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RP: YSS Genesis [Episode 2] A Maiden's Voyage

“You know as useful that is, I have always preferred to sit at a terminal and work at it manually. There is just something about it that makes the data feel more real.” Tani said as she moved back to the desk and started to ask the Computer about her personal assignments and post.

“I guess, I wish I could shut off the connection to everything and just be me, I know I’m a data based being but I want to write my own, not just have it downloaded to my brain bits and have it become me like that.” She frowned then looked at Miyoko, “I guess I’m weird like that.” With that Tani brought up her posting information and started looking into where she should head.
SSharp said:
"No, I'm a certified Medic. I can fill the Doctor's role in a pinch, but really most of the more advanced surgeries are beyond me. I just make sure people live long enough to get to a doctor. If you have the certification then, by all means, take charge Dr. Ashitaka?"

Doctor Ashitaka...

The words gave Sanjuro slight pause as he looked up from the datapad in his hand for a moment. It had been quite some time since he had served in a hospital setting; ever since he enlisted in Yamatai's Star Army, it had been medical bays, cutting-edge starships and ranks present in his name. It had certainly been a while since he had been referred to as Dr. Ashitaka, and for a slight moment he felt a little proud and accomplished at what he had done so far with his career. He suddenly had his own office again as well; the fondest of memories began to flood his mind of his old ones, how pristine they were, how well he kept them. His face, however, drew no mention of these feelings as he quickly refocused at the task at hand.

"That would be fine, Fritz-san," Sanjuro said with a nod. Truth be told, his datapads were already downloading any relevant information from the Genesis AI that he was allowed access to; his first datapad accepted the information while it simultaneously streamed that data to the others. With the labor needed to run these programs complete, Sanjuro stood back up and twisted his neck a bit to stretch out any kinks he may have accumulated, tossing a wayward glance over to Evelyn. "You have been very useful. Thank you. With this done, I need to find my quarters," Sanjuro stated flatly, bowing again as he began walking back towards his rolling suitcase at the door. "Will there be anything else, Fritz-san?"
Miyoko shrugged. "Personal preference. I prefer speaking to telepathy and written math to doing it in my head, myself. Besides, you're young still. Cherish your little personal quirks, because they help people around you remember that you're more than just another mass-produced neko."
"Whuut?" Yoko asked The Shinon with a flat yet dark, deathly tone.

The expression on the woman's face as she turned partway to look at her was cast over with disappointment, and said "Shinon, I am disappoint," which just happened to be exactly what Yoko said to her. Turning about, the Nepleslian raised Geshrin came over to place both her hands on the soldier's shoulders. "Just cuz I talk about doin this boi or that goil, doesn't mean I'd actually want to. I'm just sayin how it'd probably play out if I did, yaknow?" Yoko explained, her voice becoming more soft and gentle.

And then she put an arm over both of the Power Armor Commander's shoulders to steer her about, gesturing with the other. "Like, see Rued theres?" She asked, "I bets that boi would do crazy things with those four awms of his." The woman then shifted targets but briefly wrinkled her nose. "Hm. Got more goils than guys here..." She then decided to point at Masami. "Ok, see the Samurai? I bets shes like, eitha real submissive like, or crazy wild an shit. Usually one or the otha extreme wit goils like that. Now, that doctor guy..." Yoko stopped, thought, and then visibly cringed. "Movin on."

Her eyes then moved about - who else did she already talk to or have a 'feel' for so far? Her eyes settled on Yuyu...no. "Er. Maybe give me some moa time Shinon, and I'd probably get a good guess as to how these gois and goils aww like." She waved over at Yumeko to come over. "Oi! Get ova heas - why get outta the way to make it easy foa the scrubs, yaknow? Make em chase afta you a bit!
Shinon looked at Yoko and listened to what she was saying. She did not really understand all that much. Yoko basically tried to guess what is every of the person she mentioned in bed and yes, most of them were women. It made Shinon wonder if Yoko was interested in women too.

"Hmm Yoko, you think about women in pretty... interesting ways. Are you interested in them too?" She then asked. Her voice was rather shy, and her face reddened with blush.
"Hmmmmmm..." Yoko went, long and hard, resting her free hand on her hip. She narrowed a little in thought as she stared at Shinon up close, considering her arm was still around the other woman's shoulders. "So." she started at first, simply. "You's more interested I point out what some of the goils are likely like insteada wonderin what tricks and stuff the Abwehran boi ova there could do wit so many awms huh?" Yoko asked with a shark toothed grin.

"It's awight Cheawwy. Notin to be embawassed about." she went on, babying her words just a little bit and calling Shinon by her new nickname. Yoko then eased up on the Star Army girl a bit though, and withdrew her arm she had over her to only one shoulder in a more comforting position, rather than a mocking one.

"Since ya asked though, not really" she explained. "I still knows though."
Shinon was looking Yoko in the face as she was speaking. She was shy, pretty innocent but not stupid. She looked at Rüd as he was talking with the samurai. He was not especially attractive and four arms really did not help. They looked preatty strange. Samurai next to him was much more pleasing to the eye.

"Are you trying to indicate that I might be lesbian?" Shinon asked, after she looked at Yoko again. "How can cherry be lesbian if she is still a cherry?" She asked then. Shinon was pretty sure that person does not know if he or she is gay/bi/hetero until he tries. She have not tried anything yet.
"No, Doctor. I'll hang around here in case someone needs me," Evelyn said, taking the time to begin reviewing the files again.

There wasn't much to do other than that, actually. Everything was put away, clean, and there were no specific orders to follow quite yet.
Yumeko looked for anyone to take up her offer but no one said anything. She waited to hear from anyone but the only call she received was Yoko's. Yumeko shrugged and made her way over since there was no replies.

"Hey ya Yo-yo! How's it goin' this mornin'? Havin' fun at the formation? Good times eh? Whose ya friend here?" Yumeko quickly said and looked over to Shinon.

"What's up? Yumeko here, but ya can call me Yuyu is ya likes!" she then greeted.
She Smiled at Miyoko, “Thank you, I will try to keep that in mind.” She was being very sincere with her statement. Pushing back from the computer just got up and tried to brush and tug her uniform, so that it could look a little more presentable, giving up on that she walked towards the door. “I’m going to find the PA commander and see where she wants me. Talk to you later.” Heading out the door she smiled to herself, thinking, ‘I had chosen wisely, for a roommate.’

Heading back down to the hanger deck she Saw a four armed man talking to the samurai, and the PA commander talking to another person, so she walked up and bowed, almost toppled over forward but caught herself. Hopefully Shoi Maverick didn’t notice. “Shoi Maverrick, I’m Mako Tani, Reporting for duty.”
Though her face remained composed, Masami's eyes flicked back and forth between Rikou and Rüd for a few moment before settling on him as she made a decision. "Forgive me, Herr Grülik," she said, after checking quickly with the ship's AI for the proper way to address him. "I'm afraid my duties would keep me from any such activity at this time, and even should they not, I would be hesitant to take part regardless. Risking either my capacity, or yours, to protect my charge goes against threats is nothing short of foolish."
The Nightwalker sighed, then smirked. "Perhaps. One day, though, you won't have an excuse. Ladies." He nodded to those present and gave a small wave of one hand as he turned and walked away.

Despite rejection, Rüd was no longer feeling dejected. Masami held true to the ideal Samurai image and that intrigued him enough to dispel any brooding thoughts. She held her emotions well, was respectful, and diligent in her duties. The ruffian in him couldn't help but desire to shake that composure; more importantly, he wanted to see her off the leash having fun.

That would come another day, though. For now, he had to occupy himself so he sought out other figureheads to see just how they were handling their affairs under the guise of 'security work.' Conveniently, both Shinon Maverick and Yoko... Hm. He'd have to try and stamp that one to memory lest she attempt to harm him for insulting her. The operative word there was attempt. In any case, the females in question weren't far and he crossed the span in short time with his lengthy strides.

"Ladies," he said, greeting them the same way he had bade farewell to the others. "I need to make sure everything is being done according to protocol with your people. Nothing personal, just going by the book. Loose lips sink ships 'n all that."
Yoko stifled a snerk. "Yeaaa, I'm not gunna explain that ones to ya," she quickly replied with a grin. "Sides, we got company now." The Nepleslian raised Geshrin then gave a relaxed wave to the Neko who made her way over. "Heya Yumeko. This goil hea's Shinon Maverick, and she's the powah awma commanda," she spoke, introducing the two to each other.

"But I call her 'Cherry' and it ain't hard to figya out why, yaknow?" Yoko went on, pointing out Shinon's horribly bright blush to the Neko.
Suddenly there were peopel. One after another like they would spring out of the floor. That made Shinon little unhappy since she wanted to disscuss 'things' with Yoko a little longer. She was little dissapointed that Yumeko did not remember her. But it was understandable. It also felt nice that new infantry member came to her to report in, but what Rüd really wanted was beyond her.

"Okay one after another!" She said loudly to get attention. She first faced Yumeko. "Yeah, Shinon Maverick please to finally meet you. Though you might remember that we looked for Nakamura together." She introduced herself with slight bow even though Yoko did that for her just a seconds before. She also did not forget to give Yoko angry look for the cherry comment.

"Hello Mako-hei." She then replied to new infantry member. It appeared to be young neko. Shinon bowed-back to her repectfully. "Let me welcome you on board of Genesis. I am glad you came to report for duty, but please note that since this is joint operation of both military and civilian corporation, it was decided to be more informal. You can just call me Shinon. Also note that we won't be using Mindies on this ship but Impulse power armour. Find time to familiarise with it soon, we will begin training together as soon as possible. As for today, do waht you want. Get to know the ship and people on it. Also my second in command is Nakamura Kin so you make sure to talk to him too. Anything else Mako-hei?" She said. She decided to give attention to her subordinate first. Yoko or YuYu can deal with Rüd for now.
"Mmhm. Good luck," Miyoko said idly as Mako left the room. The girl could make for an interesting enough project... Early on, Miyoko had kind of doted on the Miharu's sprites out of a sense of kinship, but it had been a while since she'd spent much time around a relatively young neko. Perhaps later she'd prod and figure out how long she'd been out of training.

But for now, there was work to be done. Miyoko tidied up her things a little, then mentally pulled up a schematic of the ship and headed out for the computer center.
Yoko did a double take.

"Gah!" she started, leaping a step back. The woman had been so focused on Shinon and Yumeko that she didn't quite notice the big Abwehran. Normally, people had a hard time not noticing such intimidating people, but she had grown up around brutes, bullies and thugs. Who could blame her for not noticing if that were the case? She just felt comfortable around big guys like him. "Damn, didn't notice you foa a moment thea Rud."

"We ain't talkin about secrets 'n stuff like that. Not like we'a morons, yaknow?" She replied to the Abwehran with an airy tone. "Just about the new arrivals and scrubs, yea Shinon? I think she was eyin the Samurai yous talking to a bit." she teased the other woman.
Directed by the Genesis' AI, Sanjuro made the short trip between the Medical Bay and Cabin 24 at a brisk pace. He wanted to begin getting ready for duty; first glances at his medical facilities and what passing glance he could make from the doctor's office revealed that he had plenty of work to occupy himself with, and he wanted to begin immediately. Sanjuro was, in a way, glad to be back on duty. The leave he was issued following the Miharu's final mission and the awards ceremony left him with little to do, as he didn't have enough time to return home for the duration. His job was his element, where everything made sense.

When the door to his quarters opened, he noticed it barren for the most part. Apparently he was the only occupant at the moment, which suited him just fine. Privacy wasn't ever an issue, but at least he wouldn't have to worry about a potentially messy room mate. With precision and speed, Sanjuro quickly unloaded his suitcase, making sure to carefully fold every article of clothing into a designated drawer to prevent unsightly wrinkles or creases. There were more things at the bottom of the suitcase; reference books and other frequently read materials, and there was also the matter of his special black satchel. Sanjuro looked at it for a moment before pulling it out and setting it down gently at the foot of his bed, a soft clinking of glass sounding out from its innards. The doctor made a mental note to ask who was preparing their meals; the soft bite of hunger was beginning to form around the edges of his stomach, which was immediately put back into check.

Before long, Sanjuro had finished unpacking what he could and had changed into his Star Army uniform. The material felt familiar to the touch; he didn't miss it, but he felt somewhat comforted by it being there. He returned his casual attire to it's proper place before making some final observations and fixes to his uniforms appearance. Sanjuro knew full well how first impressions were important in any relationship, and he planned on making tonight a resounding success. He only hoped that any unsavory elements or persons wouldn't prevent this.
Yumeko nodded at Shinon's greeting. Before she could respond they were interrupted by the appearance of the Abwehran. "Oh hey there Rudy! Whatcha got goin' on? Saw ya checkin' out the Sammy. Now ya gotta be eyein' us?"

Taking note of what Yoko had said she then narrowed her eyes and nudged Shinon. "Hey Shiny, if ya be likin' Sammy ya might be havin' ya compete with Rudy here." she said as though adding to the joke. She chuckled in good humor.
Rüd laughed right along with the jibes. It was almost like doing freelancer work again what with the no-rank policy amongst crew. There was a chance yet he could really like this. Only time would tell.

"Call it a work hazard: as head of security I think I should know just how strong all our defenses are." He didn't bother to tell them the underlying truth, which is he just wanted to prove he could wrestle a legendary Samurai into the dirt. The Nightwalker had other, more official interests to attend. "Which brings to me to why I came over: I was hoping at some point today or tomorrow you could both walk me through your departments so I can make sure everything is being handled safely and securely. Nothing special, just making sure all protocol is satisfactory."
It was not long before A Hovercar Showed up, Which, like many hovercars on Dawn, drove itself. Inside were two passengers- The last two crewmembers of the Genesis, more Origin personnel this time. However, unlike for the shuttle that had arrived, nobody had bothered to set up a greeting- It simply arrived, and it was greeted by about fifty people milling about, talking or preparing themselves for the impending launch.

Sierra Merkur walked her way over to the hovercar, and, Rikou, the new Captain, decided to tag along as well, Both with the intent to greet the newcomers. Once they arrived, they simply waited patiently for the vehicle's passengers to disembark.