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RP: The Wayward Distant Memories (Ep. 2.0)

"I will stay here as well, I can give a hand to Analiese if she needs it. I will send my camera drones with you all and observe remotely and give you information as I get it. Did you want to take Geb with you for some added firepower," asked Nan as he grabbed his bag and slipped off the truck. His enthusiastic demeanor still evident.
Hugar gets back to the shuttle takes some pain killers and moves to get back on the shuttle, unless someone stopped him. He was a biologist and a fighter, he'd be much better use out there then stuck inside!
Reed jumped out of the truck and tossed his hat onto the piloting console in he shuttle before jogging out of the hanger. A short time later, he returned with a rifle from the armory slung over his shoulder and several full magazines tucked in various pockets. Reed leaned the gun against the pilots chair as he began takeoff preparations.
Anbruch Hangar

Tanja shook her head some at Nan's suggestion "If there's anything heavy that needs to be moved you're going to need him since Hugar and I wont be here, so keep Geboku with you." She gathered up her gear and then made a move towards the shuttle. "We will send video back of what we find, Rulloo, so well us what to bring back."

Rulloo gave a nod and hissed out a reply "Yesss try not to damage anything." He collected his gear and stepped out of the truck, Embel assisting him in carrying some things.


Things looked surprisingly different from when everyone had last left it. Most of the structure damage in engineering had been repaired by the two androids who were now working on cleaning up. They had not even tried to start the aether generators or CDD systems, neither was suited for such a task.

Seeing Analiese arrive the Geboku spoke out in it's mechanical voice. "Structural damage has been repaired, however maintenance is required on the port nacelle to insure there is no damage. Then the Aether generator must be restarted properly. The remaining damage to the ship is superficial."


Inside the shuttle was rather small never really having been designed to carry many people at all. In the front was the pilot and copilot's seats and a small cargo area with benches for everyone going. Tanja had decided to sit down on one of these benches herself.

"Reed, take us out, and get above the tree line, this thing doesn't have the best maneuverability. Hugar, take Copilot."

Ana gave the robot one of her rare smiles. She knew she could do that and not be expected to often, though it was nice to be able to smile a bit...especially after what she had just been through. Patting the robot on the head, she said softly, "Thanks, Geboku. I'll get onto the maintenance. Shouldn't take long."

Grabbing her tools, Ana set to work. She climbed in and flipped on a flashlight to look around. Frowning, she could see that there were some wires and tubes that needed to be repaired. Mumbling to herself, she took off her shirt, already feeling the heat becoming unbearable. She had on a sports bra, though, and her overalls. She called out of the whole that she had climbed into, "Geboku. I'm going to need replacement tubes and wires. And the mini arc welder."
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"Alrighty," Reed responded with obvious anticipation "lets see what she can do."

Reed pivoted the shuttle to face the hanger door and piloted the shuttle up and out of the hanger with ease. Once out of the hanger, he brought the small craft into a gentle spiraling climb until they were circling over the crashed Anbruch. Reed only paused for a fraction of a second to check his heading before accelerating the shuttle in the direction of the ruins. He would have been flying at mach speed if their destination had not been so close.
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Hugar looked at Tanja and nods before standing up and moving to the Co-Pilots seat and straps himself in as Reed gets the ship going. He rubs his chest a bit and takes a breath before getting situated, he looked outside and watched the area below the ship. "If there is life here, then expect more then just wolf like animals." He mutters to himself.
The Anbruch

Nan strolled through the ship gazing at all theither different panels checking for damage as he headed to the computer core. Once there he moved to the inspet it for any damages. He quickly tapped into the system with his holographic computer and started to scroll through the diagnostics looking for any failures.

While he was filtering he sat at the core's workstation and linked to the comms of the crewmen in the field and the camera drones he left with them. "Copy, copy, this Nan, coming to you live from the Anbruch. Can I get a holla?" Nan asked with a chuckle.

Using the intercom on board, "Analiese, I'm currently running diagnostics on the ship. Give me a yell if you need a hand, I'm not particularly savy on ship engines but I know my way around electronics and electricals."

The shuttle took off smoothly and within moments Reed had it accelerating towards the ruins from before. However they were not alone, as if summoned by Hugar's words, large birds with at least two meter wingspans came swooping in from the flank. They did not bother with the shuttle but it looked like they were making their way for the ruins as well.


Inside Engineering, the Geboku handed Analiese the tools she requested, being gentle and making sure not to damage anything. The Nacelle was offline at the moment so the narrow maintenance corridor was at least bearable in terms of temperature, but there was a lot of residual heat. Now able to see the damage clearly Analeise could tell it wasn't that bad, none of the key components were ruined, just a few over loaded circuits and broken piping.

Nan received the diagnostic data from the ship's computer, of course the engine damage was listed, but there was also some external damage to the ship. Hull damage, landing gear damaged, but most importantly on the external damage is damage to the avionics system, which is not fixed will make it rather difficult to find their way home. Unfortunately it's damage that can only be repaired from the outside.
Anbruch Engineering

Now that Analiese could see what was going on, she gave a breath of relief. When she heard Nan, she replied softly, "I have it under control here. Thanks, though. Let me know if there's anything else I can help with when this is fixed. It's not much." She called out to Geboku, "Geboku! I need some more of these and these and a new pipe. Also need some fast meld for the piping." Ana showed the robot what pieces she needed of the circuits that needed to be replaced. She went back to working on what she could with what she was given as she waited for the other parts.

Being the only person capable of patching people up Quinn had chosen to go on the shuttle for as much as he wanted to stay back on the Anbruch. For the moment he sat quietly across from Tanja and worked on restocking his little medkit from the bigger one. "Hugar?" He asked after a few minutes "How's your chest?"

Hugar watched the birds as they passed over his head, they were huge. He studied them as much as he could, while they passed through. He almost could have ignored Quinn, not intentionally mind, but once the birds were gone he looked back at Quinn giving a pat on his chest, though soft. “A little sore, but otherwise I think I’ll live, you do some good work Quinn, give credit where credit is due!”

Reed sat completely at ease as the shuttle cruised toward the ruins. As far as he was concerned, so long as he was piloting the shuttle, they were safe.

Hearing Nan over the comms, Reed couldn’t help but smile. The guys positive attitude was infectious. “This is Reed from the shuttle. We read you loud and clear.”

"Hey Tanja!" Reed called back over his shoulder “We aren’t far from the ruins. Do you want me to land immediately or should I preform a flyover so we can get some aerial pictures?"

It did not take long before the ruins were in sight, however the birds did indeed head towards the ruins and there were more that had already arrived, making it difficult to see as they flew about above.

"Fly over and get some pictures first, the wolves might still be there and I'm not liking these birds too much either." Tanja spoke up as she crossed her arms and looked out the window. "Also, try to scare the birds some so we can get a good view, but don't fire both canons at the same time."

Anbruch- Engineering

The Geboku droid continued to bring supplies as they were requested rather swiftly as well. In all the replacing of parts took about twenty minutes thanks to good design on the the part of Geshrinari. Once everything had been done the Geboku spoke up. "There now remains hull damage and damage to the landing gears. While none of the damage is critical it would be best to repair it as soon as possible."

Nan finished looking over his diagnostics and doing minor repairs to the onboard electronics. Looking over the information it became apparent that he will have to go outside.

"No time like the present," Nan said outloud to no one in particular. He called up the MARI unit to meet him at the airlock with tools. A brief moment of nervousness and panic washed over the young Yamatai. Outside, dangerous wildlife, very little back up. These were all things that, individually didn't bother Nan but put together set him on edge.

Nan beathed in deep, exhaled and shook the negativity out and donned his infectious smile. Strolling with a pep in his step he headed towards Engineering. Stopping briefly in the doorway watching the Geboku moving this way and that with the various tools for Analiese. He heard the clanging and banging of Analiese working diligently on various machinery.

"Analiese, hey, Analiese," he half shouted, " there is some external damages that need to be hammered out. Listen, I'm going to head out there and see what I can do about the avionics and the landing gear. Feel free to join me if you want. If anything send Geb out, I may need the muscle. If you don't hear from me for a while could check on me?"

Ana had just finished working on the inside of the nacelle and climbed out when she heard Nan. She glanced at him and nodded, then looked to Geboku. "Go on and help him. I can finish up in here and get auxiliary power going so that we'll have some cooler air for when the others return." She now turned to the outer casing of the nacelle and sighed, for she'd have to seal up this hole before she could turn on anything that required power. She set to work, first pushing down on the edges to close as much as she could manually, and then getting the solder and welder to begin sealing it off.

It took some time, but she got it done, and then went to start turning on the various systems that were shut off, testing to be sure there was no other damages within her area at least.

"I wouldn't, Tanja. The birds might not attack us if they remain calm, however if they are frightened they could panic and start swarming the shuttle." He advised. "I would suggest simply trying to move away from the birds flock, and get a look that way, rather then shooting the cannon."

"We can't get a good view of what's going on with them looming around though, and they're heading for the same place as us. I'd rather them be no where in the area when we step out, we don't know if they are carnivorous or not." Tanja spoke softly to Hugar, trying not to sound rude.


The geboku gave a nod to Annaliese and then made it's way over to Nan. "I will assist, thought eh MARI would be of better use than I when repairing the avionics."

As for Analiese the repairs were going fairly well, however it looked like she too would have to go outside to get some work done. The damage would need welding on both ends in order to be properly repaired.

Rulloo was pacing through the open space near the airlock, he had a look of concern over his face, but he was in deep thought. Something was bothering him but it appeared as though he was not sure what to do about it.

Ana finished up the inside repairs and checked the systems. When she saw that the outside needed repairs as well, she scrunched up her nose and huffed. "I so did not want to go outside...but if I must, I must." Armed with only the blow torch and her multi-tool, she made her way towards the airlock, pausing when she saw Rulloo pacing back and forth.

She watched him for a moment, noting that he was worried about something. Biting her lip, Ana debated on going up to him or just slipping past. She rarely spoke to the scientist as it was. But then, she rarely spoke to the others on the ship. Taking in a deep breath to muster up some courage, Ana walked over to him and asked softly, "Is everything all right?"
Nan turned to Geb, "I was actually going to use Mari for the work and you can be security. There's wolves in them thar woods."

On his way past Rulloo and oddly at the same time as Analiese Nan addressed the scientist, "Hey yo Rull-o, what's with the constipation face?"
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