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RP: YSS Genesis [Episode 2] A Maiden's Voyage

Amethyst kept grinning, Tani's upbeat personality fueled her, though she was a little confused as Tani turned away with Amethyst's hand still unshaken... She shrugged and followed behind Tani.

"So pudding huh, anything particular? Strawberry, Chocolate, Banana?" she asked curiously, taking a long stride to come walk besides the somewhat shorter girl, Amethyst's smile seemed everlasting. "... How do you nekos get to be so darn cute?" She asked just before they reached the door to the mess, which slid open for them. "After you~" She said before Tani could answer.
Yoko couldn't quite help snickering at Rüd's new nickname, 'Garlic'. "Well, that's a new one," she remarked. The head engineer scratched her chin as the elevator descended again. "Well, one of the moah dangerous things we gots is the plasma torch-welda-cutta combo devices," Yoko started to explain, becoming more serious and focused as she went on, now holding her hands out like she was using one herself. "Sees, we engies only usually use 'em when choppin the hull and welding new pieces in. Some otha things too, but bottom line? If it can chop hull, it can chop peoples too."

Yoko then pantomimed slashing with the imaginary plasma emitter in her hands. "I don't know if you heahs, but the guis and goils in powah awmoa like usin 'em a lot - even the Yammi goils if they can't have their fancy-shmancy aetha because of atmospheah," she explained. "I'm sure they don't cut like aetha, but they do in a pinch well enough, yaknow?"

"Those fit the bill?" the woman asked as the elevator doors hissed open again.
Spencer looked over to Rüd briefly before returning back to his previous, "We'll see."

By this time, his cigarette had depleted itself, and so Spencer dropped it easily into a little aluminum tube jutting from his breast pocket and closed a seal over it before continuing his previous arms-crossed scowl-face.
The Genesis' reply to Miyoko was rather different than what she might have expected. "Actually, My creator is aboard the ship. Miss Merkur Was the head of the team that created the Destiny AI system. Your task here is to simply become familiar with not only myself but the Destiny type AI system, and observe and report on my system, so that the Star Army may learn more about the system for better integration into military service in the future."

As Amethyst and Mako made their way into the Mess, they were greeted with quite a bit of noise- there were several other people in the Mess, eating, talking, and otherwise passing time. The one person that seemed to be working was a middle-aged Nepleslian man behind the counter who was the cook for the time being.
“Chocolate is my favorite. But just about any work.” Tani then blushed again as Amethyst made her comment about nekos being cute. Luckily she was able to slip into the mess ahead of her so maybe Amethyst didn’t see the blush. The sounds caught her off guard, “I didn’t realize there were so many people aboard the ship,” she said as she smelled the food cooking from behind the counter. Tani headed over to the counter.
Amethyst stood just behind Tani, equally surprised that the place was rather filled with active people, which made her smile a little more. "Ah, people. What a delight... oh and that smells delightful as well", she said as she began following Tani towards the counter. "So, what do you do around here, besides sneaking pudding packets in?" she asked with a playful little grin, stuffing her hands back in her pockets, arms straight and leaning back just a little bit as she peered over the foods presented behind the counter.
Rüd nodded. "We'll see."

Thankfully the elevator doors had a sense of proper timing: they opened as the Abwehran finished his sentence. He allowed the other two to exit before following them out, two pairs of arms crossed over his massive frame.
Kai said:
The Genesis' reply to Miyoko was rather different than what she might have expected. "Actually, My creator is aboard the ship. Miss Merkur Was the head of the team that created the Destiny AI system. Your task here is to simply become familiar with not only myself but the Destiny type AI system, and observe and report on my system, so that the Star Army may learn more about the system for better integration into military service in the future."
Miyoko brightened up a little at that. Performing a field evaluation on a brand new AI was a rather more interesting proposal than just performing maintenance on it. Picking the creator's brain wasn't a bad chance, either. "Well then, it sounds like I have my work cut out for me. Perhaps I should start with getting an overview of your capabilities from the creator herself."

It would also be a massive undertaking... she considered the challenges for a moment before deciding to put those aside for now. "I'll need some time to determine the metrics to gather, but this should be doable. In the meantime, were you informed of any other ongoing duties I've been assigned?"
"Aw, c'mon..." The Geshrin arms went up in tired frustration. "It's not like I'm angry with yous foa soundin like you don't wanna give me access, its moa like...I dunno..." She briefly paused in thought as they crossed the hangar they were at moments ago before turning back to look at them both, "It's that you guys are being so indecisive suddenly. Isnot like you guis got whiskey dick or something, yaknow?" she brusquely remarked as they continued walking. Soon enough, they reached the opposite end of the hangar, away from the boarding ramps and elevators.

"Well, hea we ares - enginneain," Yoko gestured to the area in front of them. The doorway slid open smoothly to reveal a machine shop set up to make everything from tank treads and armor plate to starfighter components. "I don't know what idiot decided this ship shouldn't have a propah engineain section where we can reach the engines and reactoa and stuffs easy, but this is where we work from," she explained.

"We can access all the good stuff foa the portside from this room, but gotta have access to the awmoary across from hea if ya wants us to fix up the stahboaad side too," Yoko went on, now entering the machine shop and pointing out the access hatch that lead to the portside reactor, engines and shield systems. "Its kinda a death trap foa me an the othas to be honest..." she admitted. Without a proper engineering space, they were forced to crawl through tight and confined spaces much more frequently, and if they were in combat or if something bad happened...well, it was easy to figure out. "Anyways!" Yoko started suddenly, breaking from the somber mood of the last statement.

"You guis want a tour of the insides and how we do things?" she asked with a mischievous grin.
Spencer grunted audibly at Yoko's remark. He was starting to think he might not want to go on the tour after all. Here he was, considering breaking rules for this-this girl's convenience, and there she was bitching about how he wasn't doing it fast enough. Typical impatient and ungrateful Geshrin bevahior!

'No wonder the Yamataians treat them like shit. They're ingrates, the whole lot of 'em!'
“Well Pudding smuggling is a full time job but I do find a little time to run around and play army, I’m a power armor driver.” Tani replied as she looked at what kinds of foods were available. She had breakfast a while ago, so she wasn’t all that hungry, a light snack would do for now. “What do you do? What brings you to this ship?”
Tani said:
“Well Pudding smuggling is a full time job but I do find a little time to run around and play army, I’m a power armor driver.” Tani replied as she looked at what kinds of foods were available.

Amethyst chuckled a little at the girl's wit. "Ah PA driver too huh, Shinon, my likely cabin mate as well. It's odd though, I normally only saw Nepleslians posing with their guns, showing off how great they would be in war, always boasting, and here I find completely shy, or pudding addicted nekos who drive PAs which might as well be the coolest interaction between man and machine!" she said starting to sound quite enthusiastic, "I wonder what it sounds and feels like to be encased in such machinery, listening to it's whirs and thumps." Pausing for a moment before continuing her little, odd rant, "The noises are it's voice you know, you just have to understand what it's saying" she said with a smile and sparkles in her eyes.

"Oh, I'll have something small, a soup or salad or some such."
Rüd just shook his head and rolled his eyes, shrugging off the crass verbal assault. "No promises 'til we know there's room for the gear and it can be stored safe," he answered, then listened patiently to the explanation of Engineering-without-R's. It gave him brief mental pause as he pondered her dialect. There were always going to be variations in a language, but one like this... it was a wonder fellow Yamataians could understand Geshrins at all- not to mention foreigners!- because they abused their native language so brutally.

"I suppose just one question: how big are the access corridors to the generators?"
Yoko suddenly looked a little sheepish as Rud spoke. He had a point.

"Yeah...guess I didn't think of that," she answered, rubbing the back of her head and glancing away. "I just don't like the anxiety and awl that, yaknow? No goil likes to be kept waitin," the Nepleslian raised Geshrin explained to the two men with her. She then answer the burly Abwehran's question though, "Yea, I think you'll fit in thea just fine - don't need ta oil ya up oa nuthin," she joked, flashing a toothy grin at him.

"Anywhoo, like I says oiliea, this is the machine shop and mecha chop shop - we make what's needed and break down what's nawt," she went back to the tour, again gestured to the area they were in. The engineer next pointed to the array of machines in there with them. "Rules aaw simple - no smoking when workin on stuff, and keep everythin tucked away so nothin gets ya pulled into and mangled by the machines," Yoko explained. "Though thea's really moa to it like weahin safety goggles and shit, it's all common sense to be awnest. Anyone not fallowin 'em 'll find a missing fingah or moa even though the machines aaw pretty safe these days," she went on.

Yoko then continued on with the tour, walking to a relatively small three foot by three foot hatch in the wall and opening it. "Now, to the real meat of engineeain - the engines themselves and stuff." The relatively smaller woman briefly made to crawl in first, but stopped and pulled herself out a little to look at them.

"Uh, buy tha buy," she asked the two men with her coyly, "You guis know what the rules aaw about booze stills in a ship like this?"
Rüd shrugged two pairs of shoulders. "I wasn't worried about me; I was more concerned about the engineer corps. Looks a bit small to have a bunch of you crawlin' around tryin' to work- especially in a firefight."

When she made to enter, the Nightwalker declared. "I don't think I need to see it- and if there's a still back there, I don't want to know." The Abwehran always had one rule when it came to work: respect sensible authority. While bland, the Larai-Taii had proven himself sensible; the 'Captain' had yet to make a blunder and so Rüd still gave her the benefit of the doubt. That said, it was a no-brainer that unreported alcohol stills on any ship are a no-go.

To preempt any attempts to change his mind, he added, "And I don't take bribes." Even if the bribe was home-brewed scotch whiskey, which he silently prayed it was not.
Soda said:
"I wonder what it sounds and feels like to be encased in such machinery, listening to it's whirs and thumps." Pausing for a moment before continuing her little, odd rant, "The noises are it's voice you know, you just have to understand what it's saying" she said with a smile and sparkles in her eyes.

"I never thought about it that way, but to be fair I never really paid attention to the physical sounds, I listen to the voice that it puts into my head through the SPINE interface, but that is what it is like with SAoY armor, now I haven't tried out the stuff we got aboard yet but I'll try to listen when I do get a chance" she said thoughtfully as she ordered a bowl of Miso and some rice.
"Don't know 'em." Spencer glossed over Rüd, "Don't care about 'em. What's important is that you ain't usin' ship's stores to make your bathtub gin. That being said, if one is discovered aboard, I'll need to inspect it for missing inventory. "

Spencer nodded to himself over it. Just in case of emergencies, there were physical versions of all the spare parts in the cargo-hold as long as he had any say over it. He would be remiss if he didn't ensure and secure those parts in the case that they might be used to make a tiny alcohol production facility in the engine room. He would also be remiss if he didn't at least try some before someone who cared came around and shut down the operation.

"So, if you hear about any, please send me a message so that I can come and look over them, in case there's been recent shenanigans. That being said, I also do not receive bribes."
Shinon sit in her room, inspecting her pistol once again. She was really happy about it, it was old, but reliable gun. Dad told her, that one just like this helped him many times. Shinon wondered, if this one will ever help her. She had her NSP which was clearly better weapon on all acounts, especially with it stun-mode. With Silver Special you could only kill or harm.

She then though about Amethyst, her posibble future roommate. There was good chance of that after all, because all rooms on the ship had at least one occupant already. Amethyst hereslf seemed like intersting girl and Shinon could not really read her out. It seemed though, that Ame had her read. Shinon hoped it was not like that though.

Blue haired half-neplelisan then picked up her datapad and linked with ships coputer, asking it where she could find Yoko.
Amethyst's curiousity peaked when she saw the bowl of miso soup pass by with it's large chunks, tofu, seaweed and thick brownish colour. "Oh I'll have that too, with rice as well. Oh and two jasmine iced teas" she said with a soft, but playful smile on her face, half eyeing Tani as she ordered the tea for both of them, then, after receiving the two bowls, she placed it all on a small tray which she took along with Tani as they looked for a place to settle down and enjoy their lunch.

"You really should though, take a listen that is... Even without a talking AI, machines still have a heart, a soul perhaps even. They're made, put together, some with love, others with money, you can hear the difference. They need attention or they'll break down, they can become stronger over usage or weaker if mistreated... Just like you and me." she said seeming rather obsessed as her eyes were fixed on that of Tani's but seemed to be in a different place entirely, the smile and the dreamy sparkle in her eyes gave this away quite clearly.

Seeming mentally abscent her body automatically slid down on a bench aside of an empty table, placing her tray down quietly "... you can even hear the ship's hum in the vague distance... " she said, looking upward to the far upper corner of the mess hall... before her eyes flickered, blinked and there she was again, smiling lightly with those relaxed, but thoughtful eyes "So, Tani, what's your life's passion?" she asked, as she gave her soup a stir with her spoon.
"Aw yea, it's gunna be a deathtrap foa us," Yoko admitted without bating an eyelash. "Its why noamal ships got engineeain sections insteada having us crawl around like this, yaknow?" Just as she was making to enter again however, the Abwehran surprised her. "Huh?" Yoko started, a little bewildered. "Why'd there be a still back thea whea the reactoas and engines and shields aaw at? That's f*kin insa - oh. Right," she stopped, suddenly realizing why he'd think such. The head engineer waved that off.

"Naw, this leads to some compartments whea all the real engineeain takes place," She explained. "It's where we do oua real work, so I thought you'd like to inspect that too. 'Sides, I'm kinda too piss-pooa foa givin money bribes, and anythin else doesn't fly wit me since if I did make one, I wouldn't share unless asked nicely, yaknow?" She paused briefly.

"Oh! And no problem you twos - I'll give yous both a heads up if somethin gets made," she smirked at the two men. 'Nothin from the inventory huh? Sounds easy - planned on getting my own stuff togetha anyways.' She quickly checked over her body and made sure nothing was sticking out first before crawling in. No need to get stuck on a plasma conduit's pin and end up rupturing it or something after all.

"Make shua everythin's all down tight, yeah? Don't want to get caught on something and break it," she reminded the two. "We'll be crawlin for a little bit, but up ahead it'll let up." The passage was easily passable for Spencer and herself, but a little challenging for Rüd, considering his bulk. And on top of that, the lighting was woefully dim as the hatch behind them closed; the only reason why they could see at all was due to the lit up electronics. 'Note to self - do somethin about that dim lighting,' she thought.

Nonetheless, there was light at the end of the Standard Access Tunnel.