Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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RP: YSS Genesis [Episode 2] A Maiden's Voyage

Amethyst had been keeping her eyes on the group the moment they entered. Why the four armed man seperated himself from the rest suprised her a little as the woman in their company seemed rather entertaining.

What caught her eye the most though, was that her beloved fellow Nepleslian walked off after a while...
"Why is a Yammie hating Nep on a ship full of Yammies?" she mumbled quietly to herself as she rested her head on the top of her hands, her eyes squinted a little as she thought on for a moment.

Amethyst looked up again as lady had approached with her cup, grinning as Yoko messed about with Tani and Shinon.
"You must be quite a burden for these girls huh?" She asked with a grin, tucking away some of her black and silver-white strands of hair.
"So now that you know who some of us are, who are you yourself?"

"Besides, why's your four-armed friend all by himself and Spencer gone? Not that I'm calling you on responcibility, just worried... seems like there's a lack of soul in this place... you know?"
"If you were looking for soul," Evelyn said, "You should have gone to an Abwehran world. A little too much soul, in my opinion -- Wasn't it an Abwehran who started the major rescues in the UOC?" Evelyn swelled up a little with patriotism, at least the little bit she would allow herself. She hadn't enlisted in any military for her nation, after all; it was a practice she had her eyes set on.
Shinon had suddenly another woman on herself. Or rather around herself. That was something she was not used to all that much. She never got very friendly with women in past. Before changing to NH-22 body, she was little taller and her bust size was bigger too. That made other ladies usually jealous and angry. It all stopped when she moved to the new body and let that body be more usable for military service. Not to mention keeping her hair very short.

Actually ever since she joined SAoY, she stopped being used to having people in her personal space. Other then close combat training, there was no one who would get too friendly to hug or lean against her. Also after she joined into academy she was official soldier and seeking any romance between soldiers was frowned up. For Shrie it was important to have blank slate, to not have any bad behaviour on her. She was heading to the top after all.

All that cause that she became rather shy. Not used to personal matters. Now she was on ship with civilians and that changed all. Especially with Yoko who was picking on her every time. She felt Geshrin woman's finger circling on her collarbone and she though that this time there is nothing that should make her stop this. Yoko was not another soldier, even if she does not mean anything romantical by this, she could and it would not be problem. Shinon could finally find someone special to her here.

That all went through her head. Over those few seconds of thinking she just sat still and quiet and listened to others. It was easy to tell she was not completely comfortable with the situation. Her face went red and again it was clear why Yoko gave her nickname cherry, not to mention the other reason for it. What Yoko could also feel was that blue haired women stiffened as she was hugged.

"I- uhhh," Shinon collected herself enough to answer. "I... well... I never really was into rule-bending you know. Must be because I was raised by a cop." She said and made herself smile. In reality she would rather jump up and ran away right now, but that would be bad.
Judging by the frequency of glances, he was being talked about. Rüd didn't mind, but he also felt it was an invitation to the conversation. He rose, and made his way to the nearest available seat among Shinon, Evelyn, Amethyst, Yoko, and Mako. Make that the second-nearest seat- he had to make sure there was space enough to accommodate his bulk without intruding on others.

"Ladies," he greeted cordially.
"Ha! Glad I nevah signed up foa that!" Yoko started, her circling finger and thumb now moving up to gently caress the side of the Star Army soldier's face. "Ya sees, if I did, I'd never be able to tease Shinon like this, yeah?" At that, Yoko pinched both of the woman's cheeks and pulled, working them around to make silly faces. Just as the big Abwehran took interest, Yoko quickly let go and dashed back to avoid being caught by Shinon's wrath, if any.

"Hey Rüd, we's was talkin about this goil's old job! Can ya imagine Shinon in a Coppah's uniform?" She asked, tracing the already embarrassed woman's frame in the air with her hands, making sure to exaggerate her curves.

"I betcha she was real handy with the cuffs, yaknowwhatImean?" Yoko asked, moving to Rüd's side to nudge him with an elbow.
"Guten tag, Rüd." Evelyn said evenly. "I noticed you around earlier, haven't had the chance to say hello quite yet though."

After her small greeting, Yoko jumped in for her joke. Evelyn had to hide a smile behind a hand, eying Shinon with a glint in her eye. "I didn't know they allowed cuffs to be used that way in Yamatai."
On the Genesis' Bridge

It had been quite a while since the bridge crew had arrived at their stations, and they had not spent that time idly; Everyone had spent time familiarizing themselves with the controls, with much help of the Genesis' AI, and the group had also gotten to know one another a little better. At this moment, however, there seemed to have been a change- a decision had been made, and all the chit-chat died down. an air of seriousness came down among those gathered on the bridge.

The Taii- that is, Seth Larai- made an announcement over the loudspeakers.
"Attention, Genesis Crew. We will be departing in less than five minutes. Please be sure that you are all seated and ready, as there may be some turbulence."
With that simple message, his voice disappeared from the halls of the ship.

The Captain, Rikou, now looked to the Taii, and her right-hand person, the Samurai Masami. "Well, I guess that makes it official. Shall we get started on the countdown?" the young princess asked, receiving a curt response from Seth.
"I believe we should. However, I would suggest some care in the manner," Seth responded, seeming intent on the monitors rather than the princess.

Rikou then turned to Masami. "And how about you? do you feel secure in our task, or do you need to make any more preparations?"
He returned the greeting, "Guten Tag." The Abwehran did his best to ignore Yoko, but she made every effort to be the most obnoxious individual he had ever met. She was such a goddamn child! It quite tested his patience. Patience: my first virtue, Rüd reminded himself, then diverted his attention elsewhere, trying to let his emotions settle.

"Tried policing. Too much restraint with most bureaucracies. I preferred bouncing or mercenary bodyguard work. More liberty to take action. And it amazes me just how stupid some drunks can be." The implication was clear enough: picking a fight with a seven-foot tall, 300-pound, four-armed Abwehran while inebriated wasn't a smart idea. Never mind that he was military-trained, battle-hardened, and (usually) sober.
Shinon cursed the fact that her hair was blue, since it was making her red face stand out all the more. That talk about cuffs among other thing made her look like she was about to explode. With embarrassment. She looked down on the table and hoped Mako won't make much out of this.

"I- uh... I should say.. uh..." She started spouting out as she tried to find some composure. "Well I was not... a cop you know..... My Dad is." She made clear. She actually though about becoming cop in past, but military career is better if she wants to help shape her nation in past.
Yoko snickered at Evelyn's remark before prattling on excitedly. It was fun, making fun of Shinon! "Yeah, ya wouldn't think the traditional, really polite, modest goils from Yamatai had a crazy side to them like that. Anyone that looks at Neko enlisted and even some of the officas knows the real truth though!" she grinned, further verbally poking, prodding and otherwise making Shinon uncomfortable. She was so professional, so prim and proper. But when it came to things like this, the girl practically melted into a puddle! The Nepleslian raised Geshrin then rubbed her chin in thought. "Hm. Not a Coppah, but your pops was huh? Did he teach ya a few tricks with the c - "

At that, Yoko suddenly stopped talking as the color drained from her face. "Uh, sorry - kinda crossed the line there," she apologized, sheepishly ashamed. "I kinda, well, I gots a mota-mouths and kinda keep on goin sometimes, yaknow? Heh-heh..."

Yoko's nervous laughter was the last noise she made before the announcement, at which she began to retreat, head hung low in shame.
Shinon shivered as Yoko's finger got even more curious. She was almost paralysed, listening to what Yoko was saying. Right until she crossed the line. Shinon was patient woman and she could take a lot. Her father was topic not to be joked about though. Shinon almost worshipped her dad and jokes like that were not funny. Thanks to it, she finally got her composure back.

"Yes, yes... I understand." Shinon replied to Yoko and her own hand touched Geshrin woman's forearm and slid along it towards the hand. "No my father did not teach me about cuffs, he taught me this though." She said as her palm and finger wrapped around Yoko's index finger, bending it towards her own forearm to cause pain. Shinon made sure not to break it of course.

She turned to Yoko and smiled at her like an angel. "Quite handy eh?" She said with devious voice.
Rüd heaved another sigh from his spacious diaphragm, and was about to curb the audacious Yoko when Shinon- to his great surprise- beat the Abwehran to the punch... so to speak. He watched with mild amusement, the faintest ghost of a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth. "A little discipline oughta do it some good," he commented, as though discussing the breeding of farm animals. While casually dismissive of Yoko's "plight," it was also a calm reassurance to Shinon: your response is perfectly alright. No one blames you for demanding respect from the girl. Carry on.
One of Yoko's eyes twitched in response, but she didn't exactly have much to say this time around. "Yea, it's quite handy," she replied, her voice rather drab in response. It was a rather sharp contrast to her usual chatter and banter to say the least, and it didn't look like she was any bit happy anymore. "Ya done? I gots to get to the engineeain soon yaknow."

She refused to look Shinon in the eye and stared at her captive finger instead.
Suddenly, everyone's conversations and confrontations were cut short by another announcement.

"This is the final warning," Seth's voice called out over the intercom, " There is one minute until take-off. All personnel need to be at their stations. Repeat, one minute until take-off. all personnel report to your stations."

As if to drive home that fact, the Engineers, including Yoko and Amethyst, received messages on their communicators or datapads requesting their presence in the lower deck, where the main work space was. Rued, Mako, and Shinon, not having any specific place they needed to be, didn't receive any such messages, as the mess was a perfectly reasonable location for them to have placed themselves.

Additionally to the announcement, all the viewscreens in the ship flicked on, each showing a different view of the outside of the ship- they could see the hangar nearly empty as the last of Sector Seven's support personnel vacated, they could see the vapor coming out of the ship's engine nacelles from the artificially humidified air drawn over to cool the engines created steam from contact with the hot Aether generators, and finally, a view from the aft and a few views from beneath showed the main thrusters and the ventral thrusters igniting.

The entire ship began a gentle shaking, not exactly jarring but not the smoothest ever, and it was quite clear that the bridge crew was serious. They would finally be taking off.
Shinon released Yoko's finger and patted her on hand twice. "I am done, you better run then. I will see you after the take-off." Shinon said and looked away. She now hoped she did not anger Yoko too much, right now she was only one that could be considered her friend aboard the ship. Since she did not have post to attain to and would just be on the way if she went on bridge, she stayed where she was ans stared at the table.
Lam said:
Spencer keyed in his access code and the official override code he'd received with his orders. It was like being the janitor, having the keys to every room and no authority to use any of the stuff inside. All the little sneaky people always wanted to get to know the janitor. Spencer sighed and stood tall in front of the door, waiting to dash in and let it slide shut as soon as it opened.

What Spencer was met with- was entirely underwhelming. It was just a regular armory, for the most part, stocked with the usual- SMG's, Rifles of various types, pistols - energy and chemical, big and small - Even Power Armor guns. All in all, it was just a regular, ordinary armory, nothing fancy, nothing special. It just seemed that Origin's default security settings were designed to prevent an uprising from happening, or something. Perhaps they were just being prudent, or preparing for the worst. In any case, Spencer did have to do some inventory on the armory to make sure that nothing was misplaced.
As Yoko departed, the engineer turned her head to look over her shoulder to look at Shinon. "Yeah, shua. See you around," she spoke in subdued tones. At that, she departed, hands in her pockets.


"WHY I AUGHTA KICK YOUA ASSES! GET TO WOAK!" Yoko screamed at tho other engineers. "I want the IAPD's status repoat, and I shua as hell don't wanna see any hiccups with the convoitahs! The CDD needs a field stability check, and somebady pleaaase see to it that tha Fold Drive doesn't wink us outta existence! Now get into those rat tunnels!" Yoko was not in a good mood in the slightest, and it showed right off the bat.

"And Genny?" Yoko called, asking for the AI. "Ya decide youa name yet?"
The Genesis' Ai picked up quickly that it was being addressed, albeit b y a name other than that of the ship's, or of a generic term. It responded within moments, very simply.

"I have not found a name for myself yet. You may refer to me as you see fit, though Genesis is generally preferable in these circumstances."

It was still a little bit stiff, but the Genesis' personality had done a little bit of smoothing out over the past week. Perhaps it needed a bit more conversation from more of the crew to learn more about being something other than a computer.
Evelyn tripped. Again. The second time since scrambling to get to the Medical Bay. Her blood ran freely from her nose, and a hand had gone up to staunch the bleeding.

"Scheisse, scheisse, scheisse." The cursing was in Abwehran, though it came out nasal and was mumbled into incoherence.

She made it to the medical bay and cast around for a bandage or a pack of something cold she could press to her nose. Nothing was broken, thankfully, but a blood vessel had definitely broken open in the first fall.
Amethyst had kept quiet during the entire odd display of teasing, responding only with bestranged smiles and quirked eyebrows as her crossed-over arms interlocked more and more.
This was something Shinon had to learn to fend off on her own, anyone stepping in to help her now would only make her seem even more incapable of standing up for herself... that poor girl Shinon.

As the last announcement was made however, her smile was wide and bright, her hands clenched to her seat as she rather enjoyed the deep rumbled of the ship waking from it's slumber.
"hah... here goes!" she said to no one in particular, looking up on the datapad after it notified her from the inside of her jacket.

"Well, take care everyone. Don't make the ship hate you! You might end up in a rather unfortunate situation otherwise!"
Amethyst got up and going herself just after Yoko walked out of the mess, granting her what little time the journey to the lower deck took, to be on her own.


Amethyst found herself rather surprised by the fierceness that Yoko displayed towards all the engineers.
She herself was compelled to step up to the Gershin and offer a place to vent... instead, Amethyst gave Yoko a worried glance and a sideways nod accompanied by the same worried frown, before setting off on her way to aid others.

"What a pleasantly mixed bunch " she hummed quietly to herself, not sounding particularly positive nor negative.