Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

Define "Consent"

@Alex Hart I'm sorry I didn't communicate well enough. I was tired and stressed last night and it would have been more responsible to just go to bed. I never intended for you to feel pressured into a story you didn't like. I know that you are a good writer that values the best storytelling. I saw a problem with our stories and intended to bend my plot to let yours continue without any continuity issues.

You keep claiming that I violated you, but I think that is a stretch of any imagination. I have the respect for you to tell you that directly. Still, what would you have the administration do? Strip me of mod status? Nullify the plot I worked hard on? Ban me? What will make you happy?
I leave that up to the administraton.
Since you apologized, @Rizzo, I think nothing should be done to you.

@Alex Hart - You need to similarly chill out. You apologized but then doubled back for more. Just leave it. If Rizzo repeat offends, then you should be worried/angry. But as far as I can tell from my knowledge of it and @Ametheliana's wise words of peace, this should seriously end already. No one here needs to keep going for more blood. It's over. You should have the right to back out and (if Rizzo feels that he needs to use his right), so does Rizzo. No one needs to be punished or openly targeted for a first time instance that seems still to be very much a misunderstanding. This seems resolved by Wes' post and honestly shouldn't be stirred in the open any longer (it never should have in the first place).

So everyone go check out my really awesome Nepleslia update. There's this really new boxing element to the site that I think would be really good for venting your frustrations. You can go punch people and be like, super happy about it and junk. And SELL SWEET MERCH to corner gangs on the streets of Funky City.

Make punching peace, not OOC heated target-wars.
Just so nobody thinks that this was an OOC revenge BS thing, I want to make a promise to the community in general. I will never be vindictive towards anyone. My actions will only ever match the situation. In this case are two plots crossed paths and we had started to work around each other's plot. However, trying to insta kill my character is taking far more of a liberty with my player rights, and frankly was downright God modding. You're so arrogant that you won't even consider that your plot is now interfering with mine. You're so fixated on the perceived wrongs done to you that you can't even see where you went wrong.

You sit there saying, something has to be done about Rizzo. I don't know what but something needs to happen something something something. Do you even realize that the ruling Wes made is literally allowing you to step on my plot?

Edit: since I now have to deal with the Fallout of your slander I'd like to clarify that this edit is being made to remedy a typo that is now occurring because my phone's keyboard had an update.
There's a difference between being disruptive to a plot and being disruptive to plot plans. When RP happens that causes plans to be derailed, GMs have to adjust their plans because actual RP takes precedence over OOC plans.

Calling someone arrogant is rude and it's not going to help resolve the situation in a good way. It's certainly not going to make him RP with you.

The post with your character being zapped as also removed already so it's a non-factor for your RP, Rizzo.

Be careful not to burn bridges, as this is a long-term RP community and we'll all run into each other again and again in the future. It's better to bury the hatchet and not get emotional over stuff that is, in the larger picture, trifles.
Wow this actually became a discussion. I know it's mostly been handled but I'm gonna say this so that it's out there clearly at the end.

Players -always- have a right to refuse RP. No matter when it is. And the -only- people who can turn around and say "That post needs to stay though" is the staff and SM. SARP is recreation, not a job.

Edit: This includes RP they already started that ended up going a way that made them feel uncomfortable. People aren't gifted with precognition to know how something is going to go 100% of the time before it happens.