If you were supposed to get an email from the forum but didn't (e.g. to verify your account for registration), email Wes at stararmy@gmail.com or talk to me on Discord for help. Sometimes the server hits our limit of emails we can send per hour.
With regards to the joyous events that will soon be occurring in some of our community's members lives, may I suggest that we postpone the IRC until April 1st?
Although I could've sworn that we'd already discussed this via DM, PM, or elsewhere on the forums, is it safe to assume that Elysia, as a suzerainty of Yamatai, has already received an invitation to the YE 40 IRC @Wes? I ask because I can't find the aforementioned discussion. >.<
Is the stuff for this intended to kick off soon? I've been busy and with the new format for the site, I've not been able to spot any threads related to the IRC. I'm still hopeful to get to do this, especially since it's set-up for more Nepleslia stuff.
Why would we skip ahead, @Zack, when the IRC hasn't even started yet - and I'm pretty sure "scaring up some access by hitting up her people" wouldn't end well, as it wouldn't get Uso past Conference Security.
I beg to differ, @Zack - because what makes it harder for anyone else but you if USO, like every other nation not originally invited, has to ask for an invite?
I don't mean to be rude, but from my perspective this is looking more and more like an OOC effort to forcefully insert USO into the IRC without providing any IC justification as to why USO would even be allowed to attend (or, for that matter, be invited) in the first place.
Ok, going to verify with Wes he agrees this should happen ICly, but the opening post for the conference is written, I'm just waiting on Wes to tell me if there are any faults. I'll write a letter to Uso in which she does not have to respond with more than one reply, ya know? To keep things speedy indeedy. Won't post until Wes is online.
Just saw this and, yup, I showed him one. IDEK if he's seen the part where the MP shoots Yui in the vitals and she ST 's into Sachiko's body, yet. If he had read it I don't think he would be considering letting me run it, still.
lmao I am joking but hopefully this makes Wes want to re-read it to see if that happened???