If you were supposed to get an email from the forum but didn't (e.g. to verify your account for registration), email Wes at stararmy@gmail.com or talk to me on Discord for help. Sometimes the server hits our limit of emails we can send per hour.
"Sky Marshall, seeing as tensions seem to be mounting within the conference area, Admiral Veles advises for you return to the capitol, along with the other Senators. With the arrival of the Ketsurui Taisho, security for the Imperium's leaders may develop shortly into a problem. I believe you are familiar with her family's, and her own, ways of forceful implementation of their ideals."
"Sky Marshall, seeing as tensions seem to be mounting within the conference area, Admiral Veles advises for you return to the capitol, along with the other Senators. With the arrival of the Ketsurui Taisho, security for the Imperium's leaders may develop shortly into a problem. I believe you are familiar with her family's, and her own, ways of forceful implementation of their ideals."
The current discussion between Roxanne and Melisson raises a question: now recognizable is the Mishhu interpreter? Who would know what she looks like, aside from the folks that have directly interacted with her? If she passed through security with the Nepleslians, her picture should at least be on the station security network, but would a civilian recognize her?
On Pisces, where mutant nepleslians, ID-SOLs and others might wander around... Melisson probably wouldn't get a second glance (well, maybe because she's goes easy on the eyes) except if you knew what she looked like.
The only dead giveaway that she's not a yamataian with an unusually pink skin (yamataian pigmentation varies a lot and pink isn't sooo unusual) really would be having her show her teeth to people: she's got a double row of triangular shark-like teeth - you'll notice Melisson tries to cover her mouth when she laughs and rarely grins.
*ahem* Anyway. Orie just asked a question of Pisces' KAMI in the Celia refugee thread, if one of you GM-y types would like to field that. Especially if any of y'all know more about food in nations other than Yamatai than I do.
Ack! I hadn't realized that was an actual request ;...
If there is a GMly type that wants to field this, it would be much appreciated; otherwise, as the OP for that thread, i guess i'd probably better think of something -_-;...
Does PISCES have a preferred avatar, incidentally?
Pisces doesn't have an avatar...also, I didn't know how to respond because you didn't say how you contacted the computer. Did you go to a control panel or use a telephone? Or did you just talk in the middle of the crowd and hope there was a directional microphone around that was pointed at you?
Anyway, my advice with restaurants is to just make something up. There should be plenty around.
I am vaguely certain that GMs have either let the players gone free or just picked... Like... curry.
So don't really worry about the actual foods. Steak, clam, whatever. HOWEVER... Remember that it just isn't Earth now. Other stuff you can eat if you feel inclined.
And I am vaguely certain you don't have to go and submit it, either.