the crew now, you don't have to worry about those kind of things. We all protect each other."

After everyone spoke about the mission she gave a nod. "It looks like we'll be taking the escort job. If you don't have a gun there are some on the ship, rifles and pistols, but they're all solid munitions, if you want any energy weapons you'll have to buy them. Anything else you want to buy you probably should. We'll likely have hostile animals to deal with."
Analiese looked around and then curled up into her chair, not quite sure what to say. She mumbles softly, "Yes, ma'am." Ana listens to the rest of what the others are planning on doing. She has no weapons and no money for any, but she doesn't care. She will hide before she has to defend herself, if she can help it.
Quinn nodded to what Tanja had to say, reaching over to lay his hand, palm up, on the table beside Analiese, offering her comfort and support if she wanted it. For the rest of them he watched them interact and talk, almost eager to be off and see the ship that he'd be calling home for the next while. "I've got three -no four- guns and two knives. I think I'm good." He chuckled. "Wouldn't count on me being able to hit anything long range though, I'm a terrible shot."
Ana quietly slipped her hand into Quinn's, taking the comfort he offered. She gave him a small smile, very briefly, but turned to the others as she listened. She was a little anxious to see where she would be now, still overwhelmed by the whole thing, but surprisingly least she hoped so.