Re: Fred's revision on the DR system
Conjectural thoughts on structural points and defenses (optional and separate from the above submission, but included for the sake of completeness):
We can measures means to harm another in the above grades and ratings to: trying to hurt (1), trying to kill (3), trying to smash into little bits (5). Anti-personnel could have 1 be a pummeling attack, 2 be knifing/clubbing, 3 be a handgun/rifle/sword, 4 be a grenade and 5 be a rocket.
Sort of based on that, my thoughts on how to evaluate how much harm is needed to defeat an entity/vehicle... is based on how many times it can take the most lethal damage in that category. Understandably some humans, some mechas and some ships are tougher than others. Some have armors and some don't.
In the case of ships, which is what I've put the most thought into, I figured that I could measure the smallest ships on the smallest anti-ship damage output I could bring to bear to harm a starship. In the following, like so:
Destroyers, small hulls with starship-grade armor, could require 10 direct hits from a very light anti-starship weapon to be destroyed. Therefore, their hull armor would have a Starship-grade structural value of 10.
Light hulls such as light gunships (Plumerias
) could require 10 direct hits from a light anti-starship weapon, thus making their starship-grade hull armor have a structural value of 20.
A mid-sized vessel like an Irim or my Miharu-overhaul could take 10 hits from a moderate damage anti-starship weapon. Their ship-grade armor would have a structural value of 30.
Larger capital ships like the Ayame and the Takumi could end up taking 10 direct hits from heavy weapons before succumbing, having a structural value of 40.
The big stuff, like Yamatai's Chiharu flagships, could take 10 direct hits of the biggest, baddest weapons around, having 50 structural points.
Infantry and mechas could work the same way, though I doubt a human could take 10 hits from a bazooka. The tougher it gets, the more hits a target could take?
In a similar fashion, a GM could use such average values (this is very touch and go for the moment) and use them to determine in what circumstances a ship's hull armor could 'hold up' to weapon's fire and when it'd cave in and suffer hull breaches/system damage. Perhaps 10% of total value? That would mean that Miharu (30 structural points) would have its hull breached if a Plumeria's main cannon (antiship damage 3) struck its hull directly, but could hold off against the Plumerias positron cannons (damage 2) until its structural rating would have dropped to 20 and under.
In the case of energy screens/shields/etc... SARP could go the way of fixed values like there are right now, understandably smaller due to the smaller scale. My personal preference is using a threshold value (how much damage the ship can stop per hit from reaching the ship) and an absorbtion value (the hit points the shield has, which is where the damage it stops would go and subtract from its absorbtion pool). When the absorbtion points of the shield are depleted, the shield drops and the hull is entirely exposed, weapon hits no longer mitigated.