Star Army

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RP: YSS Genesis [Episode 2] A Maiden's Voyage

"I'm the Medic aboard the Genesis. I would be happy to show you them, Mister...?" Evelyn approached the suited Yamataian, hearing mention of the medical facilities.

She hadn't thought to meet a princess, and she figured it really didn't change much about her job. At worst, she'd just be bored --- Ketsurui were safe, right? No dangerous missions here.
Shinon listened to both Pink-haired neko and the suited man one after another. She then took out her datapad to check with AI about rooms.

"Rooming arrangements let's see." Shinon said for herself as she checked the information. "So cabins 24 and 28 are open. My cabin also has one free bed." She said to them. She then wanted to tell the man in suit. Shinon noted that none of them told her their names, but she was really okay with that. Before she could answer the name, Evelyn popped up.

"Oh Evelyn. Just in time." She said. "Yes, Mr... eh well like she just said Evelyn can show you the med-bay. You would be her new assistant right?" She then asked.
"Thank you," Miyoko replied to Shinon, giving a shallow bow this time before she glanced back to Mako. "I think I need to talk to the XO briefly. If you want, you can go pick a room and just drop me a line telepathically to let me know which number you've got."

After excusing herself from the conversation, Miyoko approached Seth, then waited until the man was unoccupied before bowing and introducing herself. "Sir, I'm Santô Juni Saito Miyoko. I was wondering where you would like me to report after I'm settled in. If you don't need an eye on the sensors, I can help in the medlab or start familiarizing myself with the computer."
With them all dismissed, Yoko reached into her pocket and pulled out the PDA to chortle at the message before elbowing Shinon, who stood next to her. "You too huh?" she asked with a grin. "I woulda said the goiy looked nice, but it's like he's gotta stick up his, yaknow?" the woman went on. As the came over though, Yoko put away her datapad as the bantering smile faded away to be replaced with a more stern look of disapproval.

As two of them came over though, she remained silent and watchful of them. The woman seemed decent enough, but the man on the other hand. Well, it was all already noted. Yoko unzipped the front of her jumpsuit to reach in and pull out the cig from earlier, revealing a bit of soft skin in the process. After the Nepleslian raised Geshrin lit up, puffed and let out a small, billowing cloud of smoke, she asked Shinon, "Ya think yous being a little too nice to the new goiys?"

The man, Sanjuro, was still apparently standing there, right where the smoke floated over to.
SSharp said:
"I'm the Medic aboard the Genesis. I would be happy to show you them, Mister...?" Evelyn approached the suited Yamataian, hearing mention of the medical facilities.
ShotJon said:
"Oh Evelyn. Just in time." She said. "Yes, Mr... eh well like she just said Evelyn can show you the med-bay. You would be her new assistant right?" She then asked.

"Ashitaka Sanjuro. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintances."

A flat tone marring an otherwise earnest-sounding greeting, Sanjuro presented himself to Evelyn and Shinon with a deep, gracious bow, made slightly awkward by his slightly taller than normal frame. When the doctor rose from his greeting he nodded towards Evelyn, his ever-present straight expression leaving him for nary a second. "It will be an honor working with you, ma'am."

The doctor looked at his watch once more, thinking back to her question. "Yes, if you could please show me to the medical facilities, I-"
That one lazy neko from the Miharu said:
"...If you don't need an eye on the sensors, I can help in the medlab or start familiarizing myself with..."
There was a vaguely discernible twitch, barely noticeable above his left eye as he closed a fist over his mouth and let out a short cough as a small plume of smoke wafted towards him, slightly embarrassed at his sudden pause but otherwise unphased. "...I would like to begin familiarizing myself with the provided equipment and begin looking over the medical records. I will choose my quarters and change into my proper duty attire afterwards. I appreciate your help, Miss...?" Sanjuro suddenly found himself at a slight loss; although he had heard Evelyn's first name, her surname eluded him, and the man was far too proper to dare calling her by her first name so early in their career together.
"I will excuse myself now," Shinon said to Ashitaka-person and Evelyn and turned to Yoko. Geshrin mechanic looked like she always did. Jumpsuit and cigarette in her mouth. Not to mention that she even had her jumpsuit unzipped now.

"Well of course I am nice to them. Is there a reason I should not be? It is called bein polite. Not that you heard of it yet." Shinon responded to Yoko. Sarcasm could be heard in her voice tone and it was clear she was not really serious.
The Taii bowed back as Miyoko addressed him. "I Would prefer if you became acclimated with the computer. It is integrated with the other systems of the ship, so it can teach you anything you may need to know in your job, Saito Juni. Also, no need to be so formal on this ship, at least not here. You will be informed of when formality is required, but, for now, forget that you are in the military. Seniority of experience is the rule right now." Seth then looked back at the smiling Ketsurui princess behind him. "Of course, there are certain exceptions, that we must bear with."

"Oh, You have to bear with me?" Rikou responded to that, knowing she was being referred to at the moment.
"Ah, I meant no disrespect-" Seth began, looking embarrassed for once.
"I understand, Taii. I'm only here for training after all. I may be captain on paper, but I'm relying on your experience." She giggled, noting that she had managed to get a person the profiles had shown as normally quite stoic to show some emotions.
"Of course, Miss," The Taii bowed, going completely against what he had just said moments ago about formality not being needed. Apparently, for the Taii, that one was a tough nut to crack.

"I will leave you for now, I think I should discuss some things with our origin executive whom we've left hanging," Rikou dismissed, with another smile, heading over to the redhead, whom hastily realized she was wanted and quickly closed an app on her datapad before stowing the device hastily in a pocket.

Thank goodness she didn't notice me playing that game... Sierra thought, herself putting on a Smile. "You wanted something Miss Ketsurui?"

"Please call me Rikou, I like it better. It's a little less morbid, don't you think?" She held out her hand in a much more Nepleslian greeting, and Sierra took her hand accordingly, giving it a hearty shake.
"Ah, yes, of course," Sierra responded, before adjusting her glasses and uniform to look more proper before the princess. Despite Sierra's own rank within her company, she didn't approach any kind of status like that of a princess, so the whole experience was new to her.


Nito Hei Lucas storm was nothing short of surprised when possibly the biggest humanoid he had ever seen picked him up. Not only that, but the grey-skinned Abwehran had four arms, on top of it!
"But- But, I'm a fighter pilot!" he protested, flailing in a futile attempt to escape.
He whimpered, realizing he was very out of his element, and closed his eyes, wincing.
"Please be Gentle~"
Kel said:
"I think I need to talk to the XO briefly. If you want, you can go pick a room and just drop me a line telepathically to let me know which number you've got."

Tani smiled’ “Ok I’ll do that.” She headed off to the ship’s boarding ramp. She figured she would find a cabin then head off to find the power armor commander. She wanted to find out they type of suit she would be using and if she would be assigned to a particular one. As she walked up the ramp she noticed how large the hanger bay was. One could almost work out in a PA. She found the elevator and took it up to the crew decks. As it traveled up she thought about that kind of missions this ship has in its future.

Arriving on the crew deck Tani looked up on a terminal what cabins were left unassigned. Finding the one closes to the armory, number 28, was still open, she marked it in the system as hers then headed to it. The only down side to this cabin was that it was on the far end from the head. As she entered it she noted the two twin beds, she wondered if they could be stacked into bunks so that there would be more room in here. She threw her duffle on a bed and started unloading it into the dresser. While she was unloading she sent a telepathic message to Miyoko as promised telling her what cabin she grabbed. As she finished unloading it all and putting it away, she when to the terminal in the cabin and started looking up who was the PA Commander.
The woman gave a "Hmph." at which a puff of smoke wisped about out of her nose. "I dunno goil, whys you treat someone nice when you don't even know they'a nice, yaknow?" Yoko replied to the woman. She took another drag of her cigarette before sighing at the starfighter pilot being harassed by Rued. "Ugh. Innit a shame?" she asked Shinon, gesturing to the man with a resigned expression.

"Why are the flybois these days so goily? I mean, I'd probably end up ravashin him insteada the othaa way around, yaknow? What a letdown..." At that, the woman pulled back her sleeve to expose a scarred arm - though they were quite flat and flush with the normal skin, they were still quite an intimidating presence. Crushing the cherry against one of the unsightly marks and stowing the smoke away for later, Yoko zipped up her jumpsuit and started walking away.

"C'mon Shinon, let's bail. There's gotta be somethin to do round heas." she beckoned to the other woman.
Rüd sighed. If the boy was going to be this miserable, what good was it to try teaching him? Fear would immobilize him, render him incapable of writing the lessons to memory. The Abwehran had half a mind to throw Lucas across the dock, he was so irritated. Instead, he remembered the word Rage tattooed on his hand, and gently set the pilot down.

And with a winning smile he said, "Well, if you insist. I'll find another punching bag." He turned to survey the crew ambling around. His mood had settled a little lower and now he wanted a real rumble. None present could match his four arms, but certainly someone had a unique ski-- Samurai.

He marched right up to Masami, introduced himself, "Chief of Security, Rüd Grülik," and got right to the point, "I'd like to test your aptitude in hand-to-hand combat."

Yeah, this would set his mind to rights. He'd never wrestled a Samurai before, though he knew their kind and had read a great deal on their fighting form and culture. A fresh fight would free him of this ugly aura that had ensnared him. She had better say yes.
Kai said:
The Taii bowed back as Miyoko addressed him. "I Would prefer if you became acclimated with the computer. It is integrated with the other systems of the ship, so it can teach you anything you may need to know in your job, Saito Juni. Also, no need to be so formal on this ship, at least not here. You will be informed of when formality is required, but, for now, forget that you are in the military. Seniority of experience is the rule right now."

Miyoko stepped aside, blanching a little at the apparent showdown between Rikou and Seth... then managed to relax again when it became apparent that the princess was joking. Once Rikou left, she turned back to Seth to finish the conversation. "I see." That answered the question of how to address the Origin crewmembers, at least, but it would take some getting used to. "Thank you, T--er, sir." Yep. This was going to take some getting used to.

After taking her leave of Seth, Miyoko grabbed her bag again, mentally pulled up the map of the ship, and headed up to the room Mako had chosen. "Mmh. Not bad," she commented idly as she looked over the room... not exactly roomy, but she wouldn't know what to do with a lot of space anyway. She settled for placing her books on top of her dresser for now, and unpacking the rest of her belongings was fairly quick... since she'd just lost most of her possessions and hadn't had a lot of time to replace them, she barely had more than a new recruit.

"The Taii tells me," she said to Mako as she worked, "That the ship is relatively informal, and we should try to ignore rank." There was still a good deal of time left before she needed to report for duty, so she flopped back onto her bed once her bag was empty and stowed. "I just hope that doesn't mean we'll be out of uniform. I don't exactly have an extensive casual wardrobe."
Yumeko stood in the formation and sighed as she waited for it to end. She stretched in relief when the crowd began to disperse. She barely kept herself from laughing uncontrollably when one member stumbled during their descent. Now it was time to get back to work!

"Alright, we got any engineers among ya? Who all gets ta work in the guts o' the ship? If ya do then make yaself known an' we can getcha familiar with how this tub runs!" Yumeko called out and raised her hand to draw attention.
"Private Evelyn Fritz, but you can call me Eve, Evey, Fritz, or just Private if you think any of that is too informal. Would you mind if I called you Ashitaka-san or do you just prefer your rank?"

Evelyn would turn away as she said that, ready to lead Sanjuro to the medical bay and give him the tour should he follow.

"I'm the Medic aboard the Genesis. I've spent my time since boarding organizing and cleaning up."
"Ashitaka-san is fine, Fritz-san," Sanjuro replied curtly with a nod of approval. The doctor kept a brisk pace behind Evelyn as he followed her, his suitcase and briefcase trialing on either side of him. Sanjuro noted the route they took carefully, taking quick moments to throw passing glances down the halls; the Genesis was smaller than his previous stationed ship. In certain ways he was glad for this kind of development.

Immediately upon entering the Medical Center, Sanjuro scanned about the area, his deep green eyes flashing with sudden purpose. Rolling his suitcase towards the wall and setting it there, the tall Yamataian quickly passed by Evelyn as she went about explaining things without giving her so much as a passing glance. Sanjuro strode into the Recovery Ward, lifting up his black briefcase and setting it down gently onto the white sheets and set about unclasping the brass snaps at the front of the case. Once it was done, the man carefully lifted the lid.

The briefcase, as it turns out, was set up more like a fancy tacklebox than a professional piece of carrying equipment. As the lid turned upwards, several platforms rose from the confines of the case, suspended by a series of thin brass hinges. The contents of Sanjuro's briefcase was laid bare; manilla folders, stacks of documents, gold-accented fountain pens and small boxes of miscellaneous miniaturized office materials, all neatly set firmly in felt contours lining a platform. At the bottom of the case, Sanjuro began to produce seven top-of-the-line datapads, carefully pulling them one by one from the confines of his briefcase. As he did so, the man would quickly tap at the screen for a few seconds before setting it down on top of the bed, reaching for another to do the same.

Sanjuro did this in relative silence, remaining oblivious and responding to anything Evelyn had said upon reaching the medical facility. If he had not spoken again after a long couple of minutes, one might have thought that he had forgotten about her completely. "...Fritz-san, I assume that the office behind me is yours?" Sanjuro asked flatly, his attention focused completely on his work, his words sounding more like a statement than an actual earnest question. "Is that where you keep the hard records? Files and such? I would like to see your information on each crew member as soon as possible."
"Currently all files are handled by the Destiny AI onboard the Genesis, Sanjuro-san. And no, the office isn't mine -- I'm a Medic, and offices are usually for Doctors. I'd have taken it if we were to ship out without one." Evelyn answered, taking out her 'work' Starkwerk Touchcomputer. "I have copies on my Touchcomp though. Would you like me to upload them to those datajockeys?"
"Oh. So, you're not a certified doctor, then," Sanjuro replied nonchalantly, making an actual statement rather than a question of her merit. The corner of his mouth wrinkled a bit in disapproval, but this momentary reprieve from his usual demeanor was short-lived. The doctor nodded one along with Evelyn's offering of help, his eyes nary leaving the touchscreen in his palm.

"My apologies; I assumed you were a trained professional and that I was to be your assistant when I skimmed the roster. However," Sanjuro paused for a moment, his solemn expression staying glued to his hands as he set another datapad down before picking up the last one from the briefcase. "However, if you aren't certified or confidant in your abilities, perhaps it would be for the best if I took the role of Chief Medical Officer, with you acting as my assistant. An operating room cannot have two doctors of equal authority; there would be a possibility of disagreement and without an authoritative presence, no timely resolution. This isn't something we can afford to our patients."

"What do you say, Fritz-san?"
"No, I'm a certified Medic. I can fill the Doctor's role in a pinch, but really most of the more advanced surgeries are beyond me. I just make sure people live long enough to get to a doctor. If you have the certification then, by all means, take charge Dr. Ashitaka?"

Evelyn began uploading her copies of the crew files to the Datajockeys, and sent an electronic request to the Genesis to replace the missing pieces with the new crew if they were available.

Oddly, she realized she hadn't yet fallen over that day. Other people had fallen over, met with accidents, tripped, etc.. She hadn't, and Evelyn gave herself a mental pat on the back.
Not being in conversation with newcomers anymore, Shinon started walking away with Yoko. She listened to Yoko and was curious, if she really mean she would want to sleep with one of the pilots. Shinon was not so knowladgeable about romance and stuff, but she sure know waht is what and Yoko just seemed like promiscuit person. Shinon looked at Yoko and studied her face for a little. She never met someone like that.

"Ehh.. Yoko." She started talking, almost holding back. "Would you really... I mean did you really wanted too.... 'ravish' that pilot?" She asked very innocently looking at more experienced woman.
Tani looked up as Miyoko walked into the cabin and smiled, she went back to looking at the terminal gathering as much information about the ship and crew as she could find. Although she could just download it all to herself from the ship database she prefer to see it and search for it herself.

"The Taii tells me," she said to Mako as she worked, "That the ship is relatively informal, and we should try to ignore rank." There was still a good deal of time left before she needed to report for duty, so she flopped back onto her bed once her bag was empty and stowed. "I just hope that doesn't mean we'll be out of uniform. I don't exactly have an extensive casual wardrobe."

“That is neat I guess but it’ll be hard to get used to being informal,” she turned to Miyoko, “ I hope not too, all I have is my uniforms, I have never really had a chance to go shopping before.” Tani knew she had credits in her account, and they were burning a hole in her pocket. “Maybe next time we hit a port we could go shopping and find some cloths.” She stood up and moved to her bunk, and plopped down, “Uhh do you know how much longer we have before needing to be at our posts, cause honestly I have no clue where my post would be. I’m a PA driver so unless I need to be suited up I not sure what to do with myself.”
"Infantry, hm? My guess would be to report to the power armor bay, but you may want to ask the computer to confirm that. You should be able to communicate with it telepathically like a MEGAMI or KAMI, but I don't know if you'll need to give it your encryption key or not." Miyoko reluctantly sat up to keep from getting a neck cramp from talking to Mako. "I think I'm the computer technician on board, so I really should know this sort of thing. I've only had a crash course on this system so far, though. Hopefully the time I spend with it later today will clear a few things up."