Star Army

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RP: YSS Genesis [Episode 2] A Maiden's Voyage

Spencer Franklin said:
Spencer watched Amethyst enter the ship with narrowed eyes.
Amethyst gave a quick look back, shrugging at the man with her palms up. 'What?'

She mumbled a bit before turning back to the blue haired lady.
Shinon Maverick said:
"Welcome aboard," Shinon said to girl, when she nodded in greetings. "I am Shinon Maverick." She said, extending her hand offering it for friendly shake.
Amethyst smiled back warmly, her hand gliding gently into that of Shinon's as she gave a gently squeeze, but not much of a shake "Thank you, I'm Amethyst Stockford, a pleasure to meet you"
She said as she slowly pulled her hair back, her gold-brown eyes seemingly locked upon those of Shinon.
"What do you do around here?" she asked, not paying any particular attention to any pins or outfits.
Now that he was in proper uniform, Sanjuro felt much more comfortable doing actual work for the Genesis. He did not know how much time he had until the newly-arrived taisa intended to call the crew forward for a briefing, but he intended to make every minute count. As he stepped outside of his door, Sanjuro turned around on his heel and walked briskly back the way he had originally came. His destination; the Genesis medical ward.

In the doctor's mind, he played over the list of things that needed to be done to bring his work area up to par. He needed to take stock of the inventory he had been given; check the pharmaceuticals, organize them and shelve them appropriately. The equipment needed to be checked as well, not just for working order, but Sanjuro wanted to know just what he was going to be working with. The models of each machine, the make and the condition, Sanjuro was going to take all of it into account. He was already quite familiar with a lot of the equipment he used in the medical field; he inwardly relished a chance to apply that knowledge.

And the office... Sanjuro couldn't help but cringe a bit, that slightest of emotions forming and receding from his placid face in a instant. Evelyn seemed to mean well enough, but Sanjuro was almost certain that she most likely had left that office space in a horrible mess. That would be his first objective; turn that maelstrom of mess into a pristine office space with which he could represent his profession and his ship with pride.

The joys of cleaning and organizing. If Sanjuro were capable of openly displaying emotion, he might have appeared the least bit happy as he traversed through the ship interior.
Rüd was a little surprised that Yoko had separated herself from a seemingly good time reaming Shinon's insecurities, but it hardly showed on his face. He grunted. "Yeah, wanted to make sure you 'n yours are working safely and securely, like I said."

The Abwehran was starting to wonder if these Geshrin girls listened to anything he said in any amount of detail. It wasn't a bother so much as a point of curiosity. After all, most people had a tendency to listen intently to all he said: he was large and in charge- or at least an authority figure on this ship. Yoko he'd already pegged as a fearless, fiery character; by their very nature they were easy to identify.
"You are pretty straightforward I see," Shinon replied ot the nepleslian woman. She paid a second to her hair, seeing highlights in it, which was pretty interesting. Another Origin employee, which made things easy for Shinon. She would held no authoritiy over this girl, even ranks mattered.

"Well lately it seems to be that I am around so people can make fun off me," she said with sarcasm easy to hear in her voice. "But I am actually supposed to lead Power Armour troopers on this ship. Let's hope I won't be needed much in the future. What is your specialty?"
Amethyst blinked as she sat her duffle bag on the ground and rested her hands on her hips "Well, being made fun of is no good, having fun with however. I'm sure you're a nice person." She said warmly, her eyes relaxed as a pleasant smile played over her lips. "And a Power Suit leader like you should stand up for herself." She added while nodding gently.

"But I'm a new engineer around here, bit of a rookie really, probably should make my way further into the ship to see where I can be of use" she told Shinon " ...and perhaps find me a place to sleep" she said somewhat more quietly but with the same calm look on her face.

Amethyst eyes went shifty for a moment before carefully asking "What do they make fun about though?"
Kai said:
When Miyoko passed through the bridge, and to the computer room, she was greeted by a voice that emanated from the ship's Public Address system.

"Hello, Miss Saito Miyoko. I am the Genesis' AI. Currently I do not have a Name, so you may address me as 'Computer' or 'Genesis'. Do you wish to know anything else?" overall, the ship was polite, and probably a little too formal. Its personality wasn't quite formed yet, and its voice was mostly Androgynous, though it leaned toward female.

"No name, hm? We might have to do something about that sooner or later." The computer room wasn't really designed for lounging around in, so Miyoko simply took up position in front of the sensor, standing for the moment. "I'm the closest thing to a computer technician that we have, and I'm also the head scientist, so the two of us are going to be working together a lot. If you'd like to transmit your schematics and repair manual to my communicator, I'll review them later. For now, I was told that you and I should talk about my duties on the ship."
After getting accustomed to the loading area that Spencer assumed he'd be spending most of his time in, the aging Nepleslian approached Rued and Yoko, his cigarette still dangling unlit from his lower lip.

Even up close, he didn't seem to notice that Yoko was Geshrin, or rather found it more convenient to believe that she was Nepleslian. Maybe it was all in the way she carried herself.

Nonetheless, he interrupted them indiscriminate of race, "Either of ya'll smoke? I'm lookin' for a lighter."
Shinon's face went read again when she what made other make fun of her. She looked aways for a while, as if she tried to hide it.

"Eh... well. It was...uh... nothing..." She said again and then tried to change topic. "So you need place to sleep eh? Well I am not sure how much free space we hace, but if anything I still have free bed in my room, if you want." Shinon said. It was not like she never shared room before.
Amethyst quirked an eyebrow at Shinon's mumbles and blushes, but shrugged herself before speaking .
"Well, I'll think about it, but thanks for offering." she told Shinon calmly. "I've barely met all the crew members and should be around and about to find out more about those I'm going to work with. So I'd better not disappear into the same room with you already." she asked a little teasingly, seeing if it would provoke a reaction similar to when she asked what it was that other's made fun with Shinon.
Rüd smirked, nodded, and was quick on the draw. His hefty lower right arm shot into his pocket, retrieved a shiny silver zippo-style lighter, and lit it all in one smooth motion. He passed it up an arm before offering it to the Quartermaster. At that angle, Spencer Franklin could see something of a crest or insignia obscured by one Abwehran thumb. "What do you smoke?" he asked to break the ice.
Shinon apparently did not catch that joke at all. She smiled and shrugged, before talking again.

"Sure that is not problem," she said. "You are right, it is better to get to know others. I think you will find that most peopel around here are pretty friendly. THey also seems very competent. Anyway if you want you can put your stuff in my room meanwhile. We can get you settled elsewhere later if you want."
Amethyst stared at the woman for a few moments 'did she not get it...?' she thought to herself with her eyebrow quirked.

"Ehh, oh that's a good idea, I'll drop off the bag in the room and we'll see what happens." she said optimistically, but quickly noticing a silence fall "You should show me around those Power Armors some time, I haven't worked with them much and I love learning new things about mechanics and machines. Those things are stuffed with ingenius little devices and what not!" She quickly added trying to find common ground.
Shinon nodded and started walking towards the elevators, waving at Amethyst to follow her. It was good to know that Amethyst wanted to learn more about their PA, she might help Yoko with maintenance. Yoko herself was not much happy about having to look after Impulses.

"Well suits we will use are standart Origin Impulses." Shinon talked as they walked to elevator. "I do not have so much experience with them yet, but they are solid and sturdy. I like that. As to what keeps them ticking, that I do not know. I am now technician I just wear the thing. You might want to talk with Yoko about that later. She is another ori-engineer on board. She has big mouth, but she is good person. I bet you will like her." She said, as she called elevator. Amethys needed to put her stuff into her room first anyway.
Spencer looked back at Rüd and tugged on the cigarette. As the first wisp of smoke oozed it's way out of the dusty lungs in Spencer's chest, the middle aged Nepleslian uttered a single word in response to the ice-breaker, his expression unchanged: "Tobacco."
"Ah damn, beaten to the draw," Yoko sighed, briefly pantomiming getting shot. The woman kept less important things inside her jumpsuit, rather than in the pockets outside, which were reserved for tools and the like. She had already started to lazily unzip to reach inside and grab her own lighter, but the Abwehran man was deceptively fast and sharp on the uptake. As her hand withdrew and forgot about replacing the zipper, the Geshrin couldn't help but chuckle a little at the Quartermaster's gruff answer though - coming from a kid, she would have likely flattened him for that, but from this man, it was somehow...endearing.

"Betta hope the little goil in charge doesn't mind us lighting up once in a while - I hear Yammies can be real pricks sometimes when it comes to smokes, yaknow?" she spoke to the both of them.
Shinon said:
"--- You might want to talk with Yoko about that later. She is another ori-engineer on board. She has big mouth, but she is good person. I bet you will like her."
Amethyst chuckled a little as she followed the blue haired lady along towards the elevators. "Are you implying I have a big mouth?" she said with a grin. "But, Origin Impulses I've seen before, nice and sturdy stuff!, simple, but does it's job good enough. I like that kind of tech." She told Shinon as she stepped with her into the elevator that had arrived.

With a whirr they were in the ship, Amethyst's eyes glowing with curiosity to her surroundings, seeming like she was ready to leap out of the elevator and run about like a child in a candy shop. Instead, she was calm as ever and inspected her surroundings with crossed over arms, and a smile.
Mako watched her new PA commander leave with the new neko, smiling she waited and took the next lift to the cabin level, taking the fact she was to meet and get to know her crew mates today as a good excuse to head back and talk with her new roommate. She was excited to hang out with fellow neko, back in the training she didn’t get to get to know any one of the rest of the training unit.
Walking back in to her room she saw that Saito-hai wasn’t in the cabin. Disappointed she headed over to the bridge, thinking that maybe it was empty and she could get a good look at the nervous center of the ship. On her way over to the bridge she swung though the armory and tried to palm the door sensor, the door wouldn't open, "The computer mustn't have gotten fully updated with my info," she muttered to her self. She would have to find someone who could let her in to look around. She continued over to the bridge, hoping to find someone there to let her into the armory. She palmed the door sensor and it didn't open. "Hmm... I guess I should head to the mess, maybe I can find some one there." She turned and headed to the Mess hall
"I am sorry, I would never imply that." Shinon said to Ame, when she was accused of talking badly about the girl. Ame certainly did not have big mouth, Shinon just though that she might like Yoko.

"Eh.. well anyway." She tried to draw attention elsewhere again. "Here we are. Genesis is not the biggest of ships, but it has all you need. Let's put your things in my room first. I will give you tour after that." She said and moved right to hallway with rooms. "My room is the left one on the end of the hall. RIght across us is doors to armoury." She pointed to those doors and walked on.

Soon they reached Shinon's room and she opened the door. Blue-haired half-yammie stepped aside to let Amethyst into the room, which was neatly tidied up and apparently not used all that much. Only intereting thing was .45 calibet Styrling Silver Special pistol on the table and duty uniform on that hanging on the wardrobe..
Rüd smirked, not offended in the slightest. He'd worked with nothing but gruff men for the entirety of his laboring years, and if anything it made the Abwehran feel more at home and perhaps a spark of kinship with the Nepleslian.

He tucked away the lighter, and turned back to Yoko. "Not likely a problem. She's practically newborn from the look of 'er, and with the ship rid of rank and file... It doesn't take much guesswork. I'm willing to bet that'll cause quite a few problems too: give it a week before that Samurai beats some dope into the floor."

Rüd glanced as casually as he could back to Spencer; more specifically, he eyed the cigarette. It worsened his compulsion for a cigar like nothing else could, but he delayed. Work came first, and if he could keep Yoko on track for even five minutes, he'd like to get it out of the way.
"Thanks" Amethyst said as she stepped into the room, taking a quick look of her surroundings before setting the duffle bag aside and resting one hand on her hip.

"Mhhh, y'know. You really don't come off as much of a violent type, yet you own a fancy pistol and are part of the PA pilots. But then again, it's always the silent ones huh~" she said, turning around and giving the blue haired girl an overdone wink.

"Good to see your tidy, I hope I can be like that. Usually parts of machines accumilate around me, they always find their way back to where they belong, but still, kind of an orderly chaos is what I create around myself. So be warned." she chuckled before stepping out of the room again.