Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

OOC Elysian Discussion

Should FrostJaeger become the Faction Manager of Elysia?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 11 84.6%
  • No.

    Votes: 2 15.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Oh thats going to change now that im here. *bends his leg up and says* "We all have a little cap'n in us" *smiles*
Hes not little but I could give you a jk. So yeah, im bored, its 4 30 am, and I have nothing to do. And of course you both arent online.
lol we might have to start up some small rp in the occ thread to pass the time? Since Zakalwe doesnt seem to like to post..


Author: Tylium

Sticked by Wes.

Author: Mola

Areeee we dead yet? Hope not cuz I ain't gettin any younger....

Author: Michael Brazille

Oh my god we are so dead.... The posting order is a little hazy in my mind right now. If its my turn to post someone plz tell. And If that isnt the reason we need a another mod.

Author: Tylium

Posting order is up to you guys I presume; at this point I haven't seen posts of all Elysian members (myself included). What we currently need to know is.

1. Who are active and are capable of continuing the plot.
2. How far are we willing to take the barrack posts. We need some things happening that affect more people then just ourselves. (Blowing up some space depot that the Neplesians own would be a nice goal to work to.)
3. Tom has mentioned a plot ship. How far is it progressing in terms of ideas and storyline?
4. Who takes on whose character in their absence? I know Evaneal (spelling?) is being played by both tom and zak. (tom plays it in terms of zak's absence. but what about the fact if they are both not able to post?) Currently a good idea that ties into the fact of mola and zaks character is the fact that in the current military it is presumed illegal to have a relation with a lower ranking officer or at least while on duty. (as this affects performance of the team itself.) So a emergency scenario would be that they found out about this and that Evaneal has been reprimanded and been assigned to another squad.

Author: Wes

I think itd be neat to have them graduate (timeskip perhaps?) and then have the active players start up a small plot ship with which they could explore the universe and such.

Author: Tylium

Ideas for a plot ship. (Continuation of barracks)

• Instead of a time jump we are being ordered to board the docked carrier vessel and continue training or receive orders to join the fresh group of recruits at the Mechanoid bay for powered armor training.
• The ship is filled with either fresh recruits or people that are in training at this point. Reasons unknown (possibly military administration screw-up?)
• At this point the most important places (CO, XO, head medical, Head technical staff, etc.) will be NPC’ed or if somebody shows enough skill to take on that position they will be asked by the GM to take that position.
• The officer from the base that trained most of you might be coming along on the ship as a civilian as his relation got discovered by the higher ups and he was reprimanded for that.
• The ship will head to the new colonies at first to deliver some supplies and pick up additional weapons and equipment.

Why did I choose this large ship you might ask. Well the scout ship has a maximum amount of seven/thirteen people. This doesn’t leave a lot of room for new players that are interested to RP with us. The carrier is due to its large amount of people an excellent place to start. As most people that join are army personnel.

Author: Tylium

The Idea mola and I are currently working on to get some life into the RP again.

Current date YE29

Description of the plot: Elysian civil war.
Location of the event: New colonies of the Elysian empire.
Size and disposition of the enemy: Unknown; Suspected to have at least a small to medium sized warfleet. Along with most of the plebeian society.

Immediate problem: The plebian uprising has struck quick and accurate at first the ship captains where assassinated and the rest of the crew where rounded up and put into concentration camps. This to prevent them to alert the military and causing the military to send a invasion force to take the planet back in their hands. The aggressor side only consists of plebeian and seraphs the leader is an enigmatic figure that doesn’t show himself in public.

The aggressor side has captured every single patrician (so they say) and are threatening to kill every single of them if the military decides to either, Not agreeing to their terms or try to invade the planet.

The terms:
Recognition of the plebeian grouping on the main planet, and their planet.
Recognition of the independence of the new colonies.
Exile of the patrician population of the planets they are currently controlling.

How did this happen?
A small number of fanatics on Elysia novus decided to play foul and decided that they had enough of the patrician suppression. They forged a plan to steal one of the military vessels currently in orbit (going to be of a battle-cruiser class due to the obvious response of the military.) If they would succeed they would try to convert the plebeians of the newer colonies to their cause with help of propaganda and twisted facts.

After just two hours upon their arrival local fanatics had convinced ninety percent of the population to rise up against the patrician suppression. This in turn resulted in the capturing and assassination of every single patrician.

What is the army going to do about it?
The army is currently forging a fleet capable of stopping this aggression. The problem is that if they come close to the planet they risk sacrificing the local population of patricians. However as one of the younger leaders already noted. “This might be a small price to pay for peace.”

Start of the plot.
The plot will start with the plebians stealing the ship. The military at first only recalls the most experienced cadets. Not knowing what to expect.

Expect either small or major rewrites of this.

PLOT v1.2
changes: Made the story a bit more realistic (in the idea of having the planet already under control, instead of suddenly a shift in control)

Current date YE29

Description of the plot: Elysian civil war.
Location of the event: New colonies of the Elysian empire.
Size and disposition of the enemy: Unknown; Suspected to have at least a small to medium sized warfleet. Along with most of the plebeian society.

Immediate problem: The plebian uprising has struck quick and accurate at first the ship captains where assassinated and the rest of the crew where rounded up and put into concentration camps. This to prevent them to alert the military and causing the military to send a invasion force to take the planet back in their hands. The aggressor side only consists of plebeian and seraphs the leader is an enigmatic figure that doesn’t show himself in public.

The aggressor side has captured every single patrician (so they say) and are threatening to kill every single of them if the military decides to either, Not agreeing to their terms or try to invade the planet.

The terms:
Recognition of the plebeian grouping on the main planet, and their planet.
Recognition of the independence of the new colonies.
Exile of the patrician population of the planets they are currently controlling.

How did this happen?
Nobody knows the exact reason why it all started. (ask the leader) The problem isn’t noted by the elysian military until a carrier in orbit of the new colonies, that was originally designed to train new soldiers about combat on alien terrain and space came under attack and was hijacked shortly thereafter by the fanatics. The ship carried military personel both untrained and trained as an project to train people about space combat and fighting and surviving on alien planets. This due to the increasing number of complaints of the military leaders about the current quality of their forces.

What is the army going to do about it?
The army is currently forging a fleet capable of stopping this aggression. The problem is that if they come close to the planet they risk sacrificing the local population of patricians. However as one of the younger leaders already noted. “This might be a small price to pay for peace.”

Start of the plot.
The plot will start with the active military personel of the elysian military (barracks, Nathaniel, (others?)) being transferred to this massive vessel for continuation of the training. This vessel will set out to the new collonies to pick up additional supplies and personel.

End of this plot:
At the end of the plot it is the Idea to take this ship or another ship of the same class as a plotship and continue both training and other duties for the army.

Author: Michael Brazille

haha this sounds great. If we keep active this may even be great. I cant wait to kill a few Patricians with my Plebian hands *ish evil*

Author: Tylium

heh dont expect me to change my standing with the patricians that easily. I might struggle a bit.

Anyway I think this plot is good to go. (we only need a outline of the events that are going to take place, not the entire line of events actually written out.) Only waiting for wes to give mola the okay and where off to do some actuall fighting. (note your not going to fight simulations. Expect some children that try to even protect their master. Does your character have the ability to live with that?)

Author: Tylium

Description for the Plotship.


The <SHIPNAME, REGISTRY>, is an newly constructed Avenger class carrier in service of the Elysian Celestial Navy. She is currently commanded by <COMMANDING OFFICER NAME>. She was scheduled to be launched in early YE28 but due to several problems with her drive systems she was launched as the first ship in YE29.


The <SHIPNAME> is launched and was immediately ordered to take a four month shakedown cruise. After the cruise was finished she was stationed near Elysia novus untill further orders.

After lying in wait for over two months the new orders finally reached the ship. It was stocked with full supplies and the bay’s where filled with the latest in powered armor’s including fifty Anthedon power armor’s. Twice as much as originally intended due to the ships unusual compliment of nearly only plebeians.

The ship is currently filling up with either fresh cadets from the academies and several fully trained soldiers.

Crew Positions:

Commanding officers:

Captain: <NAME>
Played by:

Technical staff

Chief engineer: <NAME>
Played by:

Combat personnel

2nd PA team
Team leader:
Team members:
Nathaniel Kygra
Played by: Tylium
YIM: [email protected]

Medical staff
Chief medical staff: <NAME>
Played by:

Available crew positions.

Executive officer (first officer)
Technical staff
Army personel Including power armor pilots and marines.

Author: Zakalwe

I just was told about this by Doshii and it's actually making me considering interrupting my revision time to rejoin the site. No, not out of support - oposition. I have tried very hard with the Elysians, and yet you suggest a civil war which in my mind is completely untenable. If nothing else - did you forget the existence of the Seraph? Completely loyal to the Patricians, extremely powerful? The plebeians would have minimal forces, almost no ships (possibly one or two Concordias) and face several thousand Seraph and the might of the Elysian navy. That's not even taking account of the indignity of a Patrician being a hostage - they all have ST backups and might even take their lives. Hostages don't really work with the Elysians. If anything it would be a brief and completely ineffective uprising that would be cut down within at most a day - and that's working on the assumption they manage to hide on the planet.

Really, is the only way you can have a plot to rip apart the empire? Because if it is I'll have to return which would be really unfortunate for me.

Author: Doshii Jun

That said -- it might be wisest for you Elysian folk to create another character for another faction, whatever that faction or independent might be. All of Elysia can be put on ice for a while until Thomas gets back.

And remember. He's going for Oxford. The pinnacle of Western education. Let's not fuck with that.

Author: Mola

pfft well scuse me if I try to keep things intresting...

Author: Zakalwe

I fully applaud your attempts to keep things interesting - and indeed I do not oppose you running a plot. However I don't think this would work - and I'd rather it didn't. You could be called in to fight a small uprising perhaps - although it would only ever to be a small insurection and one doomed to failure. That aside I'd be happy for you to come up with plot ideas - but if we could agree on them first that would make me a lot happier.

Author: Michael Brazille

That was stupid. Mola and that other dude worked for that plot. They were given permission and now the MOD that had left in the first place to go away for a while and the only plot that he had ever made was a barracks decides to come back and fuck things up for the rest of us because he thinks it would never happen? What do you think this is RL? No its Sci-Fi its ment to be interesting and the time it took mola and that other dude to put this thing together took you 10 fold to make a barracks which really wasnt all that great in the first place. Im sure you had your reasons. But in my opinion thats still BS and Im sure most of the other Elysians think the same they just decided to keep there mouths shut unlike me. We love the Elysians as much as you do. In fact its prob. my fav. Race in SA. But in order for us to keep this going we need to make fun interesting plots for the Rpers. And In my views it looked like Mola was doing a great job at it before you decided to come back and tear this crap up.

Author: Wes

First, let me point out that it's not Thomas coming back to tear your plot up, it's Thomas coming back to prevent your plot from tearing Elysia up.

Anyway, here's what I'd written to Mola earlier:

Wes wrote:
Interesting idea, but I don't really think that makes sense. I mean, it'd really be "biting the hand that feeds" for the Plebeians.

If you want to have a rebellion, that's cool, but I wouldn't expect it to be widespread at first. You'd want to start small (with just your ship at first) rebelling and then can NPC supporters by being successful (maybe exploring new worlds, winning battles, etc).
Mola wrote:
Tylium wrote:
The Idea mola and I are currently working on to get some life into the RP again.

Current date YE29

Description of the plot: Elysian civil war.
Location of the event: New colonies of the Elysian empire.
Size and disposition of the enemy: Unknown; Suspected to have at least a small to medium sized warfleet. Along with most of the plebeian society.

Immediate problem: The plebian uprising has struck quick and accurate at first the ship captains where assassinated and the rest of the crew where rounded up and put into concentration camps. This to prevent them to alert the military and causing the military to send a invasion force to take the planet back in their hands. The aggressor side only consists of plebeian and seraphs the leader is an enigmatic figure that doesn’t show himself in public.

The aggressor side has captured every single patrician (so they say) and are threatening to kill every single of them if the military decides to either, Not agreeing to their terms or try to invade the planet.

The terms:
Recognition of the plebeian grouping on the main planet, and their planet.
Recognition of the independence of the new colonies.
Exile of the patrician population of the planets they are currently controlling.

How did this happen?
A small number of fanatics on Elysia novus decided to play foul and decided that they had enough of the patrician suppression. They forged a plan to steal one of the military vessels currently in orbit (going to be of a battle-cruiser class due to the obvious response of the military.) If they would succeed they would try to convert the plebeians of the newer colonies to their cause with help of propaganda and twisted facts.

After just two hours upon their arrival local fanatics had convinced ninety percent of the population to rise up against the patrician suppression. This in turn resulted in the capturing and assassination of every single patrician.

What is the army going to do about it?
The army is currently forging a fleet capable of stopping this aggression. The problem is that if they come close to the planet they risk sacrificing the local population of patricians. However as one of the younger leaders already noted. “This might be a small price to pay for peace.”

Start of the plot.
The plot will start with the plebians stealing the ship. The military at first only recalls the most experienced cadets. Not knowing what to expect.

Expect either small or major rewrites of this.

This is what we have managed to come up with. Have you any questions, comments? things to add? lemme know. Also this will bring all current and possibly future Elysian PC characters into an Elysian plot without having to wait for for zaka to get on.[/quote][/quote]

Author: Mola

Woah people... hold on here a sec... Michael Shut up...

A) If Doshii can come up with something that dosent require Zak's full attention and keeps us from dull repetitive work[the barracks mind you] I'm willing to go along peacefully for the moment.

B) My initial idea was to have a small group of Plebians steal a shuttle and go renegade, NOT CIVIL WAR. [Thylium came up with the idea of civil war and at that point in time I was ready to aceept anything] [see Wes's commet about a rebellion above]

C) and unfortunately I have to agree with Michael...

Alusssuonsss ora nidung bet Nozusss munesss da ganicuda...

Now back to bed with me... good night...

Author: Doshii Jun

Ladies and gentlemen --

My apologies for not posting my proposed plot sooner. However, I've got a bit of a laundry list. Please bear with me here; I will have something for you tonight.

-- Must cash tax refunds.
-- Pay off line of credit.
-- Go buy engagement ring (the other half of it).
-- Pick-up eyeglasses, return late DVD.
-- Kill Harry Potter.
-- Clean up car.
-- RP with Tomoe and whatnot.
-- Get killed by Bond.

I'm on it.

Author: Tylium

Well as Wes and Zak noted the plot is not possible. That’s something that I always try to expect. Not that I did when posting this but hey.

Anyway what Wes noted about starting small, is something I can work with. Same with Zak noting their force would be limited to only a small number, of tiny ships.

If you allow, I would like to try to come up with something more plausible. In the meantime hang tight, as I am currently having a though decision about my school course.

Author: Doshii Jun

Tylium, if you want to help me with what I'm working on, I'd more than appreciate it. I don't have the intimiate knowledge of Elysia, and any perspective there would help.

I can't find Harry Potter, and I didn't have enough KGB agents to kill Bond. But most of the other shit is done.

Author: Doshii Jun

Premise: Three Nepleslian men, all present on New Elysia before hostilities between the two planets began, start a bombing campaign that rocks the capitol of Empyrean's surrounding smaller cities.

The problem is that these Nepleslians are not patriotic, and nor do they truly hate the Elysians. They're searching for a technological artifact that long ago crashed into the planet, an artifact that predates Elysian habitation of the planet. There is evidence, according to these three researcher-adventurers, that escape pods from the original colony ships that populated Nepleslia and Yamatai might have crashed on New Elysia. The escape pods would not have had living people in them -- they would have been the dead bodies of those who did not survive the long colony trip. But if the DNA survived ...

However, their visas were uncerimoniously stripped from them when Elysia and Nepleslia began their skirmishing. Elysian officials have had no luck locating them; they fled into the Plebian areas surrounding the capitol.

Now, the bombing isn't of highly populated areas ... most of the time. But the purpose of the bombing is to draw attention away from the worksite. The "bomber" is on a rotating schedule, so it isn't the same man twice.

Elysian officials suspect its the Nepleslians doing it, but they're calling the problem a "humanitarian crisis" because of occasionally displaced Plebians. They've dispatched a few hundred soldiers into the 10-square-kilometer neighborhood where this seems to be happening. Among this small battalion is a fire team with the very specific goal of hunting down the Nepleslians and killing them before they can find what they want.

How players will work: This can involve more or less detective work, but there will be a lot more enemies than three: the adventurers have a few friends among the Plebians, so you have to kind of hunt them down while not pissing off a very superior number of people. Don't expect the battalion to help you either.

As for repetitive work -- there will be a little, as you'll find yourself doing some wandering here and there. But surprises and turns will be in store aplenty, depending on who I have to talk to as an actual GM. Much shooting will be involved, so no worries there.

And that's the short of it. Questions, concerns, critiques?

Author: Yangfan

Jake, you take care of the plot, I'll take care of the audit. We'll help each other should one of us pass out from exhaustion or have a mental block. Deal?

Mola, Tylium, Michael, you guys are going to help us as well. For starters, I can't do the audit without you guys. You can help with the plot as well, but it probably won't be much fun if you guys know all of Jake's spoilers. :p

Author: Doshii Jun

Fair enough, good sir, fair enough.

Author: Tylium

Doshii Jun wrote:
Much shooting will be involved
shooting will be involved


Great when do we start.


one problem though. We are currently on Elysia novus. So I am expectign we have to do some traveling to get to new Elysia. (if those two are not the same that is.)

Author: Doshii Jun

Elysia Novus is Elysian for "New Elysia."

Author: Mola

Well.... As long as we get to kill things I'm up for that Doshii...

Author: Doshii Jun

Okay ... so ... umm ... there's a plot. Is there anything else you guys need from me? Other than the occasional peek-in?

Author: Yangfan

Well, Jake, I was hoping that you'd help with the GMing. We can't just let poor Mola figure everything out by himself, you know?

I can help, too. But I'm still catching up on the IC posts. Also, you know Elysian culture better than I do. I can't do much better than Mola, I suspect.

Dibs on making the three Nepleslian NPCs though.

Player survey typed up, to be unleashed on an unsuspecting player base tomorrow. That's right. You have another day to post in the players list.

Author: Doshii Jun

... I really, really want to avoid GMing anything. I hate GMing, I suck at it, and I prefer just not to do it. Every time I do it, it's to cover for something. But if it can't be helped, it can't be helped. I'll wait until the survey's done, then I'll put up an opening post.

Author: Tylium

We'll actually the start post will be the barracks. I took the liberty of trying to get things in working order of getting the barrack troops ready to enter the city.

The only thing that currently bothers me is. Who will be in charge of the operation? As in who do I report to in terms of: Progress, requests for extraction and support. And who will be playing the three Nepleslians and possible bombers.

As for other Elysian’s that are lurking this board. The turn in which we will be posting will be erratic for the moment. Take your chance and post as soon as possible. This gives me the best chance to avoid changing your character too much in terms of actions taken. I won’t make them talk much and do things that are extremely against conduct. This might cause your character to act completely different then normal. So try to post as soon as possible to give me some slaves to carry me around the base.

Author: Yangfan

How about this? Jake will RP any Elysian NPCs that are "in charge" of the mission. Your PCs will report to them. I will RP the opposition NPCs / bad guys. This was the set up during the first Goban mission, and it worked out well back then.

Jake, PM me when the action starts. I'm still catching up on the IC posts, but I don't need background information if I'm only RPing the opposition. :p

Author: Yangfan

I've caught up on the IC posts. Let's roll.

Jake, if you seriously need a break from GMing, let me know. I know you have other plots to participate in.

Author: Doshii Jun

Don't need a break yet. I just inserted myself a little, so we'll see how things start. I'll throw a dart your way when I want out.

Author: Yangfan

Results of the player survey:

* Generally, the players are looking for plots that give them a lot of freedom to do what they want. They're willing to give our currently proposed plot a chance, but we have to make it interesting.

* No one is holding a grudge against Thomas for going inactive, and will welcome him back when he returns. In the future, a warning before going inactive, as well as arrangements for the RP to continue, are requested.

* Lastly, the players realize their own shortcomings in the English language, but are confident that their current proficiency levels are adequate for the RP.

This would be a good time to mention that nothing improves your writing abilities like lots of creative writing.

Author: Kim

I was asked to impart some of my knowledge on Elysia.

All righty, for background, I GMed for the SARPG when the Elysians were still a non-playable NPC race that the YSA was at war with. So here are some facts that I know my experience with Elysians (though most of the ones I dealt with were assholes).

Commonly known Elysian Facts and Random History Bits
* The original "Heavens" were a series of Floating Islands above Yamatai (Geshrintall).

*"Hell" was a cavern area on Geshrintall that was conquered by Elysia then lost to Yamatai.

*There were 5 wars (The Heavenly Wars) with Yamatai that eventually drove the Elysians away from Geshrintall entirely to Elysia Novus. During this period the Elysian Navy was sapping all of the Nation's funds and supplies (food) to fuel the fleet and were pretty much starving out their population for the War.

*Though there is a Peace Treaty in effect with Yamatai since YE 25, there is a general distrust and hatred of all citizens of Yamatai, especially Nekos. This is mostly because when the 2nd Army of the Heavenly Sword(Early SAoY infinatry units) rolled through the 7 "Heavens" (those islands I mentioned before) during the first few Heavenly Wars, they pretty much wrecked everything and everyone in their path. The nekos conquered all but 3 of the Heavens and it was generally believed that Yui did most of the damage. They feel that nekos are mindless, souless machines with an overactive libido.

*Traditionally, Elysian women were treated as 2nd Class citizens and although, they have obtined some sort of suffarage at this point of time, there is probably still some Elysian men that aren't used to the change. Women of other races are generally felt to be used and abused for their amusement.

*They are a very proud and highly religious race. During the last Heavenly War, there was concern that the Elysians were trying to resurrect their "God". If I have to associate them with any religion, Catholicism is what comes to mind from my understanding of their culture from 4 years ago. But I think, they generally feel that whatever they might do in the name of their God and country is without sin and o.k no matter how messed up it might be.

*The original Nekos were made from Seraph DNA.

*Yamatai stole the Elysian ST (Soul Transfer) Technology. (NOTE: I'm pretty sure that this was the case, but I'd need to reconfirm this fact from Wes.)

*Seraphs are asexual looking, amorphous beings that look like the "angels" from Neon Genesis Evangelion. They make up a large bulk of the Elysian military forces and they do, surprisingly, have some sort of a personality.

*Plebians were the lower class working stiffs that were born in the gutter and were pretty much kept there. Typically, the female Enlisted on an Elysian ship were open season for the male officers, back before the change. But even so, they still had their pride as Elysians, after all, they are God's chosen people. They might be resentful of the treatment but there is no chance of a Plebian becoming an officer (in my understanding) because this is how things are and how they've always been.

*Patricians are the upper class rich, officer caste. Extremely proud, silver spoon types. They tend to get better food and such, so of course their wings are bigger, they tend to be more muscular as well.

*In their version of history, especially with Yamatai, they are ALWAYS in the right. Yamatai is evil and greedy. (I think Elysian scientists are the ones that created the original plague that wiped out the population of Geshrintall.)

I hope this set of facts help a bit. Bascially, my advice to play them is to keep in mind they think they are God's chosen, they do all for the glory of the country. their version of the Devil is Yui, (think about it, she is the oldest living Neko and she's been actively involved with 5 wars with them as a soldier and a general. So if any Elysian children had parents involved in any of the heavenly Wars that faced against a neko unit, Yui was probably leading them.)

Author: Yangfan

That was very informative, Kim. I didn't know that the Seraphs came before the Nekos. Thank you.

Author: Kim

Not a problem. You learn wierd things from game play and old graded primer courses. =)

Author: Tylium

People feel free to post around. You guys have four hours of IC time to pass around. Until I give the signal that its eight O’clock you’re free to do whatever you want. (Additional points if you let your character think ahead of schedule.) Just yell at me if you need anything that requires interaction between your character and an npc.

Author: Doshii Jun

My apologies for not posting faster; had to be fitted for a tux and do other chores. Posting soon.

Author: Michael Brazille

Alright can someone tell me the posting order? *ish a little confused about it* Everything seems to be a mesh of posts with no order..

Author: Wes

I don't think there's any set order.

Author: Tylium

Yup wes is right. Posting is currently done without any set order.

Author: Doshii Jun

Sorry for the delay here.

Author: Tylium

No problem doshii. Just tell if you want to have PM's when somebody posts anything that involves your character having to interact with him or her.

Author: Doshii Jun

*shakes head* Bleh. No, it's not that -- I just forget to wander by, as I'm not used to coming here. I see when someone posts, then I brush it off and go to other forums. It's laziness on my part, and it has no excuse.

Author: Tylium

Ah in that case....


Author: Yangfan

If you want to post, post. No need to wait for someone else, who might be waiting on you.

The enemy NPCs will act every time I get bored. (You'll get another cut scene.) So act quickly.

Author: Tylium

Hmm guess its time for a timeskip, What you say yan? Opperation approved?

Author: Yangfan

Operation is a go!

Please close off the current scene nicely, introduce a time skip, and ease everyone into the next scene, so that it's not so jarring. In fact, this would be an excellent opportunity to start a new thread.

I presume that you want to time-skip to the actual town where the most recent bombing took place? I'm open to suggestions.

Let me know if you need help.

Author: Yangfan

Author: Doshii Jun

I can start that new thread and such today.

Author: Yangfan

I have no objections to that either.

Author: Zakalwe

Alright my friends, I have returned. Only for a week or so before I begin a series of internet-free holiday-based excusions, but none the less I return to the site and as such to Elysia.

I'm going to be reading the threads over the next day or two to work out what you guys have done - although if someone could give me a summary that would be verging on awesome.

Nice to see there's still activity.

Author: Yangfan

Not much happened so far, but that's going to change. We have several unsuspecting PCs in a residential neighborhood, investigating several recent bombings in the area.

Jake is likely distracted by his engagement, but Tylium and I are still here for GM-helper duties, and we have a few PCs in tow. Tylium is PC-leader. I'm playing the bad guys.

Author: Tylium

Sorry about my lack of activity recently. School is getting more and more troublesome due to me having to pass this darn exam. No worries though, if I am my usual self not even an impossible exam will be hard enough.

And zak. what to say. Good to have you back. But no internet? What kind of hellhole are you retreating to?

Author: Zakalwe

Well, to begin with a tent on the Isle of Wight.

And then a Caravan.

And then Spain.

Yah no, those barbaric Spaniards.

I've read through the thread and I really like what you're doing with the plot. As normal I am shown up

Author: Tylium

Okay, back from partying that I finished the second exam FLAWLESSLY i might add.

Anyway, posting will resume on a regular basis.

Author: Tylium

So kinda an update on recent happenings.

Micheal got banned for lying about his age. He is actually 14 instead of the required age of 16.

This leaves me with the problem that his character will be npc`ed for the rest of the mission. Even though some people might have problems with his attitude do not think that is a valid excuse to kill his character off.

Anyway posting order is still not applied to the RP so feel free to post around. WE NEED MORE ACTIVITY PEOPLE!

Author: Yangfan

I'll try to pick up the slack if Jake doesn't post more in the next few days.

Author: Doshii Jun

I will post tonight. My apologies folks.

Author: Doshii Jun

If there's anyone left in Elysia, listen up.

I'm taking control, not because I want to, but because Thomas is at Oxford and can't be bothered with us. Understandably and rightfully so.

So I'm going to start a thread to negotiate a treaty deal with Nepleslia so we can avoid it being glassed in the near future. Just in case.

If you've got a protest, better raise it now. I need a real damn good reason not to do this, and it'd better be in Thomas' best interests.

EDIT: On second thought -- sorry. I'm not taking protests. Hypocritical of me, I know, but I'm going to protect Thomas' creation first and foremost. Our little plot will continue as normal.

Author: Yangfan

Take your time on the posting, guys. I'll just let my NPC wander closer and closer to his target.

Author: Flynt Ferrix

I would go ahead and post...but I dont want to steal the spotlight, and i just posted before you did.

Author: Yangfan

*sigh* I'll go poke Jake again. -_-

Thank you for at least checking in, Flynt. It's kind of hard to keep a plot going when the main GM has lost interest.

Author: Doshii Jun

Thomas is supposed to make a decision about this. I don't want to have to.

Author: Flynt Ferrix

Hey, im interested again, cant keep me away even if you beat me with a stick.

Try it...I dare you!

Besides, its one of the only things I have to do between school and work at 3am.

Author: Sekitomic

osu_kiai: Hail Sekiko!
sekizen_no_yume: elysia is DYING
sekizen_no_yume: >_<
osu_kiai: It is? How?
sekizen_no_yume: no GM
sekizen_no_yume: >_>
sekizen_no_yume: i dont blame you btw
osu_kiai: Then BE the GM
sekizen_no_yume: youre in fucking Oxford which is massive hella awesome
sekizen_no_yume: me?
sekizen_no_yume: i am a terrible GM
osu_kiai: So am I. You've been in all of my plots.
sekizen_no_yume: and you do quite well
osu_kiai: ... You actually have. Vaguely scary.
sekizen_no_yume: theres sentiment and thought to them. you keep players occupied, have a remarkable touch for the macabre...
sekizen_no_yume: and you dont overcomplicate things.
osu_kiai: That much is true. Have a go though.
sekizen_no_yume: well, i will consider it. >.>
osu_kiai: I don't think they'd appreciate my macabre.[/quote

Ive been pretty much a spectacular flop as a GM in the past; but if noone else is willing to GM Elysia I would like to at least try for the sake of preserving it as a player faction.

Thomas, Orion and I put a lot of work into Elysia; it feels like a shame to not at least give it a shot. >.>

Author: Doshii Jun

You suddenly have another player in Tylium.

That's two players. That's enough to keep the forum going. Seki, if you're willing, Elysia's all yours. I'll give you all the plot info I have for this, or you can scrap it and do something else.

Author: Sekitomic

Ill look it over and make a decision on whether or not to use it I guess.

But I definitely want to see Elysia survive; even if it doesnt seem likely to flourish. So I will most certainly give GMing one more try.

Author: Doshii Jun

Sweet sauce. I'll get that plot info to you tomorrow.

Author: Sekitomic


Thankyoumuch, Doshii.

Author: Sekitomic

Calling out!

Any Elysian players still alive?

In the porno theatre? Dont be shy!

Author: Sekitomic

Nobody there? I thought there were two players...

I take over in vain?

Author: Yangfan

Porno theatre?! Where?!

*looks around frantically*

Author: Sekitomic

Dont make old alcoholic women cry.

We resort to alcohol then need more operations for liver failure.

Its not nice.

You heartless bastards!

Author: Yangfan

Aww, don't cry Seki. You could always get more players. ^_^:

Author: Sekitomic

You say that as if its easy... I have slutty cateared fucktoys and men with cybernetic penises to compete with! What do we have? Flipping WINGS for chrissakes!

Author: Doshii Jun

Sekitomic wrote:
You say that as if its easy... I have slutty cateared fucktoys and men with cybernetic penises to compete with! What do we have? Flipping WINGS for chrissakes!

That's possibly one of the most classic phrases ever uttered in SARP.

Author: Sekitomic

Alas my brilliance goes unnoticed, for Elysia is forsaken!

Author: Tyler

Newest elysian Player is here!

Author: Aendri

Yang told you.

Author: Sekitomic

Hooray for Tyler! Ill run a JP with you ASAP to work you in, kay?

*radiates love*

Author: Yangfan

Aendri wrote:
Yang told you.

Told me what?

Also, Seki is leaking radiation again. Run!

Author: Aendri

No, you told seki.

Author: Tyler

Yay I wouldn't mind working my in with Seki /innuendo

Author: Yangfan

Aendri wrote:
No, you told seki.

Umm... oookay? ^_^;

Anyway, Elysians! We got Aendri and Tyler. I do believe that gives Seki enough players to start a plot with (or continue the current one).

Author: Tyler

Hehe if seki and yourself are ever on.

Author: Sekitomic


Since my ground crew is flaky as hell and/or not here, Im going to pull out the one whos active and move her to a plot with Aendri and Tyler. Next couple days lets try to get JPs done. If Tyler, Aendri, and Mola could give me their schedules for the next week or so, actually, would be awesome...

...starting something new looks to be the order of the day since Jasen and Tylium are deadweight.

Tyler: Working your in with me wont work until Im over Wes. Sorry.

Author: Tyler

I'm on generally all day. well on and off, just give me a time and I'll be there ^_^


I know Seki *huggles*

Author: Aendri

well, i can only be on fairly late at night during the week, so the weekends are best. just give me a time and I will try to work with it.

Author: Sekitomic

Does 6:30pm US Eastern time on Saturday work for everyone?

Author: Aendri

4:30? umm... i think i can work with that.

Author: Tyler

works for me

Author: Aendri

Sorry all, but I will be SP for some time, as I am operating through a PSP at the moment. Seki, just tell me when to jump in and I will.

Author: Tyler

Is this ever going to start? T____T

Author: Aendri

I'm waiting, since I have to await everyone else to get to me.
[OOC] Player List

Author: Yangfan

For purposes of plot audit, if you have been active on this forum AND plan to be active in the near future, please post here with a link to your contact info and a link to your approved character bio. Your cooperation is very much needed and appreciated. Thank you.

Seriously guys. This will help me a lot in the audit. Help me help you.

If you're new around here and is interested in joining the Elysian faction, please see the "getting started" link in the main menu.

Author: Tylium

Name: Nathaniel Kygra
subtype: Plebeian
Amount of training: 4 years
Contact information: [email protected]
Other contact types: [email protected]
Contact info topic: ... dcc85#p676
Link to approved biography:

Author: Michael Brazille

Name: Michael Brazille
Subtype: Plebeian
Amount of training: 2 years off and on. From base to base.
Contact information: [email protected]
Other contact types: [email protected]
Link to approved biography:
Contact Info/My time: viewtopic.php?f=27&t=180&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&&start=40

Author: Itkatsu Kiyoko

Michael Brazille wrote:
Link to approved biography:
You can trust me. Its been approved.[/quote]

It's not so much that they are looking for proof of character approval, rather they want o be able to click a link and read about your character instead of having to search for it.

Author: Michael Brazille

KK It will be changed my bad. Wasnt thinking.

Author: Yangfan

Also, I'd like you to post your contact info here:

And then post a link to that post.

Author: Michael Brazille

Did that 2.

Author: Mola

Yangfan wrote:
For purposes of plot audit, if you have been active on this forum AND plan to be active in the near future, please post here with a link to your contact info and a link to your approved character bio. Your cooperation is very much needed and appreciated. Thank you.

Sorry Yang, I got sidetracked by finals.... here you go

Name: Evanael Aleal
Subtype: Plebeian
Amount of training: new recruit, some training as a servant
Contact information: [email protected]
Other contact types: [email protected] [perfered] [email protected]
Link to approved biography: ... php?t=4579

Author: Yangfan

Player survey sent. Please fill them out and PM them back to me as soon as convenient. Thank you.

Author: Yangfan

I still haven't heard back from one player. First draft results will be compiled tomorrow in any case. More results will be added as they come in. (Which is why the straggler will remain anonymous.)
Temporary OOC:

Author: Michael Brazille

Hey zakalwe I know you really want to get all the stuff you have written in here but could you like transfer barracks day 3 over here so we can atleast have something to do while you transfer everything else??
Re: Temporary OOC:

MarQuid, you have earned a medal:

Re: Temporary OOC:

Just sticking my nose in here, wondering about the status of your plot, who you still had, etc...

I've spoken to Seki, and she unfortunately lacks time for anything SA related at the moment.
Re: Temporary OOC:

I know that much at least, but am poking in to see how many are displaced, etc. I don't want anyone being left out of RP.
Re: Temporary OOC:

Aendri, and whoever else that may be interested. Please message either myself or Zakalwe on YIM. We have been discussing a new plot idea for Elysia.
Please read the entire post before voting in the above poll, as it contains information that may influence your decision.

Greetings all,

Yesterday, @Wes mentioned something in Chat.


This is that thread and my thoughts about why I should (or should not) become the "custodian" for the site's third-oldest faction after Nepleslia and Yamatai. Anyhoo. I - apart from @Syaoran, to the best of my knowledge - am the last remaining member of the IRC room #theelysians currently active on Star Army, given that @Aendri, @Kyle, and @Semjax have not logged on since June 13th, 2016, September 8th, 2016, and November 26th, 2016, respectively; this, combined with the most recent status messages of the first and second suggests to me that the three of them have no intention of ever returning to the site due to several IC and OOC events that occurred during the previous year.

These departures, regardless of their effects elsewhere, have unfortunately completely stripped the Elysians of any management or activity whatsoever, due to the fact that @Aendri was their Faction Manager while @Semjax was their Co-Faction Manager and the Game Master for their single plot, the YSS Anoiktos. More importantly, however, is that the absence of @Aendri has also caused a great deal of confusion to emerge over what the Elysian's identity actually "is," based on the repeated utilization of Elysian forces by @Zack in 188604 and the emergence of Elysian characters in the YSS Kaiyō plotship.

Although I cannot stress enough that I am not criticizing the Game Masters and players responsible for the aforementioned plots and player characters, these events are what have led me to believe that someone with a deeper understanding of the Elysians - someone who participated in the YSS Anoiktos and had their character reviewed and approved by @Aendri - is needed to ensure that pre-existing Elysian canon is not unraveled any further by becoming the Elysian's Faction Manager.

I, FrostJaeger, would like to humbly petition that I may become that Faction Manager.

There are, of course, several reasons behind this decision of mine to request that I be granted the rights and responsibilities that come with being a Faction Manager - and there are also several reasons, as I mentioned in the first Great Wall of Text, as to why I should not be granted my request.

To start, the following is in favor of me becoming the Elysian's Faction Manager:
  • As far as I am aware, neither @Syaoran or @Acewing13 have expressed any interest whatsoever in becoming the Elysian Faction Manager (and if I'm wrong, please correct me!); furthermore, if memory serves, the former is currently working on re-establishing the Abwehran Star Empire while the latter is working on the Neolath Regency, Robertin Empire, Anankti Federation, and the Alliance of the Black Sun - although, as elaborated below, I am admittedly guilty of something similar.
  • None of the other Anoiktos players - @BloodyScarlet, @Gwathdraug, and @paladinrpg - have been active for quite some time; the first (according to his profile) has not been active since April 16th, 2015, the second (according to her profile) has not been active since August 25th, 2016, whereas the last (although making a brief appearance yesterday) has been on a hiatus since August 8th, 2016 - and (again, to the best of my limited knowledge) none of them have mentioned anything about becoming the Elysian's Faction Manager.
  • Although I had no intention whatsoever of utilizing this aspect of my Elysian character in such a fashion when I first created him, said character - who happens to be a full-fledged Patrician - is the son of an Elysian senator, which provides me with an IC means of enacting faction-wide changes. He's also the second-to-last Elysian character to ever be created while @Aendri was still active, and was the last to be created specifically for the Anoiktos.
  • As two submissions have recently demonstrated, I have a lot of free time - hence I'd be able to accomplish plenty with regards to repairing the Elysian's painfully outdated wiki articles.

That being said, however, there are two equally valid reasons as to why I should not become the Elysian's Faction Manager:
  • As stated before in the above section's first point, I am guilty of "something similar" to @Syaoran and @Acewing13: I am also heavily involved with another faction at the moment, namely the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia - which is vastly more expansive than anything the aforementioned two individuals are working on at the moment, given that Nepleslia's namespace contains roughly 700 articles the last time I checked. Although I most certainly am willing to work on Elysia, I would not be able to do so until after Nepleslia has been "updated" - which most likely won't happen until late this summer, at best. Realistically, it probably won't be accomplished until sometime during the autumn.
  • I am not confident enough in my roleplaying abilities to serve as a Game Master, though I do have some plot ideas; furthermore, I would not be able to participate in any Elysian plots created in the foreseeable future, due to already have reached my self-imposed limit of five different characters - which are all involved (or will be involved, once I get around to finishing them) in plots run by @Ametheliana, @Gallant, @Gunhand4171, and @Legix (and yes, this includes Aquila Flight, overruling what I said in this post - sorry about that).

To sum things up, I, FrostJaeger, would humbly like to request that I become the Faction Manager for Elysia, due to the reasons mentioned above - however, I will not and cannot promise that anything immediate would occur, also due to the reasons mentioned above. I ask that politics do not affect your decision in the above poll and that they kept out of this thread, which is to only contain civil discourse related to the topic being discussed; additionally, whatever decision @Wes makes regarding my petition will be the decision I abide by, even if it does not reflect the majority reflected in the poll - as he is both the Faction Manager for Elysia and for the site as a whole. Lastly, I would like to thank my fellow SARPers for taking the time necessary to slog through all of these Great Walls of Text, promise them that their vote will not have any effect on my current relationship with them, and apologize to them if it seems like I'm rambling/being pedantic/et cetera - as I'm still not terribly good at these kinds of things ._.
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Yeah I'm totally in agreement with you becoming their custodian @FrostJaeger. I've been a bit concerned about their nature being preserved for some time seeing how some of the new Elysians were made. No offense to the players who made the characters, but the majority of them kind of missed the mark on the general disposition of the race. If you need someone to talk with about how the race should develop from here I'm fine with helping out, but they definitely at least need someone making sure the characters made and how the race is used stick with Elysian spirit.
I will add a slight note of my own opinion: Although I do entertain the idea of myself becoming the faction manager in the recessed of my mind, I know that realistically I am much less suited to managing the Elysians than many people I have encountered on this site, and even a few people I know who haven't ever been to this place. Realistically speaking, it is incredibly likely that I would run the faction into the ground rather than bring it into an improved status.