1. Formalize
Nepleslia's policy on not being used as a base or shield for terrorists or pirates. In return, be clear and formalize that Yamatai will not be used as a base for pirates and such.
2. Convince Nepleslia to withdraw any forces in the UOC. In return, withdraw forces from old Freespacer turf and boot the Reds out of Halna.
3. Promote a peace treaty between Nepleslia and Elysia if possible.
Doesn't Nepleslia know ICly that Yamatai is the
reason there are Reds still on Halna in the first place? I would assume so, since the 'Spacers know and the Nepleslians took the 'Spacers in. If so, that could cause a serious point of contention during the whole treaty process -- one usually doubts the sincerity of a treaty the other party has been working to undermine them moments before.
Anyways, a question: Does "not be used as a base for pirates and such" include supporting, or at least tolerating Red presence? Tom should probably bring that up, especially since it's not actually clear on whose definition of pirate is being used. Otherwise it might lead to some misunderstandings.
This doesn't only concern the Reds. Yamataian privateers could be perceived as pirates by Nepleslia and be arrested on sight. Or alternatively, Wes once mentioned that "no 'Spacer is innocent", which if applied ICly means every 'Spacer is a criminal, which could be used as a basis for rounding up all the 'Spacers in Nepleslia for transport to ghettos, prisons, and concentrating camps. And what about legitimate mercenary companies under the OSC, which is unofficially
recognized by Nepleslia but are sentenced to death by Yamatai? Would they be extradited too?
Defining what constitutes what's a "pirate and such" is of key importance here, especially given the sharp contrast on what is "good" and "bad" in Yamatai versus Nepleslia.