Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

  • If you were supposed to get an email from the forum but didn't (e.g. to verify your account for registration), email Wes at [email protected] or talk to me on Discord for help. Sometimes the server hits our limit of emails we can send per hour.
  • Get in our Discord chat!
  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

Art Commissions Showcase

Over the years, many artists have created artwork for the Star Army universe. With all the art being scattered around our wiki, sometimes it's hard to get a sense of just how many artworks we've got, and we may have missed many new artworks simply because they were for characters not in the same plots as us. So I'm making this thread where I plan to post them all. You guys are welcome to discuss them as they appear.

I'm going to start with all the Star Army art I've collected on DeviantArt, and I plan to regularly post updates here.
Correct! Anything on DeviantArt that I fave as Star Army is posted on the forum via crafty use of RSS feeds.
The Maulwurfhund
One of the newest creatures and pets to exist on Star Army Roleplay, the Maulwrufhund is finally here on Deviantart. There is lineart that can be sold and, if people want, very cheap or even free adopts for variants of the Maulwurfhund for those that join our site and become an active member! This is due to the fact that this is only a pureblood and they are rather simple to color and make more of! Below will be excerpts from their wiki page, as well as the link to the page. These are found via the site of Wes-of-StarArmy, at Star Army

... difficulties raising and keeping a Maulwurfhund, however, are also its strongest points. These large creatures enjoy burrowing and making underground homes, so one should have a large terrarium with enough room to act as an underground doghouse. If one does not have this, they might find the Maulwurfhund will start to claw at the floor of a ship or home, leaving scratches or delivering far worse damage. Their powerful nose also means that any unchecked food will often be pilfered by even the most well-trained of mutts...

The Maulwurfhund is considered a domestic animal, even when born into the wild, until five generations has passed. After five generations without intelligent contact, the Maulwurfhund becomes akin to a wolf without the open aggression and hunting of humanoids. This ensures that, even though they might be wild, the species will not attack anything that vaguely resembles the Abwehran (or similar) forms. When one owns a Maulwurfhund, they should expect to need the following!
  • A 5x5x5 foot box of packed dirt or a 2x2x2 foot box and a blindfold for their Maulwurfhund (to allow partial burrowing sleeping)
  • A book or translator for Abwehran, to allow the user to train their Maulwurfhund with its naturally-trained language.
  • Tusk and claw cleaning-care kits, to allow grooming and trimming of them when they reach poor states.
  • A treadmill or open space to go on walks once a day</i>… - For those who can't see the hyperlink above =3=/

All rights reserved.
View The Maulwurfhund on DeviantArt
WARLOCK Mk 1 - Lineart
One of my first attempts at creating really solid art. I used a compilation of public domain pictures to give myself a "base" to work on and then pulled together a collection of many of my favorite armors in sci-fi and fantasy to serve as references for the general theme.

Though this may not be the final version of it, this is the lineart of the Warlock. A new Power Armor being created within Star Army Roleplay, it sits at what would be considered a Light PA. This is due to many sacrifices of sheer armor in exchange for a tech suite. Arc thrower-like weapons fitted to its fingers and palm allow it to cast out powerful strikes of energy, gravity manipulation technology in its torso and legs that allow it to affect gravity around it within a short range and change the gravity of the user at will, and magnetic field containers and projects within the gauntlets allow the suit to manipulate various objects via magnetism or even magnetize certain objects.

While magic and psionics within the setting does not exist (at least, not in the mystical sense), this suit allows the user to feel like a Warlock. It's not heavily armed nor capable of taking too much of a beating, but can still wield most power-armor weaponry in its hands and will eventually boast an expansive arsenal, accessories, and different kits to allow it to fulfill both your civilian, engineering/construction, and combat needs!

The flat colored and final version of the WARLOCK Mk 1 will be posted when it's done, but until then you can check out the setting it was inspired and created to be on by visiting or checking out Wes-of-StarArmy on DeviantArt to see the other kinds of art within the setting!
View WARLOCK Mk 1 - Lineart on DeviantArt
Formed from a handful of graduates from Kennewes University's College of Engineering, Ken-TEC prides itself in the study of various technologies found throughout the entirety of the Kikyo sector. Due to the world's time as a heavy battle-zone, much of its marshy surfaces needed a suit better equipped to handling potentially re-activated drones or the type of wild-life that exists only on such hostile worlds. Seeing this need, Ken-TEC analyzed the various forms of power armor and spacesuits constructed and saw a market to produce a new type of machine. One that, in the right hands, could serve within the branches of various military groups or as the common man's work tool. The end result was that Kennewes and the entire sector would be gifted the Warlock, a suit named for its near fantasy-levels of utility.

Fitted with a state-of-the-art power pack, the Warlock's entire body is practically a weapon. Fitted in its gloves, thumbs, and pointer fingers is an acute arc-thrower, capable of unleashing powerful bolts of electricity or compacting it into energy orbs. Its massive gauntlets house specialized electromagnetic arrays, allowing it to manipulate the magnetic properties of objects or simply manipulate metals. This means that the Warlock can utilize its arms alone to slow or even stop various weaponry and objects, even potentially throwing or firing it back at its original source. These two features alone allow the machine to reboot machinery through controlled electrical recharging, catch or pull massive metal sections that might not be within its lifting capacity, and nearly anything the user could foresee when working in engineering. But the greatest accomplishment of the Warlock is neither of these, but that they are combined with a far greater form of technology.

While the suit has rudimentary thrusters for maneuvering in the void of space, its original aspect as a planetary power armor are obvious thanks to its bulky legs and jutting torso. Housed within its thicker chest segments and lower legs is the culmination of Kennewes research coupled with the expertise of Origin Engineer Yori Kataoka in gravity is one of the finest suites of gravity manipulation technology. A generator capable of both anti-gravity and enhancing it, along with a field emitter in its torso, allows the Warlock to control the gravity in a small area. This effective bubble, grants the machine feats such as being able to nullify its own gravity and drift, even while in planetary atmosphere. It provides the suit benefits when working with heavy loads, capable of nullifying gravity entirely to allow it to slowly pull and work massive beams of metal with far more ease. And, while in combat, the Warlock can drastically alter gravity to throw off opponents in close range or to help it maneuver.

The Warlock is, without a doubt, the culmination of some of the greatest work in the Kikyo sector. The advancements made to create it are kept cheap thanks to the Kennewes economy thriving from the increased work the suit has allowed and initial orders of the machine. Ken-TEC is already bringing ideas to the table on new upgrades, variations, and accessories to pair with their signature debut piece... and only time will tell if the Warlock will fizzle out as just some spur-of-a-dream or become as legendary as the mighty Mindy or the hardy Hostile.


For more on the Warlock and the Kikyo sector's amazing setting, check out or look up Wes-of-StarArmy for looks at some of the setting's killer art.
View Ken-TEC WARLOCK Mk 1 on DeviantArt