The Very Light Ship category is a no-problem thing so I fixed that; I want it to all line up and sound consistent, but that can get tossed out the window since it's not the highest priority thing in the world. I've also added 3km+ Structures to be alongside Dreadnoughts; my rationalization is that they're 3km+ ships by nature anyways. Though, to be honest, I'm a little disappointed the SSD Executor doesn't quite fit here since it's 19km in length.
Meanwhile, I'm finding the Plumeria somewhat of an unusual case. Though, that's no surprise given the type of ship it is. It's got the minimum length of a cruiser, but is comparable to a tougher destroyer. Plus, I'm still very uncertain about its weapons. I always thought it'd take maybe three or four hits to the hull to kill a Plumeria with the Positron Railguns, not one. The idea that it's main weapon array would also one-shot a Super Eikan is also a surprise to me as well, since the chart is arrayed with weapons defeating the same classification of armor. To play it safe, I'm just going to take the Plumeria off for the time being and not touch that part of the chart for now, since it brings up another concern of mine that I'll revisit in a moment.
As for changing Mecha over to Vehicle, I did so to not exclude everything else that would also fit into that class of offense/defense. What do you think of changing it to just "Mech"? Would that work? The word seems to not emphasize various walkers, but also also caters to various other vehicles from my perspective.
I agree with you on bladed weapons having their damage potential being thrown up to Myths/Legends, Gods and GMs, so I also took the Zesuaium katana out of there as well. The Aether Saber-Rifle however, is still on there regarding both it's saber and its rifle. Not sure if I should take off its saber bit too.
The reticence you're talking about though, I'm honestly not sure how some weapons would translate over to this system and took my best guess. It also partially ties in to the previous concern regarding the Plumeria.
Focusing on that topic in specific though, I don't think I agree on the TTK/Time-To-Kill. I know it'll vary from GM to GM, but right now, it seems excessively quick according to the article.
Overall, I envisioned the TTK being faster the lower the class was, while it'd be longer the higher the class was. Because of the space-age materials used, a 5.56mm rifle would still go through soft-body armor or light polymer plates, but only after breaking them down with a few well placed rounds. A double or triple tap on the chest for an example. Moving up to power armor, I always imagined the TTK when shields are out of the picture to be one or two seconds of fire. I know the article currently states it's on a per-projectile/attack basis, but an unshielded/barrierless M2-A1 Mindy having its chest plate being penetrated by a LASR in one shot seems excessive.
I always imagined that it'd have to take a good burst at the least instead.
And with ships, well, I thought they'd be tough enough that the TTK was along the lines of stuff in Star Wars. Basically having to beat the crap out of each other even though they're the same class, with spinal weapons being the exception. Those, I thought would be the same class as the ship itself and kill an equivalent vessel in one or two shots; the rest of the cannons would be below the ship's own class.
A Plumeria being able to pop an unshielded Super Eikan in one shot, and a shielded one with two or three doesn't seem right. Fights would be very quick and messy, when a plot would need all the armor it can get so they'd have more time to do things. Especially since a GM could just use Anti-Plot Armor whenever they wanted anyways.