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If someone falls or is seriously hurt, this should be noted in a post so Sorri knows to start working on getting them back on their feet.
And your character has 5 health, which puts his health at 0. 0 health means disabled, not dead. (see the fourth post from the top and the previous page)
I was under the impression that anything which does enough damage to take a character directly from full health to zero requires a fortitude roll, or the character dies instantly. Since you didn't post one, I assumed that roll failed. And either way, I'm lying on the floor, bleeding out, in the middle of a fight, with only two active fighters on my side. Those aren't the best odds.
Odds are actually in your favor, since the goblins' accuracy really sucks. Plus I thought Missing would have healed you.

Btw, you guys can infer damage on your own even if I forget to post it as such. For example, if one person takes 1 damage and another takes 20, even if i dont specify in a story post, your character would obviously be able to tell who took more damage.
And Missing, I'm not going to post in the actual thread, because my post would be something along the lies of "I fall to the ground, twitching."

Head wounds are fairly uneventful once they're that major. XD
Well I searched for your rule regarding a fortitude save, and have found no reference to it anywhere in the rules. Therefor, I call it null and void, so therefor Denkou is still alive, but simply disable and only able to make one standard action per turn.

Also, Talarin, the monsters haven't gone yet, hold your horses a bit XD
I figured it would be better to ask Sorri to start healing Denkou instead of risking her near the goblins that Aurelus and I have neatly wrapped up.
Gabriel said:
The other three goblin all sprang forward, aiming for Denkou since she was the first one that they had seen. The first one swung its morning star, striking a mighty blow against Denkou's left shoulder before getting a magic missile from Talarin right to the side of the head. However, the goblin manage to remain standing, although it was clear that he was extremely dazed by the shot.. The other two goblins swung at Denkou, both missing horribly.
Aendri said:
And Missing, I'm not going to post in the actual thread, because my post would be something along the lies of "I fall to the ground, twitching."

Head wounds are fairly uneventful once they're that major. XD
Except it was on her shoulder : P The goblin got magic missile in the head right afterward, though.

I figured if Denkau was knocked out it'd be better to finish the battle before Sorri set down her weapon, took off her backpack, and started patching Den up. It's easier for two people to defend one than one to defend two, at least, that was my train of thought on it.
Alright, so Talarin's turn has been used up for this round. Since Neva posted twice last round I just carried turns over.

Please keep in mind guys, just because I post doesn't mean that it's your turn again, it's ONLY if the monsters' actions are included in my post. For example, this last time I just updated info on damage and the such, just because it's nice to know the outcome of your teammates' actions before you go.
Hold your horses Missing, we still need to wait for Aendri, Neva, and Moogle to post for this round before you can go again.
Oh, okay. When you said "whoever posts first" I thought that, as long as you posted for the NPCs, anyone could post for the next round. I didn't think the first round defined the posting order.

I'll keep that in mind : )

Meanwhile...I kinda feel sorry for that last goblin. Thwap, stab, stab, pow! Li'l thing's gonna be mush by the end of all that...unless we all roll low.
I pass. There is nothing for my character to do besides attempt to hide behind the group even more than he already has been. 'Cause you know, I wasn't expecting to fight goblins day 1.
I actually like it that we get to fight something. It'd be kinda boring if all we did was figure out how to disarm traps and how to climb over a structure to avoid said obstacles. Something easy to fight puts our roles into perspective.

Also, Missing beat me to what I was going to comment here. That last goblin is not having a good day. Even the sorcerer is wasting a spell on him! xD
I didn't mean to sound like I was complaining, if anybody saw it that way. Being a utility wizard is silly stuff.
Not what I meant missing. If you look at that that post before yours, I never actually specified any actions for the goblins. That wasn't the NPCs turn, I was just updating the damage to the goblin so the other characters would know what was going on. Nowhere in that post did it say that the goblins were attacking.

Usually turns will go something like this:
-Player goes
-Player goes
-Player goes
-Update on damage/healing/etc
-Player goes
-Player goes
-Second update on damage, and monsters' turns
But, once the first round passes -- Player 1, player 2, player 3, monster/healing update -- is the order to remain that way for the rest of the rounds or can the order of the players change? Example: after the first round, the second round goes Player 3, Player 1, Player 2, monster/healing update. Basically all players go, in any order, then the monster/healing update marks the end of the round once everyone who wants to has had their one post...that's how I had it pictured, and why I posted first in the second round.

Side note related to my last post: I don't think I have another "Cure" today, so if you want to use Sorri's "Heal" skill (with or without the kit?) that could work. If none of the above applies, then just let it be a nothing action.
I think we're just going whatever order comes up, Missing. So even if you went last the round before, if you're around first, you can post first.