Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: The Wayward Distant Memories (Ep. 2.0)

The MARI gave Nan a pinch when he tried to leave after saying that it would cause trouble. After turning and then heading off it made it’s way alone upto the top of the ship to assess the damage since Nan was going inside. Since Nan was heading inside it sent him a list of things that would be needed, being rather pushy with the list as well, marking it as urgent so it would make all kinds of beeping sounds. On the list were all sorts of tools that they would need that were in storage, as well as harnesses in case of fall, and then at the bottom of the list is said ‘Pest control- Gopher extermination’.

The Geboku kept it’s eyes on the bear like creature, ready to fire should anything happen. Though it did speak up to Analiese with it’s mechanical voice. “It does not seem like it will attack without provocation.”

Reed received a rather quick reply from Rulloo about his question. “Picturesss of anything that shows sssigns of sentient life, and if you can bring back anything that would be great as well.”

Tanja began to move deeper into the ruins, looking around to see what was around a corner She spoke through the communicator not only to Nan but Hugar and Quinn as well. “Nan have the drones circle the perimeter to keep an eye out for the wolves. Guys, I found some bones, a lot of them.”
Oustide the Anbruch

Ana smiled a bit at Nan as he went inside to get anything else needed for repairs. She watched as Mari went up to inspect things, her eyes traveling to the bear once in awhile. She wondered if Geboku could read her thoughts, but doubted it, since not even most Nepleslians could read thoughts, and nodded a bit when he reassured her. She said softly, "I hope so, but I won't go out of my way to try to make friends."

She calls up to Mari, "How's it looking up there?"
Anbruch, Outside

Nan gave a semi unmanly squeak and a little jump at the pinch saying to Mari, "Oh, sassy Shojo. Can't keep your hands off me."

Anbruch, Inside

The insistent beeping was quite distracting to Nan as he programmed his remote camera drones to perform a constant perimeter sweep and to alert his computer if they detect anything. He took a moment to review the list, chuckling at the extermination bit. He enjoyed that the MARI and Geboku unit had something of a personality. Growing up his closest friends were always computers. Not that those computers were AI or anything but he understands electronics. He sees how they work, how they are connected, he knows how he can be close to an electronic. To fix them, make them better and most of all, they were never cruel or belittling.

Nan moved to the storage and set about grabbing the necessary tools. His thoughts running a mile a minute as he collected the right ones, maybe added a few of his own, and even started thinking up new drone designs. Multi-tasking has always been easy for the young Yamatain.

Hugar moves over to Tanja when she makes mention of a lot of bones. He moves over and kneels down taking a look at the bones, looking to discern any connection to life back in the sentient and explored part of space. He spoke into the communicator as well to Tanja and Reed as well as Nan. “Most Sentient Life have connections to one another in their bone structures, such as large cranial bones that house larger brains, the hand structures which allow for tool usage, and so on... If we can find a connection within the bones, we will be capable of proving possibly that there was life on this planet.”

After making it up to the top the Mari sent a brief message down to Analiese, it could not directly speak, instead it sent a report to her communicator. The message detailed the damage that was not very favorable, the exterior was damaged, the avionics shell was also heavily damaged, but MARI could not tell hoe much damage had been done to the actual components inside. There would need to be a good bit of welding done either way.

Inside the ship Nan had no problems collecting the materials he was asked to get, and MARI was even giving him updates on the ship as well.


Tanja looked back to Hugar as he walked in and spoke. "I don't know much about all that stuff, but before we're looking if it's sentient we need to put it back together. Collect the bones and take them back to the ship. We'll sort them out later or send it to a science institute."
Hugar nodded towards Tanja, he got out a bag and began to move around gathering up the bones, carefully, and gently. He also begins looking over the bones when he does to ensure they're not disturbing some type of nest of something that may come and eat them or something. Last thing he wanted was angering another large beast on this planet, or causing damage to the bones in the process of movement.

Ana looked at the readouts and was confused by some of the words, but the images helped as well. She sighed and waited until Nan came back with the necessary equipment for them to climb up there as well. It was gonna be a bit of work in doing this. She glanced at the bear, but noticed it was still doing its own thing and so didn't dwell on it too much as she explored underneath the ship, looking for any other damage.
Zath-Nianach, 1 Hour later

An hour of hard work had passed for the crew of the Anbruch, and the sun had moved past the noon. The away team had spent the time collecting the bones and taking detailed pictures of the ruins. They did have another run in with the wolf like creatures but they managed to shoo them away without much hassle. The repair team had their work cut out for them as well, nothing was too complicated but they had a lot of work to do and they were kept on their toes by the large bear that would occasionally make movements towards the ship, but in the end everything got done, at least what they could do with what they had, more permanent fixes would have to be done at a station.

As everyone was finishing up their work though they got a message on the comm lines from Embel “The ship has picked up signs of a large structure about ten kilometers away. The sensors say that is has a low impurity rate so it’s likely made out of processed material.:

There was a pause before Tanja spoke up in reply. “I see, repair team, give me a status report.”
Analiese wiped her brow with her arm, the sweat from working in the dense atmosphere and with the blow torch getting to her. She responded, a bit breathless and sounding more weary than she would admit to anyone else. "Repairs as done as can be. It'll fly well enough. And the bear keeps coming closer, but not showing signs of aggression. More like curiosity..."

Ana had been watching that bear as it made movements towards the ship, but she was safely up above at the moment. Now that things were done up here, she had to make her way back down, so started to slide off the edge of the ship. The harness on her would've kept her from falling all the way down, so she'd only get bruises as she lost her grip and hit the side of the ship, a grunt of surprise as the breath was knocked out of her. She does her best not to complain, though, her attention at the moment away from the bear and not knowing where it might be in relation to her at the moment.

Nan had spent the time bopping his head to the techno emitting softly from his PHC. As always a big grin split his face as he enthusiastically followed all of Analiese's instructions. Once finishing up the base work he gathered the tools he had been using ànd watched as Analiese descended over the side. He leaned far over to keep an eye on her.

Nan witnessed the slip and gave out a startled yelp. He quickly slipped off the top of the ship and began slowly levitating down. He wanted to rush to Analiese to ensure her safety but he didn't want to seem overbearing. He spoke loudly to Analiese, "Yo sis, you ok there? Did you need a hand?" Nan left the question hanging in the air as he continued to descend catching up to the rattled engineer.

Ana hung there for a moment, trying to catch her breath before she looked over at Nan. She had started to get used to him being around. He wasn't overbearing and he was always considerate of keeping his distance without making her feel as if she was being isolated, and yet when he did get close she didn't feel the need to withdraw.

"I'm okay. But I guess I could use the help to get down." Ana spoke in a sheepish tone, a little embarrassed that she needed the help down. She didn't think it would be that hard.

Hugar had finished picking up the bone by the time Embel had sent the message about the large structure, he stood up and looked towards Tanja for the moment, staying quiet and allowing her to make the decision. He did, however, make sure to take a look around the general vicinity to ensure that none of the wolves were skulking about while Tanja did the talking.

Quinn had helped Hugar collect the bones, not useful for much else really. He perked up a little when the news came across the communicators about the new building. He wondered about what would be in them, but kept it to himself for the moment. Besides the excitement and adrenaline rush from picking Ana out from behind the engine block, and stitching up Hugar on the go, Quinn really didn't think there was much else interesting that he'd done this particular trip.

Nan levitated gently towards Analiese some more. He quickly calculated Analiese's weight versus his lifting capacity versus the screwed up gravity.

"I can totes help you down. Well, it will be more falling with amazing style," Nan said this last part as he opened his arms and spread them in a cocky show off manner. This did of courae cause all the equipment he was holding to fall, crashing onto the ground with a loud clatter.

Nan's face winced as the equipment impacted the planet then molded into an embarrassed smile and said, "What do you say that we don't mention that to the Captain?"

Nan slowly moved behind Analiese to help support her as they moved toward the ground.
Tanja gave a nod at hearing the status of the ship repair. “We have some bones we’re going to bring back along with pictures of the facility. We’re going to head for the larger structure after that.”

She ushered everyone in the ship and had Reed take off and head towards the Anbruch. Once they were moving she turned to the others. “You know there is a chance that when we go we’ll see something even more troublesome than the wolves we encountered right?”

MARI made her way down from the top of the ship. On the way down it made sure to give Nan another pinch, it seemed to have decided that it was going to pick on him some more. Once on the ground MARI rolled herself back into the ship having nothing more to do.

Geboku was at the moment handling the bear, that had decided to investigate the engines, so having to keep it back before it did damage Geboku was following standard manuals and making itself appear as big as possible while shouting at it in a loud monotone robotic voice.

Rulloo came out of the ship to see how things were going, and spotting Nan and Ana on their way down. “I heard the messsage from the captain, They are bringing bones back.” He looked rather excited at the information, so much he did not notice just how close the bear creature was now.

Nan replied to Tanja, "Copy that Cap. Be advised we have a large bear thing here, not aggressive yet but better to know about it right? Once, Analiese and I are cleaned up and stowed the tools I can start getting a program together to help the Professor do some computerized reconstruction the bones."

Nan set Analiese down on the ground with minimal fuss, gave her a broad smile and a wink and went to start picking up the fallen tools. At the pinch Nan jumped yet again spinning on MARI, "Ay,! Cheeky, cheeky girl! Don't worry, your my favorite! Don't get jealous!" He chuckled as he went back to collecting the tools.

Once tools in hand Nan would head back to the ship to put the tools back into storage. All the while he was running code in his head about creating a bone structure, muscle, epidermis reconstruction program. It was a lot of variables and as he was eager to start putting the code into the computer he was only half paying attention to where he was going.

Hugar nodded towards Tanja quietly before speaking up. "Where there is an ecosystem there is always the chance of running into worse things, we need to make sure that we are prepared this time. I suggest that we take things slow, there can be more aggressive animals then wolves on the ground. What we do is up to you Tanja." He leaned back and listened to the captain now rather then speaking.
Ruins -> Shuttle

Quinn was more than happy to bound right back onto the shuttle and get seated. "I'm better with people, not animals." Quinn said with a shrug. "In this case I'm going to have to defer to your judgement." He felt pretty useless really, being a medic and all, that he couldn't exactly do much more than patch people up on the go if the going got rough.

Analiese gave Nan a small smile in return before gathering up what she could of their supplies and heading back towards the ship's entrance. She could see Guboku dealing with the bear and hoped that all would be alright there as she made her way back into the ship itself and stored away the tools. She then went back into the engine room to start the checks, wanting to at least get things up and running better so that Nan could do his work and the ship would be more comfortable for the others.

Once everyone was inside the shuttle with the bones it lifted off once more and then began on it’s way back to the Anbruch. On the way they once again met with the large bird creatures, it seemed like they were waiting up high for them to leave before making their own descent down likely to eat at the remains.


It did not take long for the shuttle to arrive at the fresh clearing made by the Anbruch, the noise of it overhead causing the large bear like creature to run to the treeline for cover.

It was difficult to get the shuttle back into the hangar while in gravity, so it was landed outside the loading ramp instead, landing softly, and after a moment everyone on board stepping out.

“We have the bones, well put them in the cargo hold.” Tanja spoke over the comm line as she motioned to the guys on the shuttle to start carrying them up the ramp. “Analiese and Nan, can you two meet me down here?” Was her last words over the com line before she started to type something on her wrist computer.