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RP [Day 1] Getting Started

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Re: Getting Started


The NSS Mirage stood docked at Pisces station, awaiting the outcome of the events that were to unfold. Inside the station, Robert Davis walked alone, dressed in a freshly-pressed military outfit that bore his name and rank. He was unarmed, save for his walking cane which tapped gently against the floor, announcing his arrival far before he reached the conference area.

He walked swiftly, an air of serious authority about him compounded by his emotionless expression. No Nepleslian dared to follow in the silent wake of his entry.

There was no fanfare, no outbursts, nothing but polite nods to those in attendance.

His fellow Nepleslians knew, as Robert Davis took his seat amongst them, that this was a time for business. He clasped his hands on the table as he waited.
Re: Getting Started

Ember had found her way into the meeting chamber with a small blue package in her hand. She smiled warmly when she spotted the familiar face of Nepleslia's Premier already seated.

She walked gracefully over to him in the elegant, formal dress white uniform of the Star Army of Yamatai with her shiny gold Chujo rank pin. Her long auburn hair was once again only half pinned up into a bun with the other half hanging in large sausage curls on her shoulder. "Sky Marshall Davis!" She called politely as she approached.
Re: Getting Started

"The Elysian Senate of the Elysian Celestial Empire greets you Sky Marshall Davis, Premier of the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia." The Legate stood and flared her wings in the traditional Elysian salute, followed by the Leader of the War Council (out of space concerns two Patricians could not flare their rather large wings at the same time.

Returning to their seats the two Elysian representatives began to muse and plan - for their concern was in no way smaller than the Nepleslians. It was due to the plague which had been attributed to the Elysians that great harm had come to their people. It was because of the plague that the majority of Elysians on their the Heavens had been slaughtered by the Yamatians in righteous fury, due to the anger it initiated that war against them was fulled - that the Elysians were exiled from their homes and forced to trek across the stars. The plague may have killed billions of Nepleslians, had certainly killed 20 billion Geshrin, but its effects had at the time resulted in the slaughter of nearly the entire population of Elysia.

That the Elysians had always considered this to be Yamatai's fault was of no significance here, their grudges were as real as anyone else's and had had 23 years to fester and grow.
Re: Getting Started

Kim said:
Origin Signal: Heion

Crown Prince Motoyoshi and I are enroute to the Summit. We were unable to make contact with Melisson but we will be at the station shortly.

- Tange-Katsura Ayana

Hanako greeted the Elysians and Davis, then informed them that the Prince was on the way. "Unfortunately, the SMX representative has not come. We may have to proceed without her."
Re: Getting Started

The lightly marred Heion made its approach towards Pisces Station, shortly after leaving FTL speeds and the wormhole. They hailed the station and were told to dock on Concourse A.

The Heion docked and the crew were finally able to breathe easy again. They were at their destination and safe for the time being.

Ayana liberated herself from her chair with a large stretch and a sigh, "Time to get to the rest of the work done. By Chiharu, I hope the Nepleslians know a better way to get a hold of Melisson."
Re: Getting Started

As the Sky Marshall entered the room, the three Operators around Calero snapped to attention, each saluting the commanding officer of the SMoDIN. After several seconds, they dropped their hands to their sides once more, but still stood straight. As Davis sat, Calero smiled to him and gave a slight nod, but refrained from speech.

As Ember approached the politician, one of the IPG agents held up his hand in her direction, stepping quickly to intercept her path. The Operator looked over to Davis. "Sky Marshall?" He waited for the man to give consent for the Yamataian Chujo to pass as he attempted to move in front of her.
Re: Getting Started

Ember paused and sighed as a large man impeded her path to Davis. "Oh right, if you really must." She appraised the operator curiously with her dark blue eyes, she waited patiently for the permission to continue. She held the little present carefully in her right hand- it was childishly wrapped in shiny green paper with yellow paper stars glued on it with a shimmering red ribbon on top.

She used her free left hand to push a couple stray curly locks back behind her shoulder as she smiled politely at the Operator. "Is it true that some of you gentlemen have ocular implants able to see through objects?"
Re: Getting Started

"Can we restrict this room to actual leaders and senators only?" Hanako asked. All these extra bodyguards were disruptive and unecessary.
Re: Getting Started

Ember looked towards Hanako with a reassuring smile, "Ketsurui-Taisa, it should be fine. Three or four body guards to protect the leaders of each nation should be appropriate. I don't doubt that while the measure might seem a little excessive with our current security measures, we have to do what we can to accommodate our allies in light of their current yet understandable misgivings about our intentions. If a few extra bodies is what it takes to make them feel assured then why not? I don't doubt that the Crown Prince will have a few bodyguards accompanying him as well."

She gestured towards the Operator impeding her path. "I don't see why the boys can't stay so long as they are not disruptive during the actual meeting. I should be the one leaving the conference room since the matter of the Fifth's trade agreement with Nepleslia should be discussed another time. But not them. I will be leaving once I deliver this package to the Premier since I don't know if I'll be able to catch him before he leaves after the conference."
Re: Getting Started

Karael sighed audilbly, "Elysia can not allow itself to be without bodyguards if the other powers at this conference allow themselves the luxury. Princess Hanako, with your permission the Leader of the War Council will tell our ship to prepare some unarmed power armour units, a Seraph unit or that which you consider to be reasonable. It is only unfortunate that this dispruptive show of suspicion is neccesary - if even your Crown Prince feels it neccesary to have protection in the centre of one of your own famed stations."
Re: Getting Started

The Operator in front of Ember looked back and forth between the Ketsurui princess, the woman whose movement he was impeding, and the Sky Marshall, narrowing his eyes at the mention of Seraph units being called. He gave an inward sigh before unhooking his datapad from his side. He swiped it over the package, and then over the 5th XF officer. He looked at the read-out, found it unoffensive, and stepped aside.

"Clear. Intelligence Pacification Group implants are classified information. We will not be disruptive."
Re: Getting Started

"Aw, too bad. You could have a lot of fun with a station full of women otherwise," Ember replied with a wink at the Operator before she walked past. "Thank you though."

She looked at the Elysian representative with a courteous nod. "I think the matter, ma'am, is that you can never be too careful in a time of war, even during a cease fire. Not everyone likes the idea of peace on all sides. It is better to do everything you can within reason to stop those that might want to destroy the chance for peace," she replied very politely with as much respect that one woman could muster in her being.

The auburn haired Yamataian walked over to the Sky Marshall and offered him the small package. "I promised Ami I'd give this to you personally, she wouldn't hear of any other ideas or notions, and I'd hate to have to lie to that little girl."
Re: Getting Started

"I was not aware that any of us were at war," The Elysian legate replied, "The only power with whom any of us have been in conflict with in the last few years has not yet arrived. I would have preferred to have simply given our hosts the benefit of the doubt when it comes to security - none the less if security is the measured opinion of the council then we will secure some."
Re: Getting Started

"Please, no bodyguards," Hanako repeated, this time more firmly. She had not brought any escort and there was no legitimate reason for the others to bring theirs. "The checkpoints outside this room have instructions not to allow any power armor, seraphs, heavy Nekos, and the like inside as well as any weapons. This conference is not a tactical, military event."
Re: Getting Started

The Mistress of Judgement quietly listened to each person speak, deep blue eyes following each person for a little bit. She settled them back on Hanako and smiled, but it was far from a warm gesture.

"I'm sorry, but I will be keeping the Hand of War with me, thank you. Your people have a nasty habit of killing off unarmed civilians. Until such a time as you can prove that negotiate with minds and mouths rather than weapons and armor, I believe all gathered here are entitled to look after our own safety."

She leaned back in her chair, steepled her fingers, and watched the others for a bit longer. She liked the female who had delivered presents, and would make a note to try and find out who the woman was, and possibly send her a gift for her eloquence and wise reasoning.
Re: Getting Started

The Lmanel representatives to the Lorath had remained quiet up to this point. Just politely considering everything being put on the table and all the events going on with the newcomers. But the representative of the caste glanced at the Kohanians with total surprise, his well-groomed green hair falling over an eye for a moment as he did.

Alastor would go to greet them with a polite inclination of the head. "Greetings to you from the Lmanel caste of the Lorath." the rep said to the Kohanian reps while offering a peaceful handshake: since the others had their attention elsewhere.
Re: Getting Started

Laughter answered the Mistress of Judgement's words. It came from a newcomer; garbed with a long hooded cloak, a long sleeved blouse, loose pants and tooled leather boots - with the leafy designs, the attire looked of elvish make. A chuckle accompanied the sound of the boots' soles thumping lightly on the floor before the person raised her hands to flip her hood back.

Melisson turned an ageless look on the representative of the Kohanians. "Should the Yamataians really desire your deaths, all they would have to do would be to have the one of their teleporting Mindy power armors appear in this room. Merely its appearance would make a conflagration sufficient in strength to stun most of us - then, the M2 would have an easy time unleashing its arsenal to rid this room of all life. Your guards, your weapons, your caution and your pride - none will help you survive that."

The pink-skinned Mishhuvurthyar interpreter walked toward a set of empty seats closer to the Nepleslians. "From the moment you decided to come to this conference, you commited yourselves to trusting in your hosts, one way or the other. You can show caution, mistrust and racism - but ultimately all these will serve is paint the image you will show of your race to the other representatives within this chamber."

Melisson chose a seat for herself, but did not immediately sit so much as she simply perched her hands over the headrest. "In this, you cannot control others, all you can control are yourselves - mastery of yourselves will serve this endeavor much more than anything else." She smirked. "Know this, though - the Yamataians lose greatly in not assuring your safety here. If anything happens to those assembled here, your people will be quick to suspect the Yamatai Star Empire of foul play and this will only sully their credibility and prestige in the end. Believe me, my opponents have a vested interest in your well-being."
Re: Getting Started

The feline representative took the handshake from the Lorath gentleman, smiling and bowing slightly.

"It is a pleasure to meet you." She added before turning to look at the door, and the femme who had spoken.

At first, the words seemed like a direct attack on the first thing the Kohanian representative had said, while the other races had been bickering back and forth for a good ten minutes at least, but after giving thought to the words, she nodded to Mel.

"Your words ring full of truth, Newcomer. I have seen the power the Star Destroyers wield. if they wished to kill all at this meeting, they definitely could, but such a thing would cause war across the stars, and I think that is not something that they could deal well with, if the small uprising currently happening on their planet," She pointed to the gathered Nepleslians. "is any indication."

Having said her piece, The Mistress of Judgement sat down and folded her paws on the tabletop, eyes narrowing slightly as she stared straight ahead and waited for the meeting to finally get underway.
Re: Getting Started

Aegis eyed the Lmanel representatives which she had no warning of, she thought she'd have a full degree of freedom in this matter, however it seemed that there were other intents back home.

"Melisson, welcome to the conference. As for the Yamataian methods of inflicting death upon the unsuspecting, my people have learned to be prepared for such... events.

Hanako, as for your concern regarding body guards; your people are weapons in themselves, just as much as I am a weapon in relation to the Lmanel which have decided to attend. I feel that we are all in a reasonable stalemate of capability here, and since force upon force will not benefit any of us at this time, I suggest we begin talking with the intent of reaching a peaceful settlement."
Re: Getting Started

Melisson nodded graciously back to Aegis and let go of the headrest to move around and settle down on the seat she had chosen.
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