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Denkou's easy. Think typical Nymph more or less, and turn down the otherworldly a couple notches. About a foot of wavy brown hair, silver eyes. Pale skin, decently short and slight. Hair she just lets lay down, since it naturally stays more or less out of the way. Very Fey facial features. She's got a major Fey bloodline, so it's fairly obvious that it's there.
Talarin's a wiry built, scrawny, tan guy. He obviously used tobwork on a farm. His red hair is unkempt and sticks out everywhere. His eyes are a bright baby blue. His leather vest is old and scarred. As is his cloak which is old and has holes at the edges. Joanna is a green lizard with red speckles. She has a geckoish head with a long puffed body and a thin tail. She is about 3.5 feet long.
Huh. Sorry, I assumed she'd have something that would identify her as a cleric, but you're right. I'll edit that out, but just consider Aurelus a bit suspicious of her then for some reason.

As for how Aurelus looks: he has long straight light brown hair that reaches his eyebrows, and his neck on the sides and back of his head. His eyes are hazel, and radially change from amber in the center to dark green on the edges. A goatee covers his chin. His skin tone is light (not quite pale, but only that much darker).

He is 6'1" and weights 200 lbs. He is visibly cut (muscle-wise). He has a long sleeved white shirt with semi-tied laces around the neck which hang onto a battle-worn studded leather vest. Several straps are located on his torso, as he has a shield strapped to his back and a large backpack, on which a bedroll is visible. He has a pair of studded leather shoulder covers, bracers and gloves.

He has a belt around his waist, which carries a waterskin, his sling and it's bullets (in a pouch hanging from the belt), a throwing axe and the scabbard for his longsword, which leans on his right hip. His pants are common drab brown pants, with a pair of studded leather greaves wrapped around his shins and calves, as well as a pair of leather boots.

His wooden shield has Drakeshire's coat of arms engraved into it, as does a small metal piece on his longsword's scabbard. He has a silver ring on his right hand, on the ring finger. A scar crosses his right cheek diagonally, reaching for his eye.
And Sentient, it would be Drakeshire, not Ravenshire. That one was my fault. I realized that halfway through that first post I changed the name of the country for some reason.

Also, some maps for you guys will be up in like ten minutes
Okay, had a chance to look over the maps and I must admit to still being a little confused.

So...The Prologue and first mission puts the characters on these progressions:

Talarin___Brandson___________Still Brandson_______________Caloma
Denkou__Southern border______Brandson__________________Caloma
Aurelus__Madsonia border______Brandson__________________Caloma
Sorri_____Belloksh, then anywhere________________________Caloma

I'm assuming Brandson is that town that looks like "Bendson". So the starting trio pretty much all ended up in Brandson and started heading south?

For Sorri, it has been a month since she ran away (the parts in Gabriel's post about Sorri and my Prologue post took place then, I don't know what the timelines on everyone elses' prologues are) and she's pretty much just been wandering. If she's heading for Caloma, after being in Foster, then she may have had to pass by Belloksh (even if she avoided going in) unless she just cut straight through the forest.

Eh, nm. I'll post this anyway, even if it is merely me thinking 'aloud', the little where-everyone's-been thing might come in handy later. I'll just come up with where Sorri's been when that is needed, and not worry about it for now.

I just calculated out how far and where Sorri could reach in thirty-some days. Her movement speed is set at twenty. I assumed that was "feet per ten seconds", aka two feet per second. That calculates out to 1.36364 miles (rounded) per hour and 10.90912 miles per day, at eight hours of movement (is that walking speed or sprinting speed?) per day. The spacing between marked towns on the map is usually around fifty miles, give or take and not accounting for terrain types; five-days' travel at a constant speed for Sorri. It could be longer if she's walking and the 20 movement speed is a sprint.

Is this all reasonable, Gabe? I don't know if you had an idea of how fast we could travel between places.
Well a standard turn in Dungeons and Dragons in 6 seconds. The holy bible of D&D (player's handbook) states that a character with a base speed of twenty can move roughly 16 miles a day. Do keep in mind that it was Sorri's plan to try and find people friendly to her family, so she wouldn't have head straight south, she would have wandered around for a while. I did think this all out. And yes "Bendson" is Brandson, like I said, I'll make sure to use a sharpie next time instead of pencil.

The reason it took so long for some characters to reach places like Brandson and Caloma is that they didn't necessarily know where they were going or have a definite plan. Most of the characters were young adults and since it was uncommon for people to have to travel outside their village until the age of an adult, they might not know the geography, plus the fact that it may take them several days or weeks to organize their thoughts and decide upon a destination.
~Cy83r's Travel Maths~

24 miles in a day, roughly an easy pace of 2 miles per hour for half of the day, with 4 hours left over for relaxing; fighting; or exploring, and 8 hours for sleeping; 4 hours for sleeping if the party is full of elves, but still only 12 hours of hard travel in a day before forced marching rules kick in.

For nonstandard speeds and overland movement, divide the tactical speed in ft per move action by 10 and multiply by 8 to get miles per 12 hours of travel. Mix and match this formula to derive tactical speeds from overland movement.
~Gabe's Math~ (Easy Way)

Player's Hanbook Table 9-3: Movement and Distance
___________15 feet__20 feet__30 feet__40 feet
Walk_______1-1/2 mi._2 miles__3 miles__4 miles
Hustle______3 miles___4 miles__6 miles__8 miles
Walk_______12 miles__16 miles_24 miles_32 miles

No offense Cy83r XD, but the book wins
Gabriel said:
Do keep in mind that it was Sorri's plan to try and find people friendly to her family, so she wouldn't have head straight south, she would have wandered around for a while.
Aye, I know what my character does and intends to do. I may slip up in personality given enough time, but I try to be fairly accurate in pathing. And, in the post talking about what she did in the past month since the Prologue, she did in fact wander the northern areas. It was someone trying to turn her in recently that made her decide to turn south.

I did think this all out.
I do the same. If anything, I overthink things at times, a minor fault of mine.

The reason it took so long for some characters to reach places like Brandson and Caloma is that they didn't necessarily know where they were going or have a definite plan.
I figured that the Prologue events didn't necessarily happen in the order they were written, if they were labeled with the current year. So what happened with Sorri could have happened a couple weeks before Aurelus and Denkou would have set out from their origins toward Brandson...or, if they did wander, it could have been the same time period, it doesn't quite matter. What does matter a little is plotting out the path they took to Brandson. It would be somewhat important if they stopped at any of the places in between.

If, for example, Aurelus passed through Tallgrass on his way, then when we stop by he may be familiar with a town and/or know some people in the area from the first time he came through which was also why I wanted to figure a general range for Sorri. I mentioned two towns in the aforementioned post which are within the distance estimate I arrived at, so I have an idea of where she's been now.

(Speaking of which, look like I struck a little low on my estimate, lol. Thanks for your contributions, both Gabriel and Cyber : ) They're appreciated!)

I hope my text blocks are making sense...if anything's unclear, please let me know.
When they were wandering they didn't go to definite locations. From my understanding they just wandered through the forest, surviving on their own. Talarin's goal was just to live out on his own and train in his sorcerer abilities. Aurelus just wandered, trying to cope with the loss of his family/town, surviving on his own for several months, and then wandering in a random direction trying to find people who knew how to resurrect, and he happened to wind up at Brandson.
Ah. Talarin must have gotten a late start or was staying near his hometown if the other two caught up with him near there.
The general thought was that he was only training, and had no reason to stray far from his home town.
Aendri said:
Gabe, look at the table. For anyone but Sorri, 24 is exactly right.

Actually it seems I underestimated travel per hour. It's actually eight hours of travel per day at a slightly increased miles/hour rate.
I am finally back home after my vacation. So, what things do I need to do (or prepare to, in event of me not being able to join immediately) in order to begin my character's exploits?
While I don't know where you're going with the plot at the moment, Gabe, I have a suggestion for a way to advance it. Got bored and was scrolling through the DMG2, and found the Order of Ancient Mysteries (pg 212). Figured I'd point it out, just for an idea.
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