Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: The Wayward Distant Memories (Ep. 2.0)


Quinn thought about it for a long moment before he glanced between Hugar and Tanja "Well what if we try something a little less... boom-ey?" He asked. "Scaring them off with a loud sound or a bright flash of light but nothing physically harmful?" He knew a good lot of animals, and people, tended to give space to anything making unexpected loud sounds or sudden bright lights.
Reed had been listening passively as the others discussed their options. At Quinns comment, he sat up and placed a hand on the shuttles throttle.

"I could go supersonic then circle back." He mused "That way, we can be a safe distance away if birds decide to attack."
Hugar noticed Tanja's restraint and paused a moment, he then turned and just looked out the window not commenting any further. He waited for what could possibly wind up frightening the birds into attacking, or Reed's idea which could possibly work.

"Yesss we have a problem most perplexing...There is a creature outside, quite large, and I am not sssure how to handle it. But I want to go take samples of the environment. So I request your assssitance in dealing with such a creature." Rulloo's words came out a bit shakily and he was rather jittery it was obvious what ever was outside spooked him quite a bit.

The Geboku soon spoke up in it's mechanical voice "It would appear that my services will indeed be of use" It then made it's way over to the weapons locker and grabbed on of the rifles inside.


"Hmm that sounds like a good idea. The noise should be able to scare them, and we don't have to harm them. We'll have to keep our eyes out though, last thing I want is them sneaking up on us." Tanja's voice had been soft up until this point, but with a breath it changed back to her captain voice now that she was giving orders. "Once we're down, Hugar, Quinn, you two examine the body of one of the beast before. Get a sample of it's DNA and get some basic information on it in case we have to fight them again. Meet Reed and I inside once you're done."

"Whoa, wait. You're saying there is a big critter waiting outside and you were just going to sit in here hemmin and hawing without bothering to tell the brave soul, me, who was just about to go out? Thanks a lot Jerk-oo," Nan said with a huff. "Well, tell us what you know, it could be helpful. So, I will task Mari with starting the repairs while Geb and I will be on watch for thus creature. Analiese you can either go out with Mari or I can set you up with a remote feed to gyide Mari."

Nan was frustrated that Rulloo was on edge. Luckily, the glass was always half full to Nan and things could only get better. He checked his gear, beckoned to Geb and Mari and headed toward the airlock.

Reed took his hands off the controls for a second to crack his knuckles before slamming the throttle into Mach 2. The sudden increase in speed would bring small craft soaring ten meters over the highest bird and then far beyond. The sonic boom that followed the shuttle was loud enough to have been heard from the Anbruch.

5... 4... 3... 2... 1...

He pulled the throttle back and the shuttle eased back into subsonic speeds. The shuttle was now cruising approximately 4 kilometers from the ruins. Reed brought the shuttle about in a gentle arc, skirting around the birds before bringing the shuttle back toward the ruins. Reed circled the ruins twice before he brought the shuttle down through the trees until the landing gear gently touched the ground.

"If my estimates are correct, should be close to where the wolves attacked us."

Ana shook her head as she chewed on her lip. She didn't like that there was another large creature out there, but she had to get out to assess the damage. Looking towards the other two, she said softly, "I better get out there. If it's a fix that Mari can do, then I'll come back in. Otherwise...I'm kinda stuck. Just hope that whatever is out there stays far enough away..."

She heads out of the ship, going to the side that she knew for certain was in need of repairs. She couldn't let what was out there frighten her...she already did that back at the ruins.

Ana and Nan, accompanied by the two robots stepped out of the air lock and were once again greeted by the slightly higher pressure air that made their lungs feel heavy. Last time they left the ship it was perfectly quiet, however now the sounds of insects could be heard, and in the distant animals could be heard, they were no longer scared of what had made so much noise and were slowly making their way back.

As for things not scared though it did not take long to see what it was that Rulloo was talking about it was a bear, at least in appearance, but it was huge, so large in fact that on it's hind legs it was able to poke at and smack the under side of the ship. However the creature paused as it noticed them, and leered in their direction a moment but it soon returned to abusing the ship.


The sound of the sonic boom did a great job scaring away the animals, especially the birds they flew far away in response, the only concern became where did the wolves flee and if they would return, the dead bodies were still there however.

Tanja got up once they landed and stepped out of the craft with a smile. "Alright, lets get to work everyone. We need to make this quick and easy." She had already given orders so she didn't skip a beat in beginning to approach the ruins, rifle at the ready.

Reed got up reluctantly. Now that the shuttle was on the ground, he no longer felt the same exhilaration that came with flying at supersonic speeds. On his way out of the shuttle, he snagged his rifle and DataJockey. He slung the rifle over his shoulder and slipped the DataJockey into one of the pockets on his armor that had been meant for to hold the extra armor plating. He would be using the camera on the pad to take pictures for Rulloo.

After hopping out of the shuttle down to the ground, he called back to the others inside the shuttle. “Everyone out. I’m going to close the shuttle door so nothing tries to get in while we are gone."
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Just outside the Anbruch

Ana stopped in her tracks when she saw the bear. It was a lot bigger than her and, for one who has never been outside of the city, scarier too! She let out a little squeak, but can't seem to move from where she stands as she watches, not quite sure what to make of it. She glanced at Nan to see his reaction, hoping that the bear will just move on and not trouble them. Like the wolves.

Nan slid out of the airlock into the oppressive air in a confident manner then abruptly stumbled in shock as he saw the monstrous bear like creature poking at the ship. He quickly froze as the creature gazed at the quartet and held his breath as if him breathing would enrage the behemoth. As it turned away he released his held air with a low chuckle.

He turned to Analiese with a nervous smile, "So, this may be un-bear-ably challenging. I'm going to say that we probably don't want to scare it off. Why don't we try and stay far away from it as we get to work. I really don't want to kill an innocent creature so maybe we will get lucky and it will wander off.

If it hangs around though maybe you can ransack the kitchen and find some num nums so we can lure it away."

Nan spoke with faked confidence. This was a problem but panicking helped no one, especially the skittish engineer. She was peculiar and had a 'protect me' vibe to her that would challenge even the most unfeeling.

Hugar stood up, and stepped out of the shuttle and checked his equipment real quick to ensure that nothing would go wrong should he have to fire it, then checked his wound to make sure its okay. After both is done he just quietly follows Tanja, his ears poking up and his eyes scanning the area, using his enhanced hearing and his sight to keep a lock onto their surroundings now, he was not going to be caught off guard again.

Upon reaching the dead animal, he quickly knelt down and began taking as many samples as possible, including using his Biological equipment to scan the whole thing. He took blood, he took hair samples, as well as saliva samples, upon finishing he looked up and around before standing up. "This thing resembles a creature I read about in Yamatai, I believe it was a Wolf, a creature from the Yamataian System. While it has some clear differences, the likeliness is the same. As such, it is in my professional opinion that we should be careful, wolves tend to seek out revenge when one of their own are killed."
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Outside Anbruch

The large bear like creature kept it's gaze on them for what seemed like minutes, but was only a few seconds before it walked away. It did not go far however and sat down at a downed tree and began eating the foliage. What ever the thing was, for the moment it was not paying them any attention.

Now that the beast was distracted they could better see what was going on. The left nacelle was pretty banged up along with other portions of the left side of the ship, most of it was cosmetic, but there were some portions that it would definitely be a good idea to weld shut before heading back into space. From their location they could not see the top of the ship but one could imagine what the damage there was like.


The creature lie there motionless as Hugar collected his samples. The beast indeed had a resemblance to the animal known as a wolf, but there were a few exterior differences let alone the number inside. These creatures had large top incisors that would crush through bone fairly easily. Their bodies were large and muscular, but there was a strange amount of fat that masked it, as well as some strange moisture on the beast’s coat.

As Tanja and Reed approached the ruins they could see footprints from the surviving wolf like creatures scattering around, it was likely they had fled a respectable distance away and regrouped. The building itself was made of smooth white blocks of stone like material and it was hard to tell if these markings on both sides of the doorway were some kind of writing or if they scratch marks from the animals. The roof had already caved in so there was plenty of light to be see around the place.

“Well this place is very old, older than me at least.” Tanja spoke up as she glanced around the entrance. “It looks like we have a sort of perimeter wall that has mostly been destroyed, and then in interior structure. It’s not that large though and it looks like it’s going to be a bunch of rooms.”

Hugar lightly sighed as nobody gave any indication that they had even bothered to listen to his advice, and instead chose to take the safer means of surviving. He went back to paying attention to their surroundings, and kept his gun at the ready. He'd go through the animal later to see if they could claim it as a discovery of theirs.

Ana let out a sigh of relief as she watched the bear gambol off. She turned her attention back to the ship and what she needed to do in the way of repairs. Looking at the damage and what tools she had on her, she sighed softly, "I didn't bring enough, it seems. I need...umm...oh what is it called? That thing that would meld this better than my hand tool...and something to help me get up there. Err...unless either of you could get up and weld?" She looked to the two androids with them and then chuckled a bit at herself as she shook her head.

"No, of course not. I'll work on what I can reach if one of you get the other things for what I can't?" Her request was directed towards Nan and the androids, for she wasn't particular who got long as it was gotten for her. As it was, she had no intention of focusing on the bear any more, for if she did, she'd freak out...and she is trying not to now.
Outside the Anbruch

"Well, about that. Mari is equipped with an anti-grav unit and well," points to himself, "Minkan. Super Yamatai robot powers." Nan gives a cheesy smile and a double thumbs up.

"So what do you think? I also believe that Mari could give you a ride up if you prefer. She can lift about 100ish pounds."
Outside the Anbruch

Ana blinked and looked between him and Mari and then down towards the ground, her face turning red. She murmured softly, "Oh..umm...right." She then hissed softly, for it was towards herself and not anyone else, "Stupid!" Clearing her throat, she looked back up at the ship and said, "Well, either way, still need the more powerful welder."
Ship -> Ruins

Quinn had heard Hugar though, and when the other was done taking his samples he put a hand on the other's shoulder as a silent recognition that he'd heard and understood. Quinn took his own samples, poking around here and there. He wiggled free the pair of top incisors, took a few smaller samples, and then used his knife to take a bigger sample of fur, fat, muscle and tendon. Quinn also carefully cut free one of the wolf's paws, bones and all, being pretty sure that Hugar would want them for later. Once he was done with his precision cutting he sealed everything in jars and a few bags and tucked them away into various pockets on his coat. He cleaned his knife off and tucked it away, standing up and glancing over to Hugar and then out into the surrounding area, figuring he could keep an eye on the wolves and alert the rest of them if the beasts decided to make another move.

Reed followed Tanja while taking pictures of the ruins. He chuckled as he had a sudden image of himself looking like a Nepleslian tourist. As they reached the entrance, Reed pulled out the watch communicator and flipped it open. Tapping the screen, he quickly contacted the Anbruch

“Hey Rulloo, can you tell us what we are looking for?"
Outside the Anbruch

"Yeah, I can grab the Welder no prob. Geb, keep an eye on things out here. Mari, don't you cause too much trouble," said Nan with a chuckle. He gave a big reassuring smile to Analiese and turned back into the airlock. While waiting for the cycle he deployed his holographic computer and patched into the camera drones with the away party and queued up the comms.

Inside the Anbruch

"Hey team. Your favorite Yamatain computer whiz checking in. Imma going to fire up the 3 camera drones I left with you guys. Just let me know where you need scouting, K thanks." said Nan. He flew through the connections to his drones and awakened them. They lazily bobbed into the air, the gravity making them slightly sluggish. This was the work Nan loved. Electronics, computers, gadgets, it doesn't matter Nan excelled at them all. It was a big video game come to life. He could be helpful through things he had a deep understanding of. Best of all, he could do these things from the safety of a thick hulled ship, as he walked to get a welder for a damsel in distress. Ok, she wasn't a damsel in distress but why shatter a good mood?