AJ said:If a race fails to catch on, though, instead of erasing it from the IC history, let the SA raze the planet, or have some other calamity wipe out the race. If the creator chooses _not_ to review, re-plan, and fix what went wrong and abandons the race, then it could be said that the race died out completely and their part in the history of the SARP and the plot can be left in with no harm to the timeline. If the creator-player does want to fix what went wrong and does manage to get people interested again, then they can play the remnant that rebuilds that culture and race. A new start. Once again as an example, this is what James is trying to do with the Kohanians.
Stealing my girl's computer to respond.
What you suggest, in my own head, is work for the GMs and the rest of us who are sticking around constantly to try and improve the SARP. We have enough issues with the races we have, the ships we have, and so on, without trying to figure out how to phase out a race that was abandoned by a creator.
It takes DEVOTION. James (glad to hear you're okay, dude!) had other circumstances that seemed to shut his race down, more or less, but we've seen a few races that get proposed and then the player loses interest and leaves.
That's the reason I suggested my piece of the restrictions. If you're not going to stick around for a year, at least, and work hard on the race, flesh it out, create the culture, help PCs improve and add to it -- if you don't do that, and just want to get off by creating something, then it seems to bog the SARP down, not bring it up. And it takes work to figure out this "razing" business, and ICly it seems kind of silly -- Yamatai's trying to fight a war, not colonize, neh?
I dunno how that'd work with the Kohanians (Kohanaians?); they've been around, so something can probably be worked. But at the very first, there should be pre-planning. As in, a viable plot idea. The real plots of the SARP run on plotships, convenient vehicles to keep players congregated and able to play.
It sounds cart-before-the-horse ... but that's what makes sense to me, at least. Come up with a plot that will get the players, flesh the rest once that's solidified.