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Re: D & D

I'm flexible, I can work with anything. The ones I've gotten so far have just been re-typed, so that works too. So I'm just waiting for yours and Aendri's.

And fred, is it bad that, knowing you, I get the feeling that you're not even joking about using these characters?
Re: D & D

Probably. I am goofing around.

Heh. Those are ideas best used by a DM, not a player.

Well, maybe not the Tarrasque (few DMs could credibly use a Tarrasque), but the Succubus Paladin yes. I actually did use Eludecia in my 4E dungeon around the point where our Eladrin Wizard was almost level 9, where one of the best daily powers was 'Summon Succubus'.

By making him encounter the Succubus Paladin and doing a subquest to earn her regard so that she'd be inclined to give her name away so he could in the future summon her help, it gave him a legit 'good' reason to go around and use the 'Summon Succubus' power without the good-aligned characters in the party making a big deal of it.

Sexing up evil... for great justice! XD
Re: D & D

Alright, three things:

One, my character is a true neutral Deep Imaskari Abjurer (wizard).

Two, I'll be out (or at least my access will be more limited) for a week starting this upcoming tuesday to the next one. Feel free to go ahead (Not as if I expected an entire group to wait for me.).

Three, I'll try to send my profile to you by the weekend.
Re: D & D

Only you fred, only you.....

And okie dokie, we may or may not start without you, depending on how long it takes to get all the character info, and if missing decides to join up.
Re: D & D

I have a character history worked out, now trying to learn and assign the stats (skills, feats, etc.) quickly within that framework...and, before anyone tells me, I know my build isn't optimal. I make a character history, then create the build around it, so things are usually interesting because of that.

Hopefully I'll have something ready by the end of today?
Re: D & D

Actually fred, I was talking about this one. Totally different, but hey. And I should have mine scanned and sent by tonight.
Re: D & D

Whatever works missing, and if you're confused on how to do something you can either ask or google it.

And I got your character Aendri, we just need missing to finish his character and we're waiting for our spell casters to finish up.
Re: D & D

Oh, just as a note, I have a couple spare characters that I can contribute if someone is having trouble. I have a monk, a sorcerer, and a druid, all of which anyone can use.
Re: D & D

So, based on what I know, we have:
  • a human rogue,
    a half-elf sorcerer,
    a Deep Imaskiri wizard,
    and a halfling cleric.

SR, what're you playing as?

And you guys should all get on the IRC whenever you have the chance, specifically you, Gabe. Makes it a lot easier to work things out.
Re: D & D

Also, we need to work out how we're rolling. I plan on having two threads, one for the story line and actions, and one for ooc stuff such as rolling, questions, etc. The question is, do you guys want to make your own rolls, or would you rather tell me what you're doing and I give you the outcome?
Re: D & D

Thats kinda how I envisioned it, basically like how most SARP GMs run combat. This would also give it a more story-like feel. Plus, we're going to ignore initiative to make the game run faster. Turns would basically be whoever posts first goes until all players have taken a turn, then DM/enemies, and repeat.
Re: D & D

And I'm assuming surprise rounds would just mean you post first instead of second? I'm fine with that. I'm used to that kinda thing, since you're supposed to use a DM shield if you're in person anyway. This is just like a DM shield we can't chance seeing around.
Re: D & D

My profile is almost finished. I'm also including a level advancement chart, so you can just play it as an NPC until I get back if you so choose. Let me tell you, writing it electronically is a BITCH.
Re: D & D

IPhone App DnDScribe. It's 99 cents but let's you create, level and keep track of ur characters down to how many spells you've got left for the day and how much health you have. Also I think the damage to characters should be in () after the sentence describing how it happened. Just a thought.
Re: D & D

Okay moggle, just send it to me whenever you can.

and nevaraon, I can probably do that. On that note guys, in the story section everything must be in character, and in the ooc section avoid stating too many stats, skills, or health. Just because if you're in a group walking around in a forest, one of them won't go, "Cleric, can you heal me? I'm down to 2 hitpoints." Keep it more along the lines of, "I'm feeling extremely weak, heal me." Just like you won't see someone in that same group going, "I have a +4 to listen!" It would be more like, "I'm extremely wise and good at listening."
Re: D & D

I know, but it just isn't "character". One time our DM yelled at us for telling the cleric our hp so he knew who to heal, so we started describing our health in fractions lol. "How are you feeling?" "If I had to rate my energy in a fraction I would say I'm at roughly 37 out of 52."

EDIT: Oh, and since moogle won't be available for a while, once I get the last-minute details from each person we can probably just start without him and I'll find a way to integrate his character later.