Re: DR Revision Discussion
That's exactly what I was going for in my other thread >_<
Essentially, the anti-starship category was:
5 - Devastating damage
4 - Very Heavy damage
3 - Heavy damage
2 - Moderate damage
1 - Light damage
And the anti-mecha category was:
5 - Devastating damage
4 - Very Heavy damage
3 - Heavy damage
2 - Moderate damage
1 - Light damage
(I tend to reserve heavy damage to 'main weapon types' and use very heavy/devastating for weapons whom have significantly more punch like torpedoes)
Pretty much the same, eh? There's more.
The trick was that the lowest value for anti-ship was equal to the highest value of the anti-mecha chart (which is about a x5 factor). Therefore, a ship firing a moderate strength weapon on a mecha would have the mecha take 10 damage points on the mecha scale. A mecha firing a very heavy mecha weapon, on the other hand... likely wouldn't put a dent in a destroyer because it's on a different scale and thus the damage caused would usually be negligible.
For contrast... so far, I was categorizing ships in size categories too in a similar fashion.
Size 5 - Large capital ships (battleships, flagships)
Size 4 - Small capital ships (heavy cruisers, carriers)
Size 3 - Large non-capital ships (light cruisers, gunships)
Size 2 - Small non-capital ships (destroyers)
Size 1 - Shuttlecrafts (corvettes, scoutships)
Size 5 - Shuttlecrafts (corvettes, scoutships)
Size 4 - Large vehicles (passenger shuttle)
Size 3 - Medium vehicles (truck, tank, shuttlepod)
Size 2 - Small vehicles (domestic cars, helicopter, pleasure boat)
Size 1 - Exoskeleton (power armor)
To provide an example over scale... it makes sense that a Daisy power armor would be able to use its accelerated plasma rifle (Heavy damage, anti-mecha) against a Jilanth shuttle (Mecha size 4). The Daisy's rifle might even put a dent in a larger craft like a Ketsueki corvette (Mecha size 5/starship size 1) but it likely wouldn't be able to do significant damage against a Yui-5 destroyer (starship size 2)... because, well, it's significantly bigger for starters and has the sort of hull that can endure starship-grade weaponry.