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Missing, you better hope there's not a visible trap. If it's plainly visible, that means they're not worried about you getting away from it, or they know avoiding one will catch you in another. XD
There ain't gonna be 'ny traps in the balc'ny ye paranoid rogue! They jus' concerned 'bout the inside o' the mansion, no the outside! >:C
SentientRace said:
The fighter looked for the backpack on the floor.
"HOOP!" He picked it up and launched the backpack up to the balcony, hoping he'd be able to throw it over the railing.
The pack will be on the ground, not a floor.

Also, the bag weighs as much as she does, give or take a pound or three. Don't ask me how she carries it. Here's hoping for a good roll...that has her healing kit in it.
SR, you know what the best way to make sure something is safe is? make sure that no one gets anywhere near it. If it's in the building, keep people out as best you can.
If that's the case, Aendri, the area around the house should be a mine-field. These wizards aren't paranoid enough, or they want to just prevent people from getting in (i.e., traps are just on the interior perimeter). Or...he could want to keep us alive until we get inside. So far that has been the impression I've gotten.

EDIT: Wth...
So, my mistake guys, I forgot about one of Sorri's special abilities

I just completely took out my post, it was useless at this point since I posted the results of the die roll, so just assume that it makes it. And forget that the trap is there XD

*Begins re-rolling a new trap and new location*
...err... okay... so that leaves us with Sorri unharmed on top of the balcony with a backpack and some rope. I think we can make it.
Low five as the case would be. But I was actually wondering just how she'd react. I mean Talarin is a rather eccentric, yet enderingly charming, fellow. So the things he does would be considered a little off sometimes. Plus Sorri gives me a vibe of self-conciousness that Talarin would feel compelled to help her get over.
>_< I misread the post as he was still on the ground...sorry! It still works, though. I don't know if she knows what a low-five is...
And now you should get out some popcorn. Ghira climbing could take a while.

Can I take 20 on this?

EDIT: By the way, Ghira is middle-aged. Hooray +1 int modifier.
How does damage by Ngative Energy work? If it is just bad feelings, shouldn't that be regenerated quickly (like getting a single punch in the gut or winded after sprinting for a long distance), say, over a few minutes? There are no physical injuries for Sorri to heal here if it's just feelings.
I think when the handbook says negative energy they mean some sort of evil aura. Most creatures function using positive energy (carbs, calories, vitamins, etc) and undead creatures function using negative energy. When negative energy runs through a normal creature it literally depletes how much energy is in their body, which will immediately lead to things like muscle degeneration (from less protein), slower reflexes (from less awareness), lowered mental and physical capabilities (due to slight fatigue). For the sake of D&D they just sum this up to a loss of hit points (according to D&D hit points are a measure of a character's integrity or health, how much damage or strain a person can take before severe damage occurs)

A "normal person" would die from any of the hits that characters or "heros" take, having 0 hit points represents your body having taken enough strain that it no longer functions at "Hero" capacity and is simply functioning at the capacity of a normal person, and any amount of damage after that will kill you.
Okay, that was what I was thinking before Aurelus' experience went up, then I got confused. That sounds about right...so it has a mental effect in addition to a physical one. Or a mental one that induces the physical one, either way, same effect.

*digs up the trail mix and starts handing it out*
Aendri, technically Denkou would be able to find magical traps, it's a slightly different process than finding physical traps. Whereas for a physical trap you would look around and go "Ooh! There's a giant axe attached to a hinge inside the ceiling, maybe that's bad..." for a magical trap, it's more along the lines of "hmmmm....i wonder why there is a large, faded X on the ground..." or "I wonder why that statue's eyes are glowing" and you can actually "disable" the trap, meaning that you can simply disable the trigger, since every trap, magical or not, has to have a mechanical trigger, however they are a little more difficult to disable

"Hmmmm.....it looks like if someone steps on this tile then some sort of weight sensor will register and it will activate some kind of trap, i think i should find a way to disable that tile, or simply walk around it."
Interesting. I didn't know that's how magical traps work. Magical traps need some sort of physical presence to induce the magical effect...
See this is why I love playing with new people. I learn all sorts of new ways to look at things. The only people I play with are having more fun with the dice rolling than the story most of the time.
I knew that, I was referencing the fact that magical traps tend to have a higher DC, due to the fact that there doesn't have to be a moving tile. They can be set to trigger on completely normal tiles, that are in no way different from normal, except that there's a trap on it. Magic is a bitch in terms of traps. XD
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