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RP: YSS Genesis [Episode 2] A Maiden's Voyage


Retired Staff
Inactive Member
It had been a week since the majority of the crew had arrived on the Genesis. A week that would probably go down in the annals of boredom, once it was declassified, anyway. They had been stationed on a ship, and ordered to stay on it, and it hadn't moved anywhere. It had sat on the ground, in a hangar, doing nothing, full of people. It was like being in space, except for it wasn't moving, and there were things to do outside, but you couldn't do them. A Team-building exercise, is what Seth and Sierra had constantly called it, though you could tell that by the end of it Sierra was rather frazzled and Seth's hair almost looked unkempt if you stared at it long enough.

People probably would have cheered, when it ended, if they'd felt the volition to do so. Maybe some did. Maybe nobody did. Maybe everyone had. In any case, for the first time in a week, they were allowed to go out of the ship for something other than training or 'preventative maintenance'.

This time, a shuttle was coming in. Unlike last time, when the shuttles had arrived in the normal spaceport, the shuttles was guided directly into the Genesis' hangar in Sector Seven. Everyone had been ordered out, and ordered to stand in formation- two lines which alternated between Origin employees and SAoY soldiers had been organized by none other than the Taii- or rather, Seth, as ranks were unofficially erased aboard this ship- and made to wait. Thankfully, they didn't have long.

The Shuttle descended from above the hangar, down through the containment field that separated it from space, to land, facing backward, in front of the group. The shuttle powered down, the whirr of its generator dying out gradually. A few pneumatic hisses were heard as the shuttle equalized the pressure between itself and the station's artificial environment, and, before too long, the rear doors opened, boarding ramp descending to allow its passengers to disembark.


Inside the shuttle, along with the rest of the new crew members, was a young Nekovalkyrja with brown hair and red eyes. She was, at the moment, Idly humming to herself, but, when the doors opened, she stopped and looked up.
"Ah, Masami-chan, It looks like we've arrived. Are you excited?" The Neko's eyes lit up as she looked out upon the group gathered before her. For someone who was arriving to be trained in the field as a starship operator, she certainly was being treated like something much more than a young soldier just out of basic. But then again, she was a Ketsurui Princess.

It was the main word on Saito Miyoko's mind as the shuttle approached the docked ship. Already she was surrounded by them, and if the crew roster she'd perused on the trip here was any indication, there were plenty more of them waiting on the ship. Civilians were a strange and exotic animal to her, the sort of thing that she only saw on occasional outings during her maybe-annual shore leaves or while taking training courses. Civilians, with their lack of rank! Civilians, who were all about three times her age despite usually having the discipline that nature gave a gnat! Civilians, who had dreamlike things like 'families' and 'childhoods' in their pasts! She was going to a ship half-full of civilians!

Miyoko honestly wasn't sure how she felt about that. Certainly, she'd spent some time around Nepleslians, Geshrin, and natural-born Yamataians, but they'd always been the minority on her assignments—the culture on most Yamataian vessels was that of the nekovalkyrja. Here, she wasn't sure what to expect. She knew that there were broad categories of activities that the civilian population enjoyed that she was only clinically aware of, like spectator sports and going to bars and... she didn't even know what else. If the dramas she'd caught in her free time were any indication, civilians spent most of their time falling in love, dying of terminal illnesses, and saving the world through improbable series of events, although she suspected that these were even less accurate than the fictional depictions she'd seen of military life (in which the main activities were falling in love, dying of anatomically unsound wounds, and saving the world through improbable series of events.)

And the species breakdown! She'd never seen so many Nepleslians and Geshrin on a crew roster, and that was before counting the Abwehrans. She had enough experience to work on such races if she needed to, but patients without enhanced healing were so much more of a pain in the ass. And Nepleslian civilians... well, hopefully they'd gotten a thorough medical screening at some point. A quick check of a MEGAMI's medical database before she departed had told her that there were thousands of known parasitic species. Although it assured her that infestation with these was incredibly rare on all but the most backward colonies, it would be just her luck to end up with the one patient that had a colon bursting with tapeworms.

But worrying about tapeworms and spectator sports was no way to start a new assignment. ... not when she had Sanjuro to worry about, at least. Against all odds, there he was, sitting mere meters away. The one single person she hadn't missed from the Miharu. She'd avoided him so far, but now that it was time to disembark, that could only last so much longer...

At least she wasn't getting shot at. Yet.
Tani Mako stood up as soon as the shuttle settled to the station’s deck. Grabbing her duffel she tried to throw it over her shoulder to carry it off the shuttle and on ward to her new home the Genesis, if only that was what happened, for as soon as she tried to get the bag on her shoulder she was thrown off balanced and fell back wards towards the shuttle door. Try as she might she couldn’t grab anything to stall her momentum. She tumbled right into the neko in the door way, knocking both to the ground outside the shuttle.
Masami looked at Rikou, her expression still as they came upon the ship where she would, in theory, be spending most of her time while guarding Rikou. "I am... apprehensive, more than excited, Hime-sama. I take it you are excited?" She was going to have to go back to her trained stoic mannerisms, now that they would be spending more time around others.
Shinon was trying to keep her busy during the week. She was trying to get to know new crew member better, especially Kin, Shimei-chan and other member of the infantry. Then she started getting used to Impulse PA, rushing about cargo-hold and trying to hit stuff with unpowered wires of the charged knuckles. It kept her busy and away from her thoughts.

First she was was bothered by Yoko and how she pointed out Shinon being rather... unexperienced. It was eating her up a little and she could still se Yoko's smug face when she was all 'Oooh I cannot believe your are a virgin!'. So what? Is that a problem? No, no it is not! At least hat was what Shinon tried to tell herself.

Second problem was the ranks. Larai Taii and ms. Mercur tried the familiarity thing and it just bugged Shinon. She went to academy and became officer for a reason and now she was supposed to discard that all on her first assignments? That made her quite frustrated.

She was eating herself up again in her room when new arrivals got there. Having nothing better to do and to make an impression she moved toward the hangar to great them. At least it could keep her from running in circles inside her mind.

Shinon was already standing next to Sethi, greeting him with a bow as shuttle landed. Shuttle's ramp went down and neko started disembarking. It was a short, pink haired Juni wearing science personnel uniform who seemed lost deep in thought. After her went a purple haired and well endowed neko whose infantry uniform seemed rather dirty, as if she just did some maintenance work.

Infantry woman seemed to loose balance under the weight of her duffel back, stumbling hitting the other neko causing them both to fall down in most epic disembark ever. Shinon had to repress herself not to chuckle as she walked to them extending her hand to whoever of the two unlucky ones.

She then noticed and heared another people coming from the shuttle and one was wearing a hakama and had katana at her side, while being a neko. That meant she was samurai and that also meant that other neko next to her must have been someone important. Wait a minute? Hime-sama? Sparkled across Shinon's mind hearing what the samurai just say.
Evelyn had spent most of her time organizing the medical bay on her own. She had also examined all of the equipment in great detail (great detail), and generally attempted to make herself useful in the role she was to fill.

Formations were familiar, though she hadn't taken her place in one since she left the Weltraumflotte. She was told where to stand, and, fortunately, most of the time she was good at that.She winced when the two Nekovalkyrja tumbled their way out of the shuttle, sympathizing with every bounce and scrape they'd be recieving.

Aren't Nekovalkyrja supposed to be graceful? She thought silently, not breaking formation.
After the tumble along the disembark platform, the several men and women lining the landing bay would see another figure appear through the doorway of the shuttle... a markedly different sight from the previous two. A taller Yamataian man, clad in a pristine slate-grey business suit, the flash of a crimson red tie above a white breast beneath the gold-accented buttons on the front of his suit jacket. A flash of a white gold wristwatch along his cuff as it carried the black leather suitcase in one hand, and a matching briefcase in the other. His face, beneath the modest crop of straight, midnight-black hair, held a definitive near-emotionless expression, a mixture of both content and disinterest all together as one. He looked rather out of place; a well dressed gentleman, walking down the platform with prideful, precise steps looked more likely to be a CEO of a major corporation.

Instead, this man was the Genesis' new medical officer; Nitô Heisho Ashitaka Sanjuro.

As Sanjuro scaled the ramp with careful steps, he glanced around the bay, his unamused expression glancing between each individual with practiced precision. In a strange manner of speaking, Sanjuro was excited to be serving on the Genesis; the information that he was given about the ship and its crew led itself into a decidedly civilian archetype, which Sanjuro was easily able to note with the lack of matching uniform between both Star Army and Origin personnel. His excitement stemmed from familiarity; although he found his time serving aboard the YSS Miharu to be full of new and valuable experiences, the danger factor was much more prevalent that what his tastes would have normally preferred. Here, among a civilian crew, Sanjuro firmly believed that he would be able to practice medicine in a safe, reliable and hard-working environment.

'Safe... reliable... hard working' Sanjuro repeated the words in his head a couple times.

This was what he believed, that is, before he joined the shuttle trip to the YSS Genesis itself. It was at that point when he found his dreams of safe, reliable, hard-working individuals to be marred; marred by one individual that he felt guaranteed the near opposite. That one particular individual was down on the ground before him, having become a target of a wayward stumble by another new recruit that had ventured out before him; Saito Miyoko.

Sanjuro eyed Miyoko pensively as she lay on the ground, stopping a foot or so away from her body as he towered over her splayed form. He had met the neko back on the Miharu... or rather, he had replaced her as the Chief Medical Officer for, what he considered, some very valid reasons. Despite Sanjuro's best, most heartfelt efforts to educated the purple-haired neko in ways of success in her career, she continued to stay the same. 'Unsafe, unreliable, uninterested and lazy' were words that Sanjuro had repeated to himself throughout the shuttle trip there, when he had first caught sight of Miyoko. By some strange divine punishment, he had been assigned to the same ship as her after the Miharu dispersed. Another hurdle in life, Sanjuro thought as he set his suitcase down next to Miyoko's head.

"Saito-Hei," Sanjuro spoke to Miyoko for the first time in a long while, looking down at her as his voice carried a monotonous tone that properly conveyed his distaste for her plight. It almost sounded piteous. "Already tired? Are you feeling well?" It was difficult to tell if he was being venomously sarcastic, or was legitimately worried for her well-being; his blank expression and flat words giving no hint in either direction.
"It is, as always, a delight to see you as well, Ashitaka..." Miyoko glanced up to check Sanjuro's rank pin, "Heisho." It was in her best approximation of an earnest greeting. She knew from experience that sarcasm would just be wasted.

Miyoko pushed herself up and brushed her uniform off. After a quick glance to her own bag to make sure it hadn't taken too much of the force of her fall, she looked to Mako and offered the neko a hand up. "Are you okay? Everything in one piece?"
Smiling a fool’s grin Mako looked up at the person she just knocked over. Taking the proffered hand she stood up, “I am so sorry for that, I have no clue what just happened.” Dusting herself off she bowed, “I’m Tani Mako, and I’m a new PA diver. Again I’m sorry that I landed on you.” She tried to hide the blush of embarrassment that started to grow across her face. Great this is the best way to meet new people Tani, what next? She thought to herself. Still smiling she moved off to the side of the shuttle to wait for orders on what to do next or where to go.



Needless to say, Yoko was bored. For most of the time aboard the Genesis so far, she didn't have all that much work to do and for one simple reason - she got all of it done in a hurry in the first few days. This meant that she was now stuck with next to nothing to do. Sure, there was the daily checks that needed doing, but otherwise, that was it. There was next to nothing for her to do until the ship started to actually sail around.

If, when, that finally happened, Yoko would be constantly working to make sure the rather experimental systems were all working and not at risk of blowing up. Until then however, the young woman was more or less left wondering why she ever thought it was a good idea to have a chess match against the ship's AI. Especially now that it moved to checkmate her. With an exasperated sigh, she waved the hologram away and reached for a lighter to light the cig in her mouth.

But that wasn't meant to be - before she knew it, Yoko was summoned and found herself standing in line with everyone else as a shuttle arrived. She also found herself one of the people trying hard to keep the imminent laughter down to just a snicker as a pair of SAoY Neko took a tumble from what would have been a more dignified departure. After all, everyone was here, all neatly lined up like some sort of patchwork uniformed guard or something.

"These goils are the finest the Staar Army's got huh?" she spoke from under her breath, the edge of her lip quivering up into a grin.
A week? A week was nothing to Nightwalker Rüd Grülik. Sure, he became antsy like any other, developed a craving for the outdoors and the smelly, poisoned 'fresh air' of a solid, inhabited world, but the one thing he did not do was let it get to him.

He had long since been striving for self-improvement- most specifically self-restraint (or to be perfectly blunt: anger management). So when he was told a week on board a docked ship, the Abwehran knew it was a test. The challenge he rose to meet, and one could even say conquered. Every day was a constant inverse-meditation- which is to say, he devised a schedule and activities to keep his mind off topics such as the world outside and the Genesis's lack of velocity. Rüd had surprisingly little difficulty.

Formalities such as formations for an arrival, though... He had problems with that. In his rationale it was a waste of time better spent training the men or leaving them to a few more hours of recreation before they were sucked back into the mundane that was ship life. Instead they were forced to publicly and unanimously acknowledge someone simply because they were important.

Rüd was pretty sure important people have work to do- in fact, he could recall a number of occasions upon which he was very directly informed in no uncertain terms that the work of important people was far more important than anything he would ever do in his life.

Catching a glimpse of the events at the shuttle was no difficulty: as tall as he was, it was impossible for mere mortals to obstruct his view. So he saw it all: the trip, the fall, the awkward interactions, and most importantly: the young neko. She seemed so out of place, he couldn't help but get a strange vibe. Clearly, she was important. He had a feeling she might even be the reason why the whole crew was gathered on the 'front lawn' as a welcoming committee. Wouldn't that be a wonderful turn of events?

He sighed not so quietly, garnering a few disapproving glares.
Shinon looked with slight grin on her face on the escapade unraveling in front of herself. She wondered if she heard a word hime right. Not to mention that there was some guy in suite, that just walked over tripped nekoes. That made him bigged douche Shinon saw so far. Pink haired Juni took her fall as a champ and even helped the other one on her feet again. It seemed like interesting group anyway.

So clumsy neko? Douchebag McDouche and possibly princess of some important clan, very posibbly Ketsurui since she got a samurai with her. Shinon could also cleary hear Yoko joke in the origin group.

"Yeah, we are doomed," Shinon sent a message via her datapad to Yoko. No need to say that aloud, who knows how good can samurai hear, not to mention that Taii stoor right next to her.
As the two Neko tumbled out of the Shuttle, followed by the Doctor- whom was out of uniform- Seth Larai placed his face into his palm, gently, closing his eyes and pretending that that had not just happened. He waved to Sierra, whom, after stifling her laughter, turned to the group that was set up behind her.

"Ah, well, Nevermind the formalities, I guess. Say hello to your new crewmembers, and, I think, Our captain." At that last part, a slightly embarrased looking Sierra turned around to peer into the somewhat dimmer interior of the shuttle, and was rewarded with seeing a person that was indeed their captain, as she stood up from her seat to follow the others down.

Rikou made her way out, herself stifling a giggle before addressing Miyoko and Mako, to see if they were fine. "Are you girls okay?" she asked, a look of concern on her face. "I didn't realize there would be this much excitement, this is just us getting on the ship after all..." With nothing further to do, she smiled and waved off the two, making her way to the Taii.

Once she was before Seth, Rikou bowed, and upon becoming upright again, recited the words she had been taught to say at the academy: "Sir. Ketsurui Rikou reporting to take command. You are relieved of your duties as Commanding officer, and are given your normal station as Executive officer."

Seth bowed back, responding "Ma'am. Orders received and Acknowledged. Welcome to your ship." With the official business done, asked Rikou "May I?" to which she nodded, and he turned to the crew. "You are all dismissed. you have one hour of free time before you are required to be at your station. We will disembark for Space Trials in approximately two hours."
Masami picked her way around the small group of soldiers on her way off of the shuttle, following Rikou as she approached Seth and Serra. She held to the traditional position slightly behind and to the left of Rikou, and stayed quiet. So far as these individuals were concerned, she had nothing to do with their chain of command unless it had to do with Hime-sama's security, so she felt no need to speak up and make introductions. Her eyes roved over the crew in the short time before they were dismissed, taking care to memorize every face for future reference.
"It's fine, it's fine. The only harm done was to our egos," Miyoko replied to Rikou, with a slight blush coming to her usually-pale cheeks. She straightened her uniform back out and hefted her bag again. At least the situation was a good excuse to get out of conversation with Sanjuro.

Miyoko briefly stood at attention as the new CO presented herself... which lasted about three seconds until she was dismissed. Another Ketsurui. Huh. Small world. It felt like she should mention that she knew Kotori, but how did one handle a situation like this? It wasn't like she could just walk up and say, "Oh, hey, I served under your adopted sister. We saved each other's lives that one time when she boiled her nervous system to get aliens out of my stomach."

Ah well. It could wait until later. She only had an hour to settle into a room, figure out just where her station was going to be on this outing, and maybe start interrogating the ship's AI to figure out if any of her Kessaku training was going to apply here. But first...

"Well, that was painless. And it's nice to meet you, Tani-Hei. Saito Miyoko," she introduced herself, then glanced to Mako's rank badge. "Is this your first assignment, if you don't mind me asking?"
Tani was totally embarrassed that the new commander saw the whole show that she just put on. She muttered something to the effect of “I’m fine thank you.” She paid close attention to the Commander’s orders and started to think about where she was supposed to go once on ship. When Miyoko introduce herself Tani bowed. “Yes this is my first posting. Umm… I’m truly sorry about tackling you. Ehh… If it is not too much annoyance may I ask if you would mind finding a cabin and bunk with me, you, heh are the closes thing to a friend I have here so far.” As soon as she sad it she was worried that she might of presumed too much. She picked her duffle bag up and carefully swung it up onto her back. This time she didn’t get thrown off balance.
Rüd rolled his eyes; all that for nothing. Just two people having a ten-second conversation about control of the ship, and a couple of klutzes falling down a ramp; this could have easily been handled without the presence of the entire crew, and their hour-long reprieve could have been extended.

But everything was about the 'important people' when it came to the military. It was the reason he resigned from the Welttraumflöte and became a freelancer. In the world of freelancing, there was much more give and take. The military was suits; freelancing was the best gear for the job. The military found order in favoritism before proficiency; freelancing was strictly skill-based. The list went on, but Rüd would much rather think of other things-- would rather do something besides dwell on the costs of a joint-operation with the Yamataian Star Army.

Upon dismissal he spun around, found the scrawniest soldier he could, and hefted the lightweight onto his left shoulder like a father carrying his young son. "Alright, scrappy, you've got an hour to learn how to take me down." Needless to say the soldier was all stutters and gibberish. It wasn't every day a three-hundred pound Nightwalker scooped you up and demanded you best him in melee within the hour.
So she really way princess. Shinon was amazed. You do not see member of Ketsurui family everyday. Not to mention samurai, who seemed wary of the surrounding. Princess on the other hand seemted pretty cheery. Shinon wondered how this will work.

She slowly made her dissappear and let Set and Sierra talk with Rikou. She migh introduce herself later. Few steps and Shinon stood next to Yoko.

"Yo, care to meet the new arrival?" Shinon said, winked and started walking towards the shuttle, her long skirt of the duty uniform waving around her legs.

"Welcome aboard of Genesis," she said and slightly nodded in greetings to two nekoes who had unlikely accident not even a minute ago. "Shinon Maverick. Pleased to meet you, do you guys need a hand?" She introduced herself to them. She started being casual right away, better break it to them fast anyway. She had her rank pins on, but it was not like they mattered on this stupid ship anyway.
"Hmm." Miyoko pursed her lips thoughtfully for a moment as she considered Mako's proposal. "Well, I don't know what the rooming arrangements are like, but if that's an option, sure." She was a little reluctant to agree to it so quickly, since she'd gotten used to having a room to herself, but... Mako seemed polite, and she'd much rather put up with clumsiness than rudeness.

ShotJon said:
"Welcome aboard of Genesis," she said and slightly nodded in greetings to two nekoes who had unlikely accident not even a minute ago. "Shinon Maverick. Pleased to meet you, do you guys need a hand?" She introduced herself to them. She started being casual right away, better break it to them fast anyway. She had her rank pins on, but it was not like they mattered on this stupid ship anyway.

Usually, Miyoko's first action, when faced with a white rank pin stuck to somebody she didn't know personally, was to give a deep bow. Only Shinon's fairly casual greeting managed to delay that for now, and she still thought she might have felt an instinctive twitch in her lower back. "Ah, no, I think I'm fine," she said. Well, okay, she was carrying an entire set of reference books in that bag, which were not exactly a light load. She still wasn't going to ask a Shoi for help with that problem. "I would like to get settled in quickly, though. Do you happen to know the rooming arrangements?"
Sanjuro exclaimed little surprise when Rikou was announced the new captain; it was fairly obvious that she was a person of at least some importance, given that she was being escorted by a samurai, no less. The samurai Masami provided Sanjuro with a bit more excitement, their customs and class all there own holding a sort of fascination. It was a fleeting moment of thought, however, as they were introduced and dismissed in quick succession. This settled fine for the doctor, glancing at his classy wristwatch to properly gauge and plan how he would be spending his next hour.

Kel said:
Usually, Miyoko's first action, when faced with a white rank pin stuck to somebody she didn't know personally, was to give a deep bow. Only Shinon's fairly casual greeting managed to delay that for now, and she still thought she might have felt an instinctive twitch in her lower back. "Ah, no, I think I'm fine," she said. Well, okay, she was carrying an entire set of reference books in that bag, which were not exactly a light load. She still wasn't going to ask a Shoi for help with that problem. "I would like to get settled in quickly, though. Do you happen to know the rooming arrangements?"

Miyoko was right on the money. "I would also like to know how room assignments are being distributed," Sanjuro added in curtly with a nod, looking over expectantly at Shinon with his peaceful pokerface. "If you would also direct me to your medical facilities as well, that would be most helpful. I wish to get started right away."